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Messages - lanny

HO / Re: turnout problem
July 21, 2007, 03:00:56 PM

seriously, I do hope you get it all corrected to your specs and liking. Nothing more frustrating for the kind of layout you are building to find that the turnouts aren't cooperating!

best wishes on getting this problem behind you.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: turnout problem
July 20, 2007, 05:54:22 PM
Oh, I don't know about that Gene. Your toenails probably look really nice coated in bright shiny silver  :D

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: turnout problem
July 20, 2007, 04:30:36 PM

I found/find that slipping a red Kadee washer under the rail (holding it with a very fine nose tweezers) is quite easily done with the turnouts in place. All mine were pretty permanently i place when I resorted to this idea  :)

HO / Re: turnout problem
July 20, 2007, 01:00:24 PM

Accept this from a 'novice' ... but I had several Atlas turnouts that had the exact problem you describe. In my case, it was more poor roadbed and trackwork quality. But they were 'down' permanently and I could not figure out what to do to keep cars from skipping the turnout when thrown.

Then I decided to try something 'off the wall' and for me it worked. I slid a red kadee fibre washer under point to raise it and 'bingo', just like that the problem was solved. The washer does not need to be glued (at least in all the places I've used them I haven't needed to glue them) for it slides or moves a little with the motion of the turnout when thrown, but stays in place.

I think a permanent black marker would make the washers nearly invisible.

Don't know if this is 'good idea' for you, Gene, but it works great for me.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: Any rumors of new Bachmann steam?
July 14, 2007, 10:48:46 AM
But Gene,

Just think how nice a triplex would looked double headed with your 'Big Boy' on your new layout hauling 3,000 or so hoppers upgrade :D

sorry, Gene, I just couldn't resist ;D

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: short circuit
July 14, 2007, 10:45:52 AM
It's okay Luc ... you do a lot better with English than i would do with French!

Now that we know what 'WounderBear' mentioned is you problem, I am sure that some of the experts will eventually answer your question (I'm not one of them :))

Thanks for asking and being patient while someone gets an answer to you. It may take a few days ... don't be discouraged. There's a bunch of really nice, helpful and knowlegable guys on this forum who will give you some good advice.

lanny nicolet
I want to make sure that I get this correct. Are you saying that when you put the engine on the track and power it up using the power supply, there is not movement at all ... or ... are you saying that the engine tries to move, but wont'. In other words, is electricty getting to the locomotive and nothing is happening ... or ... is it trying to move, but binding up?

If there is absolutely no indication of power getting to locomotive then check to make sure you have your power supply wired correctly. Also check to make sure the tracks are connected properly.

If that is all correct and it still does not give any indication that it is getting electricity to the locomotive, then I fear you will need to pack it up with the warranty card and the sales slip (or a copy of the sales slip from the dealer you purchased it from) and send it to Bachmann service. It will be expensive to ship it, but you shouldn't have to ship the whole set ... just the locomotive that doesn't work. And Bachmann, when they get it fixed will ship it back at their expense. In fact, they probably will give you a new locomotive.

one other thing, make sure your power supply is working. Can you hear a 'hmmming' noise when you turn on the power supply? Maybe it is bad.

Also, one other thing ... I have neve traveled outside the US or Canada ... but in some countries there is a different amount of power avaliable when you plug an electric device into the wall socket, then the electricity that is available in North America. I honestly don't know if this could be a problem or not.

best wishes on getting it fixed.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: Quality - Standard vs Spectrum
July 13, 2007, 06:17:59 PM
Hi Sour Rails,

this is just my experience ... but it seems to me that most 'eBay online stores' don't give much of a discount off the MSRP. There is one exception (at least one I've found) that, since he is an authorized Bachmann dealer, I feel free in giving out his name. "The Favorite Spot". If you type in on the eBay search you will find his store. His 'buy it now' prices are very reasonable for the latest Bachmann stuff. And his auctions always start at .01 (and quickly move up from there). But I have been able to get some fantastic (I think) deals from him. Recently I purchased a mint new in box (still in shrink wrap) ICRR Heavy Mountain for a little under $50 plus $12 shipping.

Since there are alot of detailing mistakes on this locomotive I will pretty much 'strip' the boiler and add details from 'scratch'. But the Spec Heavy Mountain is an unbeatable runner and a very nice looking locomotive so it should work well into to a true 'generic' ICRR Mountain.

Try this guy, if you haven't as yet.

lanny nicolet
Quote from: BIG BEAR on July 13, 2007, 12:19:55 AM
1. Have you ever rode on a steam train?

2. Where was your last steam train ride?

3. What year was your last steam train ride?

4. Do you often "chase" steam trains for enjoyment or photo ops.?

5. Bonus Q  What is your all time favorite steam train? this should be fun.


(1) Yes, lots of times! When I was a kid passenger trains were still ONLY pulled by steam locomotives. You guys of a youger generation have no idea what you missed by not having regular steam operation to enjoy.

(2+3) Last ride probably was about 1952 or so from Fort Dodge, Iowa to Mancheste, Iowa. The ICRR ran steam until 1955/56 in the Iowa division but E units and the occasional G7 'torpedo tube' took over mail and passenger service earlier.

(4) I chase them when I know about them in time to do chasing. Being on a fixed retirement income with gas 3.00 a gallon my 'chasing days' are very, very limited. Last chase was the first one in years, for me ... the UP #844 excursion train which came through central Iowa.

(5) Being a died in the wool ICRR fanatic, that's a really hard one. When I recently watched the UP #844 with its 80" drivers effortlessly climbing the mile+ long grade out of Carlisle, Iowa and gliding past us like a throughbred steed, I would have to say that was my favorite. But then, when I think about my dad taking me as a little kid and hoping on some ICRR local passener train pulled by a Pacific or a Mountain to Cherokee, Ia from Fort Dodge, Ia and back, that suddenly becomes my favorite. The #844 I only watched ... the 1951 or 52 train ride I actually experienced.

lanny nicolet
Okay ... if there aren't any 'large' hammers in Austraila, hit it with a 'small one' :)

Seriously ... we need to have a lot more details on just what the problem is. Do the wheels not turn, do they derail, do they not pick up electricity, are they dirty, bent or broken?

Give us some specific details and I bet someone will have some good advice for you ... 'along with the hammer solution' :D

seriously, best regards,

lanny nicolet
Thanks for the positive note on Bachmann service. Seems like we often hear of the problems, but seldom hear when things go well ... and I think in general, Bachmann service still can't be beat ... even though there are always 'snafus' that crop up.

I personally have always been satisfied with Bachmann service even when I had to wait 10 weeks or more to get my items back. They have been more than fair with me with everthing I have sent to them.

lanny nicolet
General Discussion / Re: Drivers' 2-8-0 vs 2-10-0
July 12, 2007, 07:20:48 PM
The Spectrum 2-8-0 is a 'large' Consolidation. The Spectrum 2-10-0 is a 'Russian Decapod' which is quite small.

I don't have the driver information at hand, but the 2-8-0 will move at a different speed because of the drivers. ... generally, I think, it will tend to move faster.

If you are running DCC it may work ... i am not DCC savy. But I know you will have problems if you use a 2-8-0 to push a 2-10-0 in the Spectrum series using DC/Analog power

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: Motor for 2-10-0 Russian
July 12, 2007, 02:40:45 AM
Eddystone Locomotive Works also installs HH motors, specially in Bowser chassis .

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: Motor for 2-10-0 Russian
July 11, 2007, 12:51:11 PM

Please let me know what your research on the HH for Bachmann locomotives discovers. I would be very interested in knowing.

One other thing, Banjo and all ... Just  to reiterate the excellent point that Gene mentioned. It's critical. in order to get the excellent warranty service from Bachmann, that if at all possible you keep your sales receipts!

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: Motor for 2-10-0 Russian
July 10, 2007, 10:30:02 PM
Hi Jack,

The Helix Humper is indeed a great motor as you have pointed out. I have one in a Bowser Pennsy 2-10-0 and it is absolutely incredible the smoothness and quietness of this locomotive now (as opposed to the old DC-71 open frame motor). Plus, with the HH, as I understand it, the locomotive could now become a DCC unit if desired.

OTH, Jack, I don't think the Helix Humper will work in a Bachmann 2-10-0. I could be wrong, so please correct me if I am. But my 'limited' understanding of the Spectrum mechanism is that the gearing is encased inside a cast metal chassis that is in halves.

I think Mr. Bach Man might have previously warned against taking apart the chassis (though a good mechanical person could probably do it), because it is difficult to get back together properly.

I have looked at the chassis of the 2-8-0 as well as the 2-10-0 and frankly I don't see where an HH would fit, though I agree with you, it would be a wonderful motor if it could be made to fit.

banjobob184, I sure hope you can get things worked out, but I don't think shipping will be $20.00. The 2-10-0 is a light weight locomotive. Plus, as has been mentioned, you will receive a new locomotive which has a much, much higher retail price. I encourage you to follow Mr. Bach Man's advice and send it in, if that is what "Jenny' suggested.

lanny nicolet