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Messages - hawaiiho

HO / Re: DCC turnout issues
September 20, 2011, 11:02:56 AM
I have had the same problem for some time.  I have found that certain Bachmann(only Bachmann) DCC locomotives cause the problem with only one particular turnout.

I only have three DCC turnouts and the only one effected is in one of three loops, so I am able to work around it fairly easily.
HO / Re: Missing product?
June 13, 2011, 12:31:31 PM
Quote from: ryanlbrooks on June 12, 2011, 05:22:17 PM
Bought my first Bachmann this weekend at a garage sale and looking for some info.
It has 80918 stamped on the back and "Bachmann HO Electric Train Set" on the front.
The seller told me he bought it in 1978 and never opened it.

Can't find this product # anywhere online, including your site.
See lots of great sets here, just wondering where mine fits in with your lineup.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


It would help if you could provide more of a description. IE, a set name, if it is on the box, railroad name(on the locomotive and/or caboose), freight or passenger,  the type of locomotive(steam, diesel) the cars included, etc.
There are references available for these old sets, but they require more information than you provided.

HO / Re: 2-8-0 consolidation and 18" radius
May 26, 2011, 12:02:50 PM
Quote from: Len on May 26, 2011, 10:34:21 AM
Since the "What radius?" question comes up a lot on the forums, and a lot of folks don't have a Bachmann catalog, it would be a 'good thing' if the recommended curve size info was included in the on-line Product Reference.


I, whole heartily, second that suggestion.

HO / Re: adding a spur.
May 11, 2011, 12:28:48 AM
Thanks guys.

HO / adding a spur.
May 10, 2011, 07:24:19 PM
I would like to add a couple of spur sidings to my layout.

I am considering using the # 5 Turnouts to exit the mainline to the spur.

I won't be bringing the spur back to the mainline at the other end--just terminating it.

What can I use to bring the spur back to parallel with the mainline?
HO / Re: DCC Control
April 03, 2011, 12:39:32 AM
Quote from: Doneldon on April 02, 2011, 09:24:35 PM

The booster will work with any DCC system, including Dynamis. You are right that the wireless doesn't work with the EZ Command. That's why I suggested getting the Dynamis.
                                                                                     -- D

You, of course, are correct. After I posted, I dug out my Dynamis manual and there it was.

As the old saying goes,   If all else fails, read the manual.

HO / Re: DCC Control
April 02, 2011, 07:09:32 PM
Quote from: Doneldon on April 02, 2011, 06:19:06 PM

I was just rereading these posts and I noticed that I somehow thought you have an NCE unit but you don't, so let me revise my comments.

The Bachmann Dynamis is a full featured control system (except for reading CVs) for which you already have a radio throttle and a five amp booster. I suggest you stay with Bachmann since the Dynamis will be cheaper than NCE or Digitrax and you already have several compatible components. NCE and Digitrax are fine products but you already have a good Bachmann inventory. Also, you can use your booster with the EZ Command controller for now, giving you lots of power, so you can wait to buy the Dynamis until it fits into your budget or you find a great deal at your LHS, online or at ebay.
                                                                                                                          -- D

As previously posted the EZ Command and Dynamis components are not interchangable. So, it appears that to get  your Dynamis  up to the power level of your EZ Command would require, not only the purchase of a Dynamis System, but the additon of the Dynamis Pro Box.
Someone check me on that.
HO / Re: DCC Control
April 02, 2011, 06:12:54 PM
I have both the Bachmann Dynamis and the NCE Power Cab.
I am  happy with both
The Dynamis has the advantage of having a wireless handheld throttle, while the Power Cab is tethered. The Dynamis will store a lot more locomotives at a time than the Power Cab. I have operated two sound locomotives at a time with both units(no problems).
The basic Power Cab has the advantage of offering full programing(ie, read and write CVs). While the basic Dynamis will only write CVs and  requires a very expensive upgrade to read CVs.
The Power Cab also offers  more options to expand at more reasonable prices. The Dynamis is limited in expandability and expensive to expand.

I guess it comes down to,  you must make your choice as to which is the most important to you.
I think that was the "Yardmaster" who posted that comment.

And yes, that is an excellent group and extremely helpful.
HO / Re: USRA Light 2-10-2
March 25, 2011, 01:18:35 PM
I have several 2-10-2 locomotives. Only one of them will run on the 18" radius loop without problems.

Even at that, it doesn't look very good. Not a good fit.
HO / Re: DCC Switches
March 23, 2011, 03:08:47 PM
My experience has been that the Bachmann DCC turnouts are more problems than then are worth; not to mention their cost.

I have three spots where I really need them do to wiring difficulties and that is where I stopped.

I have a total of 18 switches. All the rest are hard wired.

That would be my recommendation and that is what I have told my model RR friends.
Quote from: John The Sailor on March 23, 2011, 10:15:09 AM
Dear Hawaiiho or Will,
To answer your questions: #1. You are correct.  This solution may not resolve the individual turnout problems which I have noted in my experience have almost always been physical equipment problems, such as a burned out decoder, and not a programing problem.  However, there are about five people that contacted me on my last post who experienced the same system wide switch decoder failures who may be helped by understanding the solution that I happened upon.  And even if their problem is not exactly the same as mine they may be able to interpolate the essence of the solution that worked for my problem and find a resolution for theirs.  #2. I am not a Bachmann switch decoder guru but I would suggest that you pull the offending switch which is troubling you and test another one from your layout in its place.  If the other turnout works correctly I would send the bad one back to the Bachmann Service Department for evaluation...........or buy a new one.  Sometimes I forget it is a hobby too.  It is something to enjoy.  I try not to let something like one bad switch annoy me. The only major switch problems that I have come across are in the double crossovers and YIKES! their $60 bucks.  #3 This next response is said in humor.  In your last sentence in your posting you said that none of your sound locomotives cause any problems - but that you have a bunch.  Does that mean that you have a plethora of locomotives........or.......that you are having a lot of personal problems????? :)  Sincerely, John the sailo

I suspect a bad decoder in the turnout and am waiting for my LHS to get some in stock.  It appears to be a supply problem as all the internet retailers that I checked are also out of that particular item.
Glad that solved your problem, BUT, I'm not sure that your's is a cure for all those having problems with Bachmann's DCC turnouts.

I am having exactly the same problem with one of  my Bachmann DCC turnouts.

It occurs only with Bachmann non-sound decoder equiped locomotives on the track.

None of my sound locomotives cause any problem, and I have  a bunch.

HO / Re: DCC Control
March 21, 2011, 02:49:20 PM
Quote from: John Honeck Sr on March 20, 2011, 07:09:42 PM
I am about to build a layout. I want to operated it as a DCC controlled layout. The equipment I have is all Bachmann. I was at a train show in Lacrosse today and talked to a club, which is run with DCC control. The member tells me That I should use "Digitrax" equipment, that it is the best and will allways work with old equipment as they upgrade their equipment. How do you all feal about this? I plan to have about 20-25 loco's which I would run at the most 4 at a time. I don't think that I need an costly system. Thoughts?

If it were me, I would make the following list:

What I can spend.
What I need.

What I want

That is, the number of locos I plan to operate at a time, DDC switches, signals,etc.
programing ability.
Do I desire maximum flexability or simplicity of operation(very important)

Then obtain as much information as I can about as many DCC systems as I can.

DON"T rush into things. That is how mistakes are made. And correcting the mistakes can be expensive.


HO / Re: HO 4-6-4 Hudson??
February 21, 2011, 01:44:46 AM
Quote from: bobwrgt on February 20, 2011, 04:12:13 PM
Purchased all of mine from Ebay with no problems. 615 purchases in 10 years.
You might also want to check Trainworld. They sold more Hudsons than anyone. Sold the Rivarossi and Bli's at very deep discounts at one time.


They were among the first that I checked. No luck on what I was looking for.