I have been model railroading for about a year now with my layout totally Bachmann nickel silver EZ Track. I have 2 4'x 8' sheets arranged in an L shape. I have plenty of room for roads. Ever since I was a kid I thought it would be so cool if you could combine slot cars with a RR layout. Has Bachmann ever considered designing a system for passenger vehicles running on roads that could connect to the EZ Track system. To control both with a DCC system would be awesome.
Combining slot cars with Model Railroads was a fad back in the mid 60s that didn't last very long. I'm not sure why it didn't last but as far as serious model railroads go there wasn't anything very realistic about it.
There was, however, tremendous play value for kids. I think the biggest bugaboo was grade crossings which had to be a special section, combining both the road and the railroad allowing for the slot and for two entirely separate electrical systems crossing each other. If you could even find this piece, merging it into an EZ track system is going to present challenges for certain.
I don't remember who made all that stuff, but I believe that Atlas had made some of the pieces you need. They are still in business, but I really doubt if they have anything around after all this time. It's been so long ago that you probably won't find much of anything on the Internet about this, and it may be hard to find the items related to this on online auctions. Good luck.
Miniatur Wunderland is extremely large model RR in Hamburg Germany. They have set up truck and car movement.
Do not remember what all it uses but vehicles move very realistic. MR had article a long time ago on the train and road traffic. Didnt look through all the stuff online about the setup there seems to be alot online about the RR
Aurora was the first to do an "HO" slot car/railroad crossing track for their Thunderjet 500 set. Only the cars were closer to S-scale than HO. With the motors in use at the time, it was also difficult to get the cars to operate at anything approaching realistc speeds.
Bach man needs to get on his engineering team about it. Would be a very nice new product rollout in 2026.😉
SOmebody already has a line of cars and trucks that run following a guide wire buried in the pavement.
Those are great. But a kid might want a 300 mile an hour slot car.🫨😱🫣😂
Looks like a nice system. Thanks for sharing! 👍