Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => N => Topic started by: bbmiroku on August 19, 2024, 10:49:45 PM

Title: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on August 19, 2024, 10:49:45 PM
I have decided to start my first N-scale layout in my closet on top of my desk.

The desk is 20x40 with a little cubby deep enough for a keyboard.

I'm going to put a thin (maybe .5 inch) 21x41 foam board on top of it, cut out holes for the four legs of the computer stand, and lay a grass mat on top, cut to size.

I have a Bachmann DCC Alco Mogul from 2013 I recently got at a swap meet for $35, some train cars and cork roadbed I got from the local hobby shop from MicroScale, Woodland Scenics Fine Ballast (gray), a 33x35 grass mat and some trees from Michael's, a terminal joiners from Atlas, and a MRC Railpower 1300 I got for $5 at the same swap meet.

I have enough curved and straight track from Atlas. I still need the rerailers and the right-hand turnout (remote) to start running my train.

Then I'll get about 2 feet of N-scale roadway, a ballast spreader, a bumper and some glue and start to scenic.

I will have pictures soon, and hopefully an update!

This is my plan, made in AnyRail v.7.

Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on August 22, 2024, 10:14:48 PM
I picked up 2 pieces of 1"x2'x2' pink insulation board from Home Depot earlier today and, using the metal end of the measuring tape they have at the self-service cutting station, scored and snapped them to the right dimensions, making sure to take the chunks with me for future use. I also picked up a stapler, staples, and foam-safe glue (Titebond wood glue) to glue down the grass mat and staple the edges.

Tonight, I make simple terrain!


Even if I plan to run this little loop on DC power, should I make the switch track a DCC programming track, or just leave it all DC?
Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on August 30, 2024, 12:54:39 AM
I stapled and glued the grassmat down, realizing I had to go get another.  So I was only able to scenic a portion of the foam.  I'm not going to foam out the "mountain" in the middle, instead just wrap it in a strip of grass mat and glue some flat rocks to it from outside.  In Arizona, there are plenty of rocks outside.

Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on August 30, 2024, 01:41:34 AM
I made a final plan for the buildings I want on my display. The "brown" line on the right is a town street.
Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on September 09, 2024, 05:11:52 PM
I finished with the grassmats.  I may have to pick up a 21"x41" piece of plywood to help the foam straighten out.  Weighting the foam hasn't worked so far.
Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on September 26, 2024, 05:58:11 PM
I found a couple packs of track lying around from the last time I went to the hobby store. I'd been searching for them for about 17 days! It's all curve track since my first plan was an all-curve dogbone shape, but it's the same radius.

Now I need a switch track, the bumper, and the rerailers. I will pick up the switch track this weekend, and maybe the bumper. It would be great if I can pick up all the track I need, but money does need to go to real life as well.
Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on October 03, 2024, 04:22:10 PM
The hobby shop didn't have any rerailer tracks and I'm not paying ~$35 for a single turnout, so I picked up the bumpers.
I'll get the rest from halfpricehobbies, I guess...
Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: treebone on October 24, 2024, 01:45:06 PM
Started out with the Atlas code 80 track, turnouts and rerailers etc.  Now a Kato for ease of re-arranging my layout.  But the Atlas pinned (nailed) to homasote board did make for a very stable layout.  Inclines, trestles and bridges were easier to do. Flextrack combined with the snap track adds lots of variety.
Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on October 24, 2024, 03:20:33 PM
I'm going to glue cork roadbed to the grassmats and nail in the code 80 sectional track, then ballast it to blend the cork and the grass.
Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on January 27, 2025, 06:06:54 PM
Update (finally, but small)

I finally picked up a stiffener for the foam. On my trip to Home Depot, a new product caught my eye; a piece of 2'x4' reversible blackboard/whiteboard with a similar stiffness to the board I was going to get at half the price. So this week I will be gluing the board under the grassmatted foam pieces. If, in a few weeks of weighing and letting everything settle, there is still a bow in the foam, I can still get some braces to put underneath with the cost savings of the white/blackboard.

I have decided to put a small stream leading back from the "mountain" in the middle under the tracks. Since the track lies so close to the edge, I have gotten an Atlas Viaduct from eBay, to be delivered quite soon.

I want to use this small loop of track as a sort of tester for techniques I've never used in my temporary layouts in HO like making water, soldering track and wires, fastening buildings and track to a base, and using and weathering cork roadbed, among others.
Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on January 31, 2025, 12:29:01 AM
On a small loop like this, should I put feeder wires on the tracks, or just solder the tracks together?
Title: Re: My first (N) layout!
Post by: bbmiroku on March 10, 2025, 07:11:40 PM
I finally glued the stiffening board to the underside of the foam and am currently waiting for it to dry.
I took a second look at the holes I made for the computer stand and remeasured their distance to the side. They are off-center by a few inches. I opened up my trackplan and moved some things around. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. The only thing I needed to take out was the demolition house by model power.