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Topics - austrian

HO / Livery suggestions for the Bachmann
March 26, 2016, 10:34:34 AM
In the past years Bachmann released some nice examples of Western Maryland rolling stock in speed lettering.
What about some additions? What I would like:
Sound value models of FA2, GP7, GP9, S2, S4 - the tooling is there, just some paint needed...... ;D
Please re-release the 40´boxcar and the 55ton hopper in WM speed lettering.

And the nice model of the Northeast caboose sure would look great in the WM circus paint scheme as would a sound value GP35 and the F7.


Now that Bachmann has a nice range of 52ft Flat Car w/ 35ft Trailer, wouldn`t it be great to have a rerun of the Plasticville No. 2920 piggyback trailer terminal?

HO / Bad luck
October 15, 2015, 12:48:54 PM
Today I have received my parcel with spare parts I have ordered, Two Santa Fe shells, one FT-A and one FT-B. As shipping to Austria costs more than $ 30 I ordered both shells at the same time, a fuel tank cover and a geared wheel.  Big mistake! As the total cost of these parts was $ 33.60, the parcel did not go through customs unchecked. I had to pay $ 36 import duty (including service charge)  >:(

The invoice showed  H118X-00A01-SF-SR Body Shell - Santa Fe (Silver&Red - Black Vent) (HO: FT-B) that was the item I have ordered. But I received a F7B body shell that is useless for me!  :(
I paid $ 15 for the shell, $ 33,60 for shipping and $ 36 import duty. I hope the Bachmann parts team will advise me how to arrange for replacement without paying import duty again and I hope the cost of shipping the wrong shell back to Bachmann will be reimpursed.
I really wished American model railroading  would be more popular here in Austria/Europe making more local purchases possible as the cost of shipping and customs duty would be better spent on more rolling stock!
HO / Bachmann wheel sets do not fit Bachmann box cars?
October 09, 2015, 01:42:26 PM
I have bought Bachmann 42904 wheel sets. Unfortunately these do not fit Bachmann 40`box cars. I tred to fit the wheel sets on for example Bachmann 17014 and 17032 box cars but the axles are a little bit wider than the original ones and therefore do not turn.
So what for are these wheesets good, what cars can be equipped with them? What are the Bachmann wheelsets for my Bachmann box and stock cars?
Bachmann, please advise!
HO / E-Z App™ Train Control for Android?
September 01, 2015, 12:59:45 AM
Has the Android version been abandoned? I cannot find it entioned in the news announcement?

HO / minimum radius for doodlebug
August 18, 2015, 10:54:28 AM
What is the minimum radius the Bachmann Spectrum doodlebug can negotiate? I would like to use it but my minimum radius is just 19 1/4"
Is it DCC ready?

HO / Flywheel for FT
August 16, 2015, 04:18:08 PM
I am interested into buying Bachmann FT locos. From the parts diagram I learned that the FTs are not fitted with a flywheel. I have Bachmann F7 locos that are fitted and run fine. Would it be difficult to fit the FT with a flywheel? Or can I just plug in a motor with flywheel from F7?
Or will it run fine as it is and flywheel will not have benefit?

HO / What metal axles for trainset wagons?
May 10, 2015, 01:44:23 PM
I want to exchange the plastic axles of my Bachmann H0 trainset wagons but the 33" flat back wheel sets (item 42904) I bought do not fit - the axles are too long. Then I tried some Kadee 520 wheel sets but these again have axles that are too long so the wheels would not turn.
Any recommandations?

HO / Piggyback trains - can I mix roadnames?
May 10, 2015, 01:39:45 PM
When I run a piggyback train, can I mix roadnames and use the 52ft flat car / 35ft trailer from different roads or do I have to use only my home road? I would like some variety, for example add some NYC cars to my Santa Fe ones.
General Discussion / Contact the parts manager
April 22, 2015, 01:18:41 AM

I have sent an email on april 2nd and again on april 9th to [email protected] but until now not have  received an answer. So maybe this is not the right address. Please could someone tell me another address? Thanx!

HO / H0 Loco proposal for Bachmann
April 04, 2015, 02:45:37 PM
Bachmann, what about bringing back the F40PH? I would like it in Ski Train livery as I think it looks really good in Rio Grande colours. You could even use it in a Ski Train trainset. And please, do it as sound value!

HO / wheel sets for Thunder Chief trainset
March 31, 2015, 12:42:01 PM
Today my Thunder Chief trainset has arrived. While painting, lettering and couplers are well above the usual trainset stuff, I think the plastic wheelsets of the wagons are a let down. True, the wagons run well enough and don`t wobble but I think in the long term metal wheelsets are preferable as in my experience the rails stay cleaner.

So I want metal ones - please could someone tell me whether the 33" wheel sets (item 42904) are the right ones?

As Bachmann put the Nickel Silver track and a high quality sound value F7 into this set, I wonder if it is really necessary to save a few bucks by providing plastic wheelsets instead of the nice wheelsets the silver series fright cars come with. Wouldn`t it be better for the image if all components are to the same high standard? After all there are cheaper trainsets available for the very price sensitive buyers.
March 28, 2015, 02:46:45 AM
Having just read the  Model Railroader review of the Bachmann N scale EMD NW2 I now wish Bachmann could do it in H0 scale, too. It could be used on layouts large and small and there are lots of livery possibilities - so what about it, any chances Bachmann could do it, sound value maybe? My Santa Fe S4s could need some companions....

Please could someone enlighten me on some questions regarding the Blue Lightning - E-Z App™ Train Control as I want to add Santa Fe and Western Pacific FTs to my roster?

1) Are these locos fitted with decoders that only can be controlled using a Bluetooth-supported smart device or are these like the DCC locos that can be run using a DCC command control center or an analogue controller?

2) Is the sound chip and speaker in the loco or is the sound only available on the Bluetooth-supported smart device?

3) "uses new Bluetooth Smart technology that allows you to run trains from up to 100 feet away" - will it work on a layout    with tunnels?

4) "Android version will follow" - does this mean a different loco or a different app? For example if I buy a new smartphone and decide that I want an iphone instead of my android phone will I still be able to run my loco?

HO / What happend to the H16-44?
March 14, 2015, 04:14:00 PM
It is some time since the H16-44 has been available.
What about bringing it back into the range? As a sound value loco?
While I would buy at least two if available in Santa Fe, I like the look of this loco I could even buy one if not in Santa Fe.....
HO / My first Santa Fe layout
March 08, 2015, 01:42:51 PM
I have just finished the trackplan of my first H0 Santa Fe layout.
The layout will be built in a small room in the basement with a later extension into a 2nd room.

The trackplan:

Hello! I am new to this forum and new into American HO and English is not my native language so please apologize if my questions sound silly!

I am building an U shaped layout that I want to run with my children and visitors that are not model railroader, so I prefer an easy to use control system. I thought of using the control center from the Thunder Chief trainset and add 3 pieces of 44908 connector panels and a 44907 walk around companion. Later I could add a 2nd 44907 and 44910 power booster.
I have started collecting a fleet of locos, all Bachmann, I intend to use 7 locos in total but not at the same time so there are still addresses free on the control center for visiting locos. If I run a max of 3 sound fitted locos at the same time I think 1 booster should be enough? Would it be possible to run two sound value locos at the same time without booster - it would be nice to add the booster a little later and use the money now to complete the fleet.

I really would appreciate some input and discussion as I am living in Roco and Maerkling territory and Bachmann Trains as Model Railway supplier is alien to all the local modellers and LHS cannot order Bachmann items.