I cannot get two Williams powered Dash 9s to run together, I do not have a clue... Bob
Good morning,
You need to define what you mean by "Can't run two together."
Are you trying to run the two locos on one track? Are you pointing the locos in opposite directions on the same train?
1. If you have a low output transformer i.e. 50-80 watt output, This may be your challenge. Each loco will need 3-4 amperes of power to run properly. This would equal about 60-80 watts of power required. A higher output transformer is then needed.
2. If your are running two locos together on the same consist (train) then they need to be pointed in the same direction. Williams locos start in the forward direction. Locos in a pair need to be nose to tail.
Add any information that will help to define your challenge.
Merry Christmas ... 671