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Messages - hawaiiho

HO / Re: EZ Command Walk around question
July 27, 2010, 04:56:11 PM
I haven't used my EZ Command in several months, as I now use the Dynamis.

But, as I remember, if the EZ Command unit lost power for any reason, it always came back on #1.

The Loco number did not change, if it were #8,  it remained #8, but the EZ command would always

power back  up on #1.

Hope this helps.
HO / Re: Changing hooks.
June 08, 2010, 05:06:13 PM
Quote from: Michael T. on June 08, 2010, 02:41:20 PM
So will I just be able to replace the old hooks with these without any problems as in them not fitting?

I have found some to be easy, some required a little work, and some were so difficult that I decided they just were not

worth the time that would be required to make the conversion.  You will have to look at what is required and decide

that for yourself.  Try these to sections of the Kadee site for more information.

HO / Re: My 2-6-2 Prarie, can you fix it?
April 20, 2010, 03:11:00 AM
I would suggest calling Bachmann Service.

I have found them to be very nice and very willing to assist customers.

HO / Re: could you please do the following.
April 11, 2010, 08:46:31 PM
Quote from: RAM on April 10, 2010, 10:30:42 PM
airline own no airports.
Truck lines or bus companies own on hi ways.
most railroads own the tracks they run on.
no airlines, truck company, or bus company
pay for the upkeep of the railroads.
Railroads pay taxes to build airports, and roads.

You failed to mention a couple of things.

Airports are open to use by the public.
Highways are open to use by the public.

How many railroad track systems are open to public use?

The fact is that the railroads made a conscience decision to give operational priority to freight business because it was more

profitable than passengers.

When that was done, their passengers deserted them, for the airlines, the buses and the private automobile.

There is a fine line that any company must ride; between staying profitable, and not alienating their customers in the process.

This also true for Bachmann. So, what would model railroaders prefer. Getting every model they hope for, and every feature

that they would like to have; or a Bachmann that remains profitable and in business?

If Bachmann were to spend some of their profits, I would prefer a bit more quality control, rather than a few new models or

features that have a limited market.

HO / Re: could you please do the following.
April 09, 2010, 10:05:26 PM
Quote from: Jhanecker2 on April 09, 2010, 04:16:46 PM

The real reason that passenger rail service is not as good as it could be is that the federal government subsidized airport and interstate highway construction but never subsidized railroads .  Also  the American public is always in such a hurry to get everywhere .

Sixty years ago and more, this was probably accurate. The reality, today,  is quite  different.  Today, passenger rail is subsidized. In fact,  passenger service today is owned by the federal government. So, to say that the railroads were never subsidized is not quite accurate.

Today, the prime reason for the lack of good passenger service  is that 99% of the track in the country is not usable for modern, up to date, passenger rail service;  because it was not maintained to that kind of level.
This was a decision made by those same  "bean counters" to increase  or maintain profits.

The same reason that we are not likely to see many of the items that we would like to see improved or added to model railroading.

Off my soap box  ;D

HO / Re: could you please do the following.
April 09, 2010, 03:52:14 PM
Quote from: richg on April 09, 2010, 02:18:12 PM
Quote from: pdlethbridge on April 09, 2010, 01:31:06 PM
Are you working at Bachmann now?

Bean counters run most model railroad companies, not model railroaders. That is the reality we live in.


An unfortunate truth, "bean counters" have and do run  many companies, including not just model

railroad companies, but,  the "real" railroads, which is why we(the U.S.) is nearly at the bottom of list when

it comes to passenger rail service.

HO / Re: Bachmann Pacigic 4-6-2 DCC locomotive
April 05, 2010, 11:50:09 PM
Quote from: ABC on April 05, 2010, 10:03:19 PM
What radius track are you using? If you are using 18 inch radius or smaller try using 22 inch radius, if you are already using 22 inch radius see if 24 inch radius does the trick.

I second this.  I have a Pennsy 4-6-2. I have no trouble on my 26" and 22" radius loops but encounter problems with the 18" loop.
HO / Re: DCC and turnouts
April 05, 2010, 11:46:03 PM
Just be careful how you route the wires.

I use a mix. Wired remote turnouts where I can and The DCC turnouts where I encountered wiring difficulties.

Works fine.
HO / Re: Acela Passenger cars
April 02, 2010, 04:51:40 PM
How did the engine to car spacing work out?

The picture is a little dark---but it appears fairly consistant.
Quote from: mattyg1306 on March 16, 2010, 02:07:56 AM
Although I know you probably aren't allowed to give out specific numbers, I guess its safe to assume from the fact that almost no one around the 'net has the Cass Scenic Railroad tourist cars in stock that they are a hit?  I am the proud owner of a countless number of them, as everytime I buy from an e-seller I have them throw in one or two.  These really are great, and I have them on my layout with Cass #5, and have even added the tourists to make them look better!

I found them about two months ago and bought nearly all of this one dealers remaining stock. Now I wish I had bought them all.

I can't find any more, at least not at the price I got the first ones at---too popular now, I guess.  Maybe Bachmann will release some more.

I too,  have the CS #5 Shay
HO / Re: Acela Passenger cars
March 28, 2010, 01:02:11 AM
I've been looking at the Acela for some time but have shied away because

of the couplers.  This thread got me looking again and searching.

I'm not sure about the lengths, as the conversions appear to come in

only one length(medium).

Caboose has the conversion couplers singly(1 pair) for under $1.50

Trainworld On Line and Trainsets Only have them in 12 pair packages

for about $13.

I hope this helps  and doesn't violate and rules.
HO / Re: EZ Command Dynamis
March 24, 2010, 05:25:56 PM
I am operating a Dynamis on one of my layouts.

It is a very good value, but does have it's limitations. The major one being,

without a VERY expensive additional box, it will not read decoder CV's.

This does effectively limit the ability to program decoders.

Being an IR based controller, means you must be within a limited angle to

the receiver, a limited distance and have a clear "line of sight".  IE, scenery,

buildings, and locomotives or rolling stock, etc can't block the "line of sight"

between the hand unit and the receiver.

There is also an annoying glitch.  The turnout direction indicators are


When the unit indicates the turnout is "straight through" it is actually set

to the turnout and vise verse, when it indicates the turnout is set to

turn out to the siding, it is actually straight through.

Personally, I have found that, if you have a large number of locomotives

entered, as I do, it becomes somewhat time consuming to scroll through a

large number of entries to change which locomotive is under control.

But as I said, it is a good value. Most other wireless controllers are

RF(radio) and accordingly far more expensive.
HO / Re: New to HO - DCC
March 23, 2010, 12:44:27 AM
I tried several Locos, both Bachmann and other brand decoders.

They all displayed 0/128 or for some reason some were 0/126.

The 0 is obviously a speed step, as increasing the throttle indicates the

advancing speed steps.
HO / Re: New to HO - DCC
March 22, 2010, 02:44:08 PM
I am running Dynamis on one of my layouts. I have units with several different decoders, including more than a dozen with Bachmann decoders.
They are all running fine at the 128 speed setting.

I would probably give Bachmann Tech Support a call.