I have had an EZ Command DCC controller with 2 DCC locomotives. Yesterday while they were going around the track the connection wire from the controller to the track got unplugged while the locomotives were moving. Now I can't get them to move at all. Is there a way to reset the controller or the locomotives? I didn't see this problem covered in the trouble shooting section of the manual.
Thanks for any help!
It sounds like a simple case of your connections still not connecting. Try re-tracing the wires and connectors from the controller to the track - with an ohm meter if possible. Or connect the controller to a spare piece of track & try your locos there one at a time. You can try touching the wires from the controller to the pickup wheels of your locos, one on each side.
The only other thing that crosses my mind is both your locos and controller defaulted back to #3. If you have changed numbers of your locos with your controller try running one at a time on #3. If no joy then try other numbers.
Can you get a spark by shorting across the rails? Or better yet, check for voltage on the screws of the controller and track?
What brand locos are they? (should make no difference)
Let the folks here know, someone may have 'been there & done that.'
It is possible that your locomotives have lost their addresses. If so, try reprogramming them using the instructions for programming a locomotive with an unknown address. You might be able to pick them up on one of the other 8 addresses, but with a possible total of 127 addresses, that is not too likely.
As there are no screws on the back of your E-Z Command, check to make sure you have voltage on the rails when everything is hooked up properly and turned on. If you do not have a meter, connect a small 12 volt bulb across the rails to check for power.