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Messages - JohnR

On30 / Re: Decoder decision
February 05, 2009, 01:39:56 AM
The 0-4-2 porter is tiny.  Just getting a decoder installed is a fiddly process - but has been done successfully.  For motion only, I've heard of Digitrax DZ123's being used due to their small size.  I've also seen the smallest Lenz Gold decoder in one.

While I hadn't seen the Davenport link before, I do recall hearing or reading about that same method.

The Goose microTsunami is ... delayed.  They needed to resample Goose #5 and found that it's motor and transmission had been torn apart for maintenance.  Per Soundtraxx support last week, they'd like to have it out by mid-year.  Loksound is a good alternative. 

For the railtruck, you'll need a speaker/decoder enclosure - scratch or kit - in addition to a decoder.

For the Mogul, there is a good tutorial at this link -

I've used Tsunami Light Steam in my Mogul.  I believe Bachmann is using the equivalent of the Tsunami Light Logging in their factory sound Climax's and Shays.

On30 / Re: New to On30 scale
February 05, 2009, 01:10:45 AM
If it's within your budget, I would suggest considering the Climax's with factory sound installed.  Ready to run DCC w/sound right out of the box.   

If you go with a DCC ready unit, you'll need a decoder or a sound/decoder.  It's an either or situation.  For a basic decoder, I've frequently used Digitrax DZ series.  If you want sound as well as loco controll, Soundtraxx microTsunami (TSU-750) Light Logging is the equivalent to Bachmann's sound equipped versions.  You'll also need an appropriate speaker for the available space in the fuel bunker.

Since you're new to DCC, I'd suggest talking with the folks at your local hobby shop.  Other good resources are the folks at web resellers - Tony's Trains, and Litchfield Station.  Tony's and Litchfield specialize in DCC.

If you're set on having sound, shop around and sum your costs.  You may find that the factory sound unit is less expensive.

On30 / Re: Constant Headlight on On30 Forney?
January 07, 2009, 01:15:58 PM
Ya.  I'm slow sometimes.  I didn't associate it with the random Fred events.  That and the injectors would have been nice.  The rest I don't miss.  Even so, a Bachmann with built-in Tsunami is hard to beat.

On30 / Re: Constant Headlight on On30 Forney?
January 05, 2009, 03:08:01 PM
I honestly haven't paid close attention to that feature on any Bachmann installed Tsunami to note it as missing.  What makes you think it was stripped out?

On30 / Re: Traveling On30 Layout
January 04, 2009, 08:34:05 PM
If I recall correctly, the Bachmann On30 display is based on the Woodland Scenics HO layout kit.  The Bach-man made some adjustments to handle the larger On30 equipment, though I don't remember what they were. 

On30 / Re: Constant Headlight on On30 Forney?
January 04, 2009, 02:59:50 PM
It's easy. No cross-wiring required.  CV's 33 & 34 are your front and rear light CV's for F0 (fwd & rev respectively).  A value of 1 turns on the head light.  A value of 2 turns on the rear light. 

If you have oil/kerosene lamps on your loco, you'll want these on irrespective of direction.  For the headlight to be on constantly, set the two CV's to 1.  If you have front and rear lights, and want them on, set the CV's to 3 (1-front + 2-rear).  With the CV's set to 3, the lights will remain on forward and reverse and turn on/off with F0.  If you want the same effect with electric lights and a dynamo, set the CV's to 67 (3-lights + 64-dynamo).

On30 / 4-6-0 ETA??
January 03, 2009, 03:52:06 PM
Mr Bach-man -

I know Feb is new release announce time.  Since the 4-6-0 has already been announced and it's initial delivery date has passed, can you provide us with an updated delivery date?


On30 / Hobo's eye view.
December 02, 2008, 01:59:17 PM
Mr Bach-man -

Back in January, we met at the WGH show in Sacramento.  Our module group just finished our last show for this calendar year.  Rather than fix fussy rail joiners or clean track on the morning of the last day, we wedged a pocket camera on the back of a flat car and sent it down the line. 

Here's a link to the results.

Apart from camera clearance issues, this is a continuous shot - 1.2 scale miles start to finish.


On30 / Re: DCC Compatibility
December 02, 2008, 01:43:28 PM
My module group uses the Prodigy Advanced and all of our Bachmann locos with factory decoders run fine with it.

On30 / Re: Railbus DCC - lights and sound
October 24, 2008, 05:52:31 PM
John -

I'm glad to hear that my info was of some help.

-John Roth
Yosemite Short Line
California Central Coast
On30 / Re: Railbus DCC - lights
October 24, 2008, 01:59:32 AM
Here's what's going on based on my examination of the Bachmann decoder and it's associated plug on my Railbus.

The lights are non-directional.  This is not the decoder.  It's the plug.  The front headlights are cross wired to both the white and yellow decoder wires on the plug.  Further, the marker & interior lights are cross wired to the headlight power (again on the plug) and that power feed goes into the Railbus on the Green function socket point.

The net result is that all lights are on (or off) based on F0 with the factory decoder. 

With an after market decoder, you will need at least 3 functions (white/yellow/green) to light up all the lights.  Since decoders tend to come in 2, 4 and 6 functions, you'll need at least a 4 function decoder.  Getting the lights set for non-directional behavior with an after market decoder's standard plug is just a programming exercise.  If you substitute the plug from the Bachmann factory decoder coupled with a 2 function decoder, you'd end up with the same effect as the stock decoder.  This, however, will require some fiddly unsoldering and re-soldering of the Bachmann plug board.

Hope this is helpful.

On30 / Re: Great a New Engine! What about older ones?
September 24, 2008, 01:26:57 PM
We all know Mr Bach-man can't say - even if he knows.   ;)

What Lee Riley said at the NNGC this year is that the 2009 releases are set, 2010 is firming up, and 2011 is still in flux.  This is consistant with other times I've heard (or read) him speak of releases.  What we asked for 3 years ago might be hitting these release calendars.  Of course there are surprises that nobody asked for such as the Railbus.  Lee also said that On30 has been very successful for Bachmann.  Other manufacturers seem to be benefitting as well.

To paraphrase Chris Lane - it's a great time to be in On30.  I waited 22 years for this boon to happen.  I have more selection today than I know what to do with.  I would love to know the future but am content to let it unfold.

NNGC this year was a great event.  There were roughly 1500 attendees.

Bachmann didn't make any new announcements at the NNGC. The new Railbus and 4-4-0 were available for purchase from several vendors.  Test shots of the 4-6-0 were at the Backmann table along with the new 3-pack car frames and 2-pack Mogul pilots with working couplers.  According to Lee Riley, these latter two items should be on shelves soon.

Foothill Models had their new styrene flatcars for sale.  Morgan Hill Models had their line of cars and showed an upcoming workshop car.  Backwoods was there with their new Athern truck conversions, Select-a-cars, etc.

The one sample/announcement that was missed by many was Soundtraxx's new Tsunami Railtruck/Goose decoder.  They weren't satisfied with some of the sounds and are resampling.   Hopefully this will be available in a couple months.

On30 was well represented in the model contest, layouts and attendees.  Roughly 110 On30ers were at the On30 meeting.  The Yosemite Short Line On30 layout was operating at the convention.  There was also very nice double-deck On30 layout on the layout tour with a 200ft mainline.

The big show stealers were the Sundance Central Fn3 modular layout at the convention and Tom Miller's amazing indoor Fn3 and outdoor 7.5" layouts.

On30 / Availability of new items
August 13, 2008, 12:42:29 PM

I've been looking for a source for the new On30 items.  Your announcement indicated that the Railbus was available.  However, I have yet to find anyplace in the US that is actually selling them.  The closest I've seen is advanced reservations.  Did the delivery date slip?


On30 / Dimensions of new On30 items
July 22, 2008, 12:00:53 AM
Mr Bach-man -

Would you please post the dimensions for each of the new On30 announcements?

I haven't seen any photos yet of the new 4-4-0 next to the earlier 4-4-0 releases, or of the 4-6-0 next to a Mogul or Consolidation.  Also, are there any other details on the construction or packaging of the new items that you can share?

