I was given a reversing trolley set and want to add track. Can I use ANY ez track or does it have to specifically be for the trolley? I need sharper turns.
You can if you add jumper wires between the end tracks.
As long as the current goes through the rails like normal, AND the two ends are electrically connected underneath the plastic, yes 15" or 12" rails are acceptable.
Recently purchased reverse trolley system. No setup issues and reverse trolley ran great point to point for a few days. Did not touch the track in its working configuration but after running for a few hours one night it suddenly stopped. When reconnected power supply, it now will only lurch forward less than a foot and stops. Anyone experience this?
I was using mine in a public-display train garden at the local historical society and it suddenly stopped one day as well, never to work again. I tried different trains, cleaning the track until it gleamed everywhere, even using the controller on regular track (which worked, so the problem wasn't the controller).
I think Bachmann is using shoddy electronic parts in the track and still charging an arm and a leg unneccesarily.
Thanks for the reply. Same thing here. Had a home Christmas party last Saturday and my train ran all night but the Trolley died after about 4 hours. Disappointing but you have saved me banging my head against the wall trying to figure it out. I suspected as much. Looks like I paid for a static display now!
I have the Auto-Rev set...going to set it up at a library in Feb and run for 7 hours
Have used it twice before for 6-8 hours at a time...never had a single issue
Course...I bought the proper track sections to extend it to over 12 feet in length and let it run at maybe 25 throttle - it's not a racetrack
Good luck Jon.