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Messages - JD417

thats not james tender, thats the back side of thomas' bufferbeam
sparks got wat i was going at, i really wanted to see that one bc hornby already made the version bachmann just did :\
simple opinion of mine, dont like it, hornby already did this version, i was really hoping and looking foward to the bogied ones like the mail cars :\
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Duck Thread
March 07, 2012, 07:24:46 AM
Well with the high price of duck I'm gonna take a wild  guess and say it would be possibly the best model because if such a high price for a tank engine
I love how I started the trend of making a warship diesel to match diesel 10's length, I've seen and heard that like 7 people have gotten the inspiration from me I'm glad to know that my ideas spread makes meh feel special :p :3
Thomas & Friends / Re: The Bachmann Duck Thread
March 06, 2012, 10:45:54 AM
And I'll fourth it! =)
I honestly think that large scale emily's wheel, would be the world's biggest model train wheel. on a scale of train you dont sit on to go for a ride of course :P
Thomas & Friends / Re: Duck's Face
February 08, 2012, 03:07:13 PM
yes Alex, i'm back but only until the toy fair, when we get the conformation, or not, of Duck
Thomas & Friends / Re: Duck's Face
February 08, 2012, 02:22:44 AM
I must say that for a model that has been so long waited for, I think Bachman should do what we all want on this fantastic soon to be model, Duck's clay face. I've been waiting for this day ever since I've started modeling, and I must say, I almost cried when I heard that bachmann was gonna make duck, although he is not officially confirmed, I must say the day I found out they might actually produce my favorite character, was a day I'll never forget. But come to think of it, even though that diesel was a classic character, they still gave him a CGI face... But his CGI face actually somewhat looked like the model's clay face. Duck's CGI face on the other hand, has little to almost completely no resemblance to the original clay face. So I honestly think Bachmann will do what's right and give us the face we grew up with, with those high cheek bones, and that cheeky smile. Not a face that has a typical, quaint, smile, with no shapes. And plus the fact that he only had the CGI face only 2 or 3 times! So if Bachman were to give him that face that was seen 2,3 times, rather than one that stuck around for almost 7 seasons I'd find it very odd, and strange of Bachmann to do something like that.

Oh ya and... Hi I'm back! :)
Thomas & Friends / Re: Neville or Molly?
November 07, 2011, 07:05:54 PM
WOW... THAT'S SO WEIRD... lol i came back on here to ask about these 2, oh and one other, but he's already made by Hornby...

anyway, first i'll ask the easy question; does anyone know when the Hornby Murdoch is due for release?
2nd ?; does anyone know of a Bachmann engine that has the same exact wheel arrangement (and maybe close size) of the Bachmann City of Truro? if so can i please be informed by a link and/or exact picture? because i'd like to replace my custom Molly with a better proportion sized wheel base than having to use the Bachmann Edward's. thanks :)
3rd ?; does hornby still make their Q1 class? or did bachmann ever make that class and im not aware of it?

THANKS ~JD41796 ;D

oh and let me answer what the point of this topic was actually about ;)
if Bachmann would ever made either of those 2 i would definetly get them, but i would only get Neville right away. i wouldn't be rushing to get molly seeing how i already have a model of her and would be kinda pointless to have an amazing one and my fail attempt one being shunned
In all honesty i don't see Bachmann making them because (like Sparks said)
Quote from: Sparks on October 28, 2011, 10:59:49 PM
I could see Molly before Neville, she's had more roles.

But in terms of HiT characters, I'd see Rosie and Stanley before those two.
i dont like having to deal with webs, so i just made a facebook page :)
Thomas & Friends / Re: Diesel has arrived
October 24, 2011, 01:08:39 AM
i have a bone to pick with bachmann; the wheels are awfulllllllyyyyyy small compared to his huge face and tall body, and plus the side rods move way to quickly... and i just dont get this;

CGI face and SILVER side rods? ???

if anything it should be;

classic face and sliver side rods. or,
CGI face and BLACK side rods...

obviously id (like most people) prefer that first option, but in all honesty i really wouldnt care either way

and the closed cab is kinda depressing...
but one other thing; apperently he is "slow" just like the prototype, the class 08 diesel shunter, if i may ask, why is this? maybe because the small wheels and the side rods moving to fast resulted in bachmann having to make its top speed a somwhat slower one compared to most other thomas engines? idk if i could get the bach-man to answer me that would be nice, then i would have the actuall legit real reason :3 :P
Thomas & Friends / Re: Lady the Golden Engine...HELP
October 09, 2011, 07:40:00 PM
What i did to make mine was;
Buy a ERTL and Bandai Lady, and use parts from Bachmann Edward, Percy, and Bill/Ben
Take a pair of Bachmann Bill/Ben wheels,
Take off the side rods that come from the piston to the wheels,
Put on Bachman Percy piston rods,
Bachmann Edward Motor,
Bachmann Edward Circit Board,
Make a scratchbuilt chassie block,
Using the Bandai Pistons, glue them on to the front of your custom made chassie block,
Put in the wheels,
Make a gear system from the motor to the wheels that will fit in the small boiler of the ERTL Lady
Once you got that you can fill up the extra space in the boiler with extra weight to make it a better puller,
Then, once it definetly runs, add extra details, such as new buffers like from Bachmann Edward (what i did), and a hook in the back,
then glue or figure out how to screw in a back coupling,
Switch the ERTL Lady and Bandai Lady faces to get a better look on the outside
Put in cab detail and/or add some people like lily or burnett or patch ect. in the cab
Quote from: PasqualeCS96 on June 22, 2011, 03:06:28 PM
What is the purpose and advantage of using sprung buffers?

also when u run an engine into a car or somthin they will go farther and they wont come derailed ;)
that is correct  :)