Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => Large => Topic started by: rbrpguy on June 23, 2024, 04:55:11 PM

Title: Transformers
Post by: rbrpguy on June 23, 2024, 04:55:11 PM
Hi y'all! As a new G scale train enthusiast I decided trains around the tree at Christmas time just isn't going to cut it. Since then I have been planning an elevated track for my office. My set is The Cow Catcher with an additional livestock car and a log car. I will have 40 feet of track. My question is what transformer will be adequate to power this layout? Model and number would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Title: Re: Transformers
Post by: Greg Elmassian on June 23, 2024, 05:36:01 PM
Most of the stuff on the market is not very good, or does not have the higher voltage that G scale needs.

I'd find a 5 amp laptop power supply (cheap) on Amazon, get a 19v one.

Then find a 5 or 10 amp controller. I'd recommend G Scale graphics, about $50.

No offense to Bachmann, I do not believe they make a 5 amp G scale "transformer" (throttle and power supply)


Title: Re: Transformers
Post by: Loco Bill Canelos on June 24, 2024, 07:42:29 AM
Since your layout is flat, there is no need to worry about strain going up hill.  This USA Trains 4 amp combination power supply and controller should be more than adequate. I t is designed for G scale.

Robby at RLD hobbies may have a better price.  Trainworld is another option.

Have fun with your layout!

Loco Bill
Title: Re: Transformers
Post by: Len on June 24, 2024, 01:37:48 PM
I've used an MRC AA370 Railpower 1370 DC power pack to run a similar locomotive, with 4 cars and a caboose, around a 15 ft x 20 ft elevated display track in a store with no problems. That layout was level and used brass track with feeders from the power pack every 5 ft. Adding elevations would up the power requirements.
