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Topics - CNE Runner

HO / New Bachmann 0-6-0 tank engine
September 10, 2009, 10:15:04 AM
I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new Bachmann 0-6-0 tank engine (since the last 2 Mantua tankers, bought on eBay, were junk). My question is: the website page lists the engine as DCC-equipped, while the description says the locomotive is "DCC ready". Mr. Bach Man, which is it?

The Bachmann listing can be viewed at:

No offense to the rest of you; but I need the answer from the Bach Man - not what you believe to be the facts.


I am in the planning phase of a new layout and wanted to spend an adequate amount of time 'seeing what is out there' least I reinvent the wheel. My meager collection of track plan books had nothing to offer. With this in mind, I went to a hobby shop and looked over their offerings. The shock was that most of these books were 'recycled' issues that have been out for years! I have an Atlas track plan book that was first published in 1969 and has been republished several times (usually - although not always with updated pictures).

A cursory search of the Internet yielded little of value and the MR track plan database was heavily weighted on the room-sized layout. I am familiar with Carl Arendt's website ('love it); but wasn't able to find anything there either. Any suggestions (beyond hiring someone to design a layout for me)? I was attracted to the Whatsup Dock Co. offering in the March 2009 Model Railroader - although that plan would require extensive modification (which is OK; unless there is something better out there).

I should mention that I am looking at an 'L-shaped' layout that measures 6'x 8'x 24". My major interest is in switching; so continuous running is not required nor desired.


General Discussion / New Ideas in Benchwork
August 06, 2009, 04:24:21 PM
I am in the process of constructing a new layout; but need to give you some background as to why. My almost completed current layout was to be moved from its present location in our garage (it is of a fold up design) to what was our guestroom. I carefully measured the guestroom window and determined the layout would pass through on the diagonal. Unfortunately, I measured on the inside and didn't take into account the screen 'molding' on the outside. The result is that the layout is approximately 2" too large. So it is back to the drawing board.

After careful consideration, I decided to plan a variation on the Whatsup Dock Co. offering in the layout section of the Model Railroader website (the layout was featured in the March 2009 issue of MR).

I have built probably 8 or 9 layouts in my modeling career. Some were well thought out...others left much to be desired. I am conversant in the L-girder, and tabletop designs and can rely on these experiences again. I am wondering if there is anything new in the hobby? In other words, are you all still using 1x4" pine or are there other materials that are lighter and less intrusive (otherwise one has to be very careful where the cross braces are located). Because I do not want to damage the walls of the room the layout will be 'L' shaped and free standing. Please keep in mind I am concerned about benchwork only...the surface material is not an issue.

Your replies are appreciated,
General Discussion / Short engines on EZ track?
July 27, 2009, 07:44:41 PM
I am in the process of building a copy of the Inglenook Switching Puzzle for a local youth group home. Because I'd like to 'throw a bone' to the good folks that provide us with an excellent forum - I chose Bachmann EZ track. This is my first encounter with EZ track; as my home layout is entirely made up of Peco track and Peco Electrofrog turnouts. Right off the bat, I noticed the huge plastic frogs on the EZ turnouts...uh oh.

For motive power I had planned to use a Mantua 0-6-0 tank engine. This little guy picks up power on the front two drivers only. As you can imagine, this is a very short engine -measuring 4.25" [11 cm] long and a distance of 1" [2.5 cm] between the only two pickup wheels. I have serious doubts that this locomotive will run flawlessly over such large insulated frogs. Has anyone had experience with Bachmann EZ track and very short industrial locomotives?

I am trying to keep costs down for the home and would hate to have to go out and purchase a larger locomotive (all my layout engines are DCC)...I am donating the engine, the 8 required cars as well as my time constructing the puzzle.

Your thoughts are appreciated,
General Discussion / When is a lot too much?
July 04, 2009, 01:44:57 PM
My wife and I are on a campaign to simplify our lives. After 26 years of marriage we have managed to fill every nook and cranny of our 2,400 sq. ft. home with 'stuff'. Now begins the process of getting rid of all this unwanted and unused clutter.

Part of the process above was for me to take an inventory of my model railroad holdings. I came up with: 6 engines and 84 cars for my 19th century theme; and 2 engines accompanied by 174 cars for my 20th century theme. This does not count any kits or cars that are either unbuilt or in the process of refurbishing. It also does not count any structures (for either theme) - nor any items that are part of our train show inventory. Folks, that is a lot of rolling stock...most of which hasn't turned a wheel in years.

Thus begs the question: When is a lot too much? Conversely, when is the saturation point reached?

Your comments are appreciated.
I am always on the lookout for good reference sources on small, shelf type layouts and their operation. Thanks to CUrob on another thread, I was exposed to this site
and was completely "taken in" by the creativity and information that is available. If you are at all interested in smaller layouts, you have to visit this website. For those of you who are consummate armchair modelers (because of expense or space) there are no longer any excuses to avoid planning and laying track.

Shunting (or switching in the U.S.) puzzles absolutely fascinate me and have been instrumental in keeping my interest high. Previously I had only known of this excellent English website:
...and have used it as inspiration for my current Newburgh, Dutchess & Connecticut RR layout.

The amount of assistance and information this forum provides never ceases to amaze me.

Thanks all,
General Discussion / Post Limitation?
May 05, 2009, 05:48:53 PM
Is it me...or is there now a limit to the length of a post? Several times recently I was not able to continue typing...almost as if I hit some sort of a word limit (which my patients would love in the real world). Has this happened to you?

Just wondering,
General Discussion / 1800s Rolling Stock?
December 09, 2008, 11:34:10 AM
I have just completed my 8th (or is it the 9th?) Bachmann Old West gondola (Item # 43-1025-01) and am again wondering why the major suppliers don't offer rolling stock of this era. Installing coupler/coupler boxes, new trucks, brake wheel, paint, decals, and weathering proves you can make a purse out of a sow's ear (albeit a cheap one). I find myself "haunting" model railroad shows and eBay to obtain rolling stock that should be readily available...on par with the quality of steam/diesel kits. Bachmann already has given us their excellent American 4-4-0s (I have two...and Mr. Bachmann how about offering some of the earlier woodburning engines with sound and DCC?).

Yes, there are craftsman kits on the market that portray this time period (LaBelle, BTS among others); but these are craftsman kits that require skill and considerable time. All the structures, on my layout, are of the wooden - craftsman - variety so I am well acquainted with this skill level. Why should I look in Model Railroader and see a fair number of truss-rod cars for HOn3 and virtually none for HO? I was informed that HOn3 cars cannot be added to my fleet by virtue of adding HO trucks because the entire car is scaled differently...rats!

Mr. Bachmann: You already have the dies and molds for these cars...why not upgrade them and offer them again? Roundhouse/MDC/Horizon Hobbies: why did you discontinue making kits for this time period? Accurail, Bowser, Walthers: don't we have enough 40' box cars and reefers?

Thanks for letting me "let off steam" you can tell this is one of my pet peeves. Now I guess I will have to assemble that BTS flatcar I've been moving to the bottom of the pile.
HO / Soundtraxx PTB-100 Power Supply
August 03, 2008, 09:17:53 AM
Recently I posted a request for information regarding my inability to program Bachmann 4-4-0s with the MRC Prodigy Advanced. Your solution was to acquire a programming booster. Given that the 4-4-0s come with a Soundtraxx decoder, I decided on their programming booster (PTB-100). All was well until I came across the following in the installation directions: may purchase and use a dedicated power supply rated at 15vDC, 500mA. My problem is that I cannot find such a power supply. A Google search and a call to Radio Shack got me nowhere...Soundtraxx doesn't even sell a power supply for their own product!

In despiration, I tried eBay and found two power supplies: 15vDC, 400mA and 15vDC, 800mA. The seller of the 800mA model assured me that it would work "just fine". While my knowledge of electronics is limited to changing light bulbs, I am certain of the fact that electronics are very easily damaged by incorrect input voltages.

My question is: Where does one buy a 15vDC, 500mA power supply? I have written to Soundtraxx and haven't received a reply (and probably won't). Any suggestions would be helpful. As always...thanks!
HO / Programming the 4-4-0 (DCC/sound)
July 18, 2008, 02:20:54 PM
I have two of the Bachmann American 4-4-0s (one is DCC and the other is DCC+sound). My DCC system is the MRC Prodigy Advanced unit and I have had NO trouble programming other engines with it. Unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful in programming either one of my 4-4-0s. I recently added a post on the Model Railroader forum asking for assistance. One participant said I needed a Tsunami Programming Track Booster. Is this true?

My next qestions concerns CV values. According to the MR reviews suggested CV values are: CV#2 = 15, CV#3 and 4 = 5. What value should I set CV#5 (top voltage)?

I absolutely love these engines and only wish I had waited before purchasing the first (non-sound) model. I would love to be able to program each engine with its own unique address.

"Keeping my hand on the throttle and my eyes on the rail"