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Messages - daxdog

HO / Re: Beginner with HO E-Z Track - Switch Wires
January 19, 2011, 09:57:05 PM
I was just having to figure out switches as well.  This may be an obvious statement to 99.99% of the people on this board, but it took me a minute or two to figure it out.  After sliding the switch into position, you must then press down on the switch to actually make the track move from one side to the other.  Hope this helps (or hope that you are not as dumb as me!!!)
HO / Turnout troubles
January 19, 2011, 09:53:43 PM
I went to the hobby shop at lunch today (big mistake because I spent too much and took too long).  Part of my purchases were EZ track left and right remote turnout.  Another purchase was an awesome Broadway Limited NW2 switcher.  As I am playing with my new track and engine, I discovered that the left-turnout when selected toward the turnout causes the switcher to often derail, especially when in reverse with a load but can happen going forward as well.  I then tested it with my Bachmann GT40 engine with no problems.  However, the right-turnout when selected toward the turnout causes the GT40 to often derail but never the switcher.  Why would each of these engines have problems with separate turnouts?  I am using the track on a kitchen countertop because I have not yet built my permanent layout.
General Discussion / Where to buy EZ Track???
January 18, 2011, 07:31:14 PM
I have been looking for the best deals to buy EZ track because I am about to buy a ton of it.  I am new to this hobby and don't know all the players.  I found a good deal for the pieces I am looking for at  Are they a reputable dealer?  I hate to give an online company hundreds of dollars without knowing if they are a legit company or not.

Thanks for your help.
HO / Re: New to hobby and becoming very frustrated
January 16, 2011, 06:12:29 PM
I sent in my loco before the new year after speaking to customer service. Still waiting on the repaired/replaced loco.
HO / Re: Getting ready for first real layout
January 15, 2011, 07:40:39 PM
Thanks for the info. Would it be smarter to run 100% DCC on this system and not do any DC?  That seems to be a better option since I already have a couple of DCC engines and am considering converting another.
HO / Getting ready for first real layout
January 15, 2011, 10:44:47 AM
I am hoping to start ordering track this weekend for my first layout.  I am so excited, but I am not 100% clear on wiring.  Per someone's earlier recommendation to me, I bought the Atlas layout book (I purchased the Bachmann one first).  Track plan 206, "The Out-And-Back" is what most appeals to me with some modifications.

Modification (and question) #1.  I have both Bachmann DCC and DC controllers and I am hoping to use both with this layout because I have both styles of engines.  I assume that I will not need all those blocks of controllers and selectors because I will have at most 1 DC engine running on my layout along with my DCC engines.  Am I right in assuming that this will not be needed?

Question #2. This layout has a reversing loop in it.  Should I just isolate that section or do I need to use a Bachmann reversing loop?  Is this section going to present a problem if I am running a single DC locomotive?

Question #3.  I am planning on modifying the layout in a fairly significant way.  Rather than having the railyard and turntable where the plan has it, I want to have the track go underneath the layout in a big loop then come back out the front of the layout where I will put in a larger railyard and a switching section like the Bachmann "Time-saver" plan.  My question here is I have read to keep your grades at 4% or less.  Is this for realism or for function?  The area I think may have a greater than 4% grade would be hidden, so realism is not needed.

Here is my basic plan for this layout.  The red lines idicate that it is underneath the main tabletop.  The railyard would be in front of the rest of the table, slightly lower.  Thanks for all your comments and help.

HO / Re: Connecting DC controller to DCC controller
January 12, 2011, 09:32:05 AM
I did the same thing. You can plug the DC controller into the DCC controller giving you the ability to control a DC train with one controller and your DCC trains with the other.  I have not tried pluggin them into two separate terminals.
HO / Re: Wiring question
January 06, 2011, 01:21:01 PM

I may try to build it a little higher per your suggestion, but I decided on this hight range for two reasons.  1-My grandson is just a toddler right now and 2-the angled ceilings in the man fort won't allow for a much higher table.  The after I get to about 36 inches, the table will have to move closer to the middle of the room, taking away from the floorspace of other needs of the room.


HO / Re: Wiring question
January 05, 2011, 03:13:32 PM
Wow!  Thanks for all the responses.  I was not expecting so much.

The layout I am thinking of will be similar to this except I would add another segment going across the top of the plan which would actually be in a tunnel under a mountain.

I showed the simpler one earlier to highlight the reversing section.

Since y'all are so helpful, maybe you can guide me through some of my initial decision-making.  Here is the concept I have for this model RR.  I have a 4' x 12' area where I will construct a table about 30"-36" high.  I am thinking of doing it in three sections.  The far left will be very flat - representing the Memphis area where we live.  The far right section will represent the beach where my grandson's other grandparents live.  The middle will have some hills representing the Smoky Mountains.  I want a loop (or loops) so a train can run continuously if we desire.  I also want some opportunities to do some switching which I would find fun.  Having the ability to reverse directions on the loop would also be cool.  I looked through several books and online plans and this is the closest to giving me what I want (I think).  I am planning on building with Bachmann E-Z Track if that makes a difference.  All ideas will be helpful since I am basically brand new to model railroading.

Thanks again,


HO / Wiring question
January 04, 2011, 02:37:26 PM
I received a DCC Commander set for Christmas and now want to build a table.  After looking at dozens and dozens of layouts, I have come up with a plan close to what I want to do.  There is one trick to it that I am unsure of. 

Here is a simple version of what I am planning on, which I have taken from  It has a reversing section on it.

Since I am using a DCC setup, should I just have gaps between the two turnouts from the main loop and the turnout inside the spur?  Then should I connect a second terminal/rerailler on the spur to a Bachmann DCC Automatic Reverse Loop Module?

I have not purchased the track or the module to do any of this yet, but I would like a clear picture in my head before I start spending hundreds of dollars on track.


HO / Re: New to hobby and becoming very frustrated
December 28, 2010, 09:39:50 AM
I did not realize that they are in Philly.  Maybe they will be there today.
HO / New to hobby and becoming very frustrated
December 27, 2010, 03:49:02 PM
I posted on this forum earlier about my new locomotive having issues.  I called Bachmann this morning at 9:00 eastern and sent in an online request for help a few minutes later.  It is now 3:45 eastern and I still have not received a call back.  I have called a couple of other times throughout the day and hung up without leaving another voice message.  They close at 4:00 eastern.  Are they open today or is this typical for their service department?
HO / Re: Newbie needs help
December 27, 2010, 10:35:33 AM
Thanks for the links.

Any ideas what could be causing the probelm with the locomotive that is acting like it is shorting out the system?
HO / Newbie needs help
December 26, 2010, 09:02:52 AM
When we were decorating for Christmas this year, I pulled out the HO trainset my father built for me for the Christmas when I was 6.  Now I have a grandson and want him to experience having model trains.  He absolutely loved watching my old train go around the tree.  

For Christmas I received a Digital Commander set (2 engines).  I set it up on the floor and plugged it in.  The first engine worked great.  The second engine caused the stop and #1 lights to flash rapidly on the controller while making rapid chirping sounds.  I worked for at least 30 minutes unplugging/replugging tracks and controller.  I reprogrammed the other engine and anything else I could think of to get it working.  I discovered that when the lights flash like that, there is a short.  Could the engine be causing the short?

I do have a second question.  Where can I find some sort of dummies guide to HO model railroading?  I don't know things like the difference between #5 and #6 turnouts or what additional items I need to get a turnout to work with my DCC controller.

Thanks in advance for any help.