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Messages - David(UK)

On30 / Re: FORNEY
March 22, 2007, 05:48:41 AM
Explain "adrift".
As new, the trailing truck fits fits into a slotted cross beam and floats across the width of the loco to allow use of a smaller radius.
The truck itself can be pulled off its mounting fixture and will be left hanging by a thread ( literally! ) although this thread is the pick-up wire from the trucks to the Decoder.
If your truck appears to be adrift as per the last explanation, then all that is needed is to grasp loco upside down in one hand and apply firm pressure in the centre of the truck with the other hand push the truck back on to it its mounting spigot. Just watch the pick-up wire feeds up through the spring centre and into the Tender without getting trapped anywhere,
General Discussion / Re: the B&O museum
March 07, 2007, 09:02:54 AM
I've tried about 3 times to reply to this thread, but the sytem just ain't playing.
Just to say she was still in the same sorry state in 2005 when I visited.
Rumour mill was she was too badly damaged to repair.
I'd add some pictures, but that's not working either
On30 / Re: 4-4-0 and 2-6-6-2 in On30 to be produced
March 06, 2007, 10:43:32 AM
Me neither - head accountant has just done her nut after totting up my 0n30 purchases since christmas!
I did look at the prices and even at the special offer price, I think it would go down like a lead balloon - Me -'Honey, it's under $400' ( that's around £220 with customs and shipping on top ) Her indoors -  'Sweety, that's a nice weekend in Paris!"
On30 / Re: Sound Equipped Forneys
March 05, 2007, 07:52:19 AM
Received my 2nd Sound Forney from Micromark on 1st of March
On30 / Re: Sawmill figures in O scale
March 05, 2007, 04:10:02 AM
Look on:-
American 0n30>Falcon Figures - they make some very nice logger sets among other useful sets..
General Discussion / Re: Euro or Britrail Passes
March 01, 2007, 05:39:48 PM
Quote from: Seasaltchap on March 01, 2007, 11:42:02 AM

David: It was a little known regulation of the railways that I was instrumental in having brought to the public's notice in the late 1980's.

BR took me to Bristol County Court over the matter, and it backfired on them with the press coverage.

Well it ain't law now - only a few TOCs observe it as a social courtesy and then only if there are empty seats available in toff class.
General Discussion / Re: Euro or Britrail Passes
March 01, 2007, 10:01:46 AM
Latest rulings by #1 jobsworth......
1) Just because you coughed up £5000 for a year's  season ticket, doesn't give you the right to expect a seat.
2) Too many of you are travelling during the rush hour - is your journey really necessary?
3) Because too many of you are travelling in the rush hour, we will put on smaller train sets to deter you from doing so.
4) When road pricing comes in force in the UK, don't expect us to accommodate all you extra passengers.
5) oh and because so many of you want to use our trains, we're putting the cost of a ticket up by at least 3 x the current inflation rate every few months. That way you can't afford to travel and we won't have to buy new stock!
General Discussion / Re: Euro or Britrail Passes
March 01, 2007, 09:54:50 AM
Quote from: Seasaltchap on March 01, 2007, 08:41:45 AM

It's The Law.

In the UK, when there are no seats available in Second Class, as often happens, a pregnant woman is entitled to a seat in First Class.

Hmm ... you talking about last century?
BR is over staffed with 'jobsworths' now and they'd throw her off the train for travelling 1st class on a 2nd class ticket!
On30 / Re: Opening Doors in a Reefer Car?
March 01, 2007, 09:51:50 AM
Nope, I read that as opening side doors to go with the roof hatches.

Lee, I looked at doing that on the first reefer I got - that damned plastic stuff bachmann use was so hard I now have a new reefer to play with!
General Discussion / Re: Euro or Britrail Passes
February 28, 2007, 11:41:21 AM
Bill, your best bet for the Chunnel is:
You should get all the info you need from there.
On30 / Re: Sound Equipped Forneys
February 25, 2007, 04:35:02 PM
Thank you, dear sir.
I wait with anticipation!!  ;)
On30 / Sound Equipped Forneys
February 23, 2007, 04:27:29 PM
Were the Sound equipped Forneys a one-off like the other 0n30 offerings ( Shay, Climax and 2-8-0) or will more be coming in the near future?
I have one on back order with a dealer and need to know possible delivery dates so as to decide whether to cancel or hang on in there!
The Pennsylvania Railroad's lone S1 was the only 6-4-4-6 ever constructed.A 6-4-4-6 steam locomotive, in the Whyte notation for describing locomotive wheel arrangements, is one with six leading wheels in a leading truck, two sets of four driving wheels, and six trailing wheels in a trailing truck.

The equivalent UIC classification is 3'BB3'.

The largest rigid frame passenger locomotive ever built, only one locomotive was produced to this arrangement, the Pennsylvania Railroad's sole class S1 of 1939. It was a duplex locomotive and is often referred to as the Pennsylvania Type. This experimental locomotive was exhibited at the 1939 New York World's Fair, and was afterward placed in limited service between Chicago, Illinois and Crestline, Ohio. The locomotive was too large to work elsewhere in the system. Pennsylvania Railroad executives hoped that the locomotive could haul 1,000 tons at 100 miles per hour, but this goal was not reached. It was capable of very high speeds however, although no documentary evidence has so far surfaced to add credence to stories of record-breaking performance.

Oh and it suffered severely from wheel slippage.

Just to reiterate - Mallard limped back to Doncaster under her own steam.
She didn't break down - the inboard Cylinder ran hot during the record attempt.
Ran light means she went all by herself with no other stock in tow.
Is this American jealousy coming to the fore, because they don't like being beaten?
Now if you had asked which was the fastest train in service, then you'd probably win hands down.
But, as already stated - Mallard's record was an official attempt and properly audited. No-one has beaten that record under the same circumstances.
By the way the world land speed record is only over a mile and that only lasts a few seconds as well - so you going to poo-poo them as well?