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Messages - Yampa Bob

General Discussion / Re: RFD's Trains & Locomotives
June 04, 2009, 11:45:27 PM
Tonight Rocky Mountain PBS aired a 3 hour special featuring 17 North American tourist steam trains. A couple of highlights:
HO / Re: Forum
June 04, 2009, 06:49:07 PM
The Code of Conduct forbids me to say what I'm thinking.

When Jim said your fruit of choice, I immediately thought "bananas".   8)

HO / Re: spectrum 80 ton Shay and DCC
June 04, 2009, 06:36:50 PM
Hi Axim,
Welcome to the other 50 million modelers who wonder about the lack of documentation.

Of course, if the companies did furnish adequate instructions, this forum would shut down and we wouldn't have the pleasure of meeting you.  8)

Have fun.
HO / Re: Cutting EZ track
June 04, 2009, 06:17:54 PM
Just one tip, always cut the piece a few thousandths too long, then sand to fit with an emery board and crocus cloth.

There's an old carpenter's expression: "I cut it twice and it's still too short."
HO / Re: Forum
June 04, 2009, 05:57:34 PM
Jim and I share similar backgrounds in electronics and instrumentation. When the technology evolved into "replace the board" troubleshooting, I sold my entire electronics shop and "traded" my FCC license for an electrician license, which led to a successful Solar and Wind Turbine Electric business.

Some may wonder, considering my background, why I haven't ventured into the dark side of DCC. I have considered it, but as that famous movie line goes; "A man has got to know his limitations".  If I were 5 years younger and still had my eyesight (and patience) I would probably have a Zephyr.

There's an old saying, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em". Who knows, someday I may become a CV banana just like PD.  Actually I'm waiting for someone to design an LCD readout in braille.  ;D
HO / Re: Cutting EZ track
June 04, 2009, 12:34:38 PM
This tool works well on conventional track. (non-roadbed)
HO / Re: Cutting EZ track
June 04, 2009, 02:31:18 AM
Hi John,
This is what I use to cut track.

"Extra fine stainless steel teeth make razor smooth cuts"

HO / Re: Forum
June 03, 2009, 02:58:34 AM
No, you have 15 DCC turnouts, all mine are remote at Phippsburg, and manual at Craig yard, just like the real thing. I enjoy playing switchman and "walking" the yard throwing switches.

I have abandoned the turntable idea for now, as we don't have them out here and with diesels they are not needed.

I run my trains for relaxation, the less thinking the better. Remember I have to run mostly by feel, not by sight.   8)
General Discussion / Re: Railroad Emblems
June 03, 2009, 01:52:27 AM
I have emblems for B&M and MEC, they are on the Walther's page linked above by Rick.

I don't know many of the eastern railroad names, but I'm open for suggestions and will search for the emblems. (or you can and post a link)

It's no big deal, been raining for 6 days straight and I'm bored.  8)
HO / Re: Forum
June 03, 2009, 01:38:46 AM
Actually I only have 9 addresses, and that's plenty for our small layout. The benefit of running mostly diesels is that they look good, and realistic, running in consist.

We run two GP40, two GP35, two AC4400, and my favorite, a Rio Grande AB for the Yampa Valley Mail. That's eight locomotives using only 4 addresses.

Two Roundhouse vintage locos (my wife's favorites) for excursion lines, plus two switchers, one for each yard. I will be adding two SD70M this fall to complete our roster.
Showing up where?  I haven't seen any of them either, but like Rick I'm a hermit living up in the mountains.  ???
General Discussion / Re: Railroad Emblems
June 02, 2009, 11:46:50 PM
Hello, anyone home???  I had this link in my opening post. LOL

:D  :D
HO / Re: Forum
June 02, 2009, 11:16:02 PM
Jim has brought up some interesting points, however we're comparing apples to oranges, that is a small flat layout with one or two operators compared to a larger layout with inclines and a group of operators.

1.  Lighting control. Now this is one I will give Jim, if you read my thread "Directional Lighting" you will see that is one of my main concerns. If there could be one feature added to EZ Command, I would like the ability to control the headlight and taillight independently. However we can live without it.

2.  Flexible consists. I don't run radically different locomotives in consist, first because I don't need to as I have multiples of each type, and second because I don't see different locos being used on the real railroad. The coal trains here usually have six matching AC4400s. Most of my diesels are double headed, I just don't have room to pull a lot of cars. 

3.  BEMF.  Now this one puzzles me. Operating a backhoe and other heavy equipment for many years taught me "finesse" of controls. I can also back a loco into a car so slowly there is no jar. (unfortunately I can't see the knuckles moving)

4.  Multiple locomotives. I also run one train on the mainline while working cars in the yard, usually with an assistant using the Companion throttle.  "Park and run" without block control was our main incentive to go DCC. (Now if I could only get my wife to park "her" train on a siding when she is through running)  >:(

5.  Momentum. Again finesse with the throttle allows realistic starts and stops. There is a long section devoted to this feature in the manual, but the company was honest by adding the following note: "An easy steady hand on the throttle can also accomplish the above".

I welcome Jim's comments, model railroading runs the entire spectrum, and I want everyone to see both sides of the issue.  Each modeler needs to find his or her "niche" to determine controller needs and wants. 
HO / Re: Forum
June 02, 2009, 05:27:01 PM
The manuals list "features", not "benefits". Anyone who is in marketing or sales knows the difference, obviously the manufacturers haven't a clue.   

About a year ago, I bought one of the three mentioned (which shall remain nameless). I selected one locomotive equipped with a DH123 for a test project. After three weeks of reading, "programming" and lots of practice, I sent the thing back for refund.

Through it all, I never found a single benefit, no improvement over what I had with the default decoder settings and using my EZ Command.

I think the problems with the "advanced" controllers are poor user interface and practically useless instructions. Having a chart for the specific decoder, and a few pages of simple instructions for the controller would make it so much easier. But again, the controller with the most "features" wins.

I suggest that before investing in a higher end controller, ask yourself if the benefits derived will be worth the expense, steep learning curve and frustration.