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Messages - Stephen D. Richards

HO / Re: can it
March 16, 2007, 09:19:25 AM
Quote from: NevinW on March 16, 2007, 09:13:13 AM
I have theory.  A certain spelling and grammar challenged individual with over-abundant enthusasm for trains is really a college student or adult trolling this site.  Think about it.  No one could spell that bad without deliberately trying.  -  Nevin

Very possible!  lol
HO / Re: can it
March 16, 2007, 08:17:26 AM
Quote from: Guilford Guy on March 16, 2007, 05:53:13 AM
Quotei don't expect a 13 yr old to know much....but he has answered questions meant for the pros with ''jibberish'' and then said the advice that he got from Guilford Guy and others was stupid

wooo I am 13 ;D

GG, I don't think he meant it quite that way.  Age is irrelevant to the knowledge you may have!  The problem has been attitude with others.  Whether we like it or not, that is what gains us respect or disdain!  Both are earned.  There have been discrepancies noted with his postings and the latest I saw was he first said he had a Challenger now has a Big Boy!  Since his father allegedly works for the UP, it is very possible, with his apparent love of trains, that they have purchased him these locos.  Just giving him the benefit of doubt.  Please don't get to offended by the age remarks.  There is an old adage (sort of)...respect others and they will respect you!    Shor version!    Stephen
General Discussion / Re: Old railroad laws
March 16, 2007, 07:57:32 AM
Quote from: glennk28 on March 15, 2007, 09:19:06 PM
I recall one--don't know from which state--that at a crossing with another railroad, "Both trains shall stop and neither shall proceed until the other has gone".

I wonder if they're still there?


LOL   Makes as much sense as some of the new laws! 
Quote from: SteamGene on March 15, 2007, 04:57:44 PM
There is, of course, the Saluda Grade, and that's not even really in the Blue Ridge.  And I will tell you, nobody would lay track between Gordonsville, VA and Sugar Grove, WVA willingly. 

Gene, roger that!  I've lived in both the Appalachians and the Rockies, plus living in Pendleton County for 16 years!  It's an all day trip just to try a drive the back roads...if you dare!  It took two H8's on a daily basis to make the grade from Hinton to Clifton Forge with 140 cars of coal!  And that is not as bad a section of mountain.    Stephen
HO / Re: can it
March 15, 2007, 01:42:44 PM
Jim, that is so true.  I get the word "jibberish" from my Appalachian Mountain upbringing.  That was how the old folks used and spelled it!  I thought maybe someone would pick up on that one...never was much good at humor in the written word!  lol
General Discussion / Re: just curious
March 15, 2007, 09:36:17 AM
Amen GeneP,  I love 'em all!
HO / Re: can it
March 15, 2007, 09:32:28 AM
LOL,  Gene, I think you may be teaching us all something!  It's been a long time since I read any Middle English!  Last time was in '78, Fairmont State University!  Wow!  Plasser, I know this is all in jest but pay attention to Gene, he can teach you alot!  By the way, I have seven grandkids who still can't write much, well six of them anyway, so I have been well practiced in jibberish.  I think I understand what you're asking.  If I do, yes you can connect to any track (HO) and run any locomotive on it without any ill effects.
And to the radius question....I have both the Athearn Genesis Challenger and the Big Boy.  They work and pull fine on the 18"radius track.  Looks silly though!      And before it happens, I know "jibberish" is not in the dictionary!  lol              Stephen
HO / Re: Bachmann DDC On Board Locomotive Problem
March 14, 2007, 03:32:12 PM
Hunt, when placing the resister, do you just wire across the tracks or do you attach it to one rail and the correspnding power lead?  I only have an EZ Command so far but plan to extensively upgrade in the near future.  I want to build a seperate programing track.  thanks    Stephen
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
March 14, 2007, 06:50:27 AM
GP 60 Wide Cab?
HO / Re: DCC for F40PH spectrum
March 13, 2007, 09:23:24 AM
Calog,  Hunt and Lanny know what they are talking about.  However, if you must, I am new at this model railroading too but I did change, just so happens, a non DCC Spectrum F40PH to DCC.  You may find it cheaper to buy the DCC Spectrum F40PH.   You have to remove the old light circut board "plus" the strobes, if it has them.  Then purchase a new board with strobes from Bachmann  (10.00 US plus 5.00 US shipping).  You will have to remove some material from the old frame, bearing in mind that the old frames have to remain insulated from each other.  This can be done if you have the time, patience and a micro milling shop (Dremel tool, hacksaw, etc).  Work it until you get a good fit.  If you want sound, then a lot more patience, time involved.  I did it just to see if I could.  I won't do it again!  Use standard procedures for connecting the circut board to the motor and lights.  The strobe board is already connected to the main board.  I don't know if this helps, but Jim Banner and SteamGene can give you a lot more assistance in this area if you need it.    Stephen
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
March 12, 2007, 04:28:55 PM
Alex, just got to look at the site.  Thanks!  Great info on the Shays.    Stephen
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
March 12, 2007, 11:25:25 AM
Scott, sorry about the mix up.  Catching this board between running!  Thanks for the site, some great old pictures there!  # six was made for the WM to haul a coal drag out of the mines in and around Elkins WV.  Usually something the Heislers did back home.  Just a little added FYI.  Stephen
General Discussion / Re: Name That Locomotive Game
March 12, 2007, 09:41:46 AM
Scott,  a little late for this reply, but do you know what the #6 WM Shay was originally designed/made for?  Interesting to note most of the Shays built for West Virginia were built designed for timber!  Cass also has a very large Shay that is not operational and you can see it at the engine house.  It is the number 7.  It developed boiler problems and they needed an axle to fix number four a few years ago and never made another for replacement so they just part out number seven!  That's a good picture of #6 by the way, where did you locate that?  I'm building a layout of Cass and I am trying to model the exact Shays, not with the Cass name.  Stephen
Amen to the laugh!  lol
General Discussion / Re: the rare RS type switcher
March 09, 2007, 01:42:17 PM
That looks more like an S type or maybe one of the HH switchers.