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Messages - Skarloey Railway

On30 / Re: Look familiar
August 02, 2013, 05:23:34 PM
It's very pretty, but isn't it standard gauge?
Yes, that has me thinking. If anything, in terms of new ready-to-run products, the UK scene seems healthier than the US  scene. shows 4 new steam locos and 2 new diesels plus an inspection trolley and the upgrade of an old model with a new chassis in OO, which is the UK equivalent to HO.

I'd have assumed the UK market is smaller so why this should be is a puzzle.
Quote from: ksivils on July 19, 2013, 07:15:15 PM

Backwoods has converted HO scale 0-6-0s. Look under R-T-R or scroll way down the On3/On30 product listing page. You will see three different locomotives!

I know them: they're based on the Bachmann switcher but they're relatively modern looking machines, post 1910 ish at least. The chassis on the new Bachmann Porter looks to be earlier and possibly smaller which would suit an earlier and smaller prototype. A lot depends on what's hiding under that HO body but this is the sort of early loco I'd like to see as a conversion
General Discussion / Re: Fiddle Yard
July 20, 2013, 02:18:07 PM
My guess is that's for an automated model on public display. It is probably more reliable, and uses a lot less space, than a ladder of turnouts.
I was looking at the Porter 0-6-0 in HO and wondering what Backwoods Miniatures might do with it. Depends on wheelbase and wheel size and how much that differs from the On30 mogul and the HO switcher they've already used under On30 body kits, but first impression is the new Porter has an older look to the wheels and motion than the switcher and smaller wheels and wheelbase than the mogul. An 0-6-0 or 2-6-0 1880s Porter would be very nice  :P
General Discussion / Re: Favorite Train Movies
May 13, 2013, 08:53:14 AM
North-West frontier, a classic tale of derring-do has a nice old British built shunter (switcher to you guys) and is almost entirely set on board the train.

I do note that so far no one has mentioned Under Seige 2: Dark Territory a rubbish film but some nice RR action

A much better film is The Station Agent
Large / Re: Need Help Solving a Mystery
May 06, 2013, 08:16:16 AM
sn-8 from is close. Click on the link. Click on The Full Data Base by SN, then on numbers 1-200 and finally on sn-8.

It's close but notice that the prototype is much more primitive around the cylinders and below the footplate than is the model. The model has the upperworks of a very early shay and the bottom half is of much later design.
On30 / Re: Heisler Prototype?
April 16, 2013, 07:50:03 AM
That I will agree with.

Has to have a 'working' steam engine, though. So much better than a static lump of plastic and metal on an HO diesel chassis.

Even got a nice big 'box' for the decoder and speaker.
On30 / Re: Heisler Prototype?
April 15, 2013, 07:21:39 PM
Quote from: railexpert on April 15, 2013, 11:19:50 AM

just to clarify:
We all speak about the vertical part of a "T" Boiler  - not about a vertical boiler of a Welsh loco.

Railexpert      ::)

Well, everyone seems to be saying that the Heisler has a vertical boiler and it doesn't. But as you didn't like a Welsh loco with a vertical boiler, here's an American one instead:
a vertical boiler and a T boiler are completely different designs. What you keep referring to as the "vertical boiler" acts as the steam dome.

Here we are. vertical boiler, Tee boiler and straight boiler all on one page.
On30 / Re: Heisler Prototype?
April 15, 2013, 11:00:57 AM
Just to clarify: a vertical boiler has the firebox at the bottom, the boiler vertically above the firebox and the smokebox on top of that. This is an example of a vertical boiler locomotive.

If you look at B'mann's On30 shay you'll see that like the Heisler it has no steam 'dome'.
I'd like one of these and the catenary to go with it :P
On30 / Re: Heisler Prototype?
April 14, 2013, 08:58:54 AM
boiler in the cab?

Are people confusing a vertical boiler, as used on the early climaxes with a T boiler, as on the B'mann on30 shay?
Interesting. If the outer trucks just pivot and the middle truck pivots and moves laterally, then the mechanics would be simple but it would look awful on model curves.

But, if the outer trucks pivot and move radially, like the unpowered wheels on a 4-6-0 and the middle bogie just pivots then while it would look a lot better it would have some interesting mechanics if it's to have more than one powered bogie. If the centre bogie had traction tyres and the outer two just had power pick ups then it might have a much simpler mech but decent pulling power.

Actually the arrangement is much like a double-ended mallet.
Large / Re: Articulated Porter 2-4-4-0
March 12, 2013, 01:13:43 PM
It looks pretty, but under-powered. Your boiler/firebox is providing steam for twice the number of cyclinders but with no apparent increase in diameter or grate area.
On30 / Re: Heisler with six-wheel trucks?
February 18, 2013, 09:00:44 AM
I agree, they look a lot like Kitson-Meyers. More on the Anglo-Chilean Nitrate Rly here: