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Messages - TerencetheTractor525

Thomas & Friends / Re: Items to re-release
September 19, 2019, 05:38:10 PM
Welcome to the forum! Those are very nice suggestions! I would love to see the tar tanker make a comeback in particular. As for anything you missed, what about the red express coaches?  ;)
Thomas & Friends / Re: Bachmann Thomas & Friends in 2020
September 19, 2019, 10:48:16 AM
Additionally, the Old Shape Henry only appeared in Season 1. Bachmann has stated that they would not make products that require new toolings that only appeared in one season. Hence, announcing a highly sought after engine like Stepney for 2020 would make much more sense ;).
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Daisy Thread
September 10, 2019, 03:01:44 AM

I have pasted a link to a video showcasing a custom Daisy model that a Thomas modeler, TopKaz Fatt, made many years ago. While the facial expression is a little bit odd, it is amazing that the custom model consists of moving eyes and operating headlights. I also love the fact that the model has transparent windows, even though the interior exposes some wires. Seeing that makes me wish that the Bachmann model will have transparent windows, even though most people currently feel that it is unlikely.

One other thing I have been wondering is if Daisy's face will have eyelashes. Personally, I would be completely fine if Bachmann does not bother to include them.

What are everyone's thoughts?
Thomas & Friends / Re: Large Scale Thomas
September 05, 2019, 02:24:56 PM
Quote from: Falcon the 2nd on September 03, 2019, 07:47:58 PM
Demand is a very valid point to bring up. No product can be made for a single person, after all.

Requests for new toolings haven't been super common in recent months following Toy Fair 2019, but Mavis and the Red Coaches are still the more oft mentioned options for a new tooling (at least as far as I can tell). Interest in Large Scale is still present, but it just has a relatively smaller audience than other lines. Since it has been so many years without an enticing announcement and concern for its future has been expressed on recent occasions, it wouldn't hurt for Bachmann to lend the line even a little bit of respect when February 2020 comes.

Oh absolutely! Don't get me wrong. I definitely think that the large scale line should have something descent announced for February 2020 to be fair to all Bachmann Thomas fans. Yet, I'm also wondering how much making certain products like Mavis and the Red Coaches would benefit Bachmann, considering that they would require massive new toolings for the body shells, and as you said, the large scale audience is smaller than the HO and Narrow Gauge lines.
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Everything Thomas Topic
September 05, 2019, 01:59:11 PM
Great news! As a loyal Bachmann Thomas fan, I'm very happy to see how well Bachmann is doing with the Thomas line. Seeing engines constantly out of stock and then coming right back in stock, as well as the surprise announcement of Daisy, Peter Sam, and Troublesome Truck #6 back in July are perfect examples. Can't wait to see what February 2020 has in store too! Almost everyone is hoping to see an HO Stepney announced to celebrate the 75th Anniversary! Hopefully, it will work out :).
Thomas & Friends / Re: Large Scale Thomas
September 03, 2019, 02:36:08 PM
From what I have seen, the unfortunate reality with Large Scale is that there are not enough people interested in the line. Thus, to be frank, I think that the only way announcing new large scale products that would consist of any sort of new tooling like Mavis and the Red Branch line Coaches would benefit Bachmann is simply if there are more people stating that they want to see them made. This not only goes for the Bachmann Forum, but other branches of social media as well.

Even in HO Scale, I would personally love to see more resin buildings made, but I decided to not include them in my February 2020 list because I know that they have not done great with sales in the past.

Nevertheless, to be fair to all Bachmann Thomas fans, I think that the Large Scale line should have something new announced in February 2020. That's why I suggested an LBSC Green Thomas and Troublesome Van. Neither would require any sort of new tooling, so I could see those as possible candidates.
Below is a new list of what I hope will get announced for February 2020  :).

HO Scale
Stepney (with moving eyes)
Tar Tanker
Red Express Coach
Red Express Brake Coach

Narrow Gauge
Red Brake Van
Blue Brake Van
Brown Brake Van

N Scale
Thomas with Annie and Clarabel Train Set

Large Scale
LBSC Green Thomas (with moving eyes)
Troublesome Van

I would have also put James and some new rolling stock for N Scale, but after seeing that they would all require new toolings, that N scale line is brand new, and especially that more people currently want to see an HO Stepney announced to celebrate the 75th Anniversary, I thought that it would be best to hold off on the N scale James and rolling stock for another year  ;). With 2020 as Thomas' 75th Anniversary, and that Stepney and the narrow gauge brake vans are the only two products that would require new toolings, hopefully the majority of these will get announced, especially Stepney :).
Thomas & Friends / Re: Stepney or Ryan?
August 29, 2019, 07:32:50 PM
I am extremely pleasantly surprised with the amount of attention this thread has been getting. I'm also happy to see that those on Team Ryan would even like to see Stepney made. That's why I still think that Stepney should definitely be the next engine that Bachmann announces.

And while I know that there is controversy over when Stepney could be announced, I'm sure that most fans can agree that there is not another product Bachmann could realistically announce that would be more of a wonderful way to celebrate Thomas' 75th Anniversary than Stepney, even if he gets delayed.  ;)
Thomas & Friends / Re: Stepney or Ryan?
August 21, 2019, 08:35:58 AM
While thinking about it more, I completely agree. As Stepney is a classic engine, seeing him announced during Thomas' 75th Anniversary would be such a pleasant surprise to the point where if he is the only thing that gets announced for the HO line in February 2020, I would still be ecstatic. I will even state that if this means that nothing will get announced for the narrow gauge line next Feb, I would be perfectly fine with that.
Thomas & Friends / Re: Stepney or Ryan?
August 17, 2019, 09:27:45 AM
Exactly! With the amount of people who want to see Stepney made, I really hope that we won't just get a Green LBSC Thomas and/or Black James for February 2020's HO engine. :-\

Stepney would be a much more exciting announcement for the anniversary!  :)
I would love to see more additions to the resin building line. Sadly, they did not do well with sales in the United States. However, as Cheeky ULP stated, Bachmann would be missing out on a major opportunity if they discontinue the line, as the resin buildings generally do much better with sales in the UK and Japan.

I've made plenty of suggestions for new buildings they could add in the past:,34707.0.html

Would love to see a narrow gauge double engine shed and ruined castle in particular!
Thomas & Friends / Re: Stepney or Ryan?
August 13, 2019, 11:11:08 PM
Extremely happy with the amount of people who on board with seeing Stepney announced next! At this rate, it would be rather disappointing if Bachmann does not announce him for the 75th Anniversary.

Every episode Stepney stars in is brilliant after all  ;D. For instance:

Thomas & Friends / August 2019 Greenberg Train Show
August 11, 2019, 12:33:11 AM
On Saturday, August 10th, 2019, I experienced one of the most grand events in my life at the Greenberg Train Show in Edison, New Jersey. Displayed in one corner of the expo center were various props from the original Thomas television series that utilized models. I am so grateful for having the opportunity to see these incredible Thomas props as well as having the pleasure to meet Thomas fans from far and wide. This was truly a day that I will never forget. Here are some pics from the show:

The train show will also be held on Sunday, August 11th, 2019. Would highly recommend it to any avid Thomas fan!
I'm sure that Bachmann is well aware that the majority of Thomas fans despise Nia and Rebecca. As Chaz stated, it is something that we have gone through multiple times. When I stated "popular", I was not only referring to the amount of fans who want the engine to be made in the Bachmann line. I was also referring to their amount of appearances on the show today (this being the case for Nia & Rebecca, as they are main characters on the show now). I apologize for not making that more clear. Yet, even if fans wanted Bachmann to make Nia and Rebecca, both of their toolings would be very expensive to make (much more than Stepney and Ryan, both of whom fans would like to see a Bachmann model of), which is why I don't think that either would be feasible to begin with.

Hence, instead of wasting space on the forum with comments on Nia and Rebecca, let's get back on topic.
1. Are you more excited for Daisy or Peter Sam?
2. What are your thoughts on Bachmann announcing Stepney in February 2020?
Please look at this new thread if you have not done so yet:,35991.0.html

Thank you so much!
Quote from: TrainFan97 on August 08, 2019, 01:38:12 AM
I do agree that Stepney should be made first, to celebrate the 75th Anniversary. Mattel better let Bachmann make him for this occasion.

If Stepney gets announced next Toy Fair, that would open the door to possibilities like BoCo, another character who hasn't appeared in the show for quite some time. Daisy is the first large diesel in the Bachmann Thomas range. Since Diesel 10's claw would breech the NMRA standards, as stated numerous times, the only other possibility for the second large diesel is BoCo.

Some say BoCo would benefit from a CGI render like Daisy did, but, since we haven't seen a returning Awdry character since Season 21, and given the show's current direction, with Andrew Brenner stepping down, it's not likely BoCo would return to the show anytime soon. However, it's not like BoCo had anything wrong with his classic series model, like Daisy did by having low bufferbeams. I'm sure if BoCo gets made in his model series design, he would sell like hot cakes.

Already, you've stated some good points as to why BoCo would be a great candidate. I have more discuss with him, but I'll save that for a later date, as Bachmann really should focus on the two engines fans want most: Stepney and Ryan

Quote from: DucktheGWREngine08 on August 08, 2019, 06:53:01 AM
I still doubt Mattel would let Bachmann do something like that, they care about money more than the fans.

The irony with that comment is that in terms of new toolings, it would cost less for Bachmann to make classic engines like Stepney and BoCo than any of the popular CGI engines such as Ryan, Nia, Rebecca, and Hiro, due to their simpler designs, and yet there is much more demand for classic engines throughout the fandom, especially with Stepney.

If the licensor really cared about money, they would allow at least allow Bachmann to make this one exception for the 75th Anniversary. More is explained in the Stepney or Ryan thread.