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Messages - Seasaltchap

General Discussion / Re: Let's try an image/website here.
February 14, 2007, 01:29:37 PM
General Discussion / Re: Let's try an image/website here.
February 14, 2007, 01:27:00 PM
General Discussion / Re: Let's try an image/website here.
February 14, 2007, 01:18:00 PM

scottychaos:- I think you may need to explore the links in very small print[/]

General Discussion / Re: A question for Jim Banner
February 14, 2007, 12:38:14 PM

I don't think my 3 line eloquent response should receive a smack-down.

Surely you can be more eloquent too.


In some places on the site they do include XP.

I have e-mailed JMRI on the DecoderPro interface, because they do not list any ESU hardware compatability, and it seems sensible considering Bachmann's involvment.

ESU are touted as the makers of the new Bachmann Dynamis being offered by Bachmann Europe.

ESU is a German maker, also of a neat looking Windows based set-up to re-program their sound decoders. They confirm in an email to me that the set-up will also program other manufacturers decoder's CV's.

The current cost is about $100 and seems to me a good complement for those who bought too early into Bachmann's E-Z Command Controller.
General Discussion / Re: Let's try an image/website here.
February 14, 2007, 10:32:10 AM
If you use you can scale the photo larger than that to a size the refere to as  "Message Board"
General Discussion / Re: A question for Jim Banner
February 14, 2007, 10:27:05 AM

Correction 1/87 Scale. - very small correction - still rounded to the same figures.

I think it was the method that was important.
General Discussion / Re: A question for Jim Banner
February 14, 2007, 10:01:02 AM
From: Matthew:

Example:  Your train takes 12 seconds to travel 6 feet.
12 * 10 = 120.
3600/120 = 30 scale miles per hour.

or another way -

60 mph = 88 feet/sec.   (A Popular Given)

(88 x 12)/83       (1/83 the scale)

12.72 inches/sec

I think at 30mph(scale speed) the loco should only cover 6 inches a second, when it would cover 12.72 ins/sec at 60mph(scale)

Thank you, too. 

I have a 3 coach suburban set I want to fit for push/pull.
General Discussion / Re: Doorbell wire
February 12, 2007, 09:26:52 AM

Plainly, it is better to over engineer, rather than under engineer where the costs are marginal to use #12, and the belt n' bracers of "50 feet out, and 50 feet back" make a lot of sense to also have the protection of a ring-main for the main track supply.

Working with old balls of wiring found on shelves in the garage, I think, is courting disaster.

General Discussion / Re: Doorbell wire
February 11, 2007, 10:22:38 AM

I also meant to edit in their place:-

From observaltion many years ago, it was seen that one good horse could lift 550 lbs through 1 foot in 1 second; hence the measure for 1 horse power.

Regards, Aye.

General Discussion / Re: Doorbell wire
February 11, 2007, 10:04:40 AM

I think you are playing with semantics.

Why do you take it out on me, when Jim Banner has also previously told you that Amps drive up the heating effect to blow the wiring with:-

"What happens if we drive too much current through a wire?  The insulation melts off the wire, rendering it useless or the wire itself melts.  Typical insulations used in wiring chassis will fail at around 11 amps.  The wire itself will melt in 5 seconds at about 68 amps."

Wattage is directly related to Horse Power.

When you write:-

"Wattage does not describe the amount of work a unit will do, only the amount of power the unit can use if operating properly."

I think you create a conundrum of - when it is working properly that is the work it is doing.



Please don't feel that way. There was no intention against you.

I was writing to the fact that Hornby are also keeping NMRA waiting on the DCC project. The hoot being that Hornby will string things out for as long as they can to settle OO standards running on 16.5mm gauge.

Bachmann have now stolen the march on Hornby with the new Dynamis carrying NMRA certification.

I would get the widescreen, like the old Xerox that had a swivel screen and software to go to get an 8½ x 11 on one screen!
