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Messages - lanny

HO / Re: need help P2K 2-10-2
June 28, 2007, 08:12:12 PM

I 'bumped' an older note to the top. It shows my own finished 2-8-0. Yours should look like this before long!

(I haven't started on my tender as yet)

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: 4-Function Dual-Mode® Decoder
June 28, 2007, 05:30:03 PM
Thanks again Hunt,

In my last post I meant to say "is Bachmann 'DCC On Board' like BLI", rather then my mistake when I typed "Bachmann DCC ready" ... but you answered my question anyway.

The reason i asked is that i am 'kit bashing several  Spectrum 2-8-0 "DCC Onboard" into ICRR #908s hoping eventually to sell them to anyone who would like a true ICRR model. I wanted to make sure that it was okay to say they are 'dual mode' when advertising them.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: 4-Function Dual-Mode® Decoder
June 28, 2007, 07:45:15 AM
Hi Hunt,

Thanks for that clarification. At one time I had several 'dual mode' Atlas diesels along with BLI steam (and the Lionel and Athearn  'Challenger') and wrongly 'assumed' that the DCC technology was the same with all of them. I appreciate the clarification ... specially since I run DC/Analog and am not knowledgeable about DCC beyond what BLI is able to do on my layout.

Here's a 'basic' question: Is Bachmann 'DCC Ready' like BLI (ready to run either way with automatic detection of what kind of power is being used) or does it have to be 'reset' as you have mentioned with Atlas "Dual Mode"?


lanny nicoet
HO / Re: flex track
June 27, 2007, 10:52:01 PM
No, no, Gene ... I distincly remember that saying (you have it backwards, I'm sure): It should be: 'measure once, cut twice'. I've proven the truth of that many,many times in my life  ;D

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: 4-Function Dual-Mode® Decoder
June 27, 2007, 08:28:56 PM
"Dual function" means that the locomotive will run either on DC/Analog power, or it can be programed for DCC operation. It will automatically recognize which power source you are using.

I believe the Bachmann "DCC On Borad" are essentially the same thing ... they will run on DC/Analog as is, or, they can be programmed to run on DCC when you switch over.

lanny nicolet
HO / To Orsonroy
June 27, 2007, 07:16:57 PM

I sure can be 'tempted' regarding working something out concerning a #908 ICRR Spectrum Connie  ;D ... contact me offline, okay!

lanny nicolet 
HO / Re: need help P2K 2-10-2
June 27, 2007, 07:14:15 PM
Hi Ray & GG,

Thanks for the compliments.

Keeping in mind Mr. Bach Man's warning about prices, etc on the forum ... suffice it to say that I am presently working on three specific 'kit bash' series for the ICRR. I intend to do a few to make them available if someone wants to spend the money to get a 'close resemblence' to an ICRR locomotive, including correct lettering using the excellent Spectrum mechanism.:)  I am NOT a 'fine scale', 'rivet counter' type modeler, however.

I will be using the Spectrum Heavy Mountain, Spectrum 2-8-0 and an 'competitor's heavy 2-10-2 (not, however, Life Like Heritage 2-10-2) to create the 2400, 2500 and 2600 series ICRR Mountains, the ICRR 900 series 2-8-0s and the ICRR 2700/2800 series 2-10-2s to begin with.

I have a couple 2-8-0s I am working on now (or will soon be working on) for other modelers. If anyone else is interested, please contact me privately offline.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: need help P2K 2-10-2
June 27, 2007, 03:18:02 PM
Hi GG,

I apologize for not realizing that you are Stephen's 'unofficial locomotive money managing agent'  :)

Here's a recent 'kit bashing' progress shot of Stephen's #908 from a Bachmann Spec 2-8-0.

Please be assured that the 'rebuilding program' is remaining 'within budget constraints'  ;D

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: need help P2K 2-10-2
June 27, 2007, 10:44:43 AM
Hey Stephen,

Glad you're back. Hope all that the doctors did to you while in ICU will help! Our church has been praying for your recovery.

Let me (us) know what you think about the running and hauling qualities of the Heritage 2-10-2. It's a very expensive locomotive, but according to Ray B. (Orsonroy) the 2900 IC is pretty close to the original 2900 series 2-10-2s. (In fact, I think Ray may have given Life Like some ICRR related advice when they were working on the master?)

Anyway, good to see you back on the forum, Stephen.

BTW, your Spec Connie #908 that I'm super detailing for you is coming along well. I'll send your some more 'progress' photos in the near future.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: ICRR #908 all done!
June 25, 2007, 01:57:33 PM
Hi Bo,

Thanks for the kind words. As to the domes on the top. The small dome closest to the cab is a small brass detail part from 'Greenway Products'. Added to this are Cal-Scale 'pop-valves' (only the top 1/3 of the valve is used) and Cal Scale 'glove valve' with a piece of .35 styrene rod for the base and .015 phosphor bronze wire running through the existing hole on the 'glove valve'.

This 'scratch, kit bashed' dome is directly from Ray's (Orsonroy) instructions. He gave me the info on parts needed as well as what needed to be done to put it all together.

The steam dome is the Bachmann original dome that comes on the Connie. However, the ICRR #900 class Connies, had a flat top on the steam dome, so it required filing and sanding to simulate a 'true' ICRR steam dome.

Of course the Paducah sand dome is completely scratch built, all out of styrene. Jon Grant has done something similar iwht his #908, but he used brass for the sand dome wrapper along with styrene to create his dome.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: 4-8-2 headlight
June 25, 2007, 01:46:04 PM

I am, sorry to say, in complete agreement with Gene about the headlight. The ONLY problem I have had with my 'stable' of Spectrum 4-8-2s is a burned out headlight. The exact same thing you described is what I have experienced. No headlight after running the Spec for a short time, but the firebox light works fine!

I consider the Spec Heavy Mountain to be Bachmann's best steam locomotive (that is my personal opinion only, of course. The other Specs are also very good locomotives)

I suppose, if you are really good with electronics and circuits, etc., you could replace the headlight yourself. But I personally don't recommend doing that. If you want the headlight to work right ... call Bridget at Bachmann service and set up a return/repair order number and send it in for warranty service.

OTOH if, like some modelers, you don't mind if the headlight on your steam locomotive doesn't work, then it seems to me you could go on using it as is.

I run DC/Analog so can't give you any advice on DCC operation and decoders. There are, however, many DCC experts on this forum who will help you.

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: What was the Bachmann Plus Series
June 23, 2007, 06:56:36 PM
Gene, how would you (or anyone on the forum) rate the Bachmann "Plus" steamers with the current IHC steamers such as the Mikes, Pacifics, etc ... the IHC 'Premiere' line of steam (excluding the newest 2-10-2 which is a real step forward for IHC, in my opinion)?

lanny nicolet
HO / Re: ICRR #908 all done!
June 23, 2007, 06:53:42 PM
Again, thanks for the kind words, Rich. One thing I have found is that there are some really great modelers out there, and some of that work has been shown on this forum. Photos of your excellent work and others, gives me a 'goal' to strive for. I have a lot to learn, but this aspect of model railroading is particularly satisfying to me.

I have a couple ICRR Spec Connies to do for other IC modelers and that too, is satisfying. After they are done, I am going to do a Spec Heavy Mountain patterned after the great photos Stephen Warrington shot for my of ICRR #2542 in McComb, MS.

lanny nicolet

HO / Re: ICRR #908 all done!
June 23, 2007, 01:37:49 PM
Thanks, Gene.

About the pilot airpumps: I don't know the answer as to why ICRR did that. Perhaps 'Orsonroy' or Brad, or some other ICRR expert can give an answer.

I do know that early ICRR series Pacifics, Mikes, 2-10-2s and Mountains had side boiler mounted airpumps. But once the Paducah shops worked on a locomotive, it generally came out with the boxy Paducah dome and pilot mounted airpumps.

lanny nicolet
HO / ICRR #908 all done!
June 23, 2007, 01:05:07 PM
Hi all,

I have finally finished ICRR #908 Consolidation (based on a Spectrum 2-8-0). All that remains now is the tender. Here are some photos: first, what I started with, and then several views of the 'finished' product. I have not, as yet, decided about weathering the model. This particular Spec 2-8-0 is 'DCC ready', not the newer 'DCC Onbaord" version.

The basic Spectrum 2-8-0

Left side #908

Right Side top of boiler.

Boiler front view.

lanny nicolet