Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => On30 => Topic started by: old pilot on January 21, 2025, 01:07:33 PM

Title: How do I remove Bachmann On30 boxcar body?
Post by: old pilot on January 21, 2025, 01:07:33 PM
I'm new to this gauge but have started to purchase Bachmann equipment while building the benchwork and laying track. I purchased several boxcars, ventilated and regular, and am interested in detailing the inside area that is visible with the doors open, adding visible loads and some weight. No paperwork was in the kits on removing the body so I'm looking for tips on how to remove the body from the frame without doing any damage.
Title: Re: How do I remove Bachmann On30 boxcar body?
Post by: Yard Master on January 21, 2025, 01:39:40 PM
Hi old pilot,

The roof on the On30 Boxcar is separate from the walls on the body and connected by four small tabs. You can remove it to access the interior by carefully detaching the brake wheel from the end of the car and removing it, then gently prying the roof off from the edges.
Title: Re: How do I remove Bachmann On30 boxcar body?
Post by: Fred Klein on January 22, 2025, 12:50:54 AM
To add to what Yard Master said, gently squeezing the roof inward (towards the center of the car) while gently prying up usually works for me. There are four tabs, one at each corner of the roof, that have outward-facing pronged tabs that latch into slots on the body. Squeezing while prying upwards helps unlatch the prongs and allows the roof to be removed. I usually do one end of the roof at a time. Once you get one end released, the other end usually comes off fairly easy. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: How do I remove Bachmann On30 boxcar body?
Post by: old pilot on January 22, 2025, 05:37:14 AM
Hello Yardmaster and Fred Klein,
Thanks for both of your replies, both were very helpful as I just completed my first removal on a 26' boxcar #27099. Once the top was removed, I understand how everything works. I used a chisel blade on my Xacto knife to gently pry on each corner. I will also add that in future removals, besides the brake wheel and shaft, I will remove the couplers and trucks to prevent damage while I'm concentrating on the roof.