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Messages - riff99

HO / Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
June 18, 2010, 01:32:38 AM
I've kind of been a stickler for keeping any freight cars, engines, etc. in their boxes when they aren't being used.  However, I recently ordered some cars that came without their boxes (I guess to save money on their end...who knows).  It's my own fault for not fully reading each item description.  This was a first and safe to say last time I order something before reading EVERY word in an auction.

However, I thought, "what better place to inquire about spare Bachmann boxes than at the Bachmann Forum".

So, here it goes......does anyone have any freight car boxes, specifically for the Silver Series, that they might be willing to sell or give away??  These are the Product # boxes I'm looking for:


I'm really not worried about the names on each car box.  I guess you could say that all I'm looking for is SS boxes for two 40' Gondolas, one 40' Quad Hopper, one 40' OPEN-DOOR Box Car, and a 50' PLUG-DOOR Box Car.

I honestly don't expect a response, but I feel better about asking.

Thanks Guys.
HO / Re: Bachmann FT-A and F9-A
June 18, 2010, 12:48:06 AM
I had hoped so...excellent add-on info as well.

Thank You, jward
HO / Re: Bachmann FT-A and F9-A
June 17, 2010, 07:19:05 PM
Not sure if this question is similar to what was written prior, but would anyone know if you can exchange a DCC GP 40 shell with a DC GP 40 shell?  I can't seem to find a specific DCC engine I want for my son, but we did find a DC version of it.  We have a similar DCC GP 40 but in colors he doesn't like as much.  If I purchase this other DC, can I just swap the shells?

Thanks for any reply.
HO / Re: E-Z Command DVD engines and cars
June 17, 2010, 05:34:11 AM
Sorry guys...first time back.

I'll for sure look for a tsunami sound decoder.  Got a few pennies to save I see.  But I'll definitely go with what's recommended.  Heck, that's why I got on here.  To hear what the experts have to say.

Thank You also Blink_182_fan.  Great finds there!!

I may get some help with this from a family member visiting soon.  He's good with soldering and what-not.  Just gotta follow what ABC, Doneldon, and Stephen's instructions here to the "T".  Tender screws found under tender for future work.  Holes to be on the bottom...check.  I'll see what I can do to make this enclosure happen. Great advice, thank you!  I just needed to know the correct tools to get this done.  Circle speaker should be fine should be easiest to find locally.

Two more questions please.

I see a BUNCH of Tsunami decoders.  Do I want/need to have that heavy steam one for the 2-10-2?  Also, we have Bachmann FT-A DCC EQUIPPED & a FT-B DCC EQUIPPED engines, that I'd really like sound in as well.  Do I need two decoders for both A & B units, and if so, can you please tell me what Tsunami Decoder to look for.  I always wanted one of these two tandem diesel sets, and I want it to sound as good as it looks.  (if that's possible)

Thanks again good people!  My best to you!  Keep 'er on the rails...
HO / Re: E-Z Command DVD engines and cars
June 12, 2010, 04:38:14 AM guys make it sound real easy to do.  How tough should it be to unscrew some bolts on the tender and replace the decoder.  Oh wait, maybe I should see what a decoder looks like first.  I have yet to try and open a newer DCC engine.  The more beat up DC ones we had before were kinda fun to tinker with and see what's inside, but these more recent ones 'seem' a little more solid, and I know I'd find a way to break something.  But I'm game with the Tender.  Room for the speaker and baffle as it.  I read somewhere that you have to drill holes in the tender for better sound.  Is this true OR recommended?  I'm dead if that's the case.  I'm no handyman and I haven't touched a drill in eons.  But until that's decided, I'll aim for a large, oval speaker.  Is Tsunami sound the best?  I see a few names out there...MSI, QSI, etc.  Are some names pretty good?  I'm sure something mid-range would be sufficient, and this young one might not care so long as he hears some cool "bells and whistles" (excuse the pun), with this steam loco.

You guys are a mountain of info.  I can't thank each of you enough!
HO / Re: E-Z Command DVD engines and cars
June 10, 2010, 05:49:49 AM
Thank you all for the welcome, tips, and possible DVD dates  :)  I kind of figured it was a bit dated.

It's amazing what this kid of ours can pick up off that DVD.  And he's just turning 5.  I swear he's watched that disc 100 times and practically knows each car and engine by heart; yes their numbers too.  The Engines haven't been a huge deal as most still look the same and numbers are close.  But I won't hear the end about the GP40 Santa Fe until I literally repaint it red and silver.  Nahh, he's not that bad.  A blue and yellow Santa Fe is better than NO Santa Fe.  I think he's getting my point.  He browses the Internet with me to see all that's out there.  He only wants about 90% of it.  No sweat, son.  Sheesh...

But the nice thing is when I show him that certain things can't be found, he actually understands that. Doesn't like it, but understands. But as a parent, who can be a bit of a trickster when junior's not around, I thought I might pull a rabbit out of the hat by posting some thoughts here.  It seems I want to know and understand as much as he does. This is one fine community from what I've seen in the replies already and I truly thank you all for all the insight.  Some good do's and don'ts.  I should've been on here a year ago!!

Oh yeah, and we just got our first Spectrum Steam Loco 2-10-2, DCC Equipped.  Real nice looking engine. I thought that would be nice to have as well.  "Why is there no sound, Dad?"  Uh oh...  any one have any ideas how to put sound in one of these?  I'm afraid to touch the thing wrong, nevermind installing sound.  Do you lose DCC capability if it needs to be removed for sound?  So lost on this one.  Lots of hills and valleys with this perplexing yet enjoyable hobby.

Thanks again fine people!

HO / E-Z Command DVD engines and cars
June 09, 2010, 04:26:07 AM first post here and trust me, it's a dumb one.

My son's love of watching trains since he was 9 months old has come come somewhat full circle.  Last year we purchased a few used (and inexpensive) engines and freight cars that had seen quite a bit of track time in their day.  Plus, as newbies and trying to set up Atlas Conventional Track on a medium sized carpet, we felt maybe we got into the wrong hobby.  But we did get two seperate trains going in this manner and our son had a smile from ear to ear watching these life like trains in his house, but for some reason (hmmmm) the track kept falling apart.  This drove us nuts but we got into this with no idea what to do, so I guess you get what you expect when you haven't done the research.

Well, this year we dove head first into DCC and Bachmann E-Z Track.  We got a couple new engines (GP 35's) and grabbed a new EZ Command controller and track (plus a switch for a siding as he said we really need to have that........."so it begins").  Well, it was great to watch these newer engines run seperately and controlled with a single controller.

Well, next thing I know we have to 'have' the same cars and engines that are on the DVD, not to mention a companion controller, pedestrian bridge and house that's being built (you'd understand if you saw the instructional DVD).  If it's not in the DVD, he doesn't want it.  No big deal really as there aren't too many cars in the DVD.  But this video must have been done a few years ago as some of the cars are near impossible to find.  A "red" DCC GP40 Santa Fe?  a Maine Central Flat car w/no load?  I've searched everywhere but no sign of them.  Is there a list of Bachmann train stock that goes back to whenever this DVD was made?  I just need to know when these were made and IF they truly are discontinued and gone for good.
(flat car is later on in this video)

That's our model train story to date.  Hopefully it continues with this fine hobby.

Thanks for any help...