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In the phraseology of the 50's, " Cool!"
HO / the deep abyss
July 16, 2020, 01:29:12 PM
Here's one for everybody.  When designing your layouts, how close to the edge of the table are you willing to lay track and risk your most expensive and precious locos?
Boy did I mess that up, that should read MOPAR. :P
 :) :) Looking at that engine sitting there and said to myself that looks like a mop :)ar.  Scrolled down one and said YUP! :)
 :)Love the way you blend your backgrounds in, Sid.  Great work, Paul G. :)
HO / the deep abyss
July 16, 2020, 12:20:03 PM
Here's one for everybody.  When designing your layouts, how close to the edge of the table are you willing to lay track and risk your most expensive and precious locos?
  ;D Getting back to western RR's during the 20's & 30's due to financial difficulties the Rio Grande deferred so much maintenance that local wags said that D&RGW stood for Dangerous & Rapidly Getting Worse.  ;D
you're confusing railroads Trainman.  the Colorado Midland, thanks to the government, (USRA), closed down around 1920.  The RR i'm talking about is the Denver & Salt Lake., also known as the Denver Northwestern & Pacific, also known as the Moffat Road.  In 1928 the Moffat Tunnel was opened and the Hill Route was abandoned.  They continued on as the D&SL till 1947 when they were absorbed by the D&RG.  That brings up another long story as to whether the Rio Grande should have been renamed the D&SL.  Paul G :o
General Discussion / Re: HMinky
June 09, 2020, 02:16:22 PM
Very sorry to hear about Harold. I haven't seen any messages from Steam Gene or Rye Guy, are they still around?
 :-[Sorry to hear about that, Terry :-[

Surprised that no one has mentioned mountain railroading in the Colorado Rockies.  (standard garage of course, Trainman!)  winter at near 12000 ft, broken rotary, frozen fingers and toes, gasping for breath at the high altitude,  road closed for nearly  80 days, thats REAL mountain railroading, and at rifle site notch on the D&SL there is both a tunnel and a trestle passing over it.  Paul G

HO / Re: More of the same...
June 09, 2020, 01:44:11 PM
 :)looking good, Ken  :)
HO / Re: Spectrum 2-8-0 tender body removal
June 09, 2020, 01:36:36 PM
 ;D Love those photographs! ;D
HO / Re: Jonathan's Layout #3
June 09, 2020, 01:19:37 PM
 :) :)marvelous, Jon.  Over the years I've watched you progress from your relatives Varney dockside to
the tutorial on disassembly of the Bachmann 2-8-0 (I have it all saved in a notebook) to your great engine terminal to changing the headlite and the domes on your connies, etc. and am blown away by your vision and skill.  A thought. as mustard seeds and others tend to be blown around by the winds and land and grow in cracks in the rocks, i wonder lf your rock wall might be enhanced by the bits of greenery  here and  there?  Again, great work!  Paul G ;D
HO / Re: Which couplers do you prefer?
June 08, 2020, 03:05:42 PM
Hi guys, I'm back.
KD , Easy Mate, McHenry.  horn hook? psh.......ugh!!!!!