Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: ebtbob on February 05, 2008, 01:49:41 PM

Title: HOn3 Turnouts
Post by: ebtbob on February 05, 2008, 01:49:41 PM
Good Afternoon All,

     I am trying to locate Shinaharo, HOn3,  code 70,  #6 rh turnouts,  not,  repeat,  not dual guage.   I need two of them.   I also need 1 left hand HOn3 code 70 turnout,  not dual gauge.
      I have checked the normal suspects such as Caboose Hobbies,  Ebay,  etc.   I know that Shinaharo is part of Walthers,  and they do not have any either. 
      What I am looking for is someone who might know of a store that actually has these turnouts in stock.
Title: Re: HOn3 Turnouts
Post by: Jake on February 05, 2008, 08:44:29 PM
If worse comes to worse, hand lay 'em!
Title: Re: HOn3 Turnouts
Post by: ebtbob on February 06, 2008, 09:13:01 AM

       Thanks for you thougths Jake,  but total handlaying is not for me.  Yesterday I found that Walthers does have BK Enterprise turnouts is kit form which means the pieces come but not held together by metal strips.  I am going to try them and see how I do getting them assembled and working.