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Messages - Fred Klein

On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
October 03, 2023, 03:06:31 PM
Mine arrived today. Great issue. Looking forward to reading some of it later, especially the articles on 3D printing.
On30 / Re: Wish list?
October 02, 2023, 12:55:35 AM
For me, I would like to see a re-release of the Gas-Mechanical. I have one and the best phrase I can think of to describe it is "it's so darned cute". Also, I wouldn't mind seeing a re-release of the Porter 0-4-0 and 0-4-2 engines.

As for rolling stock, I would like to see a re-release of the pulpwood car and some passenger cars other than excursion cars. I'm particularly partial to combines, but coaches and parlor cars would also be great. That's all I can think of for now, I'm sure I'll come up with some more as time progresses  ;) .
On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
September 14, 2023, 12:04:58 AM
That's great news, Lee. Thank you for the update. I'm glad Chris managed to avoid catching the bug. Looking forward to getting my copy.
It is very possible that, given the age of the set, any and all lubrication has by now dried up and is causing the motor and drive train, i.e. gears, to bind. I've had this happen on several locomotives that had been stored for a number of years. Some of these engines did give a little lurch before freezing up. One thing you can look at is the headlight (assuming it's not burned out) - if it gets brighter as you increase the speed control, then there is definitely voltage going to the locomotive.

Back in the 70's the drive mechanisms were a lot cruder and a lot more heavy (i.e. thicker) grease was used. Over time, the oil in the grease evaporated and the grease then started to act like glue. If you feel comfortable doing it, remove the shell from the engine and just take a paper towel and wipe off all the gears you can readily access. A cotton swab works well for tight areas. Don't worry about leaving the gears dry as the engine won't be run long enough for it to matter during testing. If the engine runs, then perhaps perform a more thorough cleaning of the gears and then lightly lubricate them again. Hope this helps.
On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
September 05, 2023, 12:03:47 AM
Thanks for the update, Ken.
On30 / Re: On30 Forum activity
August 26, 2023, 01:00:21 AM
I agree with p51. There are many forums out there and, like he said, not everyone likes to post on a manufacturer's forum. As for me, I don't care.

One thing to keep in mind is that, in general, On30ers (new word?) tend to be more independent-minded, which I think is the reason they are attracted to a scale that, up until the advent of Bachmann's products, sort of languished in the shadows along with almost all narrow gauge scales that come to mind. This type of modeler will post if they have something to say, otherwise they won't (sort of like Mr. Ed) but they tend to resent it when told that they must do something. Anyway, that's my two cents - half-a-cent at todays rate.

While this forum may not see the numbers of posts as say HO or N, nevertheless I believe that it sees enough usage to keep it viable. Also, Bachmann is still coming out with new products which, in today's ecomomy, says a lot.
On30 / Re: New Bachmann On30 Caboose
August 26, 2023, 12:42:09 AM
Thanks, p51. Since I'm modelling the FEC Kissimmee Valley Extension in an alternate universe, it turns out that the folks that wanted to keep the branch active after it was abandoned in 1947 happened to find this caboose at a price too good to pass up, so they bought it. This way, the little branch is able to provide minimal passenger service from roughly Holopaw to Okeechobee (for all the nitpickers: yes I know the line ran all the way to New Smyrna Beach). Back to reality, I my previous life I rode the Milwaukee Road's commuter service for a number of years in Chicago and grew quite attached to the line. The Bellevue & Cascade caboose is something to sort of feed my nostalgia.

It's too bad that there was nothing like that on the ET&WNC because it really is a nice model and I think you'd get a kick out of it.

On30 / Re: New Bachmann On30 Caboose
August 25, 2023, 12:40:44 AM
John, glad you like the caboose. As far as naysayers are concerned, I never listen to them and usually just do the opposite. So if they say the caboose is too wide/narrow, I would definitely buy it just to tick them off.
On30 / New Bachmann On30 Caboose
August 24, 2023, 05:31:08 PM
Well, I decided to break down and buy one of the new Bachmann On30 Wood Side-Door Cabooses - in my case #26702, the Bellevue & Cascade livery. The unit just arrived today and all I can say is "Wow!". Bachmann hit it out of the park again with this model. The caboose, which is divided into passenger and freight sections, has a full interior with functioning side doors as well as front and rear doors. The front and rear doors are easy to push open but a bit fiddly to close, so Bachmann thoughtfully suppied a super-fine (thin) stainless steel wire hook to be able to reach in and close the doors. The caboose also has led lighting in the ceiling.

Unpacking the unit and placing it on the test track with power applied causes the led's to light up nicely. I have not had a chance add the unit to an operating train but do not expect any issues since it tracks very nicely around the 15-inch curves and Peco turnouts on my layout.

Overall, I'm very pleased with this model. It is very well done and the construction looks (to my old eyes) to be top notch. I only hope that this is a harbinger of more great On30 models to come. Great job, Bachmann!
On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
August 09, 2023, 12:44:41 AM
Thank's for the invitation, Lee. I don't know whether or not I'll ever get up your way but seeing your layout would definitely be the high point of the trip. As far as the Annual is concerned, I keep telling myself "patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue ..."  ::)
On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
August 05, 2023, 12:46:58 AM
Lee, unfortunately the only opportunity I had to ride the ET&WNC was at Blowing Rock, NC. I enjoyed the ride immensely. Got to ride with #12 pulling the train, no less. So I can't say that I'm very familiar with the countryside of the original ET&WNC. I've driven through Tennesee and North Carolina numerous times, but it was always to get to somewhere else and you don't get much of a feel from the interstates.

Just looking at the pictures of your various articles, I never got the impression of "bait and switch". You've always been up front about the size of the room plus I've studied your layout plan many times in order to orient myself as to what I'm seeing in the pictures. Having been into amateur photography myself (back in the days of film and darkrooms) I know that in smaller areas it is necessary to shoot at wider angles than normal. This wider view may have given the wrong impression as to the size of your layout. BTW, my entire layout is approximately 33 inches deep by 120 inches long, so to me, your layout is huge :) !

As to achieving your goals, I would say that you have succeeded very well. Having lived in Florida for about 40 years now, and traveling the back roads when I can, I've gotten the feel of the "South" to a certain extent (even though by many, Florida is really not considered to be part of the South) and your layout certainly captures that feeling. In some of the small rural towns down here the ambiance is such that it could still be 1943.

Anyway, thanks for the great articles and especially the pictures. Like I said, I pore over them, sometimes with a magnifier, to pick up all the details.

Keep up the great work!
On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
August 04, 2023, 01:05:24 AM
Lee, I've always admired your layout. I rank it right at the top of my favorite layouts along with Joseph Kreiss' Mosquito Creek Lumber, Model Railroader's Olympia and Dave Meek's Thunder Mesa. Usually, when I need some inspiration or just for fun, I'll go to the back issues of the On30 Annual, or in the case of Olympia or Thunder Mesa, YouTube, and just look at your pictures of the layout and how you composed the scene in the space available and I always come away with learning something new. I'm sure there are other layouts that I've forgotten to mention but your's and the ones I named rank right up there. As a matter of fact, I was inspired to develop the "alternate universe" for my layout after reading what you created for the Stoney Creek. Thanks for sharing all of your hard work.
On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
August 03, 2023, 12:50:48 AM
Thanks for the update, Lee. I've been checking the WRP website every so often but have found nothing new. Oh well, they say patience is a virtue.

As far as the coffee stirrers go, this is definitely a lifetime supply. I usually just stain them with an India-ink and alcohol wash and at the end of the project I give everything a light coat of flat finish to blend things together and cover up any glue spots. So far, I've been very pleased with the results.

Thanks again for the heads-up on the On30 Annual.
On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
June 25, 2023, 12:35:17 AM

Sounds like a fairly involved project. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of it. As far as coffee stirrers are concerned, I kept running short also, so I finally broke down and ordered some from Amazon (where else). I got a box of 1000 extra-long (about 7 inches) for around $10 US but that's been at least 3 years ago - who knows what they're going for now. These stirrers are a little wider and thicker than what I get with my coffee, so they work out really well for floors, roof eaves, etc. - basically any place where a little beefier lumber would normally be used. They make great platforms for stations (both freight and passenger) and I have also used them for exterior walls and been very pleased with the results. Best of luck with the project.

On30 / Re: 2023 On30 Annual
June 23, 2023, 12:21:18 AM

Post some pictures when you get it constructed. Also, it might make a good article for the On30 Annual.
