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Messages - OkieRick

General Discussion / Re: good news
May 27, 2009, 07:42:38 PM


Where is this going to happen?


PD said:

"and 62 yr old kids. My wife made a negative comment a while back about if I was bring home more wood."

I'm sure your reply was something similar to, "No ma'am, this is right-of-way!"  :D  :o


Anyone wanting to download the instructions to the E-Z Command Dynamis DCC Wireless Handheld Control System in PDF may do so for six days or 100 times downloaded, which ever comes first from the link below.


General Discussion / Re: interesting track work
May 25, 2009, 11:25:26 PM

Bob, I thought this would be near & dear to your heart.

What locomotive is this - not line but EMD, GP, etc?




I know how you might have to wear your wife down little or let her think it was her idea all along.  My dear mama made life on me so hard I gave up on my beginning 4x8 flat double oval track, I cleaned off & put all those "toy trains" in their boxes and buildings on a shelf and leaned the 4x8 up against a wall...for a couple weeks.  All she wanted to do was vaccum under it. :o

Hope you two budding tycoons have a ball building your empire.  Mine is coming along slowly but surely.  I haven't told the family this 4x8 is only 1/3rd of a three part sectional layout.  I'll catch mama in a real good mood.

life can be tough on us 56 year old kids...

Okie Rick



Bach-man has answered one question re: Dynamis Control System about how to control turnouts.  It's a left-throw of the throttle stick.

Check out and read the FAQ.


Robertj668 sez:
The capability of multiple controllers (One for me and one for my son)
The Capability of programing CV's ( I cannot do that now)
Eventual ability to upgrade to use a PC to run the trains.

I'm guilty, I own one. I haven't used it enough to make use of all it's features but it's wireless.  Some say it's line-of-sight. Noop, it is IR.  Takes about 30-40 seconds for a train that has lost contact wit it's controller to stop.

There are possibly 2 flavors - Dynamis and Dynamis Pro."

* Not yet released - rumored released - advertised available in May 2009.

It is advertised to be able to use 4 wireless controllers at once but don't know if that feature is available yet. (available in the Pro set? I haven't heard.  The Pro is rumored to be in the hands of some) 

It has a computer port on the base but it is not active.

You can program CVs - I haven't but it will.

You can controll axilary items - turnout switches, road crossings, etc if it has a DCC address.

PC connectivity is a future feature or option - maybe Pro.  Not available now.

Walthers says Not In Stock - Expected and taking Advance Reservations for it.

The OFFICIAL website is DynamisDCC -- says the Pro is available now. 

Store sites say available May 2009.

FWIW, If I had the $$$ to spend all over again I'd probably buy NCE - my most local hobby store guy & MRR club boss / host says NCE controllers don't have an excessive deep menu system to navigate to control the whole layout. (commands aren't buried under multiple button pushes.)

That my two cent opinion.  Take in mind I am searching for simplicity in DCC control as I'm the paralyzed guy using a mouthstick. I get to punch one button or flip one switch at a time.

I have the Dynamis DCC system instructions in pdf if you'd like them.  Drop me a line if so - the icon up by my moniker below my Steam Loco icon.


May 23, 2009, 10:28:18 PM

Sometimes Goodle is your best friend.



Robertj668 said:

Well I went to the Hobby shop and they could not figure it out.  So I called MRC and they are going to try and fix it or repair it. Now after reading the code of conduct I am going to say this part will be made in general.  I was suprised to see that I need to pay postage both ways.

You're working with a Bachmann Steam locomotive aren't you?  Yep, thought so.  I can't see where trying to get help for your DCC Ready locomotive's ill decoder - which happens to be a MRC - leads you to send it in for repair.  Wonder how long turn around time is.  I hope it's not 6 to 8 weeks.  My Russian Decapod has been languishing at Bachmann repar for 6 to 8 weeks since I sent it in shortly after last Christmas.  It is DCC Ready also.


Would it be overkill to place one of these vunits inline with a Digitrax DS64?  This would be for DCC control?  I ask because my layout in progress consists of Atlas Custom-Line turnouts and Remote switch machines. I'm sincere in my query.

Jim, I love your stories with happy endings.  I imagine we all can remember where we were when we discharged our first capacitor. i was reaching inside a Zenith tv. The shock didn't hurt as much a ripping my arm open on the flyback transformer when I jerked.

General Discussion / Re: telephone polls
May 22, 2009, 01:32:52 AM

Here are three prize winning layouts, modules or dioramas in both HO and N & Z scale that have poles.

To me the wired poles photo is very good.  The poles w/o wires are just as good, IMHO.  I give top honors to the bottom left photo for his use of lighting.
Lack of wires is ok with me in this shot.


I don't know a thing about the good or bad points of MRC decoders and wouldn't begin to bandy words with anyone about them.  As for MRC as a whole - they make fine power packs / transformers. said

Now here is the odd part.  It will make some sounds.  But it will not Chuff, make the whistle or the bell.  But everything else works i.e.
F3 Air release
F4 Coupling
F5 Brake squeal
F6 Conductor
F7 Fire box door open/close
F8 Air pump
F9 Associated loco sound
I cannot use
F1 Bell On/Off
F2 Whistle

Call MRC or Paul the hobby guy and ask him if these decoders "get lost" sometimes and ask how to set it back to factory defaults. 

My Proto 2000 2-10-2 Heavy DCC with Sound lost it's chuff about two weeks after I purchased it. I noticed it came with a 1" long magnet about the size of a pencil lead.  I called Walthers and a tech asked if I had done any programing on it or had it been possibly taken off track or put on track that had power applied to it. I hadm't done any programing or numbering with my E-Z Command but it was very possible it had been placed on or removed from a track with the controller still applying power.

He instructed me to place the little magnet or Magic Wand on the tender right behind the coal load.  Seems QSI decoders occasionaly lose a sound and powering the loco with the Magic Wand over the reed switch of the QSI decoder and waiting till a voice in the tender said, "Reset" then powering down sets the decoder back to factory defaults.  My chuffs came back and all is well.

HO / Re: Tortise and Atlas turnout switch
May 21, 2009, 11:52:48 PM

PD said:

Does your layout fold up against the wall or is its edge at the wall? I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't run my trains. Have you ever seen a grown man cry? Have you ever seen an ugly grown man cry? Not a pretty site  :'(  :'(  :'(

And to get back to the thread, are you going for the atlas switch machines and the digitrax ds-64?

The 4x8 doesn't fold up against the wall - it stands on edge on the floor and leans up against the wall to get it out of pedestrian traffic.  Someone thought this room needed vacuuming after three weeks of train running, loco & rail stock fixing, wire striping and excess tape, parts wrappers, price tags, etc. getting accidentally dropped beneath the board. I wish I had a layout that would fold against the wall.  Truth is I have a window or door spaced every 3-4 feet in my room.  I'm going to be forced to buy a 12x16 storage building, have it closed in, insulated and finished inside for my train room.  Parents, sisters, bro-n-laws, neices and their husbands are starting to realize I'm serious about my hobby.

I ordered the DS64, Atlas #6 and #8 Custom-Line turnouts and an Atlas switch machine for each turnout.  I thought they'd be in today only coming from Tulsa (55-60 miles away from my house as the crow flies south down HW 75).


Quote from: Rangerover on May 21, 2009, 10:20:01 AM
Well here's an idea, where I live there is absolutely no hobby or train stores except about 120 miles round trip. I have bought and sold on eBay and well we all know what that's like. I wonder why or if it's possible that a forum like this wouldn't have a pinned thread for model train only for sale or trade and only for members of the Bachmann Train sight. After all most seem to get along and are quite honest I believe on this sight.

That is dandy idea and I'd like to see it happen also.  I doubt Bachmann will see fit to host a write only area which may or may not be in direct competition of their new sales.  I like the idea though.


I need to start playing nice. I struck a nerve and was taken to task by a fellow here.  Just a technical question first.

Is that industrial strength US Government approved prop wash?  Can't be too carefull these days.
