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Messages - Loco Bill Canelos

Large / Re: Headlight not working 38 ton two truck Shay
October 16, 2020, 07:15:19 PM
Will await your results! again best of luck.

Large / Re: Gears for Rail Truck
October 16, 2020, 07:13:27 PM
NWSL does carry skewed gears as well as the 90 degree types maybe you could send them some pics and do the best you can with the gear count.

Large / Re: Headlight not working 38 ton two truck Shay
October 16, 2020, 11:01:14 AM

While I am not aware of any available replacement circuit boards, I might suggest that you try replacing the headlight using a soft white led with a built in resistor.  I have scavenged some in the past using christmas lights sets equipped with them.

I am assuming that the only problem with the circuit board is the headlight output.

Another way would be to add a resistor right at the circuit board output and then add a normal soft white led as the headlight.

Perhaps others will post better ideas, which would be great.

Loco Bill

Large / Re: Gears for Rail Truck
October 16, 2020, 10:54:23 AM

I can only suggest that you measure each gear, count the teeth, and then contact and see if they can help you.

If you are successful, please come back to the forum and fill us in as this would benefit many members.

Thanks and good luck,

Loco Bill
Large / Re: Rail Truck
October 12, 2020, 08:54:55 AM

Measure all the gears and count the teeth, the go to  They seem to answer emails quickly and have been very helpful to me.

good luck and let us know how it goes!

Loco Bill
Large / Re: Lyn 2-4-2 locomotive DCC sound
October 07, 2020, 09:07:22 AM
Hi rdbtrains,

Although I am not an expert on DCC, you should be able to use any DCC decoder with sound.  The socket in the Bachmann products is a standard socket. 

I am sure our DCC can answer better than I have, but I have responded because so far no one else has.

Loco Bill
Large / Re: New 4-6-0
September 18, 2020, 05:47:27 PM

More patience will be required.   I heard from a source that a critical part needed to complete the loco is not available. 
Since the part was sourced from a different country, that country has yet to ship it to China. 

That is all I have, no other details, no idea as to when the factory will get the part necessary to complete the locomotive, and no idea when the new 4-6-0 can be shipped to the U.S.  No info as to when photo's may become available.  No official info from anyone at Bachmann.

I am sure the Bach-man will let us know as soon as there is "reliable" specific news. 

Loco Bill
Large / Re: Spectrum 2-6-0 Mogul 81494
September 16, 2020, 03:16:31 PM
Thanks to the Bach-man himself the post was unlocked.   I have since updated the entire post.

Special thanks also to Fred, for reminding me about the old incorrect info.  Also Thanks to Kevin Strong and others who pointed out the correct axle and errors on concerning them.

As always, Thanks members your patience and understanding while I fixed the problem.  Let me know if any of you have problems with the post and I will do my best to correct them.


Don't feel bad, Your 2 % grades are definitely better than many I have seen. The MLS thread does have some good ideas and like a lot of things I had forgotten about that post.  I have the utmost respect for Kevin Strong.  His knowledge and tricks have been helpful over the years. His trick might just be worth trying, but will involve much trial and error to get it right.   Too much one way would take the weight off the drivers.  Same possibility exists with too strong a spring, because that too could lift weight off the drivers. I have had some luck at ACe Hardware, and Home depot with their spring assortments, but most are too strong.The video method I mentioned has helped me trouble shoot problems with freight cars that continually derail as well.  When I had my outdoor railroads, maintenance of critical areas was often ruined after a few days rain.   Now that I am an 80 year old man with a indoor large scale layout, I thought problems with track would go away.  I was definitely wrong.  Transition points were still affected by heat and humidity in the unheated basement, although not nearly as bad as outside. 

When there is no allowance for track expansion in critical areas, things can go bad as well. When outside my trackwork was subject to vast ranges of humidity, temperatures, and frost heaves in the winter, as well as the summer washouts.  In all my years in the hobby,  messing with track issues was the least enjoyable part of my fun, but at the same time critical to me having fun!!  In my old club I was often called on to troubleshoot problems on members layouts.  99.5 percent of the time it came down to the track.  In one case a members diesels were running perfectly(mostly B+B), but he couldn't keep his steamers on the rails. Diesels can handle bad track way better than steamers.  Steamers are definitely in need of extremely good track because of the long wheelbase and associated pilot trucks.  His trackwork was plainly poor and too rough. I explained what I thought needed to be done and He was insulted that I thought his track work needed improvement. I almost lost a friend over it.  In the end some good old leveling and ballasting and longer transitions from level to grade and careful work on the transitions that took place on curves did the trick and he was having fun again.  Three years later during a club visit to his home his track was so bad he could only run eggliners!!

I just ate the goodies and enjoyed the meeting and said nothing!!!!

Enough blah blah for today.

Keep having fun!


Nonetheless I am still very happy with Large Scale and all it's many facets. 
Large / Re: Spectrum 2-6-0 Mogul 81494
September 14, 2020, 11:13:10 AM
Hi Fred, 

I wrote that 8 years ago and the thread is locked so I can't change it.  I tried to get Bachmann to open it up when the new Bachmann axle and gear became available so I could make changes, but they didn't and I eventually forgot about it.  The gear recommended did work on the 4-6-0 even with the 24 teeth, but I never did try the 24 tooth gear on the 4-4-0 since mine is still going great.  Also the 24 tooth gear is the one recommended by NWSL apparently in error.   But since then 4-4-0's have been found to have a 25 tooth gear, not 24.

So what is the deal,  I have since learned that NWSL has a 25 tooth gear which is #2226-6.  It comes with an axle designed to press on The gear and lockand lockNWSL says it is for the 2-8-0.  While I have not installed one on any of my locomotives other than my 2-8-0  others have installed it successfully in the 4-4-0.   I can say that the NWSL delrin gears are high quality and none of mine have ever failed.  Point being, the NWSL gears work fine and are trouble free so far.   But..........

Having said that, the redesign of the Bachmann replacement axle seems to really do the trick and avoids ordinary stress of the old style gear which eventually cracks especially with age.  The NWSL gears have worked fine for me.

So I now say go with the Bachmann axle and gear, it is even cheaper than the NWSL axle and gear.  There is much wrong about that FAQ and I am frustrated by being unable to do an Update. Thanks Fred for the link to the new axle!!!

I apologize to all for any inconvenience.  I have once again asked Bachmann if they will unlock that FAQ so I can fix it.  I asked a few days ago and so far it has not been unlocked. 

Loco Bill

Until that happens I can do nothing to change it and it does make me look bad.  I do want forum members to be confident in what I advise, and this hurts my reputation.  I hope others who view this thread will be better advised. 

Thanks for bringing it to my attention, as others have also. :-[ :'(



It is most likely the track.  I had the same problem many years ago.  Your grade is very steep. When you transition from level to a grade on a curve is where most of the problems occur.  I actually raised the outside of my curves when transitioning from level to a grade.  Make sure the transition from level to grade is very gentle, especially on curves.  If there are no mechanical problems with the front truck, it can sometimes bind on a curve where the transition is not gradual enough.  Once I finally reworked the track several times, I did not need any weight on my 4-4-0 front truck.  Adding weight can be part of the problem if it sticks up too high and hits the frame at transition points.  While there are many problems another possibility is that your curves are too tight and the front truck is forced to the limit and jumps the track.  I would mark all the spots where it jumps the track, Then do a video with you phone.  Enlarge it and play it back at slower speeds, and watch carefully to see what is going on.  Do it with and without the weight, and also from different angles. 

I do have to agree with Greg that the problem is the track.  In my own case, a friend kept telling me it was the track. Until I took it seriously and worked on my track my problems continued. I had every problem mentioned above!!!

It can be very frustrating I know, and can ruin your fun, but keep at it and you will succeed. 

Loco Bill
Hi Stolz,

You will find them in the Forum Code of Conduct in red at the top left of the page.  Hit "Click here" and you will have them!

Loco Bill
Large / Re: Guidance on a Battery
September 01, 2020, 10:14:19 AM
HI prr22,

It is always tough to predict how long a battery will last especially when used in a variable load situation.  Then there is the issue of how long a battery will last until is totally fails.  Again use levels and charging variances including heat and cold play a part.   Running a train at higher speeds will deplete a battery faster than one operated at slower speeds.

Most high quality Lithium type batteries are reasonably long living some I have are over 15 years old and still going strong.   As for the running time issue, a train with 20 cars will lower the operating time over one with only five or ten cars.  Then there is the question of grades.  If you have grades everything changes.  If a layout is flat running time will be longer that one with several grades of varying degree.  Also Batteries with  higher densities will run longer than one of lower density so a battery with 850ma will last longer that one with 500ma. 

Predictions are not possible because of these issues.

Hunts suggestion seems like a good starting point.  Give it a try and see how it works for you.  Sounds like a fun project to me!!!

Loco Bill
Large / Re: Spectrum 2-6-0 Mogul 81494
August 26, 2020, 05:16:29 PM
Hi Again,

Here is a link to the axle gear replacement for your Mogul:,19904.0.html

I have never be able to link the pictures to the text.

Ebay says the average selling price for these  is $298.

Only you can decide!!

Hope this helps.

Loco Bill
Large / Re: Spectrum Consolidation axle
August 26, 2020, 08:26:00 AM
Sorry I have no idea what they will do, I am not affiliated with them in any way.  Generally I am thinking they will not be doing it any time soon if ever.  I have been wrong before though.
