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Messages - Titanic5972

Thomas & Friends / Website update
March 07, 2016, 03:22:31 AM
Hi all

Can anyone remember from last year how soon the new announcements were added to the website after the announcement was made?

Thomas & Friends / Re: My Collection
March 04, 2016, 01:20:17 AM
Yeah I removed them all. James came without it but I removed the rest. Don't like the look of them. If I'm double heading or anything I have them close by so I. An re attach them.
Thomas & Friends / Re: My Collection
February 23, 2016, 01:13:55 PM
Ok let's end this right now. Sure, some people may find things annoying that others post, and almost every other thread recently has had one or more members having a go at other members. Personally I am getting sick of the constant attacks. If you find something annoying then fine, but keep it to yourself. There is no need to voice it publicly on every thread it happens on!
Thomas & Friends / Re: My Collection
February 23, 2016, 02:30:15 AM
Hey this is my collection thread. Get your own lol!
Especially as I originally said it in jest, yes I completely agree.
Quote from: Jacob Wilson on February 20, 2016, 07:46:11 AM
^ Above 1 Reply - @Reply #102 By Titanic5972: You are making me laugh now. That is funny! :D you do a perfectly reasonable point though. This stuff does get annoying, but I am British, so it obviously to do with a different culture!

I'm British too so know the proper way things should be done lol
Quote from: AJW98Productions on February 20, 2016, 03:28:49 AM
Actually, the website does have an expected shipping date, it says:
Est. Ship Date: 4/5/2016
Unfortunately, because of the way numerals are arranged in the date in the US or other countries, it could mean April or May, as some countries put the day before the month, others put the month before the day. As this site is American (or at least, I think it is, based on the currency being US Dollars), I would assume they have put the month before the day, as this is a more common practice in the USA than other countries, but then again, I expect a May release to be more likely than April, but the site is all I have to go from, I guess I'll just take it as April for now, but I won't be disappointed if it isn't.

Thank you for sharing BassTBone, it's nice to have a good estimate of the release date :)


Why can't Americans just follow the rest of the world and do things properly? Like day/month/year, spelling words correctly ie Colour not color, Honour not honor, and drive on the correct side of the road too( which happens to be the left side, not the right!
Quote from: TTTEfan1992 on February 19, 2016, 11:40:43 PM
I don't understand what you mean BassTbone?

Probably means the timeframe for release. That website says May for Oliver's release
Quote from: Jacob Wilson on February 19, 2016, 07:14:09 AM
^ Above 1 Reply - @Reply #83 By AJW98Productions: I know that prototype's generally are not released this early released this early. The announcements where only made a week ago today! It's just that I can't wait to get Rosie, and it would be nice to have like a computer drawn prototype of Rosie, like Bachmann have done with the Sodor Salt Wagon and the GWR Cattle Wagon. Hornby always do this with their new announcements of Locomotives, in their Thomas & Friends range.

Hornby and Bachmann are two completely separate companies. You really need to stop comparing one to the other. It's not gonna help anything by doing it. As for prototypes locos, patience is a virtue and you will just have to be until it is ready. Wanting it really badly isn't going to make it come out any quicker.
Thomas & Friends / Re: TOAD IS IN STOCK!
February 17, 2016, 04:41:54 AM
Sorry Jacob but I think you will find you are wrong there. The Bachmann Branchline UK Range is OO Gauge/4mm to the foot, whereas the Bachmann Thomas range is HO Gauge/3.5mm to the foot. They may well have used the design from the uk range but it will be a newly tooled HO Gauge model. A OO Gauge model would look very oversized.
Thomas & Friends / Re: My Collection
February 15, 2016, 03:20:39 AM
No i forgot to turn off the controller one day when I went to the shops. Henry derailed and his wheels jammed and the motor was smoking when I got back. Yes, like I said above I will get another so I have both versions. More work to Henry.

I've glued the footplate back together and added Gordon's firebox.

I'll wait to add the cab until I've painted the cab and firebox seperately.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Photo issues every time
February 14, 2016, 08:32:54 PM
I uploaded the images to photobucket and then on the right side of the screen there was 4 boxes with different url codes. I copied the bottom one with is labelled IMG and pasted it here. That brings the photo up.
Thomas & Friends / Re: My Collection
February 14, 2016, 03:17:21 PM
I took the motor out because I burnt it out and never got replaced.
Jacob it is easy to remove the face. Just like I did with my other trucks. They just pop off.
Thomas & Friends / Re: My Collection
February 14, 2016, 01:26:11 PM