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Messages - kdgrant6

HO / Re: Attaching EZ track
April 27, 2015, 09:22:02 AM
I thought I'd reply to this old thread in hopes that it could help someone who wonders about attaching track to foam board.  After taking time to develop the plan for my expanded layout, using ideas gleaned from this forum, I've begun locking the EZ Track, Woodland Scenics inclines, and the flex track-on-cork into place.  This expansion nearly doubles the size of the original 4x8 sheet.

The Shur-tape from Lowe's that I mentioned above works great.  I attached it to the Owens-Corning 1" foam board, then pressed the inclines in place.  Very sturdy.  Mr. Bach Man says you can detach things if you choose to make a change.  Lots of luck detaching the inclines.  That's really tough.  I had to adjust one 2' section soon after I had pressed it in place.  It was really tough getting it up from the tape. 

I haven't moved any EZ Track, but that should be easier since the contact points on the track aren't continuous.

After watching videos, I plan to ballast all of this--the EZ Track and the Atlas C100.   I'll use gray ballast, but I'm not sure which shade.  RR's in our section of the country use a very light shade.  Any ideas?

I plan to paint the Midwest cork road bed a medium gray before I nail down the track.  Doing so should allow for easier ballasting.
HO / Cork Roadbed
April 23, 2015, 09:53:33 PM
I have a fairly large layout of all EZ Track.  All four locomotives and most of my rolling stock are Bachmann.  So I've been supportive of this company.  However, for an experiment, I am adding a modest expansion to this layout and have purchased Code 100 track and Peco turnouts for this purpose.  I have purchased Midwest cork for the road bed. 

I have two questions: first, I have used two-sided carpet tape to attach my EZ Track and Woodland Scenics inclines to my Owens-Corning foam board.  I plan to do the same with the cork.  Would that be a good idea, or would white glue be better?

2nd, does cork still need to be soaked in hot water to make it suitable for curves?

Again, EZ Track's ease of assembly (and disassembly) has enabled me to experiment with layouts.  Such experimentation would not have been practical with track/cork layouts.  I'm not jumping ship.  I'm just wondering.

I would appreciate any feedback.
HO / Re: Parking
April 07, 2015, 09:39:00 AM

Do both rail joiners have to be connected in order to have the necessary current for DCC power to work?
HO / Re: Parking
April 07, 2015, 06:24:10 AM
What good information!  Even more reasons to isolate.

"Night Creeper" would be a good name for a locomotive kept in a switcher house, isolated, and let out only on schedule--except times he comes out unexpectedly when small grandkids are watching the running of the trains. 
HO / Re: Parking
April 06, 2015, 11:02:06 PM
Good analogy.  Thanks, Jeffery.

HO / Re: Remote Switches For Turnouts
April 06, 2015, 03:47:41 PM
Bachmann EZ Track Wye #44134 is 11" and listed as a #5A
Peco Wye (SL - 97) is just under 6" with a 24" radius

EZ Track #4 is 10" with a wider diverging angle than a Peco SL - 91/92, which is only 7".

My expansion has an industry.  The Pecos seem to have more capabilities in a smaller space at 1/3 the price, but they aren't DCC controlled as are the EZ Track turnouts.
HO / Re: Parking
April 06, 2015, 01:46:39 PM
That's what I meant: I use one controller.
HO / Re: Parking
April 06, 2015, 01:36:04 PM
guslcp commetns:

You don't say what your "other power source" is.  There is a cardinal rule in DCC which states that there can only be one command station controlling a layout, whether it be  a small shelf layout or a large club layout.  Multiple command stations will soon lead to disaster...

I use only a Bachmann EZ Controller.
HO / Remote Switches For Turnouts
April 06, 2015, 01:33:27 PM
I have an all-EZ Track DCC layout, first on a 4x8, then expanded into another, slightly smaller table with a 2x2.5' connecting section.  I have two DCC crossovers and three turnouts.

All Bachmann.

However, in this expansion, I need turnouts that would occupy a smaller space and have different degrees of diverging track than those offered by Bachmann.

In back-reading this forum, I found that Len offered an excellent suggestion for Bachmann to expand its turnout offerings. Having these options would appeal to those of us who would prefer to use EZ Track but whose layouts require something else. 

(You can link back to Len's very helpful thread here:,29628.0.html)

I would like to control several of these non-EZ Track turnouts.  Four of them are in an industry area that will have 2 inches on foam on top of the ply wood.  The other turnout I need to remotely control is on a plateau, with 5 inches of foam underneath it.  (I know that's a lot.)

The depth of foam seems to rule out under-the-board mounted switches even with piano wire to extend the throw.  And the surface-mounted ones I've seen are rather bulky.

I don't think Bachmann makes any products that would address this problem.

I would welcome any suggestions?

HO / Re: Parking
April 06, 2015, 08:32:35 AM
Quote from: kdgrant6 on April 06, 2015, 08:20:03 AM
Thanks, Jerry.

Where does this feeder come from on a Bachmann EZ Controller?
HO / Re: Parking
April 06, 2015, 08:29:17 AM
Amazon reviews on the Riddle book say that even though the gook is a classic, all the examples are O scale.

This one by Mike Polsgrove is more recent and directly addresses DCC systems, which I have.

Basic DCC Wiring for Your Model Railroad: A Beginner's Guide to Decoders, DCC Systems, and Layout Wiring Paperback – April 1, 2011

Would it be better?
HO / Re: Parking
April 06, 2015, 08:20:03 AM
Thanks, Jerry.

Is this Kalmbach book one you'd recommend?

Wiring Your Toy Train Layout, Second Edition
Peter Riddle
Item #10-8405

Or is there another one?
HO / Re: Parking
April 06, 2015, 07:12:26 AM
I now see the advantage of what this thread discusses and would like to do it on an expansion I'm working on, but I'm still confused (though not as much as I was earlier, as a reader of my replies to this post can easily see).

Here's my problem: if I follow these directions, I can run a DCC locomotive out of the part of the layout controlled by my Bachmann EZ Controller.  It moves onto an isolated section of track powered by another source.  The locomotive still responds to the command of the EZ controller because . . . because why?

Does the fact that it receives electricity, even though it's from another power pack, keep it operating as it was when it left the Bachmann power block--and "by keep it operating" I mean bell ringing, light on, etc.? 

But what about speed?  How would I stop it if the EZ controller isn't controlling that part of track because of the insulated joiners?

After it is finished sleeping, how does flipping the switch allow me to take control again even though the engine is on another power block?
You may not need a booster. I am able to run 4 locos (3 with sound, all Bachmann ) at the same time with just the EZ COMMAND controller. I have less than 100 ft of EZ Track. Hope this helps.'
General Discussion / Re: Recommended Publications
March 20, 2015, 11:32:41 AM
Great input! Thanks to all.