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Messages - kdgrant6

HO / Limits of a Bachmann EZ Command Control Center?
February 24, 2015, 12:57:32 PM
I am running the following on a layout of under 100 total feet of EZ Track:

2 Bachmann Locomotives, both DCC, one with sound
2 DCC Crossovers
3 DCC turnouts

The only power is the 1 amp transformer that the Echo Valley Set came with.

In answering a question on Amazon, one reviewer wrote that he upgraded power to his Bachmann DCC layout only after going beyond 5 locomotives and nearly 400 ft. of track.  He claims the 1 amp is sufficient unless a user expands a layout considerably.  Bachmann manual states that running more than 2 locos may require additional power. 

I have no problems running my layout now, but I have a 3rd DCC loco (with sound) coming, and plan on expanding the layout even more. 

I'm wondering what other users have experienced concerning power upgrades for the Bachmann DCC controllers.

Thanks for any enlightenment.
HO / Re: Small switch yard layout
February 23, 2015, 07:06:44 PM
Another thing to throw into this. 

Both my loops are inclined 3%,  Each begins inclining on the first curved section past the crossovers.  The outside loop uses only 4 sections of the Woodland Scenics set, so halfway around, it peaks at 3" and begins to drop behind the inner loop, which reaches 4 3/4" before declining.  It does an over-under--a dumb idea, probably, but the grandkids think it's cool.

I occurred to me that because the tracks are side by side on the back incline, I probably could move a crossover there. Maybe it's better to have the turn outs and crossovers in front of me.  Inevitable derailings would be more convenient to reach.
HO / Re: Small switch yard layout
February 23, 2015, 06:50:10 PM
Hi, Len.

I've been in the basement working with the "yard," an overstatement based on what I have, but still fun.  I had your layout image on my cell phone and was trying to see how it would work, even though I had only 3 turnouts.  After awhile, I looked at your layout image upside down on my phone, and thought, "Hey."  I modified that a bit, but I'm letting it sit to see if it's a keeper.

So now, coming out of the bottom turn moving left, I have a left turnout on the inside loop.  (BTW, it's an even tighter turn than a #4.  It's a Bachmann EZ Track #44130 (# 44131 for the right.)  AS left # 4 is #44139.

This turnout is followed by two crossovers.

The turn out has a 9"straight, then a right (sharp) turnout, giving the two parallel yard tracks you show at the top of the layout.  I then have another left turnout on the spur closer to the mains, and run another parallel track back toward the left. 

It gives me space in the upper right hand section of the layout to do a village.  I can run a road over the crossovers and around past the bumpers.

Thanks for the help!
HO / Re: Small switch yard layout
February 23, 2015, 11:53:39 AM
Very nice. Len.  I haven't locked down the layout yet, so I'll try tightening the over/under loop to get more room so that I can put the turnout first coming out of the curve.

Could you use a Wye after the 1st left hand on the bottom?

Also (and this is potentially dumb) Which would be the best direction for the trains to run in your layout?  Where would you put the uncouplers?
HO / Re: Bachmann minimum radius
February 22, 2015, 02:51:12 PM
This comment may be helpful. 

I wondered how I could purchase a manual turnout similar to the one Bachmann offers in its DCC Commander set.  I called their sales department and was connected to their tech department.  I was told that they might have one lying around.  A representative called me back the next day, and I bought one for $18.35 (shipping included). 

When it came, it was the # 44130 DCC turnout.  I purchased  another one from them and a used right turnout (#44131) off Amazon.   
See P. 114 on this link:

Pacific Northern says to avoid them, especially at high speeds, but I haven't had any problems.  I use a left turnout as a yard entrance and the other two as spurs off that entrance.  I have them programmed, and they work fine.

Hope this helps.

I initiated this topic, but it is far beyond me now. 

I suppose I just lucked out to have programmed the Bachmann EX Track crossovers and turn outs successfully while they were in the layout. 

However, to be safe, when it comes in this week, I'll program the replacement crossover using an extra terminal and track separate from my layout.  I'll use this method when reassigning addresses of any new locomotives I'll add.

Maybe I'll continue to have no problems with what I've already programmed.

Thanks for the help.
HO / Re: Depth of foam board on 4x8 layout
February 21, 2015, 12:36:15 PM
We have Glassy Mtn. in upstate SC, a bald front with trees on top.  It looks rather like a primeval anthropoid emerging from the earth.
HO / Re: Depth of foam board on 4x8 layout
February 21, 2015, 11:49:05 AM
Thanks, Dave.  Good sound advice.

I've decided to leave the board with the 1" foam on top.  I have Woodland Scenics 3% inclines doing a loop.  I plan to build up the area inside the loop as a mountain (a monadnock, if you will) and do a lake halfway down its slope.  The stream that empties the lake will disappear between two hills.
Thanks, Hunt

Before programming the 2nd locomotives, I removed the first one.  Both locos work fine.

But I did not experience what you said I would in regard to other devices.  I programmed three turn outs and two crossovers in place, with each one of these assigned to a different number. All were in the layout, electrically connected.   I've had no problem with the programming, only with the defective crossover I've had to send back.

I don't follow this statement of yours:
Programming on the Main (also called Operations Mode Programming and Ops programming) is a programming mode done using the layout track. However it  programs only the decoder address specified.

I'm sure you know much more than I on this topic.  I'm just trying to understand the conflict of what I've been told and what I've experienced.
Yes, I removed the original loco that came with the set.  I programmed the new loco for # 2.  Then I returned the other loco to the layout and left it at # 3.

BUT I programmed the three turnouts and two crossovers in place, assigning each of the 5 to a different #.  They all work fine--except for the crossover with a defective switch, which I'm sending back.  When the replacement comes, I'll program it by plugging it into my terminal, which I'll detach from the layout. 

I can't detach wires from a Bachmann DCC crossover without detaching the crossover first.

I was just wondering why Bachmann recommended something that was contrary to my experience.
I have an apparently defective Bachmann DCC crossover.  After initially working when I programmed it, it now switches only one of the two rails.  I've reprogrammed it several times with the same results.

I called Bachmann Returns and Repair and spoke with the man in charge.  I received a peculiar reply.

He told me the recommended way to program any DCC product--whether it be a locomotive, a turn out, or a crossover.  Bachmann recommends having a separate "service rail" consisting of another terminal and a couple pieces of track.  He said trying to program DCC on an operating layout would cause problems.

However, I have programmed two locomotives, three turn outs, and another crossover successfully by just "programming them in place" in my expanded original layout.

I was wondering about other people's experience with DCC programming.
HO / Re: Attaching EZ track
February 17, 2015, 12:53:51 PM
So the moral of the story is "Don't use EZ track."

Actually, I've seen videos about adding ballast to EZ track.  Maybe it was trick photography, but the results looked pretty good.
HO / Re: Attaching EZ track
February 17, 2015, 11:34:09 AM
Let me add that I plan to ballast the track eventually. (I'm sure some will think: lots of luck on that).
HO / Attaching EZ track
February 17, 2015, 11:32:42 AM
This is my first layout.  I am running it to without the EZ firmly attached just make sure that's the way I want it.

My question is: do you glue down EZ track, or do you permanently attach it at all? 

My layout is on a 4x8 train table.  The underlayment is a 1 inch sheet of Owens Corning foam. 

I have Woodland Scenics 3% inclines, which are pinned now, but I plan on gluing them to the foam sheet.

Can I just pin the track (a 2" foam pin on each side of the inclines at intervals)?

I can use 1" finishing nails to press into the foam on the track that is not on inclines.

I would welcome ideas.

HO / Re: Depth of foam board on 4x8 layout
February 17, 2015, 10:46:16 AM
That's a good comparison.  Thanks.