..Eve! So, aside from anything Bachmann Thomas & Friends, what other things do you guys have on your lists? I've got Metallica Live S***: Binge and Purge DVD set, some T-Shirts, a guitar stand, a Metallica poster, Batman The Dark Knight (good movie), and Step Brothers (better movie).
What about you guys?
Buon Natale! is the way my family says Merry Christmas in Italian. anyway what i wanted was
Thomas's Holiday Set
Some hoodie i liked
a CD
Mario Cart for Wii
have a Happy Christmas
Merry Christmas one and all.
This morning has been splendid as always, no Thomas stuff for me this year, just lots of comedy DVD's and a new Bachmann Standard 4MT 4-6-0 in BR lined green livery with late emblem and in weathered condition. :D
I got...
Bachmann Percy (who I despise :P)
Bachmann Ivatt Class 2
Bachmann Class 04 Shunter
Bachmann Salt Wagons x2
Bachmann Troublesome Truck 2
Hornby B12
Hornby Footbridge
Hornby Mail Vans
Hornby Platform
PECO Country Station Kit
PECO Switches (which are miracles and to be a pain at the same time :P)
Wierd Camcorder thing my parents got cheap
Shaving Kit ( ::))
Still waiting for Edward and the Fuel tanker.
So far, I have gotten,
1 TracFone
1 Copy of Poke'Mon Peral (Nintendo DS)
1 Radio/CD Player/Tape Player/Recorder
1 Copy of Trainz 2006 Railroad Simulator
I've got:
Bachmann Branchline Lord Nelson 4-6-0
Bachmann Branchline J39 0-6-0
Tri-Ang TT Jinty 0-6-0 (Refurbished by my grandad)
Bachmann Edward ordered
Bachmann Mavis ordered
New Laptop (Paid for half myself)
The A Team boxed set
A new RC Boat kit
1kg of Dairy Milk
i got a Toby the tram engine model, a salt wagon, and a tree train for my tree
Hey Sparks, the Bachmann Percy might have its faults but its valve gear beats that of the Hornby one.
Hornby one uses the cheap 0-4-0 chassis, but that at least has better hauling power. I just need to snatch a spare Hornby Percy for its face, and weigh it down.
My Bachmann stuff never came around Christmas (Including the Christmas set which would have been perfect...)
Regardless I had a great Christmas as well :) I got some money, clothes, some movies, and even a pair of power scissors! :D The only Thomas related things I got were the Take Along Metallic Edward, Duck, Lady, and Emily. I am a huge metallic take along collector, but from what I heard the Metallic range is releasing Molly, Neville, Rosie, and Oliver. I'm only getting one of them this year, anyone guess who it is? :P I also got the Trackmaster Close Shave for Duck. The Duck model itself is great and reasonable (Unlike the other greatest moment engines) but I didn't like how one of the trucks came with a bubble load...
Anyways I am glad you all enjoyed your presents and trains you got and even if it is almost over, Merry Christmas everyone! :)
Quote from: Sparks on December 25, 2008, 04:08:49 PM
Hornby one uses the cheap 0-4-0 chassis, but that at least has better hauling power. I just need to snatch a spare Hornby Percy for its face, and weigh it down.
Get the clockwork one if you can. It's cheaper. Eye mechanism is removed, but you need to keep some gears in place.
Hay, Got me a wicked Christmas too. But no thomas stuff what so ever. But I got instead:
1 Hevac Helicopter (bug version)
and a Wood land sceanics building kit.
pluse Santa Fe buff nice you got a whole lot of stuff. I happen to have both versions on pokemon Diamond and pearl and beat them in a week, so could you tell be your friend code, we can battle each other. And Sparks the reason why they didn't come might be either Mavis and Edward were all sold due to christmas so near, or its delayed for some odd reason.
Well till the next post.............Later.
Quote from: StanierJack on December 25, 2008, 04:52:01 PM
Quote from: Sparks on December 25, 2008, 04:08:49 PM
Hornby one uses the cheap 0-4-0 chassis, but that at least has better hauling power. I just need to snatch a spare Hornby Percy for its face, and weigh it down.
Get the clockwork one if you can. It's cheaper. Eye mechanism is removed, but you need to keep some gears in place.
Was planning to find a spare part Percy. :P
Speaking of modding the eye mechanism, anyone know exactly how to remove it? I've been disappointed with Percy's strength over the past few years and never knew exactly what to do. I figure the same could be done to James and make him a much more better engine.
By the way, I'm curious...
Does anyone think the Hornby Edward is superior to Bachmann Edward in any way?
Possibly in pulling power, I wouldn't no. Probably not though, it's tender drive.
In all honesty, the Hornby Edward and Bachmann Edward models are both superior, Bachmann's for it's awesome detail to the Tv versions accuracy and Hornby's for it's more RWSish style and pulling power.
In short, both models are brilliant, love it or hate it.
RWS? With that smokebox and curving running plate? Btw, could you how to open up a Hornby Thomas?
I got
Thomas Holiday Set
Coal Wagon x2
Well Wagon x2
Salt Van x2
Cattle Van x2
Raspberry Syrup Tanker x2
0-8-0 Shunter
250 Ton Crane & Boom Car
Log Unloader
18 Trees (Assorted)
Loads (Assorted)
Grassmats x2
Thomas 2009 Calendar
Trackmaster Rhenaes
Trackmaster Freddie
Halmark 2008 Thomas & Lionel Ornaments
Axe Deoderant
Bod Deoderant
Penn State Shirts, Pants, Hats, & Hoodies
Nike Sneakers
Train Shirts & Ties
Blue iPod Nano
Blue iPod Stereo
Black iPod Pillow Speaker
Painting Kit
Cooking Mama (DS)
Hornby Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel 3-pack. Hornby's lousy Annie and Clarabel will be converted to fish vans. Their roofs will form my RWS Clarabel's roof.
Quote from: goldwing on December 25, 2008, 04:53:04 PM
I happen to have both versions on pokemon Diamond and pearl and beat them in a week, so could you tell be your friend code, we can battle each other.
Sounds good to me, I have Diamond. I only go by a few limits such as no legendaries (I hate it when people use legendaries in battle since IMO is really cheap) and pokemon being at a certain level since I don't want us to be at any sort of disadvantages level wise. If you would like to battle me feel free to send me an email and I would love to work something out. ;)
[email protected]
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 02:35:43 PM
Hornby Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel 3-pack. Hornby's lousy Annie and Clarabel will be converted to fish vans. Their roofs will form my RWS Clarabel's roof.
Fish vans? Why I ask? Nothing from them is salvageable for a fish van! Their roofs aren't even use for RWS Clarabel!
Hornbys Annie and Clarabel are fine, inaccurate to the TV series, but still have some nice detail. Sometimes I prefer them over Bachmanns, and the TV due to the under detail.
I intend to sand the roofs smooth and put on RWS ventilators. As for why fish vans? I need more fish vans than the two scratchbuilt ones I've got. I intend to cover up the Annie and Clarabel's sides to alter theim, as I've got no use for them as coaches.
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 04:01:40 PM
I intend to sand the roofs smooth and put on RWS ventilators. As for why fish vans? I need more fish vans than the two scratchbuilt ones I've got. I intend to cover up the Annie and Clarabel's sides to alter theim, as I've got no use for them as coaches.
Oh for the love of-
Just go buy a
KIT for once.
Your scratchbuild efforts would be good if you knew what you were doing. And if you say something about money, then you have no reason buying that Bachmann Emily you mentioned before.
I'm actually going to ask for her as a birthday gift. Oh, hey Sparks, here's a few facts for you: I'm cash-strapped, sixteen, lack a debit card and so my Mom has to order stuff off the internet for me, she isn't always willing to do that, I do know what I'm doing with my scratchbuilding at least according to the expert on RWS modelling(Gavin Rose, AKA Knuckles), and I'm in a slight rush.
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 07:12:53 PM
I'm actually going to ask for her as a birthday gift. Oh, hey Sparks, here's a few facts for you: I'm cash-strapped, sixteen, lack a debit card and so my Mom has to order stuff off the internet for me, she isn't always willing to do that, I do know what I'm doing with my scratchbuilding at least according to the expert on RWS modelling(Gavin Rose, AKA Knuckles), and I'm in a slight rush.
No No No
you are doing it wrong
you should have bought thomas on his own, and brought the dapol fish vans as Sparks has said.
Was all I could find. And my mom got him for me as a GIFT. As fir Annie and Clarabel, their exact prototype is impossible to discern. My models, when done, will match Kenney's illustrations of them, and Knuckles, whom maybe one or two people here(you're among them) can come close to, as well as the expert on RWS modelling, finds that acceptable as RWS. The Bachmann models have a few points in their favour as material, not the least of which is the preexisting REAL faces. Plus the windows are small on both sides. But this discussion technically belongs in my workbench thread, we shouldn't clutter the Merry Christmas thread with an argument. By the way, what do you have against my modelling in general? :( I don't seem to recall any of your models looking so accurate when they weren't even half-finished, but did I slam them?
Quote from: Chaz on December 26, 2008, 03:02:09 PM
Quote from: goldwing on December 25, 2008, 04:53:04 PM
I happen to have both versions on pokemon Diamond and pearl and beat them in a week, so could you tell be your friend code, we can battle each other.
Sounds good to me, I have Diamond. I only go by a few limits such as no legendaries (I hate it when people use legendaries in battle since IMO is really cheap) and pokemon being at a certain level since I don't want us to be at any sort of disadvantages level wise. If you would like to battle me feel free to send me an email and I would love to work something out. ;)
[email protected]
Sweet, hay, why not I make a misolanious board so others who are interrested in other things might come also. Pluse, how far are you in the game, you better beat it by the end of march, pokemon platinum is coming out, and boy its hard, and cool. Pluse if you guys who have the game needs tips on it, why not drop by the board I am making, it will be called........... the everything topic board.
well till the next post.....................later.
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 07:40:21 PM
Was all I could find. And my mom got him for me as a GIFT. As fir Annie and Clarabel, their exact prototype is impossible to discern. My models, when done, will match Kenney's illustrations of them, and Knuckles, whom maybe one or two people here(you're among them) can come close to, as well as the expert on RWS modelling, finds that acceptable as RWS. The Bachmann models have a few points in their favour as material, not the least of which is the preexisting REAL faces. Plus the windows are small on both sides. But this discussion technically belongs in my workbench thread, we shouldn't clutter the Merry Christmas thread with an argument. By the way, what do you have against my modelling in general? :( I don't seem to recall any of your models looking so accurate when they weren't even half-finished, but did I slam them?
EX LMS SUBURBAN COACHESThe last time you probably talked to Knuckles was on MTF, and I'm sure he'd have a wide lot of criticism for you. Stop worshipping him as the God among modellers, and listen to other people for once.
And I don't even have any model projects. And besides, Christmas is over. Back to the land of criticism. :P
They aren't necessarily. Christopher Awdry has said they may have been converted from old six-wheeled coaches. Three things:
1. I can no longer talk to Knuckles on MTF, thanks to Tom banning me without giving anyone a reason. Could you and the others perhaps start a petition?
2. You might not have projects but StanierJack does.
3.Maybe it is time for criticism. But it still doesn't belong in this thread.
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 09:45:13 PM
They aren't necessarily. Christopher Awdry has said they may have been converted from old six-wheeled coaches. Three things:
1. I can no longer talk to Knuckles on MTF, thanks to Tom banning me without giving anyone a reason. Could you and the others perhaps start a petition?
2. You might not have projects but StanierJack does.
3.Maybe it is time for criticism. But it still doesn't belong in this thread.
....They ARE necessary. Annie and Clarabel are
LMS SUBURBAN COACHES. Is that clear enough? They were never once converted from old six wheeler coaches. Maybe the prototypes might of, but NOT Annie and Clarabel. Jeez.
And Knuckles still has MSN, and you can't say anything about his opinion unless you've showed him RECENT work! It doesn't make sense. And what kind of petition? StanierJack has some decent projects, and we criticized where we needed to. But you're just stubborn and ignore our criticism. You're going in the ENTIRE WRONG PATH to making a Railway Series Annie and Clarabel? "But Knuckles said-" STOP. HE SAW IT LORD KNOWS HOW LONG AGO. I can tell you right now that now he'd have a more critic view on it than your little "happy comment" you say he always had for you. At MTF, they criticized you, and you were ignorant.
And either way, the Bachmann Thomas and Friends board is so wacked up anyway, I really don't care.
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 09:45:13 PM
They aren't necessarily. Christopher Awdry has said they may have been converted from old six-wheeled coaches. Three things:
1. I can no longer talk to Knuckles on MTF, thanks to Tom banning me without giving anyone a reason. Could you and the others perhaps start a petition?
2. You might not have projects but StanierJack does.
3.Maybe it is time for criticism. But it still doesn't belong in this thread.
Weeee first post.
Don't whine about getting banned from a forum. He obviously banned for a reason, you were probably acting ignorant, like you are now.
No, in fact, I wasn't. And what Knuckles saw was little different from the latest I've shown you.
ANYWAYS.... This is a Christmas topic, not the fussing topic.
On a happier note, how was everyone's holiday? What did you guys get?
Me? I got:
-Bachmann Edward and Mavis
-1/35 Scale model of a Class 52 Steam Engine
-The Thomas the Tank Engine Man
The Thomas The Tank Engine Man, is a very good read, it has some pics of Awdry's original layouts and some of the models he made. Same with some illustrations by William Middleton, who was the illustrator before Awdry commissioned his pictures to be illustrated again, by Reginald Dalby.
Glad you got the bachmann Edward and Mavis, i cannot wait for mine to arrive. ^^
It is a fantastic read! I am only on Chapter 2, but it is very interesting. I read ahead and loved how Gordon got hid name and how Thomas came to be!
BTW, Edward is a fantastic runner and so is Mavis. Edward pulls about four express coaches with ease. He can manage about 6, but he slips. I haven't seen Mavis' potential. All she has pulled is trucks, about 4 or 5. She toted the mail van round once, but I gave it to Percy.
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 10:14:12 PM
No, in fact, I wasn't. And what Knuckles saw was little different from the latest I've shown you.
You broke a rule, obviously. Tom banned you for a reason, and saying you're not is just showing how ignorant you really are.
Also, if you miss MTF so much, ever heard of a proxy?
Quote from: SirSteam on December 27, 2008, 02:49:01 AM
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 10:14:12 PM
No, in fact, I wasn't. And what Knuckles saw was little different from the latest I've shown you.
You broke a rule, obviously. Tom banned you for a reason, and saying you're not is just showing how ignorant you really are.
Also, if you miss MTF so much, ever heard of a proxy?
Proxy? That also goes against forum rules, as he has been banned before. I'd suggest you just move on, ZTSM.
I got a Wii
a mini golf and arowsmith guitar hero game for the Wii
4 mail cars ( my mom wanted me to send the 3 others back, so i showed Thomas And The Spaceship (s11) and she let me keep them
Thomas' Holiday Set
Toby's coach ( forget the name)
2 of Spencer's special coach
Trackmaster tumbling bridge
Trackmaster Gordon W/ Coach
And an exclusive Tomy Set at Toys "R" Us
Quote from: James The Brave on December 27, 2008, 03:57:27 PM
I got a Wii
a mini golf and arowsmith guitar hero game for the Wii
4 mail cars ( my mom wanted me to send the 3 others back, so i showed Thomas And The Spaceship (s11) and she let me keep them
Thomas' Holiday Set
Toby's coach ( forget the name)
2 of Spencer's special coach
Trackmaster tumbling bridge
Trackmaster Gordon W/ Coach
And an exclusive Tomy Set at Toys "R" Us
Toby's coach - Henrietta
Oh and that's cool about the Tomy set, what is it?
It's exclusive and it has the return of TOMY track. I just got it form my grandma 5 mins. before I posted it up. On the box it Has a tomas With some cars and a road w/Green bulgy
i got
Thomas' holiday set
two Lands End T-shirts
a winter hat
two turtle neck sweters
a phillies hoodie
another hoodie
a cuple gift cards to target
a gift card to gap
"Get Smart" on DVD
and $95 bucks
Quote from: SirSteam on December 27, 2008, 02:49:01 AM
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 10:14:12 PM
No, in fact, I wasn't. And what Knuckles saw was little different from the latest I've shown you.
You broke a rule, obviously. Tom banned you for a reason, and saying you're not is just showing how ignorant you really are.
Also, if you miss MTF so much, ever heard of a proxy?
Speeking of MTF why does the URL send me some where else
Quote from: James The Brave on January 04, 2009, 03:54:11 PM
Quote from: SirSteam on December 27, 2008, 02:49:01 AM
Quote from: ZeldaTheSwordsman on December 26, 2008, 10:14:12 PM
No, in fact, I wasn't. And what Knuckles saw was little different from the latest I've shown you.
You broke a rule, obviously. Tom banned you for a reason, and saying you're not is just showing how ignorant you really are.
Also, if you miss MTF so much, ever heard of a proxy?
Speeking of MTF why does the URL send me some where else
Because the forum was closed.
I have set up a replacement, and it can be found here:
Why'd it get shut down? ???
Quote from: Edward. on January 04, 2009, 08:43:41 PM
Why'd it get shut down? ???
Tom, the admin decided to close it. Maybe you could contact him for more into it.