Hi y'all! As a new G scale train enthusiast I decided trains around the tree at Christmas time just isn't going to cut it. Since then I have been planning an elevated track for my office. My set is The Cow Catcher with an additional livestock car and a log car. I will have 40 feet of track. My question is what transformer will be adequate to power this layout? Model and number would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Most of the stuff on the market is not very good, or does not have the higher voltage that G scale needs.
I'd find a 5 amp laptop power supply (cheap) on Amazon, get a 19v one.
Then find a 5 or 10 amp controller. I'd recommend G Scale graphics, about $50.
No offense to Bachmann, I do not believe they make a 5 amp G scale "transformer" (throttle and power supply)
Since your layout is flat, there is no need to worry about strain going up hill. This USA Trains 4 amp combination power supply and controller should be more than adequate. I t is designed for G scale.
Robby at RLD hobbies may have a better price. Trainworld is another option.
Have fun with your layout!
Loco Bill
I've used an MRC AA370 Railpower 1370 DC power pack to run a similar locomotive, with 4 cars and a caboose, around a 15 ft x 20 ft elevated display track in a store with no problems. That layout was level and used brass track with feeders from the power pack every 5 ft. Adding elevations would up the power requirements.