Dear Thomas & Friends board,
We have received notice recently of some board members receiving harassment on other websites about their posts and opinions in the Thomas & Friends threads, particularly in the suggestions and predictions thread. We cannot control what others say and post on other sites and social media, but we have also noticed that sometimes arguments will develop on the forum that have led to personal attacks. We would like to remind everybody of this section from the forum's Code of Conduct: (,8493.0.html)
QuotePlease keep your posts friendly and on topic... As with any discussion, disagreements will occur, we ask that your responses are respectful. Name-calling, bashing, or any other form of cyber bullying will not be tolerated.
Please keep this in mind in your discussions. If you see another user harassing others or yourself
on the forum, please use the "Report to Moderator" button to alert the forum moderators. If you experience harassment from a forum member that is
not on a forum post (on another site or in personal messages), please send the moderators (myself, @3rail, and @The Bach-Man) a personal message. We will take action accordingly to either warm or ban anybody breaking the forum rules. If we continue to see and hear about harassment or uncivil discussions, we may also lock any thread where they are taking place (including the suggestions and predictions thread.)
Also, please remember that any new product news and announcements will come directly from Bachmann on our main website, Facebook, YouTube etc., and that anything not posted directly by the company is purely rumors and speculation.
Thank you for your attention.