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Messages - Bill Baker

HO / Reality vs. Practicality
January 26, 2008, 06:37:54 PM
Part of my stocking stuffers for Christmas was a pair of Bush operating signal crossings.  There's only one place that I can place it on my layout at this time and it is on a street crossing a double main line that runs into the far wall.....the street, not the main lines.

My question is this:  I will naturally place one of the signals facing towards the front, but should I place the other signal on the oppostite side facing the wall?  No one would see the lights operating, but it would look un-real to have an operating signal on one side and nothing on the other.

Well, I realize this is a minor problem, but I can't make up my mind.  So I thought I would let members of this board decide for me.

Thanks to all,
HO / Re: Switching shells
January 21, 2008, 11:59:05 AM

I don't have the Bachmann F-7A, but judging by your problem description I am wondering if you don't have some wheels jammed or stuck that do not allow them to turn.  Place each car upside down and try and spin the axles with your finger.  They should move quite easily.  If not, check to see what may be binding them and if you have a plastic friendly oil, try placing a small amount at the end of each axle where they meet the inside of the trucks.  If your engine is "peeling" out, you seem to have enough power and would seem to me that the problem lies elsewhere.

As far as your couplers are concerned, make sure they are properly aligned and have freedom of movement.  Again, a small (very small) drop of oil may help them move more freely.  Another problem which may lead to uncoupling is that your track may change grade too abruptly.  Make sure your grade changes are gradual.

Best of luck, Bill
HO / Re: Bachmann 2-8-4 question
January 10, 2008, 03:15:28 PM

I don't have the 2-8-4, but have the Spectrum 4-8-2 Mountain and it negotiates 18" radii just fine.  Don't have any #4 turnouts, but the #6 cause no problems.
HO / Re: AC
January 07, 2008, 06:24:54 PM
To All,

Thank you all for the kind thoughts. After reading Justin's e-mails I really need to work with him on his spelling.

This past Saturday, instead of working on my layout, I decided it would be a good idea to take down the Christmas lights on my house.  Well, my old nemises, gravity, got the best of me. I remember sticking a foot out to where I thought the ladder was, I remember screaming on the way down, and I remember hitting something that felt like concrete. Justin said he saw me bounce, but I don't recall that at all.  Anyway, to make a long story short, I wound up in the hospital with a sprained shoulder, abrasions on my side and back and a healthy respect for my local gravity well.

But most of all I want to thank those who wrote back to Justin with an answer to his question....he's been talking about that all day long.  I think we might have another model railroader in the works.

HO / Re: AC
January 06, 2008, 08:33:24 PM
i told gramps that some wrote back to my question and he said what did they say.  he laffed and said he hoped they would not kick him off the program.  he is doing fine.  he will come home tomorow and said he will not be able to sit on the tolet as long as he use to.  justin
January 06, 2008, 12:02:24 PM
hi my name is justin and im 11 years ild.  my gramps said i could ask questions while he is in the hospital.  im trying to hook my old train set up. i have a ho desil and 2 steam engines. that i know to hook up to dc. i also have 2 of his old buildings that have lights in them. do i hook these up to the ac on my trainsformer.  what is ac used for.  thanks justin.
HO / Re: Peter Witt
December 19, 2007, 01:01:21 PM
Thanks for the report.  Before I order mine, I would like to know what the minimum radius it will negotiate.  By any chance have you checked what the minimum turn radius is? I've been holding off placing my city streets in just so I can mount some trolley tracks.  Unfortunately to make it look realistic I need a 5" radius.  I don't think the Peter Witt will turn that tight, do you?

Thanks, Bill
General Discussion / Re: "Pliobond Cement"
December 03, 2007, 12:54:46 PM

Ahhh, right you are Rich.  I really should have looked more closely at that really doesn't give that much information.  It just popped in my mind and I forwarded out.

Oh well, there still are a few slow freight trains running. :)
General Discussion / Re: "Pliobond Cement"
November 30, 2007, 03:18:11 PM
Gene and others,

A while back there was a discussion of glue on this forum and some nice soul provided a website in which you could index your various materials and it provided the best effective glue.

Click below:

General Discussion / Re: Is it just me or ...?
November 06, 2007, 01:42:59 PM

There are some issues that are more interesting to me than others, but in general I really enjoy receiving MR and have for years.  I'm at the stage on my layout where I am getting into super detailing and I always get some good ideas from MR.  Sure, the magazine has changed over the years and so have my specific interests in model railroading.  I've long since passed the track planning stage and analog wiring and now look primarily at DCC wiring and the pictures of the months.  I still enjoy it and look forward to it every month.

I agree with you about Main Modler....I miss it too. 

General Discussion / Re: Meeting the BachMann
November 01, 2007, 11:07:30 AM

Well obviously you got the better deal!
General Discussion / Re: Meeting the BachMann
October 31, 2007, 12:07:18 PM

Is that a picture of our Mr. B.?
HO / Re: 2-8-2 kitbash info for RogerT
October 25, 2007, 05:45:11 PM
Rober and Lanny,

Thanks for the great advice about dremmel tools.  I used one to modify a styrene structure and did run across the speed and melting problems you refered to.  Using a fine tooth saw makes good sense.

I've printed out this thread and will wait until you post the frame modifications.

Again, thanks for the advice.

HO / Re: 2-8-2 kitbash info for RogerT
October 24, 2007, 01:40:45 PM

That is absolutely amazing work!  I have a spare Spectrum consolidation which I may attempt a kitbash myself this coming winter.  Please, be sure and post frame extension pictures when your friend Bojangles completes it.

I pretty well understand your procedures on your boiler extension, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to extend the frame for the trailing wheels.  Particularly where they would be mounted under the cab.

Oh, one addition question on the splicing.  I assume you used a dremmel tool.....did it require a special cutting wheel?  If so what kind?

Well, ok, another question. What grit sandpaper did you use on the squadron putty?

General Discussion / Re: House Cleaning
October 15, 2007, 11:38:14 AM
Great ideas guys, and thanks for the suggestions.  I have an old feather duster that I sprayed with "Endust" or something by that name, and it worked great.  It seems to have some kind of static properties to it which grabs the small cobwebs from my trees and the dust from the roofs of my buildings.  The idea of using a small paint brush is great.

Yeah, it is a pain, but that's part of maintenance.

Thanks again, Bill