Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Pingber on December 06, 2024, 01:41:38 PM

Title: Reversing trolley question
Post by: Pingber on December 06, 2024, 01:41:38 PM
I was given a reversing trolley set and want to add track. Can I use ANY ez track or does it have to specifically be for the trolley? I need sharper turns.

Title: Re: Reversing trolley question
Post by: Terry Toenges on December 06, 2024, 02:02:13 PM
You can if you add jumper wires between the end tracks.
Title: Re: Reversing trolley question
Post by: bbmiroku on December 09, 2024, 03:18:36 PM
As long as the current goes through the rails like normal, AND the two ends are electrically connected underneath the plastic, yes 15" or 12" rails are acceptable.
Title: Re: Reversing trolley question
Post by: MScotspot on December 10, 2024, 11:07:27 AM
Recently purchased reverse trolley system.  No setup issues and reverse trolley ran great point to point for a few days.   Did not touch the track in its working configuration but after running for a few hours one night it suddenly stopped.  When reconnected power supply, it now will only lurch forward less than a foot and stops.  Anyone experience this?
Title: Re: Reversing trolley question
Post by: bbmiroku on December 10, 2024, 03:08:05 PM
I was using mine in a public-display train garden at the local historical society and it suddenly stopped one day as well, never to work again. I tried different trains, cleaning the track until it gleamed everywhere, even using the controller on regular track (which worked, so the problem wasn't the controller).
I think Bachmann is using shoddy electronic parts in the track and still charging an arm and a leg unneccesarily.
Title: Re: Reversing trolley question
Post by: MScotspot on December 10, 2024, 05:53:25 PM

Thanks for the reply.  Same thing here.  Had a home Christmas party last Saturday and my train ran all night but the Trolley died after about 4 hours.  Disappointing but you have saved me banging my head against the wall trying to figure it out.  I suspected as much.  Looks like I paid for a static display now!
Title: Re: Reversing trolley question
Post by: JonJet on December 16, 2024, 11:21:31 AM
I have the Auto-Rev set...going to set it up at a library in Feb and run for 7 hours

Have used it twice before for 6-8 hours at a time...never had a single issue

Course...I bought the proper track sections to extend it to over 12 feet in length and let it run at maybe 25 throttle - it's not a racetrack
Title: Re: Reversing trolley question
Post by: bbmiroku on December 16, 2024, 01:05:47 PM
Good luck Jon.