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Topics - Mark B

On30 / On30 Engine Maintenance/Lubrication
May 30, 2024, 11:35:13 PM
Many of us have been running our On30 steamers for quite a long time, most likely with little to no maintenance. Is there any information as to lubrication of gears and bearing surfaces?
I have some trepidation about opening an engine and having parts go flying to all corners of the work bench. Hopefully any information would provide a guide to accessing critical areas for each rod and geared engine as well as types of lubricants to be used. I know there was a VHS tape that Bachmann put out a long time ago, but mine probably got tossed when my VHS player quit working a long time ago.

Mark B.
On30 / Graphics Removal
January 16, 2024, 11:01:41 PM
Has anyone found a method to remove the graphics from the Bachmann cars? I am referring to items such as the passenger cars with the fantasy paint schemes depicting scenes with wolves, wildlife etc. I've tried sanding them off and that paint does not want to come off. Has anyone come across a solvent that might soften the paint enough to enable it to be scrubbed off? It doesn't matter to me if the base coat of paint comes off with the graphics as long as the plastic doesn't melt.

Mark B.
On30 / On30 18 Foot Cars-Next delivery date?
September 03, 2014, 01:40:03 PM
Mr Bach Man-

Can you give us any idea of when we can expect a shipment of the On30 18 foot freight cars?
I would really like some of the flat cars, tank cars, and both high and low side gondolas. The only item I found in stock was at Micro Mark and they had 1 of the box car sets. All the rest are out of stock. The last time I had a bunch of them on back order at MM but they did not have enough to fill all of the back orders. Please produce enough to supply the demand.

Mark B.