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Messages - Balrog21

HO / Re: Building a yard
March 05, 2013, 04:31:17 PM
i used only #4's and #5's for my turnouts. they gave me the most room, but make sure it's all workable..that you can get around in the yard to the mainline and branchline without too much trouble.
just have fun with anyrail for a can also download a program ..arrghh i cna think of the name of it..but it lets you import the anyrail program and run actual trains around your layout. Ah yes, can get the trial software for free and take the layout for a spin. =) Hope this helps but I highly suggest you take note(s) and heed the others advice above mine...they have many years experienc welll and above me!
Best and thanks!
General Discussion / Re: Roads,sidewalks,etc.
March 04, 2013, 07:29:38 AM
I saw a vid on this flocker, Jerry. I'll see if I can dig it up today for ya. Yeah, he has some very impressive scenery skills. His trees are outstanading...Scenic Express Super Trees..must go look these up!
HO / Re: layout help
March 03, 2013, 08:13:13 AM
this layout has 22inch outer and 20" inner, and a 18" last inner.
HO / Re: layout help
March 03, 2013, 08:05:05 AM
I had done the 18 and 22 inch combo and it works fine it makes a 20" radius, if you go that route start with the 22 then alternate pieces (22,18,22,18,22, etc) till the half circle is complete. Or as Donel said move up to 26 for the outsise and then 22 on the inside. Much better for the engines and rolling stock I moved up to this and don't have any problems at all with any of my rolling stock.
HO / Re: layout help
March 03, 2013, 01:56:44 AM
yep, Anyrail will solve your headaches! =)
General Discussion / Re: Show us your layout
March 03, 2013, 01:47:14 AM
great stuff, guys! I'm envious! Yeah, Anyrail is the bomb! I also love how you can color things in with the grasses and such..I'm doing that with my roads at the moment with mine! GREAT stuff..I will look over this layout and try not to let my jaw drop to the floor! Nice one though!

PS Man, I wish we could all get together in a room and just shoot the breeze for a couple of could you imagine the stories we could tell!
yepperz. you can check out my vid here on youtube...i have a 26" and 22" and have two #6 crossovers. =)
you can see the two crossover at the 2:32 time mark. they work great!
General Discussion / Re: ho set recommendation
March 01, 2013, 08:16:46 PM
I just saw the incline questions Raz...woodland scenics makes some awesome almost easy as eating cake, BUT there are some things to take into consideration before purchasing them....first I don't know how tall you want the final incline to be...woodland scenics makes two different types for a 4inch is 8 feet and one is 16...also depending on the amount of cars you're pulling as well...and remember what goes up must come down so if you choose the 8 you need 8 leading up and then 8 coming down...
this is just me personally after watching and observing my own layout...I prefere the 16 feet's not a strain on the engine unless you run the train at a very low and moderate speed....and coming down on a 8 feet incline the engine does gain momentum. so be wary of that...on my new layout I'm going to be doing a 16 lead in into a 4 inch rise and coming down on a 8 feet incline. But then again that's just me and I like to run long trains...if you remember watching my vids on youtube you can see the momentum the train gets coming down the slope. I need 4 inches as I'm doing an over under type thing on my layout...I haven't seen it done before so I'm treading into new water very soon!
But you my not want your inclines that tall at all. Just remember what you use to go up you must use to come down or problems will occur. Hope this helps!
General Discussion / Re: Show us your layout
March 01, 2013, 08:07:18 PM
anytime! it's too bad the pics aren't that big, but with the tutorial I'm going to do it should make things a whole lot clearer and more understandable in the pics...
HO / Re: Bachman EZ Track turnouts.
March 01, 2013, 08:01:30 PM
an old train DC powerpack with power terminals will do the trick or a old cell phone charger..the old train power packs are cheap on ebay, that's what I did....Jerry O can explain this better than I. Hopefully he will chime in on here pretty soon!
General Discussion / Re: Show us your layout
March 01, 2013, 10:09:24 AM
I'm posting just the link it seems if I do this the pics are a little bigger and a little easier to read and ACTUALLY SEE the screen a bit better!
General Discussion / Re: Show us your layout
March 01, 2013, 10:04:36 AM
I've had a few people ask me about the anyrail program I've responed to each. I'm going to put up some screen shots for you to see some things anyrail will do and will most likely this weekend do a VERY basic tutorial video showing how to use Anyrail for the first time beginner.

the pics didnt' turn out so well but it's just screen captures but I will tell you what's going on the pics...

ok, in the first pic show the whole bachmann eztrack list, and when you move the mouse over a piece of the list it tells you what it is, also at the very top is a list of all the track from all the manufacturers Anyrail has for you to choose from.

this pic shows a selcted piece of track at the bottom it tell you the product number and size, length of the track selected. The neat thing about this is that you can tell the program to autojoin the pieces and just pull the desired piece to an existing piece and it automatically joins the track together.

the last pic shows a piece of 100 code flex track selected, at the bottom it tells me the exact lenght it is as well along with its product number and what type of track is used. So, yes, you can combine different companies tracks to make your plan.

Hope this helps! Anymore questions just ask away!
General Discussion / Re: 9 inch power terminal
February 24, 2013, 04:00:21 AM
I want to chime in here and say that if you have the space of straight lines for it, pick up and add in those 3' sections of track, they are expensive but let me tell you I added in a few to my existing layout and the engine performance increased over 75%.
General Discussion / Re: Show us your layout
February 24, 2013, 03:58:11 AM
@GG! haha, yeah The Mist is pretty intense and about as close as you can get to the novella in King's short story book. Glad you enjoyed it! I'm a writer as well. =) The Mist is probably my favorite novella of all time. Frank Darabonte did an awesome job with it, and most people don't know but it was filmed in Shreveport, Louisiana Jerry!  ;D

I will have a few pics to add soon, nothing on the layout but the progress of getting the said needed parts for expansion and whatnots.
General Discussion / Re: dcc turnouts
February 24, 2013, 03:49:18 AM
I would agree on all things said by Jerry here, Raz. Numbered turnouts are best. Yep, TheFavoritespot on ebay IS the best place and cheapest place to shop around for the Bachmann track. He even puts said turnouts up for auctions and if you're luck you can get them a few bucks under what he sells them for. Good luck!