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Topics - mickeykelley

Large / New version Climax and drive shaft
February 14, 2015, 10:58:34 PM
I originally had one of the first generation Climax and became aware of the replacement rear driveshaft with the slip function, which I did. I recently bought one of the newer generation and when working on it today, noticed that the driveshaft was solid, not the slipping style.  Does it need that? Did they solve the binding issue that caused the need for the replacement shaft?
Large / Understanding C19 vs Connie
January 16, 2015, 10:19:11 PM
I have one of the Connies from before the C19 was released.  I freely admit that I'm not the most knowledgable on trains so I'm trying to learn what the real difference between them from a real world, not just the model perspective. Are they the same size, time era, etc? 
Large / Loose metal parts repair
July 27, 2014, 11:07:07 PM
On my Climax and Shay, I've got several of the metal detail parts that have come loose.  Today's was the cab handrail bottom attachment joint.  What's the best glue to put these back on where they attach to the plastic.  It does not appear to have ANY glue residue from the factory.  Before I just get something out and start trying, I thought I'd see what I can learn from some of you pros at attaching metal to plastic.  Thanks in advance.
Large / Bobber caboose and Climax
July 26, 2014, 07:30:34 PM
I recently bought a bobber caboose to go with my Climax and my planned mine line.  However, the coupler on the caboose is about 3/8" lower than the Climax.  Same for the side dump cars and skeleton log cars.  They all match up but the Climax seems too high. What gives?  That's why I stayed with the same manufacture to avoid compatibility issues, now I have one.  Suggestions?
Large / Parts availability
June 17, 2014, 10:23:00 AM
As I'm sure many of you are like me, I'm running into parts issues with so called 'older' out of production engines.  I understand that there are valid reasons for not continuing to make certain models as time moves on, but parts will be needed for an extended time frame.  Since many of these Spectrum units are on the higher price side, we don't expect to just throw away the engine when some thing like trucks, motors, gears, etc. that are essential need work.  I can understand why they would stop making certain ancillary parts, but not main parts.  Just seems to me that the parts business is, which is really part of long term customer service and a profit center, is being overlooked.
Large / Cans on back of Climax and Shay
May 29, 2014, 11:00:35 PM
I read somewhere that the gas can looking things on the back of these engines were for sand.  What was the use of the sand?

While I'm at it, I understand the hose is for sucking water out of rivers, lakes, whatever.  But on the 3 truck Shay, it looks like a water dump up top to move water from front bunker to back, but how does the water get from that back truck up to the engine to be used?
Large / Spectrum line history
May 23, 2014, 11:48:23 AM
As a matter of curiosity, has anyone ever done a list of the Spectrum releases and approx. time frame?

For example, as I understand it the 2 truck Shay was their first in 199???

Personally, I have this Shay, original Climax (being sold for the later Climax), the 440 and the 280 Connie.  Would love to see the list and time frames?  Personally, I just love these for their detail and performance.  For me it all started with my son's original Big Hauler back in the mid 90's.  He grew up and lost interest, but I stayed attached.  I will have to admit that when running outside from a 20 foot distance, lots of the detail of the Spectrum is lost to me, but when they roll by close it comes back.
Large / Sending in engine for the $75 repair
May 18, 2014, 09:51:10 AM
When sending in a first generation Climax for repair, I was told that it may not be repairable (no parts now) and if it isn't, it would be replaced with something comparable.  Does this mean another Climax or something totally different?  I would definitely want another Climax.  Also, before sending it in, should I remove my Phoenix sound card and RC board, just in case it is replaced, or will the service person do that and return the cards with the replacement engine?
Large / Old vs Newer Climax
May 17, 2014, 11:50:47 PM
Is there a way to tell which generation Climax you're looking at or when getting off eBay?
Large / Re-wiring the Shay and Climax trucks ?
May 11, 2014, 11:17:24 AM
In the process of re-wiring these trucks for RC, sound, etc. I've already read the GIRR stuff, but one thing I'm not clear on is wire gauge.  The factory motor, at least on the Climax, and pickup wires seem awful small. Not a wire expert but based on some 22ga I've got around here, it looks much smaller, like maybe 26.  What do you recommend for this and do y'all change out the wire all the way from the trucks and to the motor, or just tie into factory wire. 
Large / Confused on Climax truck springs
November 27, 2013, 11:06:45 PM
I've got one of the original Climax engines and am in the process of wiring it for RC. I've been reading the stuff on GIRR and am confused on the power and springs. As I see it, from the factory, each truck takes power from track thru the wheels and sends it to the motor directly thru that U strap.  I see how the spring/plunger gets power, but where does it go?  I assume to the ash pan, smoke unit and lights.  I would assume they don't pull much power, as compared to the motor.  So why are springs in the plungers getting so hot as to melt plastic, turn color and eventually fail.  Obviously I'm missing something big here.
Large / replacement hand rails for passenger cars
August 08, 2013, 12:23:26 PM
I have an older set of passenger cars that have the plastic handrails and 9 volt battery compartment, but do have metal wheels.  Is there a kit available to upgrade these?
Large / Tallest engine
March 31, 2013, 09:06:08 AM
I have a first gen Shay and its like 8 inch clearance as I recall. Is that the tallest bachmann?  Working on an over/under and trying to decide clearance. Doubt I would ever run anything like the Big Boy and not even sure on its height requirements.
Large / Emily parts
March 03, 2013, 11:50:16 PM
When looking at any of the Emily parts, they are listed but if you click on them it says not found. Are there parts available?  Specifically looking at the $40 body.
Large / 440 Seems small
February 22, 2013, 01:45:04 PM
I was just looking at and comparing several of my Bachmann engines and the Spectrum 440 seems  kind of small.  The cabin area for example does not look like the regular Bachmann figures would even fit in there.  I know in real life it's really smaller than newer engines like the 280, Shay, etc.
Large / Side dump cars 92502
February 09, 2013, 11:21:25 AM
I have 3 of the green side dump cars that have plastic wheels.  First of all, what era are these modeled after?  Second, will the regular bachmann metal wheels work on these?  As I understand the new ones are only brown and do have metal wheels, but are the green ones still available other than eBay?  I would like to have them all match color.
Large / Front boiler door 280
February 02, 2013, 10:18:00 AM
The front boiler door on my Connie won't stay on.  I don't see anything wrong, it just appears to be loose fitting from factory. Do others have this issue and how do you fix.  I don't want to glue it just in case I ever need in there.  Considering very small dabs of silicone.
Large / Bachmann Grease
October 15, 2012, 02:52:11 PM
I have some pink and white grease from bachmann.  What is the difference?  I don't see it listed on the site so do they not make it anymore?
Large / Spectrum SPC 440 size
June 18, 2012, 12:40:23 PM
I was recently looking at my Spectrum SPC 4-4-0 which I have not used in a while and had it next to my 2-8-0 and Shay.  It seems kind of small.  I know they were old engines and were not as large in the real world, but I'm talking about comparing the windows and interior cab height.  Is it just my imagination or is it not really 1:20.3.  The reason I was comparing is that I have my son's old passenger cars (with plastic hand rails 97218) that came with his first standard 4-6-0 Deadwood (probably from 1995-96)  in storage and trying to decide on how they would look behind both vs the AMS/Accucraft ones which are A LOT MORE $ vs getting the Bachmann J&S. 

Also, are the cars with his old set the 1:20.3 or 1:22? And how do they compare to the current J&S cars?
Large / Coal load 98003 looks
June 04, 2011, 12:12:58 AM
I know this is really part of the Thomas series, but how does it look with the Spectrum Climax and Shay units?  Cartoonish or regular?