I have a K4 Spectrum series that "wags" from side to side . I can not figure out how to remove the shell so I can lubricate and check for bent axles. Also would the valve gear binding be more likely to cause this . ( It looks good and I can not see any issues) I can attach pictures to another email (the pictures are to large to attach )
Thank you
Well, first of now you need a photo hosting site.
Below is site should help you. The loco has a split chassis.
The wheels could be out of quarter or side rods not correct.
Another diagram
I have repaired a few K4's that waddled like you describe.
Look closely at the drive wheels. The wheel itself is metal while the black spokes are a plastic insert; like a hubcap.
The 'hubcap' expands over time and bulges out; interfering with the siderods.
The fix is to cut out the 'hubcap' with a sharp knife and then paint the metal spokes that are left, flat black.
Thankyou. That is the problem.
I have a second K4 where the running gear broke and can NOT be repaired, so I was going to swap the drivers of the broke K4 to the K4 with bad drivers. Sounds like trimming the tires is the easiest. but I would like to disassemble the bottom frame to remove drivers. Never seen a model so complicated to access and lube.
This all part of model railroading.
Good luck.
A good place to find diagrams that will help you understand construction and assembly work is'
That site will have what you need to understand.
There are some Bachmann K4. Bachmann does change some.
I have some different Bachmann steamers.
Good afternoon, We've got a waddling k4 also, do you recommend taking all hubcaps out, or is it possible to identify the main culprit and only remove that one?