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Messages - Paul M.

I'll be glad to take it!

Contact me if you still want somebody to take it off your hands for you.

PS- I think I've already emailed you about the kit, but my computer's been having trouble lately, so it might not have.
Quote from: Guilford Guy on June 06, 2007, 11:44:48 PM
paul, if the walthers kit is used as an attachment in your post it doesnt show up...

I just noticed that. I'm trying to get it fixed.


here's a link;
Well Harold, you've done it again. I'm gonna have to use the technique sometime...
Plasticville U.S.A. / Re: Plasticville N?
June 06, 2007, 09:38:08 PM
Are they kits? Some HO Bachmann buildings are RTR, and not called Plasticville. I think plasticville is just kits or Built-up kits, and anything alse is regular.
I plan to put an old, abandoned skyscraper on my layout. It'll probably be kitbashed from inexpensive kits. I'll use some big-city skyscrapers as an inspiration.
What is the O gauge hangar intended to be used for?
Plasticville U.S.A. / Re: Disassembly
June 04, 2007, 07:17:32 PM
Read my thread; "ungluing glue joint". IT should give you some helpful info...

BTW, it's in either the HO or the general categorie. Just search to see which one.
HO / Re: Bachman 44 tonner
June 03, 2007, 09:08:07 PM
Yes, they do have a search function. Scroll up to the top of the forum where it says Hey,_______, you have X messages, X are new. Right under that it'll say  -home -help- search -profile- logout -photo gallery-

And whadda you know!, there's search.

Hope this helped,
Paul M.
Have you checked to see if on the Bachmann site under their new instruction/diagram section they show what CV to use for shoveling coal? Just a thought...
1.  Do you visit Train Museums?
Would I be responding to this post if I didn't?

2.  How often do you frequent Train Museums?
Once every couple months

3.  Are you a member of any Train Museums? and do you do any volunteer work there? If so please share.
No, I'm not

4.  Which train Museums are your favorite? Do you prefer large w/ many trains , or small single road versions.

I like all of them, there's one T&P-only museum that I'd like to go to sometime.

5.  Bonus Q.  If you were asked to start a train museum, what would be the key features, and how would you advertise these?

T&P T&P T&P T&P T&P and maybe a little Mopac

I'd leave that to my marketing board. ;)
I remember seeing pictures of the yellow and black signs. I think they stopped having them in yellow & black around 1953, but I'm not sure.
General Discussion / Re: Why Bachmann? (poll?)
May 29, 2007, 08:26:45 PM
Light 4-8-2 is right here:

General Discussion / Re: Why Bachmann? (poll?)
May 29, 2007, 08:24:52 PM
Quote from: Hoople on May 28, 2007, 12:24:33 PM
I buy bachmann because:

1) Great detail
2) Great Value
3) They run well
4) Micromark always sells it for a lot less than other manufactorers
5) They are sturdy. Now I have a little brother, and he's a pain. A few weeks back, he threw a block at my heavy mountain. I was on the other side of the room and couldn't block it, so it hit. Guess what broke? The tender to engine wires, and these had already been fixed before due to him throwing a switch that lead to the abiss...

I've actually had a very similar experience, except that it wasn't a block, it was a toy car, and it wasn't a Heavy 4-8-2, it was a Light 4-8-2. ;)