I have a E7 Williams Dummy that is lacking several major screws. I have contacted the company and I received an email from them saying that the parts are not available anymore. Does anyone know or have any idea of how I can purchase 4 screws that hold the plastic body to the metal frame and the screw that holds the truck to a metal part that holds it to the metal frame? I have the part #s but didn't list them.
For the body screws if you don't have any at all, take the body to the hardware store and look through the bins for something that works. I needed a couple screws, so I took one off another loco and found something at ACE that worked. It's slightly larger than the stock screw but does the job. I'm not sure I understand your 2nd question, but you'll probably have to do the same with that screw as well, just take the one with you to compare. It's that or go on E-bay and buy some locos are start stripping them for parts. The body screw has threads that look like a wood screw, just so you know.
It's really a sad commentary that Bachmann is letting the brand die by not coming out with anything new or providing any support or parts for the products already out there! Good Luck
When my repair shop was open I got almost all the screws I needed for Williams/Williams by Bachmann locos from these guys:
Quote from: Len on January 12, 2024, 02:36:17 PMWhen my repair shop was open I got almost all the screws I needed for Williams/Williams by Bachmann locos from these guys:
Thanks for the link, Len. But that won't do the OP any good without knowing what the part number is for body screws! Just sayin
Almost all of the screws used in the Williams/Williams by Bachmann diesels are listed on pages 6 and 7 of the 'O/Williams' "Universal Parts" lisings. There's not a lot of variation in the screws used on different diesel locos:
All of the screws are metric. The only real difference I ran into when things switched to 'Williams by Bachmann' is for some reason the pilot mounting screw on the front truck was changed from 3mm to 3.5mm
Quote from: Frisbeguy4 on January 11, 2024, 12:41:33 AMHello,
I have contacted the company and I received an email from them saying that the parts are not available anymore. Does anyone know or have any idea of how I can purchase 4 screws that hold the plastic body to the metal frame and the screw that holds the truck to a metal part that holds it to the metal frame?
Quote from: Len on January 13, 2024, 10:30:27 AMAlmost all of the screws used in the Williams/Williams by Bachmann diesels are listed on pages 6 and 7 of the 'O/Williams' "Universal Parts" lisings. There's not a lot of variation in the screws used on different diesel locos:
Some people have less than no reading comprehension and could tear up a crowbar in a sandbox! JMHO
This is the truck mounting screw he's looking for. It works for the original Williams diesels too.
The semi-scale body mount screw may work for the original Williams E7 also:
If not, a 3mm self tapping screw should work.
Most available which part numbers?