Help... new to model trains. I have an 4x8 layout that I got from this sight, everything is working except one remote turnout. The remote turnout works, but I have no power going to connecting tracks. Any thoughts about what the issue is and how to fix it? please advise.
1. Is the track a Bachmann product?
2. You bought a pre-existing layout. Did the previous owner isolate the spur with insulated rail joiners?
3. If not, did you check to see if the existing rail joiners are too loose or oxidized to the point that they don't carry electricity? You can find that out with a test light from the hardware store.. or you can do the "Southern engineering" method and put a locomotive on the non-powered section of track while you stick a knife blade in the rail joint to see if the locomotive jumps to life. If that's the case, you need to replace the rail joiners.
When you say that you bought this from this sight are are saying that you bought this from Bachmann and was it new?
Is this black or grey roadbed track?
Thanks for the replies, sorry it took me a while to respond. I started doing some trouble shooting and testing each turnout individually directly to the ac power source i found that one of the "green extension cords" had a short in it. Thanks for the replies, I really appreciate it!!