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Another peek at #9 (previously a ET&WNC sound-equipped 12) shows how much of a change the new number plates are over the stock ones out of the box:
On30 / "Found" photos, circa 1943...?
November 13, 2019, 12:33:54 PM
The 4X4 inch negatives were marked for July 1943 in the old, dusty box.
Sid Richardson, photographer/artist for the Elizabethton Star, was taking shots of the ET&WNC Stoney Creek branch, a rare doubleheader passing through Winner, Tennessee.
Exact date is unknown:

On30 / Re: On30 Trench engine is late
November 07, 2019, 12:00:04 PM
Quote from: the Bach-man on November 06, 2019, 08:39:50 PM
The Trench Locos should arrive in the next week or so-
Thanks for the update. I already pre-ordered mine.
If I can ask, though, why did they come in a OD green version? That Army didn't paint steam engines OD green during WW1 or WW2. They apparently based it on the incorrectly-painted Davenport on display at the Infantry Museum at Benning?
I created sets of scale builder plates, each with the right serial numbers and dates for ET&WNC ten-wheelers 9, 11, 12, and 14. I also used photos of the real number plates to make scale versions of them.
Bachmann did a great job on most of the engines but they always do their plates are opposite images of what they should be (black lettering on bronze which of course is opposite of how they looked in real life).
I converted a #12 to 9, rather easily, but the number plate had my stymied until I managed to find a good photo of the real one, then I added a light color background to the number as period photos (and movie film) of #9 during WW2 clearly show it wasn't red like 11 and 12's were.
So, you just print these on photo paper, 4X6 and they should be scaled right. I also included some 'no trespassing ET&WNC" signs as well and some period RR crossing signs I used on my own layout.
Click here for the images of the plates:
I then punched them out using a "Maxi Punch Set" stock #473660 from Hobby Lobby. It's largest die was EXACTLY the right size needed for the front number plate.

From there, once you have it punched right (you'll need to punch a couple to get the right position), I suggest running a dark yellow marker around the edges so it doesn't look like a paper disk when viewed from the side. I then glued them to the existing number plates using white glue. The finished product, I think, doesn't look bad:

I did the builder plates much earlier and did them with an exacto knife, which is why I had to use a punch for the number plates. With this, I think you can improve the look at the front end of these, as well as making a #9 if you want one (Woodland Scenic dry transfers makes a set that is a perfect match for the cab and dome numbers)... If you try it, let me know how it worked out!
Just keep in mind, the number plates are from photos provided by the ET&WNC historical society and I created the builder plates myself, and they're copyrighted by me. Please don't print and sell them...
On30 / Re: On30 Trench engine is late
October 23, 2019, 03:22:34 PM
I know, I was badly hoping I would have mine already for an op session event over a week ago...   >:(
Here we are over a month later than originally promised with no delivery date in sight.
On30 / Re: On30 Moonlight / Wolf Observation car?
October 16, 2019, 07:04:05 PM
Quote from: Terry Toenges on October 16, 2019, 03:27:09 PM
Thanks for that. I did not know that.
Not did I, you really can learn something new every day!
On30 / Re: On30 Moonlight / Wolf Observation car?
September 18, 2019, 07:18:32 PM
Quote from: WoundedBear on September 18, 2019, 03:09:14 PM
Ok.....that question is answered. The guy did a nice job with the lighting.
I agree, but look at the paint, which is peeling. You'd think he could have gotten more with a 'normal' decent paint job on it. Anyone who really would appreciate the markers and drumhead (to pay as much as the seller wants) would likely want it in another paint than this...
On30 / Re: On30 Moonlight / Wolf Observation car?
September 17, 2019, 11:59:35 AM
Wow, I've never seen a lighted drumhead or markers on any Bachmann stuff, was this after market?
While we're on this subject, can Bachmann please release cars in the ET&WNC road name? Bachmann makes four locomotives in that road name (12 and 14 in green/gold, and 11 and 12 in wartime black) yet makes no cars to go along with them...
The flat car and the tank car (both pretty close to the real cars) and boxcars could easily be made with that road name!
Coaches in that road name would look great behind those ten-wheelers, too...
I brought this up twice with a nice gentleman who comes with Bachmann to big train shows, sending photos of my own conversions and he said he'd bring it up.
On30 / Re: 2-6-2T Trench Loco
August 07, 2019, 04:21:43 PM
I'll be looking to get some decals for one of them (I've already pre-ordered with Trainworld), does anyone know the dimensions of the sides of the water tank?
On30 / Re: Trench/WDLR Products
July 15, 2019, 02:36:16 PM
I think the Ft Benning museum locomotive (which is incorrectly painted, along with some other stuff in that part of the Infantry Museum) is where Bachmann got the idea of marketing one in OD green.
Sadly, you're not going to find photos of steam locomotives (and hardly any diesels) painted in OD green. Locomotives were grey, yellow, or black up to the diesel era when they started painting locomotives red for the Army and blue for the USAF.
But no OD green steam.
I'll be getting one of these 2-6-2Ts in black and putting my own decals in place (though nobody makes white steam-era Army markings in O scale that I'm aware of, putting "USA" and a four-digit number on each side is no big deal).
I'll also need to make new builder plate decals, as yet again, Bachmann made the builder plates as 'negative' to the real thing. Almost all steam era plates were black backgrounds with lettering and numbers in the cast bronze. Bachmann does it the opposite, with bronze backgrounds and black letters. I do not understand why they do this.
All this said, yes, they're hardly perfect, but they make well-built stuff when it comes to rod engines, and I'll be happy to hand over the money for one of these trench locomotives!
On30 / Re: 2019 Announcements
July 12, 2019, 03:00:44 PM
Wow, even US Army cars to go along with the Baldwin trench engine, sweet! I just wish they did them as standard length cars as well. Oh well, I made my own Army boxcars by painting over some boxcars and making my own decals, so I guess I'm good.
But as the Baldwin coming in OD green, they didn't run them in that color. They were grey in WW1 and sometime in the 30s, got painted to black.
There's a similar type of locomotive at Fort Benning at the WW2 area of the infantry museum, incorrectly painted in OD green. I guess they based it on that.
I'll be getting a black one and adding my own decals...
On30 / Re: On30 Annual
May 16, 2019, 02:33:59 PM
Got mine yesterday. There's some good stuff in there. Like in any annual publication, there's going to be hits and misses on an individual level.
But generally, they hit the mark. I like this year's annual and am glad I got it.
On30 / Re: On30 Annual
May 15, 2019, 06:15:36 PM
White River is the best.
I have read some scathing reviews on other forums, though. I haven't gotten mine yet, even though I ordered it very early.
On30 / Re: Whitcomb sound
April 23, 2019, 07:29:34 PM
I really like the sound in my On30 ten-wheelers but generally I was disappointed with the Whitcomb sound...