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Messages - ThomasFan247

You could always buy a coffee table with drawers and build your layout on that :P
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Duck Thread
August 29, 2012, 09:35:17 PM
Yeah, you can fit basically any model with DCC as long as there's enough room for a chip. I had a Bachmann Thomas converted to DCC back in '06 or '07, but that model is no longer in tact :P
I had to apply several coats of paint so the new paint job didn't look translucent, but in the end "Sodor Mail" disappeared :)
Not necessarily. I didn't prime mine, just painted over it with acrylic paints. Mind you, though, that acrylic paint tends to chip and scratch easily, so if you were to use it I'd spray it with an overcoat :)
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Duck Thread
August 29, 2012, 03:57:11 PM
Quote from: Anthony P2 on August 29, 2012, 01:27:31 PM
i've been looking at the Hornby Stepney model for a while now. still not sure though. i should act quick because of the limited production. anybody have Stepney?
I've just received one in the mail, but sadly I can't actually open it until Christmas :P
Thomas & Friends / Re: 2013 Predictions Thread
August 11, 2012, 07:26:09 PM
UnknownThomasFan1 uploaded the clips to YouTube a few days ago but took them soon after. Not sure where he got them though.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Duck Thread
August 10, 2012, 01:26:59 PM
Yes, he'll still be made. He hasn't been cancelled :P
Significant other :P
Thomas & Friends / Re: Thomas Fan series
July 23, 2012, 06:23:07 PM
Barry the Rescue Engine part 3 has been uploaded! Here's a link for those interested:

-Christian :)
The windmill is coming along beautifully. I can't wait to see the finished product :)
I've gotta say, Splodge is looking fantastic! They're turning out to be some beautiful models :)
Thomas & Friends / Re: 2013 Predictions Thread
July 10, 2012, 11:18:58 AM
Here are my predictions. I know not all of these will be released in one year, but the longer list gives more options.

HO Scale - Locos

Oliver: Seems likely. We've got numbers 1-10. We might as well add number 11 and add another classic character to the range.
'Arry and Bert: They've been featured quite a few times since their introduction in season 5, and we've already got Diesel, so all that's really needed is face changes, livery changes, and ladder removal.
Rosie: She's become a pretty popular character. Although a good portion of her appearances are cameos, she seems like a likely candidate for the range.
Molly: I know, sounds weird, but Bachmann has surprised us before. I feel if Bachmann was to surprise us again, Molly would be that one wild card thrown on top of the deck. Don't ask me for my reasoning, because I don't have any. I just feel like she'd be the one. Her color maybe? The fact that she's the only female tender engine besides Emily? I don't know. There's just something about her.
Whiff: Basically the same reasoning as ORN197. He's had frequent appearances in the CGI series, and even had a large role in Misty Island Rescue. I think he'd be a nice addition to the range.

Rolling Stock

Toad: If Oliver is released there is no doubt in my mind.
Plant/Scrap Wagon: This was originally featured in Henry's Forest for transporting new trees, but it has commonly been seen in the CGI series as a scrap car. With the lack of rolling stock being released and its uniqueness, I think this would be a pretty decent seller.
Red Coaches: I'm surprised these haven't been released yet. They've made appearances in the series in just about every season since their introduction in season 2. I'm sure these will be seen soon.
Rocky: It honestly wouldn't surprise me if Rocky was announced. He'd probably be released in packs because of his several parts, but ya never know. He may end up being an expensive piece of rolling stock, but it's not like the rest of the range is cheap :P


Trevor: There aren't really any other road vehicles to be released, and he's a classic character. He'd be a beautiful model with Bachmann's craftsmanship, and there aren't really any other suitable Trevor models currently on the European and American markets to fit an HO/OO scale layout.
Butch: If Trevor wasn't announced, I'd imagine Butch with his recent role in the TVS.


I've the slightest clue of what's to come accessory wise :P

Large Scale - Locos

Toby: Seems likely enough. He's a steam team member and an original character. I'd imagine he'd be pretty easy to make; he's small and square :P
Edward: Again, member of the steam team and original character. He's basically James' size, and with the shorter wheel base he'll easily be able to maneuver the standard 4ft radius curves.

Rolling Stock

Henrietta: If Toby is released, of course she will be too :P
Express Coaches: Not quite sure how likely these are because of their length, but they'd be a great addition to the range. There's always a chance :)
Ventilated Van: The LS range could use some vans ;)
Cattle Wagon: The cattle wagon was the first van in the HO range to be released. I could even see it being released before the ventilated van.
RF Container Wagon: Not the best seller in the HO range, but it's a flat bed, and it's short, so it can easily handle the standard curves.


Bertie: If any road character was to be released in this range, it'd be Bertie. There's no doubt in my mind. He's had appearances in every season, and he was the first road vehicle released in the HO range. His release would make sense.


Sir Topham Hatt/Conductor Figurines: Only thing I can think of that would be reasonably priced :P
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Duck Thread
July 09, 2012, 02:42:38 PM
Quote from: donaldthescotishtwin on July 09, 2012, 11:54:12 AM
Lol where were you? Both Bill and Ben and Donald and Douglas where announced at the Feb 2010 toy fair.
Oh that's right, I forgot. My bad  :-X
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Duck Thread
July 09, 2012, 11:14:26 AM
Quote from: SodorAdventures on July 09, 2012, 10:29:39 AM
Quote from: MetaDude27 on July 09, 2012, 10:27:39 AM
Actually, according to SiF, Bachmann plans to release Duck by late 2012:

Diesel was released in late 2011, and his photo was released in August 2011. If Duck is going to be released in late 2012, then by following the pattern, his photo will most likely be released in August 2012.

  Hmm, don't judge by only one source. Its only one person, and he might be bluffing. So, maybe, but looking at the fact there are no pictures floating around, I don't think too soon.
SiF has proved its reliability countless times. It's definitely an accurate and reliable source. According to Simon's input on this topic a few months ago, SiF doesn't release any news unless it's 100% accurate, and as a SiF member and businessman himself, I can guarantee his word holds true.

Quote from: donaldthescotishtwin on July 09, 2012, 10:34:10 AM
lol SIF, apparently HIT tells them "Info" but all other company's like Bachmann I doubt, Duck will most likely come early 2013, hopefully along side a Oliver and Toad.
Most of Bachmann's T&F merchandise is released late in the year, usually between August and November. As Duck and the Ice Cream van are the only two pieces of HO scale merchandise announced for this year, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that we will see Duck by the end of the year.

Quote from: donaldthescotishtwin on July 09, 2012, 07:21:02 AM
Wishful thinking, Diesel was planned in advance last year hence why he was releases so quick, Duck wasn't so most likely only a early prototype is complete.
All the models are planned in advance, otherwise the announced merchandise wouldn't be released by the end of each year! :P Like TRI said, models aren't just thought up and magically released 6-9 months later. There's more planning and preparation involved.

Quote from: donaldthescotishtwin on July 09, 2012, 11:00:47 AM
Double post, I personally don't believe models are planned "years in advanced" think about it D&D where announced Feb 010 pics came out Feb 011 and were released in Sept of the same year Diesel was announced Feb pics came out august and was released at around October all in one year.
Donald and Douglas were announced in February of 2011, not 2010.  They may not have been planned years in advance, but they were planned long before February, otherwise pictures wouldn't have been released so quickly. The time between Diesel's picture release and actual release isn't out of the ordinary. The model pictures are usually posted mid-late year, and then the model is usually released by November.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Wishlist Thread
July 02, 2012, 10:33:21 AM
Sadly, ERTL no longer manufactures the Thomas range, so if you don't have an ERTL Trevor already, you'll have to search Ebay or some other auctioning site for one :P And besides, the ERTL Trevor is out of scale when compared to the Bachmann range. He's too small :P Bandai Tecs' model of Trevor is much closer in scale and is beautifully detailed, but sadly you can only buy them in Japan as far as I know  :-\

Oh, and just to mention, Daisy isn't the only female diesel engine. Mavis...? :P