Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => Thomas & Friends => Topic started by: Cheeky_ULP on July 18, 2018, 03:10:45 AM

Title: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Cheeky_ULP on July 18, 2018, 03:10:45 AM
Recently, I've taken the effort to acquire the Tomix Thomas range, and I have to say that it's one of my favorite Thomas ranges period. However, its availability is limited, especially for a younger audience. N scale has a large presence in the USA, and many N scalers love putting the Tomix Thomas items on their layout (as the range was easier to get until about 4 years ago). I think this is a hole in the market that Bachmann could easily fill.

One thing I think Bachmann should make an important note of if they go down this avenue though, is that the Tomix Thomas range is slightly overscale to N scale, similar to how the Large Scale Thomas is larger than Gauge 1. I think if Bachmann matched the scaling of this theoretical range to the Tomix range, they would have a range "steaming with synergy" for the US and Japanese market alike (who would definitely import the stuff, just as Americans have imported Hornby items, and British people Bachmann items). In a post shortly after this, I can post measurements of the range if people want to see what I mean.

Anyway, if Bachmann did jump into making N Scale Thomas items in the US, I think a small range similar to the Large Scale range could work. It could easily start with a simple set of items like...

- Thomas
- Percy
Rolling Stock:
- Annie
- Clarabel
- Troublesome Truck 1
- Troublesome Truck 2

Which over the years, could extend to James, and possibly Emily, Toby, Rosie or Diesel. Rolling stock offerings could even expand to the vans and tankers, similar to the ones in the Large Scale range. Even a NW Brakevan or Spiteful Brakevan would make a great addition, and once Bachmann has those basic wagons out, they can easily milk the tooling for multiple decals and designs.

The main thing I think would be an obstacle though is pricing and resources, as Bachmann already has the HO/OO range going on, Large Scale, -and- a OO9 range that has just began a few years ago.

What do you guys think; a good idea, a bit too soon, something worthy for the future to consider, or even a bit farfetched?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Rodimus Supreme on July 18, 2018, 11:45:09 AM
I think it'd be possible. Would probably be something to consider later, instead of right now. Also, being a range smaller than HO/OO Scale, I'd hope they could do tender engines, unlike G Scale. If anything right now, I think Bachmann should focus on getting the license to sell their HO/OO Scale Thomas and Friends items in the UK first, now that Hornby has given that license up, and hopefully that income from new territories can help fund larger and newer releases for HO/OO Scale, and maybe G Scale.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on July 18, 2018, 12:15:20 PM
I've mentioned the idea of Bachmann acquiring the license for N scale Thomas models before, and I personally think it would be a wonderful idea, especially when Tomix is only selling their new range in Japan.

I think the range will more likely than not reach "Tomix size" as you mentioned earlier and it would be a good way to get the engines and stock from both ranges to at least be in the same size as each other. 

The range would in no doubt start with Thomas, Percy, and James.  I can easily see the range doing more characters from there as you mentioned before, but with some of the recent choices made by both Bachmann, or even Tomix's new range it does make me wonder what they will produce.  One of the biggest reasons I was for an N scale range was that size would not be an issue, unlike large scale, so Gordon and Henry would be a lot more possible, especially considering that Tomix made Henry in their old range and Gordon was announced too.  However, the new Tomix range only has Thomas, Percy and James so far and it seems like that, especially in the case of James, the models have been given new fly-wheel motors so they can navigate tight radiuses.  This isn't too much of a bad thing but it does make me wonder if the range is going to bother to bring back any of their larger additions like Henry or the mail car.  I personally hope that if Bachmann makes an N scale range themselves that they realize that demand for larger engines in N scale is definitely there, especially since Gordon still never got made by Tomix. 

I think the number of ranges Bachmann has for Thomas really should not be all that much of an issue, especially when considering that large scale, and even more recently the HO range has relied more on recolors for their lineups so it probably shouldn't be much, if any issue, with the other ranges. 

Personally I think an N scale range from Bachmann has a lot of potential and it would be a great way for Bachmann to increase their overall sales and encourage more people to get in the hobby of model trains.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Cheeky_ULP on July 21, 2018, 01:57:08 PM
Thinking on it more, I think if Bachmann did engines beyond Thomas and Percy, they could have an upper hand in the market by doing engines that aren't already on the market. James seems almost inevitable, but I think it'd be interesting if Bachmann skipped James and went right to an engine like Diesel or Gordon, as it's untapped potential. Many, many N scalers (especially in the Japanese fandom) kitbash Henry models into making Gordon, so the demand for Gordon is apparent.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on July 21, 2018, 09:41:19 PM
I think it's safe to say that James would be the third engine, regardless of the demand.  But maybe announcing Gordon alongside could work if they wanted to get him out sooner knowing that there is a market for an N scale Gordon, amongst other characters like Toby, Edward, Duck, etc.

Personally I could see it going like this if it really came down to it:

Year 1: Thomas and Percy
Year 2: James
Year 3: Gordon and Henry (since they share the same chassis and finding a Tomix Henry is pretty hard to come by, (I would know since I'm looking for another one)).
Year 4: Emily
Year 5: Toby

I think any other characters like Edward or Diesel would really depend on how the range would do at that point.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: really called Thomas on August 11, 2018, 01:23:06 PM
If Bachmann go into N scale, and they were easily available in the UK, then I would buy the lot and sell my HO collection in a heartbeat!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on September 25, 2018, 11:51:23 PM
Thinking on it a little bit, I had a crazy thought if we get an N scale range.



Both the HO and Large scale James models (including the updated HO James) both have their faults like the HO model having an inaccurate face and incorrect smokebox, while the large scale James has gray wheels.  Seeing as how the faults are completely different from one another, I would be genuinely curious to see Bachmann pull off an N scale James and I would hope that if done right, with the large scale design and black wheels like the new HO James, we could probably get a really accurate James model with no odd paint errors.

Just a little thought I had, hopefully we can hear more thoughts on an N scale range in general since I really feel it would take off in sales from Bachmann like how the large scale range did when it first started.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on October 08, 2018, 05:25:51 PM
Thought I'd finally come onto this thread and share my thoughts on this Bachmann N Scale idea.

Chuffing Genius! :o

The HOn30 range with the narrow guage engines shows that Bachmann can make highly detailed and marketable small models. I mean just look at how much bank Skarloey and Rheneas made.

The reason I've been slow to post my predictions for the Large Scale range in 2019 is because honestly... I think the large scale range is nearing it's end. There's just not a whole lot they could do. They could finally make Diesel but who knows? The only other engines I could see them making in that range are the Class 08s, Bill & Ben, Philip, and Rosie (maybe Duck, Edward, and Nia but they're a bit on the big side.). They would never make anything bigger than Emily, so Gordon, Henry, and Rebecca are off the table. And they're running out of rolling stock recolors as well.

A N Scale range on the other hand has so much potential! They could make almost any character from Thomas and Friends in this range: small, tall, wide, or narrow. As long as it's in the budget. Real talk, they could make ALL the engines currently in the HO range as well as Nia, Rebecca, Daisy, Stanley, Philip, Sidney, Ryan, Scotsman, Merlin, Samson, Stepney, and more! Now I'm not expecting these models to all come out at one time as N Scale can be very expensive. Here's what I think the base roster of N Scale Thomas engines might be.



Rolling Stock:

Troublesome Trucks 1 and 2
Red Branchline Coach
Red Branchline Brake Coach

That's what I think they could do with the first year and then overtime they can add the rest of the Steam Team, the classic bunch, Nia, Rebecca, and so on.

To rap this all up, I have to say that an N Scale Thomas range by Bachmann would be amazing. I really hope this thread takes off so one day this becomes a reality. That's it from me. Peace.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Rodimus Supreme on October 10, 2018, 06:33:16 PM
Quote from: Streak on October 08, 2018, 05:25:51 PM
Thought I'd finally come onto this thread and share my thoughts on this Bachmann N Scale idea.

Chuffing Genius! :o

The HOn30 range with the narrow guage engines shows that Bachmann can make highly detailed and marketable small models. I mean just look at how much bank Skarloey and Rheneas made.

The reason I've been slow to post my predictions for the Large Scale range in 2019 is because honestly... I think the large scale range is nearing it's end. There's just not a whole lot they could do. They could finally make Diesel but who knows? The only other engines I could see them making in that range are the Class 08s, Bill & Ben, Philip, and Rosie (maybe Duck, Edward, and Nia but they're a bit on the big side.). They would never make anything bigger than Emily, so Gordon, Henry, and Rebecca are off the table. And they're running out of rolling stock recolors as well.

A N Scale range on the other hand has so much potential! They could make almost any character from Thomas and Friends in this range: small, tall, wide, or narrow. As long as it's in the budget. Real talk, they could make ALL the engines currently in the HO range as well as Nia, Rebecca, Daisy, Stanley, Philip, Sidney, Ryan, Scotsman, Merlin, Samson, Stepney, and more! Now I'm not expecting these models to all come out at one time as N Scale can be very expensive. Here's what I think the base roster of N Scale Thomas engines might be.



Rolling Stock:

Troublesome Trucks 1 and 2
Red Branchline Coach
Red Branchline Brake Coach

That's what I think they could do with the first year and then overtime they can add the rest of the Steam Team, the classic bunch, Nia, Rebecca, and so on.

And here's one idea for this line I'm sure no one else has brought up: The Small Railway Engines.

Think about it. They could also release Small Railway content and have it tie into the HO scale standard gauge engines. Correct me if I'm wrong but N Scale engines would basically be minimum gauge when put next to HO scale. Maybe it's a little bit off but it's close enough, right? If they made Arlesdale Railway content, it would most likely be:



Rolling Stock:

Arlesdale Ballast Hopper Truck
Arlesdale Open Coach
Arlesdale Covered Coach

To rap this all up, I have to say that an N Scale Thomas range by Bachmann would be amazing. I really hope this thread takes off so one day this becomes a reality. That's it from me. Peace.
A: Bachmann already announced a Large Scale Diesel, and they cancelled him. If they're going to cancel a model that more than likely would've sold, that tells me they are practically dead in the water, and thus the other Class 08 recolors will definitely not happen.

B: The Narrow Gauge Engines for the Bachmann Thomas and Friends line are N Scale (N/009/HON30 are basically the same scale). The Arlesdale Railway Engines would be Z Scale, which is minuscule, and thus will probably not happen.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on October 10, 2018, 08:20:03 PM
Quote from: Rodimus Supreme on October 10, 2018, 06:33:16 PM
A: Bachmann already announced a Large Scale Diesel, and they cancelled him. If they're going to cancel a model that more than likely would've sold, that tells me they are practically dead in the water, and thus the other Class 08 recolors will definitely not happen.

B: The Narrow Gauge Engines for the Bachmann Thomas and Friends line are N Scale (N/009/HON30 are basically the same scale). The Arlesdale Railway Engines would be Z Scale, which is minuscule, and thus will probably not happen.

I still think it's possible for Bachmann to reconsider their cancelation of Large Scale Diesel but this is the N Scale thread so I'd rather not go into that.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Rodimus Supreme on October 11, 2018, 01:58:35 PM
Quote from: Streak on October 10, 2018, 08:20:03 PM
Quote from: Rodimus Supreme on October 10, 2018, 06:33:16 PM
A: Bachmann already announced a Large Scale Diesel, and they cancelled him. If they're going to cancel a model that more than likely would've sold, that tells me they are practically dead in the water, and thus the other Class 08 recolors will definitely not happen.

B: The Narrow Gauge Engines for the Bachmann Thomas and Friends line are N Scale (N/009/HON30 are basically the same scale). The Arlesdale Railway Engines would be Z Scale, which is minuscule, and thus will probably not happen.

I still think it's possible for Bachmann to reconsider their cancelation of Large Scale Diesel but this is the N Scale thread so I'd rather not go into that.

N Scale is smaller to HOn30 scale (if you've seen Bachmann Skarloey and Tomix Thomas next to each other) so Small Railway Engines still work. Small Railway Engines aren't that smaller than the Narrow Gauge engines (and even if I'm wrong, I'd rather have them too big than to not have them at all)
Actually Miniature Gauge engines would definitely be too small for N Scale, despite the minute differences between N and HON30 Scale. They'd still have to be Z scale. And even if Bachmann did those characters in N Scale, it wouldn't go over well, as having them be the completely wrong scale in general wouldn't work for a hobby about scale.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Cheeky_ULP on October 11, 2018, 03:49:08 PM
If they're the wrong scale, then I don't see the point
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on October 11, 2018, 04:47:36 PM
There is no market for miniature gauge modeling and Bachmann Trains does not supply any Z scale track, there is really no point in them investing in an incredibly niche market for the small railway.

I also think we should stay on topic since the purpose of this thread is discussing a matter of if Bachmann acquires the license to sell and produce N scale models instead of getting mad at people for disagreeing with you on the idea of the small railway engines.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on October 11, 2018, 06:14:44 PM
Quote from: Chaz on October 11, 2018, 04:47:36 PM
There is no market for miniature gauge modeling and Bachmann Trains does not supply any Z scale track, there is really no point in them investing in an incredibly niche market for the small railway.

I also think we should stay on topic since the purpose of this thread is discussing a matter of if Bachmann acquires the license to sell and produce N scale models instead of getting mad at people for disagreeing with you on the idea of the small railway engines.

Sigh... Ok maybe I got a little too heated there. I'm sorry. I just thought it would be a good idea and I guess I got overhyped. Thinking about it now after I've cooled down, I don't think it would be good to have the miniature engines in N Scale. I'll edit my original post as such. I still think that N Scale Thomas engines by Bachmann would be a great idea though and I'm open to hearing any more ideas about that.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Angelob6660 on October 11, 2018, 08:31:07 PM
If Bachmann does decide.
I could see Edward being made after Gordon and Henry. After they did Thomas, Percy, and James. Perhaps after that than Toby and Mavis.

Rolling stock hopefully in a two or three pack. Can be some
Cattle Wagon
Brake Van
Tank wagons
Troublesome Trucks
Box van/salt van combo
Gordon/James' express coaches
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on October 11, 2018, 08:52:45 PM
Quote from: angelob6660 on October 11, 2018, 08:31:07 PM
If Bachmann does decide.
I could see Edward being made after Gordon and Henry. After they did Thomas, Percy, and James. Perhaps after that than Toby and Mavis.

Rolling stock hopefully in a two or three pack. Can be some
Cattle Wagon
Brake Van
Tank wagons
Troublesome Trucks
Box van/salt van combo
Gordon/James' express coaches

It would be very nice if the rolling stock came in packs. Saves time having to individually buy Annie and Clarabel or Troublesome Truck 1 and 2. I can't say for sure which engines they'd pick for the line. I'm sure that they'll start with Thomas, Percy, and James but anything beyond that is up in the air. I'd at least hope they'd make all the current engines in HO Scale is this theoretical line while also throwing in some curveballs in here and there. That's all I could want.

This was a query that came to me between now and my last post. Would Bachmann have four separate ranges for Thomas? Would they possibly cancel or stop releasing new products from one of the other three ranges? (If any, my money's on large scale)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Angelob6660 on October 12, 2018, 03:52:39 PM
Man, I don't know why you want Large Scale to failed. It's just wrong and selfish.

Well the freight/passenger cars packs can also be sealed individually. For that type of people who want more of the same car without spending extra.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on October 12, 2018, 04:28:56 PM
He didn't say that he wants the range canceled, but more along the lines of if one of the three were to be dropped, large scale would probably be the one.  Personally I agree with him considering their recent overall track record after Toby got made hasn't been too great.  That doesn't mean I want it cancelled, honestly if I ever had the money or in this case, the space I would probably have picked up a few models from that range too.

As for engines they would do after Thomas, Percy or James, I think Toby and Emily would certainly be likely since they were both popular in HO and large scale.  Beyond them, Edward, Gordon, Henry, and Diesel, it would really depend on how well the sales for the new range would do from there.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on October 12, 2018, 06:35:23 PM
Quote from: Chaz on October 12, 2018, 04:28:56 PM
He didn't say that he wants the range canceled, but more along the lines of if one of the three were to be dropped, large scale would probably be the one.  Personally I agree with him considering their recent overall track record after Toby got made hasn't been too great.  That doesn't mean I want it cancelled, honestly if I ever had the money or in this case, the space I would probably have picked up a few models from that range too.

As for engines they would do after Thomas, Percy or James, I think Toby and Emily would certainly be likely since they were both popular in HO and large scale.  Beyond them, Edward, Gordon, Henry, and Diesel, it would really depend on how well the sales for the new range would do from there.

Thank you, Chaz.  :) I never said I wanted the range canceled. I respect the Large Scale range and it's fans. Like Chaz, I just don't have the money or space to buy any of the models. I do appreciate the work put into it. I appreciate that it brought Spiteful Brakevan into Bachmann form, the CGI designs used for the engines, and the existence of Winston in that range. (Honestly Winston is the one large scale character I have the most interest in getting some day since he's exclusive to that range.) I don't want the Large Scale range to die, it just seems inevitable unless they can finally release a engine (Diesel, Rosie, or Edward).

Back on the topic of N Scale, do you think that if Bachmann made this range, it would grow popular enough to keep up with HO Scale. Like to the point where you wouldn't expect it to be discontinued (that's how I view HO Scale). This is all hypothetical but do you guys/gals think it has that potential?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on October 14, 2018, 10:56:05 PM
Well, funny you should ask that, I did actually do a Facebook poll not too long ago asking fans in a modeling group if they would be interested in an N scale range from Bachmann, and the results were different from what I expected.


The majority said yes, which I naturally would agree with, but not by much compared to the second most popular answer which was no.  Obviously this isn't even the majority of the fandom so it is a little hard to tell but maybe they are already content with the HO/009 (or for some large scale) collections that they most likely have so far and don't want to invest in/can't afford another scale?  Maybe they don't want to invest in something a lot smaller than what they are used to?  Either way, I would be interested in seeing what a larger majority of the fandom would say beyond just Facebook.

Not that far behind, was that they would buy the engines Tomix never made.  This makes perfect sense, especially when Tomix only produced only four engines, with Henry not even being brought to the new range yet.  Either way, I think if Bachmann acquires the license for N scale models, they would possibly see the best sales in the range come from models beyond Thomas, Percy and James.

The rest of the votes ranged from maybe to not right away.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on October 15, 2018, 01:07:35 PM
Huh... I guess I can see why some people would say "No". Those people probably have HO scale/Large scale products and wouldn't want to double dip (like you said). I don't have much HO scale stuff in Bachmann yet. If Bachmann released N Scale engines with CGI designs that have the same quality and detail as the HO/HOn30 line, I might consider purchasing both lines or just the N Scale range. I do agree with that one voter that Bachmann should wait till they're back on their feet before trying a new range.

Speaking of the Tomix range, I'm personally wondering where that will go. Will they make the rest of the products from the old line (Henry, mail vans, the express)? Will they make completely new characters that weren't in the old line? It's funny that Tomix is currently one of the only Japanese Thomas merchandise lines that doesn't have Hiro in it.  :)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on February 15, 2019, 03:30:21 PM
Well, this thread's become relevant once more...

It make sense that the first products in the new N Scale Thomas range were exactly like most of our predictions. Thomas and Percy were the most obvious character picks and Annie, Clarabel, and the T. Trucks were the most obvious rolling stock picks. If N Scale Thomas and Percy are based on their CGI designs, I hope the coaches and the trucks are CGI style as well. I was never a fan of this inconsistency in the Large Scale range (CGI engines but classic style rolling stock  ???)

If this new line does continue, I'm expecting James, Red Coaches, and maybe even S.C.Ruffey and Spiteful Brakevan in 2020. I'm interested in seeing how this line goes forward. I may actually consider collecting it.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: mulfred-100 on February 15, 2019, 03:54:34 PM
The problem I see with this, I'm not an n scale modeller and many other modellers aren't either so there's a big gap in the market but bachmann hasn't actually produced a set like they did with the HO range and Large scale range. For someone new to this it would have been nice to include a set to get people more intrested rather then just the engines and rolling stock. I hope it does well.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on February 15, 2019, 04:27:12 PM
Quote from: mulfred-100 on February 15, 2019, 03:54:34 PM
The problem I see with this, I'm not an n scale modeller and many other modellers aren't either so there's a big gap in the market but bachmann hasn't actually produced a set like they did with the HO range and Large scale range. For someone new to this it would have been nice to include a set to get people more intrested rather then just the engines and rolling stock. I hope it does well.

True, that is a good point. Would've been nice if they had made a Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel Set and a Percy and T.Trucks Set like Large Scale. Maybe they don't think N Scale Sets are profitable? Idk.

I just hope this line doesn't crash and burn because I love the idea of it.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: mulfred-100 on February 15, 2019, 04:53:33 PM
Quote from: Streak on February 15, 2019, 04:27:12 PM
Quote from: mulfred-100 on February 15, 2019, 03:54:34 PM

True, that is a good point. Would've been nice if they had made a Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel Set and a Percy and T.Trucks Set like Large Scale. Maybe they don't think N Scale Sets are profitable? Idk.

I just hope this line doesn't crash and burn because I love the idea of it.
Oh I do too. I think it could be brilliant. I just find it hard to get on board with since theres no starter set being brought out. And there is a huge potential for that and it would be profitable. At the moment thats tomix's advantage that they do have an introductory set for us non N Scale modellers to jump on and expand and that's where this has slightly let bachmann down in not doing that. It's great for existing N Scale modellers but for the guys who aren't N Scale modellers it makes life a bit more difficult.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: RailwayRoundhouse on February 15, 2019, 05:01:52 PM
Not gonna lie, I wasn't so keen on the idea of N Scale at first. But after seeing all the ideas being mentioned, I'm certainly beginning to warm to the idea :) I'm definitely interested in seeing where the range goes in any case and as some have previously mentioned, there's a much bigger possibility of producing the bigger engines in N Scale rather then G Scale! Hope I'm not getting too ahead of myself by saying this, but if they ever announced Bill and Ben, I wouldn't hesitate to model the China Clay Pits! ;)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on February 15, 2019, 05:19:45 PM
Quote from: SodorRoundhouse on February 15, 2019, 05:01:52 PM
Not gonna lie, I wasn't so keen on the idea of N Scale at first. But after seeing all the ideas being mentioned, I'm certainly beginning to warm to the idea :) I'm definitely interested in seeing where the range goes in any case and as some have previously mentioned, there's a much bigger possibility of producing the bigger engines in N Scale rather then G Scale! Hope I'm not getting too ahead of myself by saying this, but if they ever announced Bill and Ben, I wouldn't hesitate to model the China Clay Pits! ;)

Cool! I'm glad you've warmed up to it! I agree that unlike Large Scale, this N Scale Range will have a much wider range of characters that Bachmann will be able to make. I'm honestly struggling to find character who wouldn't work in this range. I'm sure there are some but I can't think of any. Probably Winston wouldn't work but that's really it.

In terms of possible engines, I believe all the engines in the HO Scale are possible as well as other characters like Stepney, Daisy, Stanley, Ryan, Merlin, Porter, Samson, Nia, Rebecca, Philip, Sidney, Frankie, Hiro, and more. Who knows, maybe even a N Scale Diesel 10 is possible but maybe I'm getting too excited. There's so many possibilities I see for this line.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on February 15, 2019, 05:44:27 PM
For the next several years, Bachmann needs to focus on getting all the main characters out there. Hopefully, still two engines a year. James is inevitable for 2020. Along with James, we could get the Red Coaches, Mail Car, S.C. Ruffey, or even the Spiteful Brake Van. I'd love to have N Scale Diesel someday.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on February 15, 2019, 05:49:03 PM
Quote from: SodorRoundhouse on February 15, 2019, 05:01:52 PM
Not gonna lie, I wasn't so keen on the idea of N Scale at first. But after seeing all the ideas being mentioned, I'm certainly beginning to warm to the idea :) I'm definitely interested in seeing where the range goes in any case and as some have previously mentioned, there's a much bigger possibility of producing the bigger engines in N Scale rather then G Scale! Hope I'm not getting too ahead of myself by saying this, but if they ever announced Bill and Ben, I wouldn't hesitate to model the China Clay Pits! ;)

I've been warming up to the idea of N Scale as well! I would love to see the range become a success and I'm hoping Bachmann can learn from past lineups to make this as delightful as possible. It just might turn out to be a bigger success than Large Scale was due to a broader user base, a less strict variety of characters to create and, of course, affordability.

I'd love to pick up a starter set if it's ever announced at a later date and I'd most certainly pick up James, Toby and Mavis if they are ever announced within the next few years.  :)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JLK2707 on February 16, 2019, 02:42:17 AM
If bachmann made Gordon in N scale, I would just have him pulling a train of open wagon troublesome trucks with a brake van rather than the express. How about you?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: AJW98Productions on February 16, 2019, 07:25:08 AM
In the past, I have been overwhelmingly positive about the idea of an N gauge Bachmann Thomas & Friends line, but recently a friend pointed out something to me that I can't help but think in my head. Was starting with Thomas and Percy the right call?

I know that sounds like a dumb question, but the Tomix range is very well established among the T&F modelling community as the N Gauge Thomas & Friends line. So was it a good choice to announce their own, when they may just be creating equivalent to characters that already exist? And unlike other companies, which previously have based their Thomas models on the engines' real life basis (for the most part) Tomix also bases their models on the TV series models. So they may be placing themselves into a position where their producing models that could potentially come off as "redundant" to people who already own their equivalents. And I'm not trying to criticise or comment too heavily on the practices and models by other manufacturers. I'm just expressing my concerns about these announcements.

Finally, this is more of an open question, do you guys think Bachmann will make their T&F models in a scale that more closely resembles standard British N Gauge (1:148), or a scale more similar to what Tomix employs for their Thomas models (I'm given to understand their models are larger than standard British N Gauge)?

Again, I'm not trying to stir up controversy or comment too heavily on other ranges, and I'm certainly not criticising them, I'm mainly using Tomix as a frame of reference here, as I'm not sure of the exact scales or how else to bring up discussion about these topics. Have a great day everyone.

Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: BassTbone on February 16, 2019, 07:49:14 AM
As someone who has owned the older and newer lines of Tomix, I can say that Bachmann getting the mans to make N is more exciting. 

Tomix never released past four engines, with the newer releases only being the first three.  I know from experience that the tooling for the newer ones was terrible.  I went through two James locos because they stripped gears with little use.  Tomix was also over-scaled. 
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Cheeky_ULP on February 16, 2019, 11:48:28 AM
A thing people need to remember is for over 10 years (and still, despite the re-release) Tomix is not easily available to the Western market. While younger people like us are savvy enough to use websites like eBay or Amazon to find them, your average joe N scale modeller who has grandchildren would likely not get an N scale Thomas unless it was available at their local hobby store. Bachmann sees a potential market here with how many N scalers there are in the USA to get them a more-accessible Thomas and Percy.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: douglas on February 16, 2019, 12:02:29 PM
Quote from: BassTbone on February 16, 2019, 07:49:14 AMTomix never released past four engines, with the newer releases only being the first three.  I know from experience that the tooling for the newer ones was terrible.  I went through two James locos because they stripped gears with little use.  Tomix was also over-scaled. 

Had the same happen to me as well. I'll never claim to be an expert on model-train anatomy, but my first James model, straight out the new box mind you, ran a few times around my squeaky-clean Tomix-sectional oval before inexplicably clamming up. Tried a few times to reset the power, did yet another track cleaning (it can never be too clean!), nothing. Ended up selling it for about half of what I originally got it for on eBay.
The thing I really didn't like about the Tomix line was the ENORMOUS power packā€“in planning my layout I'm trying to fit the power pack into a corner of an approx. 3x6-ft. board and cover it with scenery, which is all but impossible with theirs... and if I'm not mistaken one can't use other brands of controllers with Tomix sectional track. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on February 18, 2019, 03:26:20 PM
Considering that the new N Scale Thomas line is targeted to older fans, imagine if Bachmann really surprised us with basing the models off the model series, specifically Thomas and Percy's faces:

(          (

This would make things much more interesting, since the faces of the HO models are based off promotional art and the faces of the large scale models are based off the CGI era.

If Bachmann took this approach, I may even consider collecting the line.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Griffin (TheBlueSnowplow) on February 18, 2019, 05:35:46 PM
Let me make one thing clear- if Bachmann's N scale models are classic-series themed, they will have me hook, line, and sinker. But I highly doubt this will be the case.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on February 18, 2019, 05:49:51 PM
I would actually be all for them having those faces as well. That would give each range it's own unique difference from each other as well. If they eventually make a brakevan that actually has the TV series livery, that would be another nice difference, as well as give the Spiteful Brake Van a unique livery in this line as well.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on February 18, 2019, 08:33:34 PM
As nice of an idea as that would be, I think it's almost obvious, if not inevitable, that they will go with the CGI designs for the characters in the new n scale range.

Doesn't mean that we can't replace the faces on the models with 3D printed faces or anything. ;)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on February 18, 2019, 08:52:27 PM
Quote from: Chaz on February 18, 2019, 08:33:34 PM
As nice of an idea as that would be, I think it's almost obvious, if not inevitable, that they will go with the CGI designs for the characters in the new n scale range.

Doesn't mean that we can't replace the faces on the models with 3D printed faces or anything. ;)

That's fair. I just think that basing the N scale models off the model series instead of the CGI era would make the models extra special, interesting, and really wow us older fans. I don't think that any of us could disagree with that :).
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on February 19, 2019, 06:43:08 PM
I contacted Bachmann about what the N scale range will be scaled like.
This is my email copy and pasted (except my real name, obviously):
To Whom It May Concern,
What scale will the new N Scale Thomas & Friends range be made in? Will they be made in 1:160, like the other U.S. N scale products, or will they be scaled to 1:148, such as those made by Graham Farish by Bachmann? Thank you.

This is what they sent back (My name is omitted again):
Dear ___________,

Thank you for your interest in Bachmann Trains products. They will be made in 1:160.

Best regards,

The Sales Team

Bachmann Industries, Inc.

Cheeky_ULP, I am sorry for arguing with you so much about the scaling, and it seems that we are both wrong.

If anyone wants to, they can send a more specific email asking about the Tomix size, which is approximately 1:120 scale, otherwise known as TT scale, with N scale wheels on the wagons. I doubt they would answer differently though.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Cheeky_ULP on February 19, 2019, 06:51:59 PM
I honestly wasn't meaning to imply I knew they were going to make any specific scale, but just had my hopes up.

The real question is if the person you emailed knew the specifics of the question; like if we asked them about the Thomas range, would they call it HO scale because that's what it's marketed for in the US, or know that it's technically OO scale? It's hard to say and why I'm just holding my tongue until we see the range. It feels almost like they're saying 1:160 because that's what they make in the rest of the N-scale range, and the US overall.

Either way, I curiously anticipate what they do choose, be the email correct or incorrect.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on February 19, 2019, 09:08:59 PM
It will take at least several years for Bachmann to make all the main characters in N Scale. Hopefully, when they get to Toby, they'd make Mavis to go with him, using the same chassis, with Mavis being slightly longer. Gordon and Henry would use the exact same chassis as each other, with Gordon having added trailing wheels, just like their HO counterparts.

I've pretty much given up hope for Bachmann to make Daisy in HO Scale. It may never happen, unless their budget issues get sorted out. Daisy can be possible in N Scale, but it still might take years to get to her. Not having a fixed wheelbase could be problematic for Daisy to have an eye mechanism in HO Scale, but since N Scale is too small for that, she might get made in N Scale, if Bachmann ever does make her. BoCo is a long shot, simply because his last appearance was in Season 5, which is older than most fans of the show today. Kids of this generation wouldn't even know who BoCo is.

As for N Scale Diesel, Bachmann will certainly give him the "grumpy" face on the first try. Since he's the main villain of the show, he might get made sooner rather than later. Diesel was cancelled in Large Scale, but he would be much more successful in N Scale. Unlike his HO counterpart, Diesel might get black siderods in N Scale. After we get Thomas and Percy, James is inevitable for 2020, so we can have the three most iconic characters of the show.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on February 19, 2019, 09:35:22 PM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on February 19, 2019, 09:08:59 PM
It will take at least several years for Bachmann to make all the main characters in N Scale.

At this point, the only thing I'm worried about is that Mattel is going to throw a curveball and cancel the series. Please note that there are no rumors of this that I have heard. I feel like that would be the worst thing they could do right now. The current show seems to be popular enough to keep everything around for at least a few more years, even though I personally don't like it. I just hope everything lasts long enough for Bachmann to do a decent amount of characters in N scale. One question I do have, though: If the show did end suddenly, would Bachmann have to quit selling their Thomas lines or would they be able to keep the rights and still make new products?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on February 20, 2019, 11:35:01 AM
Quote from: Streak on February 20, 2019, 01:45:15 AM
On the topic of characters in N Scale, I concur with TrainFan97 that it will take a while to make all the main characters in N Scale, but hopefully Bachmann will play their cards right and if they see an opportunity to reuse pieces like chassis and molds to get characters released quicker, they'll take it. Release Henry alongside Gordon. Release Mavis alongside Toby. Release Paxton alongside Diesel. Get more characters that the consumers want. Maybe I'm being too ambitious (I'm writing this post right before going to be rn) but I think that's what Bachmann can do to get this N Scale train rolling.

Releasing two engines that are capable of sharing a single chassis together is an ideal way to approach character creation. Gordon and Henry's HO models were both released in the same year, so I can see it likely happening again in the N Scale lineup. And if Mavis isn't the perfect partner to release alongside Toby, I pretty much don't know who is.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on February 20, 2019, 11:51:20 PM
Quote from: Falcon the 2nd on February 20, 2019, 11:35:01 AM
Releasing two engines that are capable of sharing a single chassis together is an ideal way to approach character creation. Gordon and Henry's HO models were both released in the same year, so I can see it likely happening again in the N Scale lineup. And if Mavis isn't the perfect partner to release alongside Toby, I pretty much don't know who is.

Exactly. Gordon and Henry being released together is a very strong possibility considering they share the same chassis. So is Toby and Mavis. The main argument going for Mavis in Large Scale is that she can reuse Toby's chassis/cowcatcher mold and that would apply to N Scale as well once Toby is eventually made. I have a strong feeling as well that if/when Diesel is released in N Scale, that it's a good move to release Paxton alongside him. They share almost all of the same molds and an N Scale Paxton would probably have a much better face than the HO one considering they won't have to worry about moving eyes.

Of course, if sets of twins are announced for the line (like Bill and Ben, Donald and Douglas, Arry and Bert), they'd both be released side by side obviously. But I also want to say that next year in 2020, there might be a slight possibility we could get a second engine announced alongside James (because let's be honest, the next N Scale engine's gonna be James). If that does happen, I'm calling Edward since both he and James go well together and are around the same size. Since the first three years of HO Scale had at least two new engines being released each, something similar to that could happen with N Scale. Who knows, if N Scale turns out to be easier for Bachmann to produce we could see two N Scale engines every year but I highly doubt that. Either way, the possibilities of this new line have me excited and I'm interested to see where Bachmann takes it.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on February 21, 2019, 12:58:54 PM
Quote from: Streak on February 20, 2019, 11:51:20 PM
Quote from: Falcon the 2nd on February 20, 2019, 11:35:01 AM
Releasing two engines that are capable of sharing a single chassis together is an ideal way to approach character creation. Gordon and Henry's HO models were both released in the same year, so I can see it likely happening again in the N Scale lineup. And if Mavis isn't the perfect partner to release alongside Toby, I pretty much don't know who is.

Exactly. Gordon and Henry being released together is a very strong possibility considering they share the same chassis. So is Toby and Mavis. The main argument going for Mavis in Large Scale is that she can reuse Toby's chassis/cowcatcher mold and that would apply to N Scale as well once Toby is eventually made. I have a strong feeling as well that if/when Diesel is released in N Scale, that it's a good move to release Paxton alongside him. They share almost all of the same molds and an N Scale Paxton would probably have a much better face than the HO one considering they won't have to worry about moving eyes.

Of course, if sets of twins are announced for the line (like Bill and Ben, Donald and Douglas, Arry and Bert), they'd both be released side by side obviously. But I also want to say that next year in 2020, there might be a slight possibility we could get a second engine announced alongside James (because let's be honest, the next N Scale engine's gonna be James). If that does happen, I'm calling Edward since both he and James go well together and are around the same size. Since the first three years of HO Scale had at least two new engines being released each, something similar to that could happen with N Scale. Who knows, if N Scale turns out to be easier for Bachmann to produce we could see two N Scale engines every year but I highly doubt that. Either way, the possibilities of this new line have me excited and I'm interested to see where Bachmann takes it.

I actually was thinking about Edward for a brief moment. His similar size with James is a pretty good point to bring up and it helps that their tenders are just about the same shape.

While I'm not sure how soon Donald and Douglas may come, I would hope for Duck to be released shortly afterward since the twins' front wheelbases are somewhat similar to his.

In one way or another, we're all excited for the N Scale lineup and we all hope for it to be a success. HO Scale engines have been announced at a gradually slower rate in recent years, so it's possible for N Scale engine announcements to come our way a bit faster since they could be easier to make. For now, though, the best us fans can do is to keep sharing our ideas/suggestions with Bachmann over the coming months and hope they may listen to us.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on February 21, 2019, 01:49:41 PM
Let's hope Bachmann's taking notes, so they can reuse things like chassis and molds to help build up the N Scale range faster. Gordon and Henry would share the same chassis, with Gordon having added trailing wheels. Mavis and Toby would also share the same chassis, with Mavis being a bit longer. Paxton can easily get released with Diesel. Diesel having a grumpy face on the first try, and Paxton having a more accurate face, since Bachmann doesn't have to worry about eye mechanisms in N Scale.

I heard that the HO versions of the Great Western Van, Fruit and Vegetable Van, and even the Water Tanker look inferior to their Large Scale counterparts, with the two vans using the Ventilated Van tooling, and the Water Tanker being in reversed colors from its Large Scale counterpart. Maybe Bachmann can fix those issues in the N Scale versions.

When James gets announced next year, some N Scale rolling stock that I'm hoping would also get announced in 2020 include the Red Coaches, which are something the range needs sooner rather than later. We could also get a Mail Car for Percy, S.C. Ruffey because nearly every Thomas merchandise line in existence has made him, and possibly a Brake Van to help complete a train. We'll get the Express Coaches when Gordon gets announced within a few years or so. When Bachmann gets to Spencer, they should also make the Special Coach. Emily would also need her coaches as well. As for Toby, N Scale Henrietta should be nowhere near as problematic as Large Scale. Maybe we can even get Hannah.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on February 21, 2019, 04:29:06 PM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on February 21, 2019, 01:49:41 PM
Let's hope Bachmann's taking notes, so they can reuse things like chassis and molds to help build up the N Scale range faster. Gordon and Henry would share the same chassis, with Gordon having added trailing wheels. Mavis and Toby would also share the same chassis, with Mavis being a bit longer. Paxton can easily get released with Diesel. Diesel having a grumpy face on the first try, and Paxton having a more accurate face, since Bachmann doesn't have to worry about eye mechanisms in N Scale.

I heard that the HO versions of the Great Western Van, Fruit and Vegetable Van, and even the Water Tanker look inferior to their Large Scale counterparts, with the two vans using the Ventilated Van tooling, and the Water Tanker being in reversed colors from its Large Scale counterpart. Maybe Bachmann can fix those issues in the N Scale versions.

When James gets announced next year, some N Scale rolling stock that I'm hoping would also get announced in 2020 include the Red Coaches, which are something the range needs sooner rather than later. We could also get a Mail Car for Percy, S.C. Ruffey because nearly every Thomas merchandise line in existence has made him, and possibly a Brake Van to help complete a train. We'll get the Express Coaches when Gordon gets announced within a few years or so. When Bachmann gets to Spencer, they should also make the Special Coach. Emily would also need her coaches as well. As for Toby, N Scale Henrietta should be nowhere near as problematic as Large Scale. Maybe we can even get Hannah.

Yeah, hopefully they see this thread and take our ideas and suggestions into account when working with the N Scale range. Finding ways to squeeze out more than one engine a year would be very beneficial. I definitely hope when they eventually make Diesel, they'll give him the grumpy face right away. Similarly, I'm sure that when Rosie's made in N Scale, she'll be her current red instead of her old pink. And since the designs will probably be CGI based, Spencer will probably have sleek silver paint. Maybe even by the time they get around to Oliver, Jam Filled may fix his CGI model. Hopefully however the Express Coaches and Spencer's Special Coach will be inspired by the Model Series/HO Scale designs. I'd be fine with CGI style Annie, Clarabel, and Troublesome Trucks but the Express Coach CGI design isn't really that good.

I didn't even consider the possibility of recolor rolling stock like the GW Van or the Water Tanker in this range but I can definitely see them carrying over to N Scale. Sounds fine to me. The more rolling stock the merrier I say. However I hope they'll first release all the important rolling stock items before getting into recolors (except for ones like Red Express Coaches or Hannah).

Currently, these are my predictions for the N Scale line in 2020:

Edward (if a second engine is possible)
Mail Van
Red Coach and Red Brake Coach
Brake Van

As the year goes on, I'll change my predictions accordingly as new information is revealed about the line. To close this post off, I just wanted to say that I've been thinking of characters that can be made in N Scale and I can't really think of many they couldn't. One that they might have trouble with is Stephen considering how small he is. I do hope he is possible though considering they probably won't make him in HO Scale. What characters do you guys think Bachmann may be unable to make in N Scale?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on February 21, 2019, 05:05:03 PM
Quote from: Streak on February 21, 2019, 04:29:06 PM

What characters do you guys think Bachmann may be unable to make in N Scale?

I think that Philip, Scruff, Bash and Dash are too small to be made.

On a completely different note, I got an Update email from the Bachmann Sales team about the scaling of the N Scale models. Considering that I never asked them again about the sizing and they gave me an update anyways, I feel like that just shows how good Bachmann's Service is. This is what it said:

Dear ___________,

Sorry, we replied too quickly. The exact scale of this line has not been determined yet.

Best regards,

The Sales Team

Bachmann Industries, Inc.

Read into this what you will. It almost makes me wonder if they will do completely new toolings for everything or not.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on February 21, 2019, 09:13:08 PM
All right, clearly some of you guys are getting a little too carried away with this new range. I am excited for it as much as the next guy but, announcing two engines for that range a year or making other larger engines like Rebecca or Spencer (as brought up in another thread) is a little "extreme". ;)

Sure, the range started with two engines this year, Thomas and Percy. This is exactly what the large scale range did too, as well as HO while also including James.  But in literally the last 10 years, it's been pretty rare for Bachmann to announce more than one engine per lineup unless if a range had only just recently started or we get a pair of twins.  Heck even when narrow gauge got announced only Skarloey was announced.  Honestly, I think it's almost obvious if not inevitable that James is probably going to be the only new engine announced in 2020.  Any other engine would probably come out a year or so afterwards.  

Size is not going to be anywhere near as much of an issue here like it was in large scale, but it seems that the catalog hasn't even determined prices yet for these models, and more likely than not, pricing will likely be an issue for this range too.  I definitely think Gordon would be a great seller and easily has the best potential out of any larger engine.  At the same time though, I'm not going to deny the fact that like any other scenario, that the tooling cost is something Bachmann would have to really think about before production.  Especially with the manufacturing cost at China as well as licensing from Mattel.  It's basically why I feel if other engines come out, I expect them to add Emily and Toby as they were both popular in HO and large scale and wouldn't cost as much as Gordon and Henry.  

Honestly I'm just glad that the new N scale range will likely have new toolings rather than taking toolings from Tomix or Graham Farish.  That will likely help boost their sales and really show the true potential that this new range will have.  Just as long as pricing isn't too steep.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Streak on February 21, 2019, 09:44:19 PM
Yeah true. we have been a little bit too over the top with saying what Bachmann could do with this range. We have no idea the price or if it's even gonna take off. I guess personally I've just been hyped up by the prospect of this new range that I may have speculated some pretty crazy things. I still stand by my 2020 predictions but I recognize that I shouldn't get so hyped for something either years and years away or something that may not even happen at all.  :P
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on March 02, 2019, 01:54:31 PM
I've been looking back through the old threads and catalogs recently, and there are a few things I noticed in regards to how quickly Bachmann has been able to get new ranges out. When the Large Scale range was announced in 2009, there were no pictures for the models, but they had painted samples of at least Thomas by July. They were also able to release the entire range by December 2009. For the Narrow Gauge range in 2015, there were again no pictures for Skarloey (a.k.a. the only model Bachmann were making themselves at the time). By the NMRA train show 2015, they had an engineering sample on display (August 28, 2015 - Thanks Chaz for providing the record). The official picture was uploaded to the site on December 9, 2015 (thanks Cheeky_ULP for the record) with Skarloey coming into stock the same day. Another thing I have noticed with the large scale range is that all engines, with the exception of James, have been released within the year they were announced. I believe one thing that could possibly have to do with this (in the case of Emily and Toby, at least) is that they were able to just scale up the HO models and make the small changes for details to stand out better. It seems like they can release things fairly quickly when they only need to be resized. I think the reason James took longer was because he had several differences compared to the HO model. Another thing that I noticed is that the models seem to take the longest when it is being completely designed for a first release. Examples of this are Oliver, Rheneas, Rosie, Duck, Donald, Douglas, and Rusty. I know that we are in different economic times, but do you guys think it would be possible for the N Scale range to have at least a couple of engineering samples on display at the NMRA Train Show in July?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on March 05, 2019, 03:12:12 AM
It's a little hard to predict how production is going to go since things have been a lot slower as of late.  I think that while we could have at least unpainted engineering samples of at least Thomas and maybe the rolling stock maybe at some point this year, it all really depends on what stage the models are at in terms of production.  It's a little hard to speculate on engineering samples or prototypes until Bachmann reveals any info to the public via shows or posts on the forum.  I'm just hoping that the first lineup of the new N scale range won't take over two years to be released similar to the case of Oliver and now Rusty who still isn't out yet or hasn't been seen on any of Bachmann's public displays.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Zekeism on March 05, 2019, 02:36:20 PM
If I was Bachmann, this would be my yearly plan..
2020: James, Red Express Coaches and Bertie
2021: Gordon, Green Express Coaches
2022: Emily, Emily's Coaches and Harold
2023: Toby, Henrietta, Milk Tanker
2024: Henry, Log Flatbed, Break Van and Terence
2025: Edward, Mail Coach, Tar Tanker
2026: Duck, Red Branch Line Coaches and Trevor
2027: Diesel, Sodor Fuel Tanker, Troublesome Truck #3
2028: Donald, Douglas, Breakdown Train, Spiteful Breakvan and Bulstrode
2029: Mavis, Quarry Wagons (2 different loads)
2020: Oliver, S C Ruffey, Toad and Bulgy
2021: Spencer, Spencer's Coach
2022: Salty, Troublesome Truck #4, Ventilated Van and Cranky
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: plas man on March 05, 2019, 03:26:41 PM
well you guys - with the amount of interest shown in this thread Bachmann would be silly not to manufacture Thomas in N scale . it would be a top seller - the only contender is Tomix and they are hard to get even when new and largely over scale .

my request is for a walking talking full DCC  ''Sir Topem Hat'' .
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on March 05, 2019, 09:14:15 PM
I don't know about Sir Topham Hatt being in DCC... but I do want to bring up the engines eventually being released in DCC and sound at some point. 

My N scale club runs DCC only, so when I do get these models, I will have to add DCC to Thomas and Percy already.  Personally, I think if Bachmann really wants the sales for these to take off, they should announce DCC/sound models sooner rather than later so fans have the option to go down that route, rather than just to buy these models and add DCC to these models themselves, only to discover a few years later that DCC and sound alternatives would eventually become available.  I feel Bachmann probably would have had better overall sales with the DCC sound models in large scale if that were the case, especially with how terrific the sound quality of the models turned out on them compared to the HO analog Thomas model. 
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on April 23, 2019, 11:30:45 PM
Lately, I've been thinking more deeply about Bachmann's newly announced N Scale Thomas line, and I have to admit that the idea of it has really grown on me. Also, just today, I came across this image, showcasing the Tomix Thomas in front of a 1:148 N Scale British Express Coach and a 1:148 N Scale British Loco (Oliver's basis) in front of the Tomix Thomas Express Coach.


After looking at this image, I think that making the new Bachmann line in scale with the standard 1:148 British N Scale (smaller than Tomix) would be the smarter move as there is currently much more that is offered through that than there is in the Tomix range. Moreover, this would make sense since Bachmann is now offering their entire Thomas range in the UK, so UK modelers will want to have Thomas models that are in scale with their other British products. What are your thoughts? And for those who have already stated their preference, does this image change it?

Lastly, here is the link to the forum where I found the image:
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on April 23, 2019, 11:38:21 PM
This actually makes me more hopeful that they will be made in 1:148. It would make more sense, at least.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Rodimus Supreme on April 25, 2019, 03:09:56 PM
Quote from: plas man on March 05, 2019, 03:26:41 PM
well you guys - with the amount of interest shown in this thread Bachmann would be silly not to manufacture Thomas in N scale. it would be a top seller - the only contender is Tomix and they are hard to get even when new and largely over scale .

my request is for a walking talking full DCC  ''Sir Topem Hat'' .
...This sounds like you've somehow totally overlooked that Bachmann announced an N Scale Thomas and Friends line this year.

And that Sir Topham Hatt idea is absurd, TBH.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Plow_Bender on April 25, 2019, 05:53:55 PM
Quote from: Rodimus Supreme on April 25, 2019, 03:09:56 PM
And that Sir Topham Hatt idea is absurd, TBH.

Absurd, yes... impossible, no...

Introducing Bachmann Sir Topham Hatt w/ DCC sound!  :D


The sound module is also available separately and can easily be plugged into the already existing Bachmann Sir Topham Hatt figure and features 10 phrases and realistic sounds such as "You have caused confusion and delay." and "It's no good arguing with policemen."  Can be operated on both digital and/or analog systems.  Sir Topham Hatt w/ DCC Sound is $179 and the module itself is $80.  Both are expected to start shipping Fall of 2019.  Preorder yours now! ;D

Clearly this is why I don't have real friends...  ::)  Anyways, hope you all a good laugh. ;)

Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Angelob6660 on April 25, 2019, 08:53:57 PM
I had a good laugh. It was very funny, good job.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on April 27, 2019, 12:25:04 AM
Quote from: TerencetheTractor525 on April 23, 2019, 11:30:45 PM
After looking at this image, I think that making the new Bachmann line in scale with the standard 1:148 British N Scale (smaller than Tomix) would be the smarter move as there is currently much more that is offered through that than there is in the Tomix range. Moreover, this would make sense since Bachmann is now offering their entire Thomas range in the UK, so UK modelers will want to have Thomas models that are in scale with their other British products. What are your thoughts? And for those who have already stated their preference, does this image change it?

My two cents on the scaling:

Personally, I don't think that Bachmann Trains will have the new N scale models be the same size as US and UK standard N scale. I don't even think that they will be matching Tomix either. If anything, I expect Bachmann to go down the same road as they did with large scale and create a generic "Thomas and friends scale" like they did with large scale.  They did this with large scale because most of their large scale equipment (non-Thomas) that Bachmann Trains offers are mostly narrow gauge and they wanted to go with something that would not only be larger and more kid-friendly but they wanted to make it stand out more compared to their American large scale offerings.

With N scale, I think the reason that they will likely go with a different scale is, again, size.  They want to introduce people into the hobby of model trains, and the Thomas ranges have done an amazing job at being a stepping stone for getting people in the hobby, including the Skarloey range.  Because Thomas has proven to be great at doing this, (especially for children), they want to offer models that are sturdy as well as something that will be larger than standard N scale products to allow smaller hands to handle them, all while giving them a more toy like feel like the HO and large scale models do.  Tomix clearly did the same thing hence their larger size.  I can't imagine Bachmann will match Tomix size perfectly, but I imagine it would roughly come fairly close to the large size that those models are.

I agree that it may be a turn off for some, but at the same time Tomix took the exact same gamble and that clearly paid off in its own way without matching UK or even Japanese N scale products.  I'm thinking this will be no different in the case of Bachmann's new range.  Sadly we won't have an actual answer for a year from now once the models are released but as long as these models are basically the large scale models scaled down to N like I have been hoping, then I don't see why the sales for these wouldn't take off.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: plas man on April 27, 2019, 05:27:27 PM
are Tomix Thomas still being manufactured or has Bachmann bought them out ?
and are going to re-introduce the range in big N scale ?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TTL on April 27, 2019, 07:13:57 PM
Not much is known other than at least the toolings will be unveiled sometime in 2020 with the range launching no sooner than 2020. it seems unlikely at this point that it'll be the Tomix range re-packaged, though it is a possibility it seems very slim at this point. As such, the scale is unknown, whether it'll follow the the UK's N scale or continue with the larger Tomix scale. Hopefully, and if they're smart, they'll be making them to the UK N scale scale. Bachmann haven't "bought out" Tomix, and in the seemingly high unlikely chance it is just the Tomix models, it'll more than likely be a deal between the 2 companies, a deal which hasn't been announced and coupled with what info Bachmann has given thus far, it seems almost certain that the Bachmann N range will be newly tooled at the least.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on April 27, 2019, 09:30:32 PM
If it was the Tomix engines/stock re-packaged, we would have seen pictures of them already in the catalog and the models would already have prices listed and would be coming out a lot sooner.

Also because Bachmann announced a new N scale range for Thomas they would have had to acquire a license to produce these models and sell them in specific countries where there are no other manufactures producing the models in said scale for that market.  Tomix hasn't added anything with their new range since 2017, so I would assume that Bachmann bought the license to sell N scale models since Tomix hasn't done anything since then.  It's also entirely possible that Bachmann has the license to sell them in most locations except Japan since that seems to be the only location where the new Tomix range was launched, not making it out to the UK or US.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TTL on April 28, 2019, 03:40:43 PM
Basically, exactly the above.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JLK2707 on May 09, 2019, 09:10:01 AM
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on February 01, 2020, 01:19:23 AM
Wanted to share my thoughts on the (almost) finished N Scale Thomas & Percy models. Overall, they look wonderful. The models seem to consist of the proportions from the large scale models, and seem to be scaled to British N Scale, which I personally love. As for things that could be improved, other than confusion between Thomas and Percy's faces, I would have liked to see a separately fitted whistle for Thomas. In fact, I am curious to know why Thomas' whistle is part of the cab mold, while Percy's whistle is separately fitted. Additionally, Thomas' side rods look too thick. Not sure if this could be changed, but given that these are prototype models, I wonder if the final model would be able to have thinner side rods. If not, I wonder if engines like Gordon and Henry would even be possible for the future. Curious to know what everyone else's thoughts are as well.

Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on February 01, 2020, 04:44:52 AM
It's humorous how the faces on Thomas and Percy got swapped during production, I'm sure these will be fixed during the final production stages before they are released, as well as getting the correct eyebrows too.  Though the pupils on the Percy face do look a tad too big for my liking.  Otherwise the only major flaw I see with these are the chunky side rods on them.  I also found it odd how Thomas' whistle is molded but Percy's is separately fitted so I'm not sure why they went that route.

Overall while I'll admit these models didn't really meet my expectations I think once the faces are swapped to the correct models, I imagine these will sell all right when first released.  The video posted on Twitter shows the Thomas model running very smoothly which is always a plus.  I'm debating on whether or not I will be collecting this range since I'm going to work on a OO9 setup soon.  If they do announce a starter set though that would make collecting this new range much easier.

As far as future engines go, there's no doubt in my mind that we will see James join the range next.  Possibly Toby sometime after that as well.  With how thick they made the siderods on Thomas and Percy it does make me a little concerned with how they would tackle larger engines like Gordon and Henry (if we even get them that is).  For now though I think the future of this range will really depend on sales of these models before anything else.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Rodimus Supreme on February 01, 2020, 12:50:43 PM
Quote from: Chaz on February 01, 2020, 04:44:52 AM
It's humorous how the faces on Thomas and Percy got swapped during production, I'm sure these will be fixed during the final production stages before they are released, as well as getting the correct eyebrows too.  Though the pupils on the Percy face do look a tad too big for my liking.  Otherwise the only major flaw I see with these are the chunky side rods on them.  I also found it odd how Thomas' whistle is molded but Percy's is separately fitted so I'm not sure why they went that route.

Overall while I'll admit these models didn't really meet my expectations I think once the faces are swapped to the correct models, I imagine these will sell all right when first released.  The video posted on Twitter shows the Thomas model running very smoothly which is always a plus.  I'm debating on whether or not I will be collecting this range since I'm going to work on a OO9 setup soon.  If they do announce a starter set though that would make collecting this new range much easier.

As far as future engines go, there's no doubt in my mind that we will see James join the range next.  Possibly Toby sometime after that as well.  With how thick they made the siderods on Thomas and Percy it does make me a little concerned with how they would tackle larger engines like Gordon and Henry (if we even get them that is).  For now though I think the future of this range will really depend on sales of these models before anything else.
There's a video of Thomas running? Link?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on February 01, 2020, 03:08:33 PM

Here's the video I mentioned earlier
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on July 19, 2020, 08:29:32 PM
Hopefully this lightens up the mood after the recent disappointment. I decided to do a mock-up of Dryaw Station (and the surrounding Airfield buildings) in preparation for the new N Scale line. The first thing I did was the station building. The only things I didn't model on the station itself were the advertisement boards, the canopy (only omitted because I can't tell if it's clear or not), chimney pots, and platform. Here are some pictures.

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Although it is to scale (except the arch windows; they were hard to cut), it's a little rough, which is fine, since it's not really supposed to be super detailed for it's current purposes (seeing how much space it takes up). I may revisit each building once they're all done to add detail.

I hope this shows some things that can be done with a little modelling. It really is quite fun! I feel like buildings are easier to do than a locomotive. Updates will come as and when I have time to build the other buildings.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on July 19, 2020, 08:58:46 PM
Very nice work so far Trainman2001, can't wait to see further progress.

Funny that this thread was picked up again, I'm actually going to start some new n scale projects very soon.  As always I'll post updates.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on July 19, 2020, 09:25:28 PM
Thanks Chaz! I can't wait to see your projects, too!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on July 26, 2020, 06:43:11 PM
Today I started on the Air Traffic Control Tower, although I haven't cut anything yet. It's kind of an interesting building, because it's simple enough that I could just put the bordered detailing on it and paint it, but it's still got that complex control box on top, which I haven't started yet because I'm not quite sure how to do angled stuff like that. Here's a pic of the side with the stairs:

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And here are a couple of pictures of what I've done so far. I'm not quite sure that I  positioned the window that's circled in red right or not (it's the one by the stairs on the real model, hence the above picture).

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Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: MrNormalDraws on August 01, 2020, 04:36:57 PM
Hey guys, I just got some of the new N Scale range I decided to buy to resell on my ebay store.

As the items are easy to open up, I decided to do some comparison sizes.

Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on August 01, 2020, 05:52:07 PM
Just waiting for Thomas and Percy to become available, while Annie, Clarabel, and the first two Troublesome Trucks currently have no engines to pull them yet.

The same was like that for the Narrow Gauge range, where the first rolling stock was released before Skarloey.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Zekeism on August 02, 2020, 03:29:34 PM
Just curious, could these connect with the Skarloey engines?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on August 02, 2020, 03:49:59 PM
Quote from: Zekeism on August 02, 2020, 03:29:34 PM
Just curious, could these connect with the Skarloey engines?
Kind of. They all have NEM coupling pockets, so if you switch out a few couplings between the wagons, they could connect, but if you wanted to just connect them without doing anything, they couldn't because they have different couplings.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on August 02, 2020, 07:16:12 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I got a bit more of my project done today!

Part Two: The Airfield Control Tower & Windsock

I was able to get the airfield control tower put together this week. The top of it doesn't really reflect the original model's design, and was only included to give a rough sense of height. It is only a mock-up project, after all. I didn't include the stairs or the sock itself, but they don't take up much room anyway.
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Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on August 14, 2020, 06:19:13 PM
Look what came in the mail today!


I finally caved in after seeing some nice in depth looks at the Bachmann troublesome trucks as well as scaling comparisons I finally decided to purchase the N scale troublesome trucks.  Once I have a more stable job lined up I plan on buying the starter set and Percy shortly after.  For now though I'd like to talk about the troublesome trucks and my thoughts on them.  Either way I like how these are in small compact boxes to keep the models protected, something I wish the HO/OO models would do.

To be honest there isn't a whole lot to say about them since they are the same models in HO and large scale just scaled down to N.  For what they are I think they're okay, I do think a more updated design would have been preferred, even if they went with CGI.  However with the CGI faces not being as expressive maybe Bachmann wanted to stick with the two faces that offer more of a contrast?  It's an odd design choice, especially almost 2 decades after the HO ones came out but I digress.  If you liked the HO and large scale ones, then chances are you'll like these fine.  I personally wanted to add them since I am starting to get ready to start my collection and for that reason I think these trucks will do the right amount of justice.

The other thing I want to talk about is scaling.  These are -mostly- scaled down the British N gauge, albeit being a little taller but not by much.  Honestly, I was a little skeptical on this at first but the more I think about it the more I realize this was probably a smart move as modeling in N scale Thomas will now be a lot easier if you want to get more creative with rolling stock and other custom engine ideas if you are willing to start collecting the range.  It opens the door for a lot more modeling possibilities when it comes to scaling which I'm all for.

Overall while I'm not sold on the trucks design I am a lot more sold on the scaling as I am now.  I know this isn't as exciting as my more thoughtful and in-depth reviews especially regarding pictures (I don't have an actual N scale setup at the moment so bare with me :P)but once the Thomas set comes out expect my usual in-depth review from there.  Until then, if you got the trucks already, what are your thoughts on them?  I'd like to hear other thoughts on this as well as the scaling.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Rodimus Supreme on August 14, 2020, 07:41:07 PM
How does their scale compare to American N Scale?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on August 14, 2020, 10:56:29 PM
Here you go:



American stock towers over the Thomas range.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Rodimus Supreme on August 15, 2020, 09:20:16 AM
I'm guessing that scale isn't accurate to the real world?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TTL on August 23, 2020, 07:55:54 PM
I mean, it's accurate to British N scale
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Rodimus Supreme on August 23, 2020, 09:58:38 PM
Quote from: STL on August 23, 2020, 07:55:54 PM
I mean, it's accurate to British N scale
I meant the scale of the Troublesome Trucks compared to the American stock isn't the same as their real world counterparts, considering Chaz said the trucks are a little taller than British N Gauge.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainCollector on August 24, 2020, 02:21:57 PM
Anyone here believe Gordon or Henry should be announced next in N scale? I think it's possible for them to be made.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on August 28, 2020, 03:26:57 PM

Guess who came in as a birthday present yesterday!  Yes the N scale Annie and Clarabel arrived yesterday and it seems now I won't need to buy the starter set and just focus on Thomas and Percy then.  Anyways time for another brief review on Annie and Clarabel.


Looking at these coaches in comparison between the HO models, the difference is night and day.  Right down to the more accurate paintwork with their black frames and red buffer housing, Annie and Clarabel are a huge improvement over their predecessors.  I also like the inclusion of both of the coaches having CGI styled faces which was absent on both the HO and large scale models.  I know some don't care for the CGI look but as long as it's more accurate than what came before I personally say it's a welcome change for Annie and Clarabel.  They both do look exactly the same but fortunately their names are painted on them so it will be easy to tell which is which. 


The only minor complaint I have is the missing guard compartment on Clarabel, we both Annie and Clarabel use the same tooling.  Considering that nearly every toy range does this same approach with Annie and Clarabel, including the other Bachmann models, I feel it's a very small nitpick and not hard to fix if you are bothered.  But apart from that nitpick I really don't have an issue with these two at all and I'd say that the extra effort they put into these than the troublesome trucks really shows. 


So overall the new N scale rolling stock have been fun display pieces but I'm hoping to give these a run at the club layout soon.  In the meantime though due to the pandemic I may just do my Thomas and Percy reviews on my OO9 layout.  I know it'll look off scaling wise but I feel that it would make for more fun and engaging reviews instead of displaying them on my table and it would give me a chance to give feedback on both of their performances while mentioning how rolling stock does alongside them. 

In the meantime, what are your guy's thoughts on the N scale Annie and Clarabel? 
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on September 02, 2020, 10:36:21 AM
All in all, the Bachmann N Scale Annie & Clarabel look good, especially with the accurate paintwork. It would have been nice to see a guard compartment on Clarabel's model, but I guess that is a very easy thing to overlook. The only other complaint that I really have is with the faces. It isn't because they went with CGI faces (even though I prefer the model faces), but more so about the fact that both models share the same expression. I personally always liked that Annie had a surprised expression to give some more diversity to the two models, but that's just me.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Angelob6660 on September 12, 2020, 11:57:52 AM
I like the face change on Annie. It has somewhat bother me at a young age with the open expression. I just wish they didn't change Clarabel.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on October 22, 2020, 01:53:22 AM

Bachmann just added a photo of the box artwork for the N scale set in their web store.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on October 22, 2020, 12:33:20 PM
That's a pretty nice box. My only nitpick about the set is that no pieces of straight track are included (notice the curved re-railer and the side of the box), but that isn't so much of an issue since they're easy to get separately. It's a good thing I personally bought some track ahead of time.

I was actually wondering when we would get an update on Thomas and Percy now that we're about halfway through the fall season. I'm guessing they're currently doing packaging preparations for the two engines and that set, and they could be shipping around late November or early December if Rheneas' release timing is anything to go by.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on October 26, 2020, 07:29:53 PM
I'm now wondering how long it'll take for the N Scale line to have a Christmas-themed set, considering that the other lines got their own sets in the years that followed their beginnings.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on October 26, 2020, 08:14:19 PM
I think that's really the only other set I can see Bachmann doing with N scale in the immediate future.  It would be nice if the snowplow was available as an add-on accessory like how it was for large scale but I'm not getting my hopes up for that.  I think Bachmann will probably announced a Christmas set for N scale once they introduce more rolling stock so they more of a variety to choose from to make a decent looking Christmas train.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on November 02, 2020, 02:29:43 PM
Bachmann's Twitter account has announced today that Thomas and Percy are now officially available on their website (along with the starter set). They'll most likely be in stock at other retailers soon.

If you ask me, both models look utterly fantastic! I don't own much for N Scale besides a bunch of accumulated track, but I would seek either of these out in a heartbeat for my first engine. Many people will almost certainly be hopeful for James next year after seeing these in their final photographing stages.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on November 02, 2020, 11:01:10 PM
It appears Bachmann also added photos of the tankers in addition to the Thomas and Percy photos today.  At closer examination it appears Bachmann reused the Graham Farish tooling for the tankers which explains why they got done so quickly.  The rivet detail and the pressure relief valve behind the cap gives it away:




Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on November 03, 2020, 01:26:35 PM
I really love the look of the tankers! Since they are using the Graham Farish tanker tooling for N Scale Thomas tankers now, I wonder if they will use more Graham Farish toolings for other types of rolling stock.

I would specifically like to see them use the Cattle Wagon tooling, Single Vent Van tooling, and Brake Van tooling to make the Spiteful Brake Van.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on November 03, 2020, 04:12:58 PM
Bachmann should definitely use the Graham Farish toolings to make the Cattle Wagon, Ventilated Van, and the Spiteful Brake Van to help build the N Scale rolling stock more efficiently. They still need to make the Milk Tanker. The open wagon tooling (used for the first two Troublesome Trucks) can be used to make the Red Open Wagon, Coal Wagon with load, and S.C. Ruffey. The Mail Car, Henrietta, and the Express Coaches would require new toolings. The Red Coaches can be modified from the Annie/Clarabel tooling, just like in HO Scale.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: thewizard on November 08, 2020, 07:45:40 PM
Can anyone with these models provide a minimum radius for them to operate on? Not a radius that "should" work, but a true minimum? I have a DC trolley line with Kato 117mm radius curves, and would like to run Thomas on that line, if it's possible.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: and_salv on November 09, 2020, 10:52:02 PM
Hello all! I'm looking forward to receiving my own Thomas set soon! I pre-ordered already, so I'm sure it won't be long. I'm hoping to start my first model layout in N scale with it. I have enough space for a 3' x 4.5' layout. I'm wanting to make it a Sodor one of course. That's why I wanted to ask if any of you have any suggestions for sodor buildings. I'm sure it might be a while before Bachmann releases any buildings in N scale. Any ideas specifically for Tidmouth Sheds and Knapford? Unfortunately, I'm really new to this stuff so I know scratchbuilding wouldn't be my best option right now. Anyhow, thanks! I'm also hoping Bachmann ends up releasing at least the original steam team in N scale. It'd be a bummer if they don't cause my layout will be rather empty. Thanks! ;D
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on November 10, 2020, 12:24:22 AM
Well, here they are.  After waiting almost two years Bachmann has finally released their N scale range by introducing Thomas and Percy as their first engines in their new range.  I talked briefly about the rolling stock that was released a few months earlier, but now I think it's only fair to talk about these two new engines, as well as additional thoughts I have on the new range.

You'll also notice that these engines are being reviewed on my OO9 layout and that's mainly due to the fact I don't have any room for an N scale layout, nor am I able to join any clubs during the pandemic.  Hopefully once the pandemic is over and I'm able to join an N scale club I can share my thoughts on future engines and stock from there in the future.  For now my OO9 setup will have to do for now.

This range was first announced in 2019 with a mixed reception at first, yet it seemed to gradually win people over as time went on.  Now it seems quite a few people are starting to become invested in this new range, myself included.  And almost two years later we have Thomas and Percy present in some nice protected boxes and ready for some running.  I've never really done two entirely different characters in the same review so bare with me here, this is going to be a long one.

Let's start off with Thomas.  At first glance I say that Thomas looks pretty decent as the first engine I took a look at on my layout.  All the appropriate colors and detail are all present on this model, nothing wacky or over the top (like excessive rivet detail...), just the standard CG render with the appropriate amount of details and mostly fair proportions on the model.  I love how despite being in N scale, Bachmann went ahead and added their usual details such as lamp irons, brake pipes, lamps are all present on the model.  I also like the small bit of black paint to act as space between Thomas' wheel splasher and his boiler.  It's understandable why it's all one mold instead of separately fitted because of its small size, but unlike the HO model they bothered to fix this small detail by not making it look like excessive plastic on the model.  Definite thumbs up on my end for this one.

There are only two issues on my end I want to point out on the model.  One is his whistle.  Usually most Bachmann models have given their steam engines separately fitted whistles, including the N scale Percy.  For some reason Thomas' whistle is molded onto the cab.  It's an add choice and probably wouldn't have added that much more to the tooling cost.  So I'm not sure why they went this route.

The other is his size.  When comparing Thomas to other engines and stock, he is fairly small in comparison.  The only reason why I think they went this route was to match CG scaling while also trying to incorporate British N gauge scaling too.  Bachmann's N scale range is not the first to do this as Diapet's 1:64 scale Thomas range also includes CG scaling with models despite being labeled in a specific scale.  So even if it's a little off I can at least understand why they went this route.  It could also be a new mandate on Mattel's end as well to incorporate CG scaling into these models as well too.

So while Thomas does have some questionable design quirks, I do think the model itself looks decent as far as capturing the character in his full CGI appearance.  Whatever aesthetic faults are in this model aren't really enough to detract from the model, in my opinion, and I say it really puts the range off to a good start.  But now, it's time to talk about Percy...

Just like Thomas, Percy also looks really spot on to his CGI appearance.  However, I think I like the Percy model just a little more than Thomas' model.  The faults I mentioned with Thomas really didn't seem to fall on the Percy model. As usual, Bachmann did a great job adding the separately fitted details like the lampirons, brake pipes and yes even a separately fitted whistle.  They also did a great job making his siderod configuration accurate to what's on the show too.  The siderods are a little large for my liking, but otherwise I say Percy really hits the ball out of the park on an aesthetic level.

His size is also not as off as Thomas' as he seems to scale up just fine with Annie, Clarabel and the trucks (though A&C are a little oversized to my liking).  It does look a little odd having Percy towering over Thomas a little bit, though.

So I think it goes without saying, but Percy is my favorite model in the range so far, which is funny because his HO model is easily my least favorite.  It shows just how far Bachmann has come with hitting the nail on the hammer for accuracy since starting making Thomas models back in 2002.  I think once fans or modelers start collecting the range whether it's buying a starter set or just buying Thomas on his own, I without a doubt recommend them getting Percy as well as I think this model is worth picking up as well.  

Time to talk about how the models run, Thomas ran really nicely.  The model was a little noisy when running, likely due to the how the motor is designed and having metal weight over it.  Otherwise he had no issue running over any switches and handled all the curves and corners of my setup just fine.  I had Thomas pull four Tomix express coaches earlier and he seemed to run just fine with some wheelslip, but that's expected (especially with how small he is compared to N scale models, let alone the Tomix range).

Now for Percy.  Percy seemed to run a little better than Thomas as far as a quieter runner is concerned.  He ran a little faster than Thomas likely due to his chassis design.  I can see his chassis being very popular with the OO9 crowd.  Percy seemed to do decent with hauling the four Tomix coaches too and didn't require as much effort as Thomas did.

So overall, what are my final thoughts on these two models?  I have to admit while the Thomas model has its faults, I thought it was a decent model overall and is really gonna be an eye-catcher while running on layouts, especially at train shows.  The Percy model on the other hand I feel is a lot more superior in most areas, and I would recommend both models to anyone who wants to start getting into N scale.  As someone who collected Tomix and had an N scale layout when I was a lot younger, it's nice seeing N scale Thomas being brought back to the market.  Just like how I was excited for Skarloey's announcement as well as the future of the narrow gauge range, I can't wait to see what the future of the N scale range holds, even though there's not a ton of N scale models I plan on collecting long term since I'm a lot more focused on HO/OO and OO9.  I'd like to eventually add DCC to the Bachmann N scale models though so I can run them at a local N scale club.  I also don't want to comment on my personal preference on the Bachmann range or Tomix range since that's against the forum rules, but I also understand why some may prefer one range over the other (or even like both!).

As for the future of this range, I firmly believe that Toby would be their best option for their fourth engine in N scale as he's proven to be very popular in HO/OO and large scale while having a simple body and motor to work with (maybe squeeze Henrietta in there too?).  And maybe one day, in a much further distant future (once we are out of the pandemic), Bachmann can finally add Gordon and Henry in N scale with some express coaches to go along with them now with size not being an issue in N scale.

And that's a wrap!  I can't wait to see/hear what everyone else has to say about these models and I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts on the James model, in addition to seeing the future of this range.  In the meantime, what are everyone's thoughts on these models?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on November 10, 2020, 12:57:36 PM
Wonderful post, Chaz! After reading your thoughts and seeing the pics of these models from multiple angles, my interest in purchasing the N Scale Thomas & Percy for the future has grown significantly. The only issue that I have with these models is the chunky side rods, as they make them look more toy-like than they should be. Hopefully, this will not be an issue for the upcoming James model as well as other engines that get announced down the line.

Wonderful post, once again!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on November 10, 2020, 02:08:31 PM
Like Terence said, this is a wonderful post! My interest in getting both N Scale engines was also already strong before, but now it's grown after seeing the pictures and reviews of these two. The range is off to a great start and I'm also hoping for Toby to be announced next year.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on November 10, 2020, 11:10:03 PM
It's strange that Thomas has his whistle valves molded to the cab, while Percy's whistle is separately fitted. Really hoping to see N Scale James getting revealed soon, possibly in the 2021 catalog.

It really would be nice if Bachmann was to announce the big engines like Gordon and Henry for N Scale. If they can't do that next year, then N Scale Toby would be the next best choice, with Henrietta for rolling stock. Toby is a simple box shape, and he's a very popular seller in both HO and Large Scales. We may not get medium-sized engines like Emily and Edward until later on. Once we get Toby, we'll have half the original Steam Team in N Scale.

For next year's N Scale rolling stock, there are many great choices to announce:

-Milk Tanker #1 priority
-Cattle Wagon
-Ventilated Van
-Brake Van
-S.C. Ruffey
-Red Open Wagon
-Coal Wagon with Load
-Mail Car
-Red Coaches
-Henrietta (if we get Toby)
-Express Coaches (if we get Gordon)

The first four in the list would use Graham Farish toolings. Some of these are sure to be announced this February.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: and_salv on November 11, 2020, 04:49:34 PM
Does anybody know if a decoder can be installed on the Bachmann Thomas and Percy? Since I'm about to start my layout, it would be nice if I could start out with DCC. I feel like it just going to be easier in the long run, than making my layout with a bunch of blocks and a lot of wiring. Just wondering.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on November 14, 2020, 03:31:08 AM
Quote from: and_salv on November 11, 2020, 04:49:34 PM
Does anybody know if a decoder can be installed on the Bachmann Thomas and Percy? Since I'm about to start my layout, it would be nice if I could start out with DCC. I feel like it just going to be easier in the long run, than making my layout with a bunch of blocks and a lot of wiring. Just wondering.

I may stop by one of my hobby shops to figure that out sometime this weekend since I've been wanting to figure that out as well.  I can do a post on the installation progress when that happens since a lot of people have asked me about the DCC conversions in the Facebook posts I've made.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the strong feedback on my earlier post!  Glad to see that everyone else is excited for the new range, I've been seeing posts and reviews outside of the forum and it seems like the range is off to a really great start so far.  Admittedly I'm not wild about Bachmann using Graham Farish toolings for recolors but I'm hoping this will only apply to certain pieces of rolling stock and not others, but I'll save that discussion for another day.  For now I hope we get some other decent rolling stock choices in the future as well.  Toby still seems to be the most popular request (besides Gordon and Henry).  I thought about mentioning Edward too but I kinda wanted to keep the last part of my post to a "top 3" engine suggestions, but Edward would probably get an "honorable mention" in that case.  I wouldn't feel the same way about Emily, but I wouldn't rule her out from happening at some point in the future.  If they do, I wouldn't rule out Bachmann jumping on making Emily's coaches before Emily even gets announced like how they did with the large scale range.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: and_salv on November 14, 2020, 04:49:56 PM
Quote from: Chaz on November 14, 2020, 03:31:08 AM
Quote from: and_salv on November 11, 2020, 04:49:34 PM
Does anybody know if a decoder can be installed on the Bachmann Thomas and Percy? Since I'm about to start my layout, it would be nice if I could start out with DCC. I feel like it just going to be easier in the long run, than making my layout with a bunch of blocks and a lot of wiring. Just wondering.

I may stop by one of my hobby shops to figure that out sometime this weekend since I've been wanting to figure that out as well.  I can do a post on the installation progress when that happens since a lot of people have asked me about the DCC conversions in the Facebook posts I've made.

Anyway, thanks everyone for the strong feedback on my earlier post!  Glad to see that everyone else is excited for the new range, I've been seeing posts and reviews outside of the forum and it seems like the range is off to a really great start so far.  Admittedly I'm not wild about Bachmann using Graham Farish toolings for recolors but I'm hoping this will only apply to certain pieces of rolling stock and not others, but I'll save that discussion for another day.  For now I hope we get some other decent rolling stock choices in the future as well.  Toby still seems to be the most popular request (besides Gordon and Henry).  I thought about mentioning Edward too but I kinda wanted to keep the last part of my post to a "top 3" engine suggestions, but Edward would probably get an "honorable mention" in that case.  I wouldn't feel the same way about Emily, but I wouldn't rule her out from happening at some point in the future.  If they do, I wouldn't rule out Bachmann jumping on making Emily's coaches before Emily even gets announced like how they did with the large scale range.

That would be awesome! Thanks! I can't wait to see what's next for this N scale range of Thomas and Friends ;D
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: NotSoGrandNow on November 17, 2020, 08:56:01 PM
Do you all think the upcoming James model will have the same scaling issues he has in the CGI series? Personally that would be a dealbreaker for me if or when the time came to buy him. I can only hope he isn't outlandishly large.  :/
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Angelob6660 on November 19, 2020, 11:47:33 AM
I don't believe that James will be as large, since he and Edward are almost the same length. Hopefully they get their proportions right.

I enjoyed your review of Thomas and Percy. Are the Tomix and Bachmann cars different in sizes or both the same?

The tank cars looked alright but their missing the cris cross straps around the body and dome.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TTL on November 19, 2020, 11:59:13 AM
The Bachmann rolling stock and, as has been said before, the entire range is in UK N scale, the Tomix stuff...isn't. Tomix's range was made to a much larger scale standard and it's pretty much in its own scale as a result.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on November 25, 2020, 12:02:11 AM
I just got the entire first wave of N Scale products a few days ago, and I enjoyed them. Thomas seems a little undersized compared to Annie and Clarabel, and might look a tad smaller than Percy, but he still looks better than his HO Scale model, especially the face. I never got Percy's HO Scale model because it had many glaring problems, but his N Scale model is a huge improvement, and his face actually looks like Percy.

Did they botch the tankers by using Graham Farish toolings, or was it okay they went with this more efficient route?

I got high hopes for the future of the N Scale range. I'm looking forward to seeing James get revealed soon, and I'll plan to pick him up next year when he becomes available. Hopefully this February, they will announce N Scale Toby, or even better, Gordon and Henry. If they're not ready to announce big engines like the latter two just yet, I'm perfectly okay with Toby being the fourth N Scale engine; a simple box shape, and a popular character. He sold very well in both HO and Large Scales. They should also make Henrietta to go with Toby, as I feel Henrietta is much more likely in N Scale, and she seems a little complicated to be made in Large Scale. Unlike her HO Scale model, Henrietta's N Scale model would actually have a face, and they could even make Hannah with the same tooling. Though, Emily ended up being the fourth Large Scale engine.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainCollector on November 28, 2020, 10:10:06 PM
I just got Percy and the troublesome trucks and my local train store just ordered Annie and Clarabel. Thomas isn't in the warehouse because the demand is too high I guess and they have to wait for more Thomas models to arrive. I will be getting Thomas as soon as he gets in the warehouse. I'm very hopeful that in February we get Gordon and the express coaches. I'm really hoping we get those. Any questions about this comment are greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on March 08, 2021, 09:01:10 PM
Hey everyone, it as been a while since I've posted, but I was recently able to get Thomas, Troublesome Truck #2, and the Water Tanker. I'll try to offer my thoughts in a little review.
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First Impressions/Detailing
My first thoughts on the tanker and Troublesome Truck were pretty good. They are both quite free-rolling, and the paint finish, although glossy, is pretty nice! I think the colors of the troublesome truck look better on the N Scale model than they do on the HO one. Not sure why that is, it just seems to be the case. The tanker wasn't my first choice, but since the oil tanker wasn't available at the time of purchase (although now it is?!), I got it, and I'm honestly really glad I gave it a chance! The classic-style lettering is a nice touch, and the dark blue color isn't bad, either. Another nice thing is the separately applied brake lever, which I think sets it a bit above the troublesome truck.
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My first impression of Thomas is a bit of a different matter. When I first took him out of the box, the model appeared to be significantly warped, which I thought wasn't a good sign. Upon closer inspection, there had been a screw put on top of the metal weight in one of his tanks, and that was pushing the body up. I removed the screw, and luckily, there's no body damage, and the model fits together perfectly now. I think mine might have been a one off on that regard, because that screw didn't seem to be a design feature, so I'm not sure what happened there.

    Otherwise, I am very impressed with the model's looks. The lamp irons and brake pipes are very fine, so much that they fit in with the general finesse of the Graham Farish C Class. The number and lining are very crisp and nicely done. The buffers are also something I want to mention. They are accurate to how they appear throughout Season 1 (and frankly, everywhere else until Series 23) which is a first for any merchandise of Thomas, including Bachmann's. Large Scale was extremely close, but the shanks look just a bit short. His face is also a pretty accurate representation of the CGI era. His coupling rods are overscale. Comparing that to the C Class, his rods are slightly thicker, but his hex screws are actually smaller, interestingly enough, which, in itself, is nice. The whistle is probably the most disappointing thing on the model. I'm not sure why it's molded on when there's already so much separately fitted detail.
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One last thing before moving on that I wanted to talk about was Thomas' scaling in particular. A lot of people say he's too small, but he's actually scaled to his Model Series counterpart. In the classic series, 7-plank wagons are the same height as the tops of his tanks. The troublesome truck does go half a plank over, but, from comparisons photos I've seen, the troublesome trucks are also half a plank taller than standard N Gauge 7-plank wagons, which can be chalked up to the troublesome trucks' CGI scaling. Another comparison is with the GWR vans. In the model series, they go the same height as Thomas' roof, which, from what I've seen, appears to be the case on the N Gauge model. The HO and large scale Thomas models are too tall in that area, due to their overscale wheels. Annie and Clarabel are simply too large in the N scale range; again, CGI scaling. Percy also appears to be model series scaled like Thomas, from every photo I've seen of the two together.
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I found Thomas to be a very smooth runner straight out of the box, and subsequently, a better runner than even my Narrow Gauge locos, which I wasn't expecting. There is a large metal weight in Thomas, as well as brass gears, bearings, and a flywheel, which is why it's more expensive than the HO model. It can also pull 20 wagons (source: pedanticmongrel's Thomas and Percy review on YouTube). It's also capable of smooth slow starts and running.
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Overall, I find Thomas to be an excellent model, and not worth all the naysaying it appears to get by Thomas fans on Twitter and YouTube. It's the most show-accurate readily available model of Thomas out there (Yes, I know CoolProps is out there, but it's not readily available). I'll give it an 8/10, considering the issues that I mentioned. I can't wait to see the future of the range, especially with how Toby turns out!

P.S. Here's a game. A few unfinished buildings from the show are in some of the pictures. Which ones are they?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Rodimus Supreme on March 08, 2021, 09:37:45 PM
So how easy or hard would it be to source new side rods that are scaled correctly?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on March 08, 2021, 09:44:12 PM
That is something I don't know, but I was planning on looking into it eventually. People who scratchbuild their locomotive's have to get rods from somewhere. I'd figure they're probably etched into metal, which I'm not sure how easy it is to have an etch done. You could probably get into contact with someone at RMweb for that, though.

EDIT: A quick search for nickel silver etching brings up
for example. No idea how expensive it is, though.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on March 10, 2021, 12:42:37 AM
I'd be very curious to see how the models would turn out with smaller rods too. 

On the whole though, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts too Kemptown, and looking back it made me realize that some of the earlier criticism I had with the Thomas model itself may have been a little harsh and I like how you took the time to show that there's more to it as far as scaling and accuracy goes. 

I never got around to getting any of the tankers, might wait for Bachmann to release milk and possibly tar tankers.  The water tanker does look nice though, I'm probably just gonna stick with seasons 1 and 2 for N scale as far as engines and stock go.  Once you get Percy and other stock from this range I'd love to read your thoughts on these as well.  It's nice seeing other people sharing in-depth reviews on here besides me, and I think it should be encouraged since it allows Bachmann some solid feedback on their products. 

Great review, and loved the pictures.  Can't wait to see progress on the buildings too!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on March 10, 2021, 08:47:56 PM
Thanks Chaz!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on March 11, 2021, 11:07:23 PM
So, not exactly a "progress" report, but a few photos from earlier in the process of Ffarquhar Sheds. I made them from 0.75mm thick plasticard and am currently cutting out pieces of the roof from 1.5mm thick plasticard (it's actually really hard to cut!).
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And here is the beginning of Annie and Clarabel, who are going to be done like their original RWS appearance, but with some added real-life detail as well. Thomas will eventually have details added to him too, once I work up the confidence.
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3D Concept

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Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on March 13, 2021, 08:28:41 PM
Great thoughts on the Bachmann N Scale Thomas models, Kemptown Branch! I completely concur with them. The scaling of the N Scale Thomas model is particularly impressive with the thick side rods as the only factor that bugged me. Thus, if I were to purchase the model in the future, I would try to get the current rods replaced with thinner ones too.

Terrific work on Ffarquhar Sheds and the RWS Annie & Clarabel as well! Cannot wait to see how they will turn out once they are completed!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on March 15, 2021, 07:19:55 PM
Thanks Terence! Here's my progress for today on Clarabel. There are so many windows that I didn't want to do it all in one sitting!
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Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Angelob6660 on March 25, 2021, 12:10:00 PM
I can see what you mean.
Those side rods cover half the wheels. You could slightly trim them, but not sure it'll be reliable.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on May 02, 2021, 10:17:25 PM
Hey everyone, I've decided to make a scene inspired by this set. The only difference is that it'll be done as a single track line.

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Here's the track layout:

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After getting the track glued down, I began weathering the track using a process inspired by a process I found on RMWeb. First, I painted the sleepers chocolate (that was the color I had to hand), then I painted the rails in rust. After that, I weathered the sleepers using Tamiya mud, snow, and soot. Here are a few pictures of the track.

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I feel like this is finally beginning to come together, which is pretty nice! I'd also like to do the watermill someday, although I don't know when I'll start it.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on May 18, 2021, 08:39:23 AM
Here's James! He appears to have a fully open cab, and the paint looks nice!
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Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on May 18, 2021, 10:18:02 AM
The N scale James also looks very good too.  Not a single paint error on this model either from what I can tell (little hard to make out the color of his wheels).  I am looking forward to discussing further thoughts on the model again once released.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on May 18, 2021, 12:50:43 PM
Likewise with Daisy, I'm quite happy to see that James' N Scale model is coming along nicely. He was always my favorite character in the show, so I'll be glad to pick him up later on.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on May 18, 2021, 06:40:09 PM
I also just realized that James' front wheels have spokes all the way through them! It'll be interesting to see if the other wheels will be the same way or not.
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Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 19, 2021, 10:02:18 PM
Unlike his HO Scale model, James' N Scale model actually has an open cab. Can't wait for better images to show up.

After James, we're getting Toby for N Scale.

The 5th engine would be anyone's guess. Emily is possible, but could make the N Scale range too similar to Large Scale. There's also Edward, who would be very popular, and is another medium-sized engine, but was recently mistreated and disrespected by Mattel. Gordon and Henry are the two big engines from the original Steam Team, and would be very popular sellers in the N Scale range, and both should be made simultaneously, since they'd share the same chassis (with Gordon's having trailing wheels) with slightly different bodies and different tender shapes.

Bachmann also has the Graham Farish toolings for Gordon's Express Coaches, so there's that.


After seeing how great HO Scale Daisy turned out, I already want to see an N Scale model of her. I know it may not happen for a while, especially since her HO Scale model isn't even available just yet, and we still have some original Steam Team members left to be announced. If Daisy does get made in N Scale, it shouldn't take anywhere near as long. Large Scale Diesel was ready quickly because Bachmann just needed to scale up his HO Scale tooling to Large Scale. Daisy's tooling had to be made completely from scratch, but if she does get made in N Scale, Bachmann just needs to scale down her HO Scale tooling to N Scale. Then, Bachmann would have two models of her.

Whatever the next N Scale engine is, I'd welcome any of these with open arms:

-Bill and Ben
-Ryan (if we get Daisy)

Emily was the first female engine to be made in both HO and Large Scales. It would most likely be the case for N Scale too. Right now, the N Scale range is still in its infancy. I feel the most likely candidates are Emily, Edward, Henry, or Gordon. Should Diesel be the first diesel in the N Scale range? Before Toby was announced, we decided he (Toby) was best to be next. Now, who should come following Toby? Let's figure this out.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on May 24, 2021, 01:44:27 PM
The idea of an N Scale model of Daisy does sound pretty nice, but it does seem a tad bit early to consider her in another scale and especially after it has taken some good time to get her HO Scale model finished. Still a neat idea to think of nonetheless and also a good point made with scaling her tooling down.

Most of the engines that Bachmann previously made in HO & Large Scale have fair chances of being next in N Scale and most of them have fair potential for good sales among fans, so it's very hard to make a certain guess with only four basic engines to go by.

I do happen to have a few personally hoped-for options for a new engine following Toby and I felt like sharing them along with my reasons for wanting them:

I've stated previously that I didn't want Diesel to come too soon in the range and that's still true. We've gotten a grumpy version of his HO Scale model a few years ago and we are just about to get him in Large Scale, so I think Bachmann could use a break from him and focus on completing the original Steam Team first. Unless maybe Sidney is announced in HO Scale, I think it would be fair to say that most Bachmann fans are done with seeing multiple Class 08 models between scales for some time.

As nice as an LBSC Thomas or Origins James would be in N Scale, I feel it may also be too early for any repaints of current engines. Still something to think about if no new engines can be announced, though.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 24, 2021, 02:14:01 PM
If Bachmann still doesn't feel ready to announce the big engines like Gordon or Henry yet for N Scale, other medium-sized engines like Edward and Emily would be great choices for the N Scale range.

Despite Edward's recent mistreatment from Mattel, he would still be a very popular seller, and seems more likely in N Scale than Large Scale. Many fans would be happy for Edward being made in the N Scale range.

Emily would also be a welcome addition to the N Scale range, since she's still an original Steam Team member. The only problem with Emily is that she could make the N Scale offerings too similar to Large Scale, but she'd still be a welcome addition.

For more small engines, other great ideas include Mavis (using Toby's chassis), along with Bill and Ben. The problem with Mavis is that she got almost no merchandise since Mattel's takeover.

Since these are several great choices and possibilities, there isn't a specific one we can vouch for after Toby. If any of them were chosen to be the 5th N Scale engine, fans would be more than happy. If we still can't get Gordon or Henry yet, Emily and/or Edward would be more than welcome.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on May 27, 2021, 12:30:54 AM
Falcon, I feel bad for not getting to respond to your post suggestions right away, especially with how quick you've been with my posts too.  So I'll give my thoughts on the N scale engine suggestions you mentioned. 

To be honest, as much as I wouldn't mind a model of Daisy in N scale I agree it would be way too soon for her and for many of the other side characters, including Duck (as much I would absolutely love an N scale Duck since he's my favorite character).

I think Edward is definitely the most likely out of the three that you mentioned.  It feels like a missed opportunity not to introduce him in large scale, but doing him in N scale would be a great idea, given how popular he is with the older fanbase as well as how popular his HO model sold.   I wouldn't rule out Mavis either, apart from the standards at Mattel, but Bachmann's been known to take the easy route with reusing toolings/motors as of late so she would be a safe option too.

I would normally say it's too premature for Bachmann to consider engine recolors of the same character in the N scale range, but yellow Rheneas did get announced this year and both the narrow gauge and N scale ranges have four engines if you include Peter Sam and the N scale Toby so I wouldn't rule out an LBSC Thomas or Origin James in N scale.  That being said, I wouldn't be opposed to them and would probably buy them at some point too.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 27, 2021, 01:34:15 AM
Well, looks like we have a winner for the next N Scale engine: Edward.

Edward should be next N Scale engine after Toby. Bachmann missed an opportunity to make him in Large Scale, but an N Scale model of Edward would definitely be a big hit. If Bachmann can't make the big engines like Gordon or Henry just yet, N Scale Edward would be the perfect compromise. He is a very much beloved character, and his HO Scale model was very popular. If made in N Scale, Edward will certainly be a huge seller.

Like I said, the only issue with Emily is that she'd make the N Scale offerings too similar to Large Scale. Edward would be a better option for the next N Scale engine because he hasn't already been made in Large Scale. It's still a bit too soon to get side characters like Duck, Daisy, or Bill and Ben. That's why we'll go with Edward, who's another member of the original Steam Team. He still did get a little merchandise after being controversially removed from the main cast.

Hopefully, we'll at least get an unpainted sample of N Scale Toby by the end of this year.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on May 27, 2021, 12:45:58 PM
Edward is the one that I would most certainly choose for the next N Scale engine. All things considered, it makes the most practical sense to announce him after Toby's prototype is shown off. To also have a Thomas toy lineup with Thomas, Percy, James, Toby and Edward among the first five engines produced would also be a charming treat that can make the N Scale lineup unique. After Edward is announced, Emily can easily be next.

It does feel too soon to announce most of the side characters, but recolors are fairly likely to come sooner now that I think about it. If no new engine were to be announced next year, LBSC Thomas would be the next safest bet and a good choice too.

Quote from: Chaz on May 27, 2021, 12:30:54 AM
Falcon, I feel bad for not getting to respond to your post suggestions right away, especially with how quick you've been with my posts too.  So I'll give my thoughts on the N scale engine suggestions you mentioned.

Don't worry about it, Chaz. I freely admit that I tend to give my responses fairly early- :P
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 27, 2021, 02:27:31 PM
Edward is now the next N Scale engine to vouch for. After Edward is announced, then N Scale Emily can be next. Edward would make the N Scale range more unique from Large Scale. It would be better if Emily was the 6th engine introduced to the N Scale range, and let Edward be the 5th.

Once we get Edward and Emily, we'll have all the medium-sized engines from the original Steam Team, leaving only the big engines, which are Gordon and Henry. Toby will be the last small engine from the original Steam Team.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JLK2707 on May 27, 2021, 04:50:51 PM
Do you think that Devious Diesel would just be an excellent choice for N Scale?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on May 27, 2021, 08:52:28 PM
I was going to wait to say this, but I guess I don't have to.

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Edward should totally be the next N scale engine if Bachmann's ready to announce one next year! It would be great to see them tackle an Edward model for the first time in 14 years! It would also be great, because Edward was the first character, and he would be announced right after being taken out of the show completely. It would be a really nice gesture to show that he's still important. Plus, he hasn't really had new/redesigned merch that represented him well since around 2013, and that's long overdue for him.
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And based on the improvements with the James model, Edward could look really good! He would also allow the range to be different from the Large Scale range! And since N scale doesn't have the eye mechanisms, Edward probably wouldn't have the balance issues his HO model reportedly had.
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Overall, I think he would be an excellent choice for the next model. Although, if they aren't ready for him, I'd love to see Mavis!

For rolling stock, I'm hoping they announce either (or both) the Milk and Tar tanker at the NMRA show. Next February, I'd hope to see whichever one wasn't announced, along with the original coal wagon and a brake van.

One thing I have also given some thought to is what the next item of rolling stock should be (this isn't necessarily for next year, but in the future overall). I think it would be good for them to further differentiate the range from the other ranges here. My choice for this is the Cattle Wagon.
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It's a van, but it doesn't allow the range to fall into the trap of being exactly the same as Large Scale. They have been seen all throughout the series, and are probably almost as iconic as regular vans. The tooling is in the Graham Farish range. And this is more of a personal thing rather than a real point, but right now, there are plenty of vans available from Graham Farish, and not cattle wagons, so they could use a new way to make them more easily obtainable. Not to mention they would go great with a certain blue engine who shall remain nameless.
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Bachmann will likely need multiple liveries for the cattle van, as we've seen with pretty much every piece of rolling stock in the other ranges, and there wouldn't really be much of an issue there.
There's the original livery (which is technically a darker version of the GWR livery):
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There's the CGI livery (the planned Farmer McColl wagon):
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Another fun one is making Troublesome Truck #3 (but not the HO one). Like Troublesome Truck #5, rather than #3, they could do this one with the same livery as the normal one, but with a darker roof (one is in A Cow on the Line. It's also not unusual for one model to change from one scale to the next. Scruffey had more detailed paint in large scale, the brakevans look completely different, and the Box Vans aren't even the same models as each other. The last thing I'm thinking about them changing is the face. I don't think the original #3's face has actually been on a cattle wagon, so I'd propose this one instead:
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It would help Troublesome Truck #3 be even more unique by breaking the mold of all smiley-happy troublesome trucks, and it's right out of the model series, which would be pretty cool to see!

And last, if they need 1-2 more liveries to justify it, here's two more:
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The obligatory questions:
1. Why is Edward the best option for next N Scale engine and why are you going to buy him as soon as he comes out?
1. Do you agree about the cattle wagon?
2. Do you think changing Troublesome Truck #3 is a good idea? Why or why not?
3. Would you buy the cattle wagons?

Let me know what your feedback is. Thanks for reading!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JLK2707 on May 28, 2021, 05:47:26 AM
TrainFan97, Bachmann can still make Edward in Large Scale.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on May 28, 2021, 10:00:17 AM
I think it's safe to say Edward really would be the best choice for the next N scale engine, so I definitely agree there.

Cattle wagons would be a really nice future addition for the N scale range too, again giving the N scale range more of an identity rather than just repeating the same offerings the large scale range offers too.  Making troublesome truck #3 in N scale with a different design would be welcomed too.  I would happily purchase some if that were the case.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 28, 2021, 01:15:41 PM
For now, the N Scale range can still get more medium-sized engines, and Edward is the perfect choice. He should be made before Emily to make the N Scale offerings more unique from Large Scale. If Bachmann is ready to announce another N Scale engine early next year, Edward should be next after Toby, then we'll be ready for Emily.

Eventually, Bachmann will have to make the big engines (Gordon and Henry) in order to complete the original Steam Team in N Scale, once we get Edward and Emily. Gordon and Henry will most likely be saved for last. Once the original Steam Team is complete, we can finally be ready for side characters in the N Scale range.

Can Bachmann also finally make Edward in Large Scale as well? They pretty much just have to scale up his HO Scale tooling like they did for Diesel, and add a CGI face.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on May 28, 2021, 02:41:53 PM
Like Chaz and TrainFan said, Edward is the best choice for the next N Scale engine after Toby. Hopefully, the Bachmann team can take notice of our current demand for him.

I was honestly a little hesitant to mention rolling stock possibilities, but I will say that the Cattle Wagons are also very good idea worth considering along with Edward. Both options have not yet been made in Large Scale and they can help give the N Scale range a good sense of individuality before it repeats too much of what Large Scale already has. A differently-designed Troublesome Truck #3 is an interesting idea as well and I would be open for seeing it attempted, with or without the Cattle Wagon.

While a Large Scale version of Edward isn't technically impossible, I do think that the character feels more likely to be made in N Scale, considering the production costs of engines between scales and the difference of favor for engine lengths. It's a nice idea to discuss occasionally, but it would generally be better to push for an N Scale Edward at the moment.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 28, 2021, 03:43:47 PM
The Bachmann team should definitely take notice of the current demand for N Scale Edward, since he will be a very popular seller like he was in HO Scale. He definitely seems more likely for N Scale, given that it's much more affordable than Large Scale, and more people will buy N Scale models. With James and Toby on the horizon, N Scale Edward would just be perfect next in line.

It helps that Edward is a medium-sized engine, and not big like Gordon, making him easier for Bachmann to consider.

For N Scale rolling stock, I'm really hoping for the Milk Tanker, the Red Coaches, and a Brake Van. A Red Open Wagon and a Coal Wagon with Load would also be nice. Same for the Cattle Wagon. A Mail Car should also be made for Percy's mail train, and Henrietta should be made for Toby.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JLK2707 on May 28, 2021, 05:16:36 PM
The TAR tanker wagon would just be cool for N Scale.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 29, 2021, 06:37:14 PM
Not only would Edward make the N Scale range more unique from Large Scale, but Toby's coach, Henrietta, would as well.

For rolling stock, Henrietta would also make the N Scale range more unique from Large Scale. She certainly seems more likely for N Scale than Large Scale. With Toby coming soon, Henrietta would be the perfect companion for him, just like how Annie and Clarabel are to Thomas.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on May 29, 2021, 08:27:58 PM
Henrietta is another very good idea for a new piece of N Scale rolling stock. Like Edward and the Cattle Wagon, Henrietta can make the N Scale range more distinct from Large Scale and she feels much more likely to happen in N Scale as well. I can see her being well-received if she were announced and I would definitely buy her along with Toby.

Both the Milk Tanker and a regular Brake Van are also fairly important options that are best taken care of soon. I can't imagine either of them being difficult to make in any way.

After S.C. Ruffey is eventually released and some of the missing pieces are hopefully announced in this summer's NMRA, one way Bachmann can potentially expand their N Scale rolling stock is by announcing future additions in batches. It's something that has been done fairly often with their other ranges in recent years, and it could be an efficient way of bulking up the variety with both new toolings and recolors. I thought of some ideal batches, mostly consisting of options that haven't been made in Large Scale yet:
I think I'm getting ahead of myself here, but it's an idea I thought of recently that felt like it needed to be shared.

For the moment, however, the rolling stock that should take top priority are Henrietta, Milk Tanker and the original Brake Van. They've been noticeably missing in the range for varying lengths of time now and it would be nice to have them added sooner than later.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on February 06, 2023, 07:40:15 PM
The N scale Gordon engineering sample turned out incredible at the Trainworld stream tonight.  I'm especially impressed with how the siderod configuration turned out on such a small model.  Gives me all the more hope for Henry to join the range next!

Toad being completed was also a nice surprise, and it was also great seeing the box vans too. 

Bachmann has gone above and beyond my expectations with the N scale range recently and I'm excited to see further updates down the road!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on February 06, 2023, 10:05:21 PM
Nice to see N Scale Toad fully painted, as well as the box vans. Maybe at some point, they could also make the Explosives, Mr. Jolly and Brendam Bay vans for N Scale as well. More very welcome N Scale rolling stock I'd like to see are the Red Coaches, Express Coaches and Spiteful Brake Van. Some might get announced at the NMRA. It's great that Henrietta is also coming our way, as the faithful companion for Toby. A Mail Car would be nice for Percy.

The unpainted prototype of N Scale Gordon looks wonderful. Can't wait to see him fully painted within a few months. The reason Bachmann is getting Gordon done faster than Emily is because Emily's basis turned out more difficult to make, and needed more time. However, it seems like they got there, and we will see an unpainted N Scale Emily within a few months. Maybe we'll see Emily unpainted the same time we see Gordon fully painted. Now I'm really hoping that N Scale Henry gets announced at the NMRA this summer. Just recycle Gordon's chassis, minus the trailing wheels. For Edward, Bachmann can simply scale down his HO Scale tooling. Once Bachmann announces Henry, then Edward, N Scale will have all eight members of the original Steam Team.

Could Toad indicate plans for Oliver? Duck? Could Oliver be the first side character for the N Scale range? Likely, the first side character would be Diesel, as he's the most popular among Mattel. Paxton should get announced with Diesel, and his face will look much better than his HO Scale counterpart. For now, the #1 priority for an engine is Henry.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on February 06, 2023, 11:04:37 PM
The N Scale samples shown off in the latest TrainWorld stream were phenomenal to say the least. There was more shown off than I anticipated, and it looks like things are going smoothly for the range. We can hopefully expect Toby, Toad and the box vans to arrive in the coming months now that their paintwork is done.

Gordon's prototype was definitely the highlight of the updates and well worth the wait! They absolutely nailed the sculpt and the siderod configuration also looks solid. Interestingly, the face was shown off which isn't usual for prototypes shown on stream. Nonetheless, it looks great too. I anticipate seeing his painted model.

Henry would be perfect to announce this summer, like Chaz and TrainFan97 said. Rolling Stock can go any pretty much direction, but Henry comes highly recommended as the next engine.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on February 07, 2023, 12:10:18 AM
I think as long as Henry and Gordon's express coaches are included in the NMRA announcements next year, I think that would make for a really solid lineup of new products for the summer.  I do agree though that after Henry, other characters like Edward, Duck, Diesel and Oliver would make for great additions in the N scale range, considering how popular their sales were in HO since their release and those sales will most likely reflect in N scale too.  They're definitely my top 5 engines I'd like to see the most introduced in the future for sure and I'm sure many others would welcome them with open arms as well.

Paxton on the other hand feels more like a "given" since he got introduced almost immediately after Diesel in large scale.  Unlike the HO model though, the eye mech wouldn't be an issue at all for Paxton and they'd have the proportions spot on so I could see Paxton being a welcome addition too.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on February 07, 2023, 02:05:29 AM
Just hoping this summer's NMRA announcements will have N Scale Henry and the Express Coaches, and it will be great. Bachmann should be aware of the demand for them. Popular demand has given us Henrietta to go with Toby. It can do the same to bring us Henry and the Express Coaches for N Scale. The Express Coaches being the perfect thing to go with Gordon, so we can have N Scale Express, coming through!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JacobSK on February 07, 2023, 10:24:41 AM
Thoroughly enjoyed the stream last night and was pleased with all the new N Scale products shown off. I proudly have Toad and Gordon (along with Toby, Emily and Emily's two coaches) on preorder with TrainWorld, and I will probably get at least two Great Western Box vans once the links become available.

Toad definitely looks spot on and I'm surprised that Bachmann went the extra mile and invested in a brand-new tooling, when the Graham Farish one was available and didn't look terrible. The graphics on one side bother me with my OCD, but I know that's no fault of Bachmann, it's just a by-product of the CGI render. Will Oliver be announced in the future? I don't know, but I imagine Toad will work just as well as Percy or James' brake van for the time being.

As for the box vans, I'm quite surprised we had painted samples ready to roll. As I stated before, the Great Western van is the only one I'm interested in, but I was quite surprised when it came to the Fruit and Veg van that they actually actually took time to correct the logo on the side of it to make it larger and better proportioned. It's the attention to detail that win me over with Bachmann every time!

The highlight, without a doubt, was N Scale Gordon! I'm surprised that we already have a prototype in just six months since the announcement. He's going to look even better when he's painted, and has potential to be the best model in the range so far. I honestly was convinced that Bachmann was going to simplify the siderod configuration to be like the Tomix Henry or the Diapet Gordon, but nope, they went the full mile and gave us the full monte! Here's hoping the painted sample is on the way!

Since Gordon has had so much progress (and Doug stated that he was easier to produce than Emily), I feel confident that Henry is a shoe-in for the range, and we'll hopefully get an announcement for him in August!

Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on February 07, 2023, 10:51:35 AM
Now that I think of it, the Express Coaches make pretty good sense to announce alongside Henry. It helps that Gordon is making steady progress and one could see their release happening soon after Gordon. Both Henry and the Express Coaches would make for a great set of announcements for the summer.

A bit of a long shot, but I would love to see Mavis added in the range at some point. If a Large/G Scale version is not likely for the long run, N Scale would also work well. She's been a prominent character for most of the show's history and she could efficiently re-use Toby's chassis. The biggest drawback, however, is that she hasn't had any new merchandise in a decade and she may be a tough character for Mattel to greenlight as a result.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on February 07, 2023, 12:53:21 PM
Quite like the look of the upcoming Gordon and rolling stock, I've already placed my pre-orders after seeing the samples on stream. I expect Henry and Edward will be the next two loco announcements given the persistent demands for them, which would be excellent. I'd like it if after those two we could get Mavis and Spencer announced, as they're two classic locos that interest me and my fellow modellers. Mavis would be simple enough to do with the Toby drive mechanism, and the line will be overdue for a cheaper option after doing all these big tender locos in a row... Spencer is perhaps a bit "out there" but would be nice to see Bachmann right the wrong that was the old HO loco by doing it properly in N... Great to see this line getting some well-deserved expansion either way.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on February 07, 2023, 03:47:07 PM
Just like how Henry is the #1 priority for an N Scale engine, the Express Coaches are the #1 priority for N Scale rolling stock.

Edward can be saved for after Henry, since Bachmann already has the chassis for N Scale Henry. Just need to remove the trailing wheels, change from a Fowler to a Stanier tender, round buffers, body shape matching Henry's, paint him green, and add his face.

Mavis can easily recycle Toby's chassis, but one issue with Mavis is the fact that she hasn't had any merchandise in over a decade, ever since Mattel's takeover. Mavis would be difficult to get the green light from Mattel, as she hasn't even been made in Large Scale, despite being a smaller engine. At least Henry still gets merchandise.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on February 08, 2023, 05:16:49 PM
Mavis would be a lot of fun in N scale.  I am a little surprised they never did her in large scale since she has such a simple design and her basis would go great with garden railways.  She's definitely one of the better female characters in the show who doesn't rely on female stereotypes for her persona or bright colors and/or makeup/eyeliner to look marketable so I'd argue she'd make a better fit in N scale than Rosie (in her lavender livery) or Rebecca.  So I feel she would be a welcome choice, but I would be surprised if she was announced in N scale in the coming years when characters like Henry and Duck have had a higher demand and are a lot more popular in the fandom.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on February 08, 2023, 06:24:42 PM
Both Edward and Mavis are two characters who were given the short end of the stick for Large Scale, but should join N Scale at some point. Characters like Henry and Edward have much higher demand than Mavis, especially since the former two are original Steam Team members, and the only ones yet to be announced for N Scale. Hopefully, Toad does indicate plans for Oliver and Duck; two more characters with high demand that sold very well in HO Scale. Even Diesel has higher demand than Mavis, with a tooling that's highly versatile for recolors.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on February 08, 2023, 09:26:02 PM
In all fairness, Mavis isn't a top-priority character in N Scale compared to Edward and Henry. The latter two were major mainstays in the show for most of its history, and I get where people are coming from in pushing them. Even I admit that they're bigger priorities at the moment. Once Bachmann is finished with them, however, there's more room to grow with side characters.

Chaz does bring up a good point on Mavis standing out as a female engine who doesn't rely largely on gimmicks. She would probably be one of the more visually natural additions to the line in regards to that.

I'm personally not a fan of Diesel, and I still don't think that I would purchase a potential N Scale model of him. That being said, the reasoning behind his demand is understandable and I wouldn't mind if he and Paxton were the first side characters announced.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on February 09, 2023, 02:38:18 PM
I did say "after Henry and Edward" before suggesting them... I feel more strongly about Mavis than Spencer (as well as more than Diesel, frankly) on the whole, she's one I related to. Young, rebellious girl learning to be responsible... I quite like the girls they've introduced to Thomas over the years, they tend to get the short end of the stick from both writers and fans but I appreciate the representation regardless.

That's enough waxing poetic on my part... I'd like an Express Coaches announcement but I can't help but be nervous about it, since Bachmann seems more willing to make new tools from scratch for N Gauge. Since they say they use the exacting references of the 3D models, if they made a new tool for Express Coaches, they would be based on the truly awful Express Coaches that they use in the "CGI" series. Those coaches are thin and ugly and have broad windows on both sides for some bizarre reason... It would be a disaster. I'd rather them do something like repaint the Graham Farish MK1 stock in cream and green, or shrink down the Express Coach tool they use in HO...

Whatever they do, I think they'll do what they did with Toby and wait to announce the Express Coaches until he's closer to release before going ahead with his specific rolling stock. Given how quickly a tooling sample has materialized, 2024 Catalog feels like that'd be when they do it... My gut feeling for 2023 NMRA is that we may see new faceless 7-plank wagons. I'd hope for them to be Blue Open Wagon, Red Open Wagon, and Green Coal Wagon rather than the newer trio of lettered wagons they've been adding to HO and LS... I'd previously assumed the latter would be what we get, but since the Box Vans announced are all older schemes that have begun to discontinue in HO and LS, I feel like the older 7-plank wagons have a real shot.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on March 07, 2023, 07:38:35 PM
Just finished watching the latest Thomas Tuesday, got a bit of a late start but glad I tuned in. Emily looks very nice, face or no face. Details are exquisite and the properly hollow-spoked wheels are a welcome surprise. Definitely looking forward to see how her painted sample appears.

News that Toby should hopefully be shipping to Bachmann soon, if not already shipping right now, is also reassuring. I fear he may have been upstaged by Gordon and Emily in the eyes of some despite being a landmark in N Scale "Thomas" in his own right. He looks fantastic to me as well, and I only hope that Henrietta gets her first sample soon so she can join him, ha ha.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on March 07, 2023, 09:22:35 PM
The train world stream was always wonderful! Christian is always did a great job posting the stream and it was nice seeing all the product updates and on the Unlikely fandom project.

Seeing Toby in the box already is a good sign, can't wait to hear updates on when he will be shipping! 

I'll be honest, when Emily got announced, I had mixed feelings, since while I like Emily and all, it felt a little redundant seeing the same five engines announced in large scale again in N.  However, the model looks really promising so far and I may consider picking her up too depending on how the final product turns out. I love how the tender has separately applied handrails that aren't molded on like the HO model.  Bachmann's already exceeding my expectations with this model and I'm excited to see how she will turn out once fully painted.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on March 07, 2023, 09:47:32 PM
N Scale Emily is now in the unpainted stage, and it only took one month after N Scale Gordon was shown unpainted. Within a few months, we should definitely see both N Scale Gordon and Emily fully painted, with Henry being announced at the NMRA.

Both HO Scale Ryan and N Scale Toby were shown in their packages, which means they will arrive in stock very soon. We should get updates on HO Scale Beau and Rebecca at some point.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on March 08, 2023, 12:13:06 PM
Glad that everyone enjoyed the TrainWorld stream yesterday and thank you for the kind remarks.

The Unlikely Fandom Documentary is a project that has been in the works for several years and it was a pleasure to have Carty and Ahmad on the show to answer many questions that fans have had with regards to the doc. Looking forward to seeing it later this year altogether.

N Scale Emily looked amazing! The fully hollow-spoked wheels, thin side rods, and separately applied handrails for the tender surprised me very much. Emily, along with Gordon, manifest the time and care that is put into these N Scale models and I look forward to seeing the fully painted sample in the coming months.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on March 08, 2023, 09:56:01 PM
Gordon's chassis can be reused for Henry, Spencer and Flying Scotsman, except Henry wouldn't have trailing wheels, while Spencer's trailing wheels would be made differently.

N Scale Henry is sure to be announced this NMRA, given his demand, and the molds are already ready for both Gordon and Emily, which are soon to be fully painted. If both Henry AND Edward can't be announced at the NMRA, then the NMRA can just announce Henry, while Edward can be announced in early 2024. I probably shouldn't bet on them both being announced at the same time. Once Bachmann announces N Scale Henry, followed by Edward, we'll get to have all eight members of the original main cast in N Scale. Toby will arrive in stock very soon, and at least he will eventually get his faithful coach, Henrietta. Edward was given the short end of the stick in Large Scale, and so was Mavis.

Hopefully for rolling stock, the NMRA could announce either the Express Coaches, or Red Coaches. Maybe even the Spiteful Brake Van.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: The new Thomas custom des on March 10, 2023, 07:48:52 PM
Hi Guys, I'm new to this, I'm gonna try and make a custom Bachmann Lady from a Hornby smokey joe chassis, wish me luck
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on March 28, 2023, 03:26:14 AM
For the next Thomas Tuesday, we should hopefully see the first painted sample of N Scale Gordon. If not, then May for sure. Emily's painted sample may not be revealed until May at the earliest.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Damian0Sinclair on April 04, 2023, 12:36:14 PM
Help needed pls .

I recently bought a used set on Amazon on the Thomas with annie and Clarabel  n scale set . And Annie and clarabel had missing couplers . So I messaged Bachmann . If they had the parts for Annie and clarabel couplers but they told me
" I am sorry to say that the couplers on the rolling stock car is special made. " and I have to ask the forum and ask the modelers there if they may know where i could get the Pls tell me what coupler they have so I could get new ones. Or pls send me a link where I could buy them . Thank you
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Yard Master on April 05, 2023, 10:31:15 AM
Hi Damian,

We have advised our parts and service manager to order spare N scale couplers. They will be compatible with all Thomas & Friends rolling stock including Annie and Clarabel. (Note that these are unique from traditional US "Rapido" couplers and the couplers used by N scale Thomas & Friends locomotives.)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on May 04, 2023, 09:43:25 PM
Checked in on the latest Trainworld Thomas stream. Decorated samples for Emily's Coaches look nice, glad to see those coming along smoothly. I was a bit skeptical of them at first due to being based on the slightly-too-big N Scale Annie and Clarabel. But given how large Emily is, the sizing looks like won't be as jarring is as it is with Thomas.

Bit of a shame there was no update on Toby's distribution in this stream like there was for Ryan, I suppose we are to assume he's either on the water or awaiting transit...
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on May 06, 2023, 12:27:55 AM
Quote from: N Scale Sudrian on May 04, 2023, 09:43:25 PMBit of a shame there was no update on Toby's distribution in this stream like there was for Ryan, I suppose we are to assume he's either on the water or awaiting transit...

I'm sure within the next month or so we will have an update on the N scale Toby's arrival in the warehouse since we received updates on that and Ryan within a month apart from each other.  Maybe even a painted sample of Gordon too.

Emily's coaches turned out pretty great.  Wouldn't mind picking those up at some point in the future depending on how the Emily model itself turns out fully painted.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on May 09, 2023, 06:14:29 PM
Quote from: N Scale Sudrian on May 04, 2023, 09:43:25 PMBit of a shame there was no update on Toby's distribution in this stream like there was for Ryan, I suppose we are to assume he's either on the water or awaiting transit...

Well, consider my disappointment retracted. Latest Facebook post from Bachmann says that both Ryan and Toby are shipping now, which is excellent to hear. I'll post my thoughts on Toby once I've got my order in but I am optimistic about its quality.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 09, 2023, 06:19:47 PM
At last, HO Scale Ryan and N Scale Toby are now officially in stock!

The recent stream showed painted samples of Emily's coaches in N Scale, as well as an update to HO Scale Beau's tender. Hopefully next time for sure, we see painted samples of N Scale Gordon and Emily.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on May 13, 2023, 01:08:53 PM
Two friends arrived in the mail today, one of them was Ryan who I will be doing a separate post on later. The other, is the one who I want to talk about first which is the n scale Toby. So, as usual, here are my thoughts:

When the N scale range was first announced, there were several characters who I had really high anticipation of seeing being introduced in the future after the range's first launch with Thomas and Percy.  Toby was definitely one of those engines, and I was really glad that he was the fourth engine to join the range right after James.  It's really showing the true potential of the N scale range as Bachmann is now introducing characters who not only aren't the main three engines, (Thomas, Percy and James), but also because Toby is the first engine Bachmann has introduced that Tomix never even announced.  It's already a significant milestone, especially with Gordon and Emily on the way, with more likely on the way.  Question is, how does the model hold up?

The best words I would use to describe the N scale Toby are, as cliche as this sounds, simple, yet effective.  Toby has always been very popular with Bachmann, both in HO and large scale.  The N scale Toby is able to stand on its own compared to them, and in no doubt will be a popular seller as more people pick it up.

The paintwork on Toby is very well done, as usual.  Bachmann have done an excellent job keeping Toby accurate to the CGI design, right down to the handrail details, his bell being molded on the roof and the head and tail lamps on both ends of the model. 

The face also captures Toby's face from the CGI series.  Don't know if it's just me, but sometimes I feel like a face can really capture a character's personality if done right.  Toby's CGI face seems to do just that for his persona in the CGI series, a character who tries his best despite getting discouraged by other things, usually comments by other engines.  It's not a persona I like personally, but it is how he is perceived on the show and it found it's way onto the most of his merch so I can give Bachmann credit for accuracy.

One distinctive feature about Toby, are his cow-catchers and sideplates.  For the cow-catchers, Bachmann have done a much better job adding the rapido couplers to both ends of Toby than the HO and large scale models without creating a hole on both ends to accommodate the couplers.  While it may have been understandable in the case of HO and large scale, it does baffle me a little bit on how the N scale model of all things does a much better job incorporating the couplers on Toby than that two models that are larger than it.  Not that I'm complaining or anything; it's a huge improvement and I appreciate that extra mile Bachmann went with Toby.  The cowcatchers are not open like the large scale model, but it's understandable considering how small the cowcatchers themselves are. 

The sideplates are also well done too.  I love how the steps to get into the cab are holes which were absent in the HO model but not the large scale model.  Great consistency.  One complaint I've seen about Toby in the past with the other two models are the lack of an open cab, and while I think this is a pretty significant fault for the large scale model due to its large size, I think it definitely gets a pass here with the N scale model, because of how much smaller it is.  Even though the model does not have a moving eye mechanism, it's still requires a lot of room for the motor inside the model, so you really have to go with what you can get with such a small model.

Finally, one feature about the N scale Toby that is exclusive to it and not the HO or large scale models are the inclusion of siderods.  I didn't notice this until I ran the model, so it may be a little hard to see.  Upon further inspection, I found out that Toby shares the same motor and chassis as Thomas which was something I'm surprised the large scale model didn't do.  Having siderods or not has never been a deal-breaker in the past but I appreciate that attention to accuracy since the siderods are hidden underneath the sideplates.  It also allowed Toby to be a really smooth performer which we will talk about later.

Overall, I think aesthetically Bachmann have done a really nice job with Toby in N scale, they have not only managed to keep the simplistic design of the model done really well, but they even went as far as going the extra mile on detail, more so than the HO, and in some areas, the large scale model too!

In terms of running, like the rest of the other engines, Toby does run very smoothly at both fast and slow speeds.  Even at a slow speed, which is typical for the character, Toby ran nicely on the switches on my OO9 layout which usually some engines I ran in the past would have trouble on in slower speeds.  It was also able to handle tight corners and shunting in the yard too.

Toby was also able to handle a good amount of rolling stock, in case anyone was wondering.  Managed to pull most of my available rolling stock with ease in case anyone wanted to give Toby a "megatrain".  Major hauling power however, is never necessary for a model of Toby of all characters.  The inclusion of the siderods not only are a major factor to his smooth performance but odds are, played a factor with his hauling power.

That being said, and I think it goes without saying, most people who run a model of Toby either let him just pull Henrietta and/or a couple of wagons and I think all models of Toby do a great job of doing just that.

Overall, Bachmann did an excellent job with their Toby model.  As I said earlier, Toby is a simple yet effective model.  Whether you're a fan of the character or getting into the N scale range, Toby is definitely worth adding to your collection.  It meets the appropriate expectations and even exceeds a few, hardly anything wrong with it to be frank.  Looking forward to further updates on Gordon and Emily in addition to further pieces of N scale stock.  Right now though I better get to working on my post for Ryan, in the meantime I hope everyone enjoyed this review.

Question is now that Bachmann announced Henrietta in N, am I going to have two Henrietta models now, or am I going to have to get creative with my custom model once the official one arrives..?
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JacobSK on May 13, 2023, 01:37:51 PM
Excellent review, Chaz! My TrainWorld order for Toby (and Ryan, too) shipped out yesterday, and your review has me foaming at the mouth with excitement for Toby! Everything so far N scale so far seems to be rectifying many of the criticisms that leave something to be desired in HO and Large Scale (if they exist in that scale).

Something worth mentioning is that the original model prop of Toby from the classic series had siderods (notable in episodes such as "Time for Trouble" and "Toby Had A Little Lamb"), not to mention Toby's real life basis, the J70 steam tram, also had siderods, so I applaud Bachmann for that little Easter egg of attention to detail!

All in all, you made some great points, and I look forward to giving my model a good running session when he drops!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on May 13, 2023, 11:42:36 PM
Very good review, Chaz. I'm still waiting on my Toby to arrive from my retailer of choice, so it is nice to get a preview of some of the fine details.

Interesting to see the reuse of the Thomas chassis on Toby. Very clever, and something that only an engine with fully hidden wheels like Toby can really get away with. I recall the HO and Large Scale versions of Toby have only two out of three axles powered via gears, which I remember hearing led to poor performance? I've never had an HO Toby so I may be mistaken on this... But I am glad to see N Scale Toby has rectified this issue by powering all six axles via the siderods. Mechanically simpler and already confirms it will perform well, given N Scale Thomas' excellent quality.

Perhaps, some time in the near future, Thomas' chassis can be used to power a certain other tramway engine in N Scale. ;)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: thomasj219 on May 14, 2023, 03:01:28 PM
Great review man! You know I never realized those black indents on the side were steps.  :D  Now it's so obvious. 😂

I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on Ryan. He's so detailed.

As for Henrietta. Maybe you could make yours RWS accurate when it arrives?  ;)  Or turn her into Hannah if that interests you.

For some reason the back of the model is my favorite bit. The buffer beam looks fantastic. As do the cow catchers. Can't decide if I'm more excited to see Emily or Gordon next. I know it's been said, but I do wish they had model era faces. That's the only thing that kills it for me. But that'll be an easy swap one day I think with all the talented fans out there.

I wonder who will be announced next? Another big engine like Henry. Maybe twins like Donald & Douglas, a baddie like Diesel (imagine those side rods in N!) or an old favorite like Duck or Mavis!

We'll just have to wait and see.

Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on May 14, 2023, 06:01:02 PM
Thank you so much for the strong feedback everyone, the N scale Toby is a favorite of mine in the range already, but something tells me Gordon will quickly claim that title when he is ready. :)

The points to the siderods for better polarity and accurate to the original prop/basis are also great points as well and I'm glad everyone appreciated that extra detail as well.

As for the next engine in the range, I think in addition to Henry, Mavis is easily a very viable addition because of the clever reuse of Thomas's chassis and the inclusion of siderods.  Plus in addition to Henry and Mavis there are several other engines who I would love to see in N scale too like Edward, Duck, Diesel, Donald and Douglas, Oliver and maybe even Daisy!  It would be really nice to see most engines in HO find their way into the N scale range eventually, and with so many possibilities on the horizon it makes me very happy to be a collector of this fun range.  Can't wait to hear everyone else's thoughts on Toby once they pick him up. :)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JacobSK on May 14, 2023, 06:32:49 PM
Quote from: Chaz on May 14, 2023, 06:01:02 PMAs for the next engine in the range, I think in addition to Henry, Mavis is easily a very viable addition because of the clever reuse of Thomas's chassis and the inclusion of siderods.  Plus in addition to Henry and Mavis there are several other engines who I would love to see in N scale too like Edward, Duck, Diesel, Donald and Douglas, Oliver and maybe even Daisy!  It would be really nice to see most engines in HO find their way into the N scale range eventually, and with so many possibilities on the horizon it makes me very happy to be a collector of this fun range.  Can't wait to hear everyone else's thoughts on Toby once they pick him up. :)

Henry definitely is the next engine who should be announced...without question. Considering he and Gordon share so many parts and, including the most crucial thing: the chassis. They are roughly the same height, length and overall size. Not to mention, considering that Mattel had actually made Henry in the 2022 Wooden Railway range and even went so far as to make AEG (cannot believe I just said that!) merch of him, I'd say, he's a shoe-in for the Summer NMRA announcements, and if not, then certainly for January/February 2023!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 17, 2023, 09:46:02 PM
I just got my HO Scale Ryan and N Scale Toby today. Both are very good models.

Unlike his HO and Large Scale models, N Scale Toby actually has side rods. Thomas' chassis was recycled for Toby, complete with side rods, and it worked perfectly. Only the N Scale model has side rods, while his HO Scale and Large Scale models didn't, which could explain why he was a poor runner in those scales, with the middle wheels being unpowered on them. The N Scale model really fixed that with the inclusion of side rods.

If we do get Mavis in N Scale, she too can recycle Thomas' chassis complete with side rods, and she would be a great runner. It's such a shame that Mavis was given the short end of the stick in Large Scale. Hope she can be made in N Scale.

For now, the #1 priority for N Scale is Henry. As stated before, he would recycle Gordon's chassis, minus the trailing wheels. I would certainly welcome both Henry and Mavis to N Scale, since both would recycle existing chassis. Like Henry, Spencer and Flying Scotsman would also recycle Gordon's chassis. Here's hoping that the next Trainworld stream will show N Scale Gordon and Emily fully painted, and that Henry gets announced this NMRA.

Diesel is also one I would welcome to N Scale, and he would be great for recolors, including Paxton, who can be announced with him. Paxton's face would look so much better in N Scale than it did in HO Scale.

The fact that N Scale is getting Toad could even indicate plans for Oliver. Along with Toad, we also have three ventilated vans coming soon, which are Great Western, Fruit & Vegetable, and Ice Cream, and they're coming along very well. Regarding rolling stock for N Scale, the best choices would be Red Coaches, Express Coaches, Coal Wagon w/ Load, Red Open Wagon, and Spiteful Brake Van.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on May 18, 2023, 10:20:27 AM
A great read, as always, Chaz! Just from looking at the pics you posted of N Scale Toby, it's amazing to see the detail that went into such a small model. The body shell looks terrific, but what impresses me most is the inclusion of side rods, let alone the same chassis as Thomas. From seeing how smoothly Thomas runs, anyone could imagine how wonderfully this Toby model would run too. Here's hoping that Mavis could be a possibility for the future for this very reason. Just imagine a Bachmann N Scale Re-Enactment of Mavis and Toby's Tightrope with a sceniced N Scale Quarry, Tramroad, etc. Now that would be something else...
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Falcon the 2nd on May 19, 2023, 09:40:34 AM
I definitely agree with the idea of Mavis in N Scale! Since she has never been produced in Large Scale to date, it would be a perfect opportunity for Bachmann to introduce a new engine in the range while still being cost-efficient. After Edward and Henry, it'd be worth considering Mavis as one of the first supporting characters to produce.

The N Scale range in general continues to impress and Chaz's review just about summed up Toby's best qualities. I'm honestly considering eventually buying him after reading it, and I also imagine he'll be a great seller for his price point alone. Here's hoping they're able to start working on Henrietta soon to compliment him.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on May 19, 2023, 12:59:29 PM
Henrietta was announced early this year for N Scale, after she too was given the short end of the stick in Large Scale like Mavis was. Really looking forward to getting Henrietta, so Toby can have his faithful coach. Hannah would be a potential recolor. In a few months, we should hopefully see an unpainted sample of N Scale Henrietta.

I would love to have Mavis in N Scale. Although she was never made in Large Scale, an N Scale Mavis can still happen. She would use Thomas' chassis, complete with side rods like Toby. It would be her only commercially-available model to actually have side rods. But first, we at least need Edward and Henry for N Scale to complete the original main cast. The best choices for the first side characters in N Scale would be Mavis, Diesel, Duck and Oliver. The latter because we're getting Toad.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on May 20, 2023, 04:08:26 PM
I got my model of Toby yesterday, and I've really been enjoying him so far! He runs really smoothly at fast and slow speeds, and I love the way that his wood planking looks! Here's a few photos of him with my Thomas model, which is still a work in progress.
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After Toby, I'm definitely looking forward to how Emily and Gordon turn out, and hopefully we'll see Henry and Edward get announced within the next couple of years!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on June 24, 2023, 11:21:41 AM
After much delay I have finally gotten my hands on the N Scale Toby. It's an excellent model. Perfectly captures the design from the show, and also performs very well as a locomotive. Operates smoothly, can pull lots of cars, and capable of more prototypical slow-speed running as well. Very much recommend picking it up if you're at all interested in N.

All he needs now is Henrietta to keep him 'on track', whom I expect will make it to market in 2024 given the current turn-around time on the upcoming rolling stock projects. I hope that she is a new tool based on the "CGI" iteration with the face. She became a very fun character once that design change took place.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on June 24, 2023, 05:21:07 PM
Quote from: N Scale Sudrian on June 24, 2023, 11:21:41 AMAll he needs now is Henrietta to keep him 'on track', whom I expect will make it to market in 2024 given the current turn-around time on the upcoming rolling stock projects. I hope that she is a new tool based on the "CGI" iteration with the face. She became a very fun character once that design change took place.

Honestly I'm surprised Bachmann didn't use the CGI Henrietta promo in the catalog since her face being added was a distinctive change for the character in the show.  Regardless, I'm almost certain she will have a faceplate added to match that of the CGI series since any merch of her that came out since then has included it like Adventures and Capsule Plarail.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on June 24, 2023, 06:31:08 PM
I suppose their use of it is consistent with previous announcements using past models as a reference point. I would like it if Bachmann used the promotional and internal renders as illustrations for their upcoming models more often, though. It'd remove ambiguity in expectations with cases like Henrietta, and would undoubtedly look more professional than the fan-wiki screenshots used as illustrations for the recent Narrow Gauge wagons, ha ha.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on July 18, 2023, 04:46:54 PM
I think the next Thomas Tuesday is going to be a very exciting one for the N scale fans ;)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on July 19, 2023, 12:11:49 AM
N Scale Gordon was confirmed to finally be shown fully painted next Tuesday. Don't know about N Scale Emily, but we'll see for sure. Would be nice if both N Scale Gordon and Emily were shown fully painted together, but Doug might not have Emily's painted sample just yet.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Mulfred100 on July 21, 2023, 09:18:07 AM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 19, 2023, 12:11:49 AMN Scale Gordon was confirmed to finally be shown fully painted next Tuesday. Don't know about N Scale Emily, but we'll see for sure. Would be nice if both N Scale Gordon and Emily were shown fully painted together, but Doug might not have Emily's painted sample just yet.
It's far from "Confrimed"
The post actually says "all will be revealed soon"
You are forgetting that it's Awdry Extravaganza this weekend so it's extremely likely that Christian and all booked guests are extremely busy. Plus the NMRA is out at the back end of next month. Soon could be anytime. There's been no announcements of a stream on Tuesday.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on July 21, 2023, 02:54:29 PM
Quote from: Mulfred100 on July 21, 2023, 09:18:07 AM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 19, 2023, 12:11:49 AMN Scale Gordon was confirmed to finally be shown fully painted next Tuesday. Don't know about N Scale Emily, but we'll see for sure. Would be nice if both N Scale Gordon and Emily were shown fully painted together, but Doug might not have Emily's painted sample just yet.
It's far from "Confrimed"
The post actually says "all will be revealed soon"
You are forgetting that it's Awdry Extravaganza this weekend so it's extremely likely that Christian and all booked guests are extremely busy. Plus the NMRA is out at the back end of next month. Soon could be anytime. There's been no announcements of a stream on Tuesday.

But if the stream is on Tuesday, prepare to eat your words. Maybe N Scale Emily will also be revealed fully painted with Gordon.

Also, I am entirely aware the NMRA is in a month.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Mulfred100 on July 22, 2023, 01:56:59 AM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 21, 2023, 02:54:29 PM
Quote from: Mulfred100 on July 21, 2023, 09:18:07 AM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 19, 2023, 12:11:49 AMN Scale Gordon was confirmed to finally be shown fully painted next Tuesday. Don't know about N Scale Emily, but we'll see for sure. Would be nice if both N Scale Gordon and Emily were shown fully painted together, but Doug might not have Emily's painted sample just yet.
It's far from "Confrimed"
The post actually says "all will be revealed soon"
You are forgetting that it's Awdry Extravaganza this weekend so it's extremely likely that Christian and all booked guests are extremely busy. Plus the NMRA is out at the back end of next month. Soon could be anytime. There's been no announcements of a stream on Tuesday.

But if the stream is on Tuesday, prepare to eat your words. Maybe N Scale Emily will also be revealed fully painted with Gordon.

Also, I am entirely aware the NMRA is in a month.
Well if you want to be like that then if there isn't a stream same goes for you. I'm just saying let's wait for confirmation before you jump to conclusions. Jumping to conclusions is the quickest way to disappointment. 
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on July 22, 2023, 07:09:49 PM
I'm excited to see the painted Gordon. Not terribly fussed over if it will be next Tuesday or not, honestly I would prefer if the next show were saved for August 1st so the streams can be back on the first Tuesday of the month. (As is right and proper!) But whatever they decide to do is fine by me.

Emily's revealed sample seemed like it was a lot less far along than Gordon's, so I'm not surprised her painted sample hasn't been teased yet. She didn't even have a face, ha ha! Perhaps later in the year we'll see her pop up in full color. Seeing Gordon will suffice for now in my opinion.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on July 22, 2023, 08:02:31 PM
Honestly; I agree.  The consistency of the Trainworld streams being at the beginning of the month always gives fans a better idea of when to expect updates.  Plus we will have the NMRA later next month, making the early stream in September all the exciting to go over if there are any major announcements. Heres hoping for now anyway. ;)

On that note, my box vans arrived in the mail earlier.  There isn't too much to say about these other than the fact that I love the fact Bachmann went the full mile with these and used a new more show accurate tooling over the Graham Farish toolings.  They look fantastic with the rest of the engines and rolling stock and are built in exceptional quality.  I also appreciate how they used the single vent tooling as per the large scale range instead of just sticking with the double vent like HO.

I also want to talk about the liveries.  The ice cream van is a surprising one they went with since both the HO and large scale models both got discontinued.  I was never a fan of the Hit era but I figured I could repaint this one to a more classic era style van for fun later.

The fruits and vegetables can is one I think is all right overall.  I love the dark green livery and the decal they used for it doesn't look too bad either.  Might keep this one as is.

The best for last though is the great western box van.  This one has always been a favorite, both for its show accurate livery and a homage to the GWR (despite not being in GWR colors, but it's the thought it counts).  Might pick up more of these down the road.  Hopefully one day further down the road we can see some great western engines in N scale like Duck and Oliver!

Normally I'd send pics of engines pulling these around but not today... currently in the middle of an interesting mod on my four N scale engines as of now.  Hopefully they'll be ready by the time Toad is in stock!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on July 22, 2023, 10:06:42 PM
Chaz, the new vans look great, and I can't wait to see how you modify your engines!

I suppose I should share a little more about my Thomas model. I've been trying to make him look more accurate to how he did in Series 1, as opposed to the CGI model. Other than the face, the biggest thing that needed addressing was the design of his running plate. The CGI model (and by extension, the Bachmann model) has a very blocky running plate design with very short cab steps, compared to the original design.

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To change this, I designed a new running plate in Tinkercad, using Bachmann's version as a guide to make sure it would still fit Thomas' mechanism and bodyshell. After that, I was able to get it printed in resin, along with a few faces from Series 1.

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The new running plate uses the buffers, rear coupling hook, lamp and lamp irons from the Bachmann one, but I chose Graham Farish vacuum pipes and coupling hook for the front, since my design didn't have the cut out for the coupling hook.
I also modified a snowplough design by @lbscthomas on twitter to suit the Bachmann N Scale model. This arrived today, and I was a bit worried about if it would fit with the bigger vacuum pipe, but it slots onto the buffers perfectly, which is really nice!

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As it stands, this is where my project currently is. I need to do some final painting and repainting (trying to get a smoother finish overall), as well as adding some lining on the back of Thomas' bunker, but I am pretty happy with how he has turned out so far! I'll definitely try to update you guys once he's actually finished, and I'm also really excited to see how Gordon turned out! Hopefully we'll also get some new announcements soon, too.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JacobSK on July 23, 2023, 12:51:27 PM
Quote from: Chaz on July 22, 2023, 08:02:31 PMHonestly; I agree.  The consistency of the Trainworld streams being at the beginning of the month always gives fans a better idea of when to expect updates.  Plus we will have the NMRA later next month, making the early stream in September all the exciting to go over if there are any major announcements. Heres hoping for now anyway. ;)

On that note, my box vans arrived in the mail earlier.  There isn't too much to say about these other than the fact that I love the fact Bachmann went the full mile with these and used a new more show accurate tooling over the Graham Farish toolings.  They look fantastic with the rest of the engines and rolling stock and are built in exceptional quality.  I also appreciate how they used the single vent tooling as per the large scale range instead of just sticking with the double vent like HO.

I also want to talk about the liveries.  The ice cream van is a surprising one they went with since both the HO and large scale models both got discontinued.  I was never a fan of the Hit era but I figured I could repaint this one to a more classic era style van for fun later.

The fruits and vegetables can is one I think is all right overall.  I love the dark green livery and the decal they used for it doesn't look too bad either.  Might keep this one as is.

The best for last though is the great western box van.  This one has always been a favorite, both for its show accurate livery and a homage to the GWR (despite not being in GWR colors, but it's the thought it counts).  Might pick up more of these down the road.  Hopefully one day further down the road we can see some great western engines in N scale like Duck and Oliver!

Normally I'd send pics of engines pulling these around but not today... currently in the middle of an interesting mod on my four N scale engines as of now.  Hopefully they'll be ready by the time Toad is in stock!

Another outstanding review, Chaz! The dedicated single vent van tooling was indeed the way to go, and I wish it could make a comeback appearance in HO/OO.

I agree with you on the Ice Cream Van. Having been discontinued in both HO/OO and G, I'm a little perplexed why they introduced it in N, but there you go. The Fruit and Veg van is starting to grow on me, the dark green looks so slick. I agree with you 100%, the GWR van is my favorite of the three. The chocolate brown is probably the most accurate to what's seen in all eras of the show and it is based on a real-life box van. It ticks all the boxes.

All I can to Bachmann is: Bring on Toad, Mr. Bach-Man!

Now, I'm itching to see the mods you're performing on your N scale engines!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on July 25, 2023, 08:20:45 PM
Quote from: Mulfred100 on July 22, 2023, 01:56:59 AM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 21, 2023, 02:54:29 PM
Quote from: Mulfred100 on July 21, 2023, 09:18:07 AM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 19, 2023, 12:11:49 AMN Scale Gordon was confirmed to finally be shown fully painted next Tuesday. Don't know about N Scale Emily, but we'll see for sure. Would be nice if both N Scale Gordon and Emily were shown fully painted together, but Doug might not have Emily's painted sample just yet.
It's far from "Confrimed"
The post actually says "all will be revealed soon"
You are forgetting that it's Awdry Extravaganza this weekend so it's extremely likely that Christian and all booked guests are extremely busy. Plus the NMRA is out at the back end of next month. Soon could be anytime. There's been no announcements of a stream on Tuesday.

But if the stream is on Tuesday, prepare to eat your words. Maybe N Scale Emily will also be revealed fully painted with Gordon.

Also, I am entirely aware the NMRA is in a month.
Well if you want to be like that then if there isn't a stream same goes for you. I'm just saying let's wait for confirmation before you jump to conclusions. Jumping to conclusions is the quickest way to disappointment. 

Well, I guess you were right. There was no TrainWorld Stream tonight. When I said to "eat your words" I knew that you were naturally going to retort back at me. Turns out it's me.

Oh, the indignity!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on July 26, 2023, 02:56:50 AM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 25, 2023, 08:20:45 PMWell, I guess you were right. There was no TrainWorld Stream tonight. When I said to "eat your words" I knew that you were naturally going to retort back at me. Turns out it's me.

Oh, the indignity!

The next Trainworld stream will come sooner or later, there's no need to tell other users to "eat your words".  Let's try to keep the discussion civil while we anticipate the full reveal of Gordon's painted sample. ;)

On another note, a huge thank you to everyone else for your responses to the short review on the box vans.  I'm looking forward to talking about Toad next.  I'm looking to get new faces added to my N scale engines that match the model era of the show, I'll show pictures once the faces are done and fully painted. 

Kempton, I never noticed the different running board on the CGI model compared to the original season 1 design.  Your new take on Thomas looks excellent so far and I like how the brake pipe turned out too.  Great work!  I also like the new snowplow, can't wait to see how that will look fully painted.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Mulfred100 on July 26, 2023, 03:17:18 PM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 25, 2023, 08:20:45 PM
Quote from: Mulfred100 on July 22, 2023, 01:56:59 AM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 21, 2023, 02:54:29 PM
Quote from: Mulfred100 on July 21, 2023, 09:18:07 AM
Quote from: TrainFan97 on July 19, 2023, 12:11:49 AMN Scale Gordon was confirmed to finally be shown fully painted next Tuesday. Don't know about N Scale Emily, but we'll see for sure. Would be nice if both N Scale Gordon and Emily were shown fully painted together, but Doug might not have Emily's painted sample just yet.
It's far from "Confrimed"
The post actually says "all will be revealed soon"
You are forgetting that it's Awdry Extravaganza this weekend so it's extremely likely that Christian and all booked guests are extremely busy. Plus the NMRA is out at the back end of next month. Soon could be anytime. There's been no announcements of a stream on Tuesday.

But if the stream is on Tuesday, prepare to eat your words. Maybe N Scale Emily will also be revealed fully painted with Gordon.

Also, I am entirely aware the NMRA is in a month.
Well if you want to be like that then if there isn't a stream same goes for you. I'm just saying let's wait for confirmation before you jump to conclusions. Jumping to conclusions is the quickest way to disappointment. 

Well, I guess you were right. There was no TrainWorld Stream tonight. When I said to "eat your words" I knew that you were naturally going to retort back at me. Turns out it's me.

Oh, the indignity!
It'll come soon enough as Chaz said. I was just trying to save you pinning your hopes on something and getting disappointed when it didn't happen that's all I intended by my post. Who knows maybe the next trainworld stream will be a bumper with revivals and announcement with NMRA being a few weeks away. Also when I said about NMRA I was just saying that by then they'll probably have the promotional photos out for Gordon and Beau for the catalogue along with anything else they have painted samples of
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TerencetheTractor525 on July 29, 2023, 10:08:25 PM
Hey everyone! It's official! The next TrainWorld Thomas Tuesday livestream will be on August 1st at 6pm EST, and feature N Scale Gordon fully painted. The ad was posted on Twitter earlier today:
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on August 01, 2023, 11:46:49 PM
At last, we finally get to see N Scale Gordon fully painted. Toad was shown in a box, and will hopefully show up in stock by the end of the year if all goes well. Still no update on Sir Handel, and progress has been slow on him. They have the design ready for HO Scale Rebecca, and an unpainted sample may be shown within a few streams. They don't have the painted sample of N Scale Emily just yet, but that might be soon.

With the NMRA announcements coming up later this month, we can only hope N Scale Henry will be one of the announcements. I'm certainly hoping for N Scale Henry.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on August 02, 2023, 01:00:42 AM
Gordon looks terrific! Bachmann really did a solid job with the fully painted sample and I appreciate how much of a night and day difference it is compared to the HO scale model.  It is absolutely surreal to see an official N scale Gordon model knowing that over 20 years ago I was excited for Tomix to release a model of Gordon, only to be disappointed a few years later knowing it's cancellation.  It's really nice seeing Bachmann bring Gordon into the range and I really can't wait to add him in my N scale collection. 

The NMRA is also later this month, here's hoping Henry and/or some express coaches are in the product brochure.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on August 02, 2023, 01:49:56 PM
Gordon looks amazing, very excited for his eventual release. Toad's imminent shipment is great news as well, I think he looks very nice albeit I am disappointed by the adherence to the lettering only being on one side of his body. It is accurate to the "CGI" and "Model" versions of the character, but it would have been nice to deviate slightly for the sake of fixing the show's mistakes and add text to both sides, considering the UK version of the HO Toad apparently does feature lettering on both sides...

I do very much hope we get a confirmation for Henry in the upcoming NMRA show. Frankly I expect N Scale to get the lion's share of content from this year's show, considering every other line is quite occupied right now. Most I'd expect from the others is some rolling stock recolors. (Though out of solidarity I do hope the Large Scale modelers can get a new locomotive soon...) I don't know if we'd get a rolling stock announcement alongside a Henry announcement, but personally I would like to see some faceless open wagons of the older varieties, Red Open/Blue Open/Green Coal Wagon. Express Coaches would be nice as well but may be better suited to a catalog announcement.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on August 04, 2023, 05:29:04 PM
With N Scale Gordon fully painted, and Emily soon to be shown fully painted, it is time to announce another N Scale engine, with Henry being the top request and the highest in demand. We may not start getting side characters until we at least get Henry then Edward. For rolling stock, I'd be okay with Express Coaches, Red Coaches, or more faceless open wagons, including the Red Open Wagon, and Coal Wagon w/ Load. The Mail Car would be perfect for Percy. Don't know if we'll get a generic brake van, considering Toad is the first brake van in the range.

Apart from Henry, other characters that can recycle Gordon's chassis include Spencer and Flying Scotsman. For side characters, the favorites are Mavis, Diesel, Oliver and Duck. Mavis would recycle Thomas' chassis like Toby. Since we're getting Toad, Oliver must be planned. Diesel would be the versatile tooling for a lot of potential recolors, including Paxton, Sidney, as well as the discontinued in HO Scale, 'Arry and Bert. Sidney has yet to be announced for HO Scale, but with no concern for an eye mechanism, he'll be much more likely for N Scale once Diesel is on the cards. Sidney or Flying Scotsman might become the first N Scale engine that doesn't already exist in HO Scale. We know Gordon is the first N Scale engine that doesn't exist in Large Scale, due to his sheer size.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on August 29, 2023, 05:47:22 PM
After a long wait, I finally have gotten my hands on the new N Scale 'Thomas' Box Vans. I pre-ordered these wagons months before they made their way state-side, and yet my retailer of choice (who shall go un-named) took nearly two full months after their arrival to actually get my order into my hands... They were also quite slow with my Toby order, so I think I'm going to switch to someone else's service for the sake of my own sanity...

Anyway, the wagons are excellent aesthetically. All three liveries are colorful and look good in a goods train, and I think the three varieties currently available pair well with each other in a consist. I think my favorite of the liveries is the "Fruit and Vegetable" version, though the "Great Western" version is nice as well (even if it is odd to have an LNER van with GWR markings, ha ha). The white "Ice Cream" version is probably the weakest of the three, if only because its a somewhat more niche and silly wagon. But 'Thomas' rolling stock is nothing if not occasionally niche and silly, so I am glad to have it all the same. All three roll along smoothly and freely when pushed or pulled.

My only complaint about the Box Vans is that they are all very light, lighter than the 7-Plank wagons, even. It makes them feel somewhat cheap, which isn't a great impression to get from something with a suggested price of $36 a pop. Upon inspection, they use the same metal weight piece as the 7-Plank wagons, so I suppose the culprit is the van body being lighter than the open body...? Seems counter-intuitive for the bigger body to be lighter, ha ha. It's simple enough to add extra weight inside the Box Vans, but it would be nice if future releases of the vans could have a more substantial metal weight included to begin with.

That said, my overall impressions are positive. They look nice and run well, and that's what I wanted out of these.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on September 04, 2023, 06:44:42 PM
Hey guys, here's a little update on my Series 1 Thomas project! He's nearly finished, I just need to do the clear coats on his body shell, then paint his new face. Here's a progress pic:

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Edit: The picture is a lot less blurry if you click on it.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on October 04, 2023, 03:46:14 PM
Hey guys, I finished painting Thomas' snowplough, so he's ready for winter now! Overall, I'm really happy with how he and the plough turned out!

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Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on October 12, 2023, 02:28:56 PM
As I said in the Facebook group Kempton, Thomas looks great and I love how your snowplow turned out.  Keep it up!

On that note:


Looks like Toad's official image has been posted.  Looks like he's getting closer to being released!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on October 12, 2023, 04:39:17 PM
Wow, he looks really good! I always love seeing the official product pictures get posted for the first time!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on October 20, 2023, 07:41:14 AM
Hey guys, Toad is in stock on Bachmann's webstore now, which means he should be with other retailers soon as well!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on October 25, 2023, 08:00:38 PM
Begging your pardon, everyone but the N scale Toad has arrived.  A bizarre statement that I wouldn't have guessed I'd be saying over a year ago before his announcement for sure, but here we are.  Unlike most rolling stock announcements, there's a lot I have to say about the N scale Toad so I'll share my thoughts. 

Looking at this model, all I really have to say is, wow!  Part of me is still in disbelief that we have an N scale model of Toad the Brake van of all things.  I remember when this got announced last year feeling, while excited also a little confused.  I thought this would just be a Graham farish repaint with a face slapped on at first since that was the only possible reason I thought they would do Toad.  Especially he was announced alongside Gordon.  Once the engineering sample was revealed and it was a new tooling, I was even more stumped, but at the same time all the more excited.  So how does this model hold up?

The N scale Toad, in my opinion, is the new best rolling stock addition in the range by a landslide.  The tooling itself is perfectly proportioned with that of the CGI render, and the paint that is applied onto Toad looks wonderful.  The decals are placed on one side of the body and not the other, with the latter being shown in this picture. But the model is so small it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it did with the HO model. 

The face on Toad was captured beautifully and matches that of the CGI design perfectly.  It's also one of the few face designs that doesn't stray too far away from the model era face either so it would look great regardless of whichever era of the show you prefer to model.

The separately added tail lamps have to be my favorite detail of the N scale Toad.  I love how these turned out, especially with the red paint for the LED light.  It was a detail that was completely missing on the HO Toad and a missed opportunity for sure. 

Speaking of the HO model, I want to talk about that real quick.  The difference between the HO and N scale Toad models are night and day.  The HO Toad is made of a light plastic that's not fully attached to the chassis all that well, has no real weight to it and the paint in some areas (particularly the silver on the buffers which I repainted black) feel like they were splashed on.  It feels like they made Toad in a rush, which feels questionable considering that they went with a Bachmann branch line tooling this one and only time instead of the usual mainline tooling.  Not only that but the quality of Toad was just not there compared to the N scale one.  It honestly makes me feel like the HO modelers REALLY got robbed of a good Toad model in terms of quality and overall accuracy when you compare it to the N scale model.

But going back to the N scale Toad, it's clear that this a winner in the range and a very fun piece of rolling stock in the range.  Aesthetically, it really exceeded my expectations.  Considering it's a model of a character who seems odd on the surface to add to the range, it manages to hit the right areas of accuracy and fits in with the rest of the range nicely.  I wish I could say the same for the N scale tankers though...

As far as performance goes, Toad runs very smoothly behind any N scale goods train. It handles tighter radiuses pretty well too and I think it's clear as day that it works as a nice placeholder for the time being until Bachmann adds more brake vans in the near future to their Thomas range.  I see more of an urgency for those to happen sooner than Oliver to go with Toad, if I'm honest.  As a stand-alone rolling stock announcement though, Toad is a lot of fun for your N scale Thomas collection.

Overall, the N scale Toad, while an odd choice on the surface, really is an outstanding model and gets a huge thumbs up for me.  Whether you're a fan of the character or collect the N scale line, I highly recommend picking this one up for sure.  Bachmann continues to deliver excellent quality with their N scale models and I am looking forward to further updates on several other projects that we have left to anticipate.  Hopefully the next model that arrives in stock will be the N scale Gordon!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: DinoNTrains on October 26, 2023, 01:46:12 AM
Nice review, as always, Chaz! Now here's to hoping we'll be getting a Bachmann N-scale Oliver soon.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JacobSK on October 26, 2023, 10:34:27 AM
Awesome review and photos as per usual, Chaz! I'm now all jazzed up to get my N Scale Toad.

The OO model is quite frustrating, and now with the release of the N Scale model, it seems to be clear as to why. It appears that not a lot of effort was put into it (the UK version tries to rectify this, somewhat) for all the reasons you stated, but also for the fact that the grey for the body is much too light and makes it look like a cheap knockoff. It seems Bachmann themselves realized this and decided to put things right and make a dedicated new tooling for the N scale model. I'm looking forward to running him behind Percy and maybe James. It's obvious why James because of "Toad's Adventure", but I also feel he and Percy would get along quite well for some reason.

Yes, considering how fast they moved on Toad, let's hope Emily's coaches are next! Now those will look pretty rad behind James until Emily is out, for sure.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on December 01, 2023, 09:29:49 AM
Hello all, a quick question for all N scale Thomas modelers:

A former student of mine and his dad are building an N scale Thomas layout.  They'd really like to add Cranky onto their layout, but obviously Bachmann has no plans to do Cranky in N anytime soon. So I'd like help finding alternatives for them in the meantime.  What would you guys recommend? And if possible, I'd love to see a side by side comparison of Cranky next to the Bachmann N scale Thomas (not Tomix, please).  This could be either the ERTL, capsule plarail or any other brand that has made Cranky that could work with N scale.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on December 01, 2023, 08:54:22 PM
Quote from: Chaz on December 01, 2023, 09:29:49 AMHello all, a quick question for all N scale Thomas modelers:

A former student of mine and his dad are building an N scale Thomas layout.  They'd really like to add Cranky onto their layout, but obviously Bachmann has no plans to do Cranky in N anytime soon. So I'd like help finding alternatives for them in the meantime.  What would you guys recommend? And if possible, I'd love to see a side by side comparison of Cranky next to the Bachmann N scale Thomas (not Tomix, please).  This could be either the ERTL, capsule plarail or any other brand that has made Cranky that could work with N scale.

Thanks in advance!

Sadly not able to provide a photo due to my layout being in boxes at the moment, but I find the Capsule Plarail toy to be a decent stand-in. I think it might be slightly small compared to his appearance in the show, but it looks fine on its own merits. Unfortunately in N Scale, there's not a lot of viable 'stand-in' options for Cranky or any other tower crane-type character at this size outside of Capsule Plarail toys, since most of their toys in the other toy ranges are far too big to fit well in an N Scale setting.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: BubbleBuddyFan on December 04, 2023, 01:05:52 PM
I will be interested to do 3D Printed N Scale Cranky the Crane instead. I wasn't planning to do N Scale Thomas Engines and Rolling Stock for last time. I have no interest into Nia and Rebecca either. It gets worse and worse in the future.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on December 08, 2023, 01:51:13 AM
Quote from: N Scale Sudrian on December 01, 2023, 08:54:22 PMSadly not able to provide a photo due to my layout being in boxes at the moment, but I find the Capsule Plarail toy to be a decent stand-in. I think it might be slightly small compared to his appearance in the show, but it looks fine on its own merits. Unfortunately in N Scale, there's not a lot of viable 'stand-in' options for Cranky or any other tower crane-type character at this size outside of Capsule Plarail toys, since most of their toys in the other toy ranges are far too big to fit well in an N Scale setting.

No worries regarding the photo, and thanks for the reply/feedback!  I like the detailing from the capsule Cranky a lot more, but the ERTL one seems to be better in scaling with the Bachmann N scale models, at least from what I gathered from some photos another modeler was able to share in a Facebook group I'm a member of. 

Any other options you or anyone else can think of, I'm all ears.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JacobSK on December 08, 2023, 07:14:24 AM
I'm wondering if the Nakayoshi Cranky will fit in?

([email protected])

It seems to be the perfect blend of the detailing that the Capsule Plarail toy has and the needed height of the ERTL. Unfortunately, I do not have it, but have been on the trail for one for about a year now.

As an added note: the Nakayoshi Bulstrode is PERFECT for the N scale Thomas stuff, granted your friend knows about him.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Awesometrain77 on December 21, 2023, 03:26:33 PM
Predictions and hopes for 2024 .
Cattle wagon
Tidmoth sheds
Red branchline coaches
Museum coaches 
Gordon express set
Thomas saves Santa
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on December 25, 2023, 05:40:34 PM
Just a few months away from the early 2024 announcements. Hoping we finally get N Scale Henry for real this time. He's the top priority for N Scale. For rolling stock, we could sure use a generic or Spiteful Brake Van, along with Red Coaches. Still no non-troublesome variants of the open wagon tooling.

I got Toad for Christmas, along with S.C. Ruffey and the three vans, so I'm caught up on my rolling stock. It's still strange how we got Toad, despite there being no immediate plans for Oliver.

If Henry gets announced in early 2024, all we'll have left to hope for is that Edward gets announced next NMRA, and then we'd have all eight members of the original Steam Team in N Scale. Bachmann recently announced Diesel and Paxton, and might have an update within a few months. They STILL haven't shown N Scale Emily fully painted, and should've done so months ago!

Potential recolors for N Scale include LBSC Thomas, Origin James, Sidney, 'Arry and Bert. The latter two got discontinued in HO Scale, due to their faces being too similar, while Sidney has yet to be made in any scale.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on January 16, 2024, 03:48:13 PM
The N scale Henrietta sample has been teased on Bachmann's social media and it looks great so far! Can't wait to see it fully painted.

Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: RailsByRick on January 16, 2024, 04:40:38 PM
Quote from: Chaz on January 16, 2024, 03:48:13 PMThe N scale Henrietta sample has been teased on Bachmann's social media and it looks great so far! Can't wait to see it fully painted.


She does look really nice! It doesn't appear as though she'll have a face it seems. Unless the face is facing towards Toby. Guess we'll wait and see. Hoping for a face though 🤞
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on January 17, 2024, 01:13:14 PM
Henrietta sample looks excellent. It definitely looks like a new tool based on the "CGI" version of the character, face and all. The give-away is very minute. I didn't notice until someone else in my modelling circle pointed it out to me. When they updated Henrietta to include the face, they added some extra support beams to the end of the carriage body with the face. You can see the outer-most support beams on the side facing Toby.

I assume they're keeping the face in that direction because they're somewhat wishy-washy on whether or not its okay for them to show the incomplete faces, ha ha. But it is nice to see Henrietta will have her face after all. Her "upgrades" in the "CGI" show were very gratifying to me. They allowed her to actually participate in stories instead of just being a glorified prop. It felt very natural alongside the expanded usage of other rolling stock characters around that same time. Annie and Clarabel, Toad, etc...

(Making this version of Henrietta also means they can re-use the same tool to make Hannah. I think she's relatively low on the list of "priority rolling stock" as it were, but I wouldn't mind having her in the fleet...)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on January 17, 2024, 05:17:39 PM
Nice to see that Bachmann revealed N Scale Henrietta in the unpainted stage. Once she is fully painted, Toby will soon have his coach. Hannah should be made using the same tooling, and would then be the first rolling stock recolor in N Scale that hasn't been made in HO Scale. I'm sure Henrietta has a face, and that it's just facing Toby, but not ready for prime time.

While Henry is the #1 priority for engines, but if we need another diesel in N Scale to diversify the range, Mavis would be an excellent choice, as she would use Thomas' chassis like Toby did, and would be the first production model of her to actually have siderods. The only problem with Mavis is that she got little to no merchandise since Mattel took over. Daisy is a more recent model for HO Scale, and that was literally her first piece of merchandise since her return in CGI. Daisy would also be great for N Scale, but there are higher priorities like Henry, Edward, Mavis, Duck and Oliver. Edward and Henry still get merchandise, even for the reboot, so there's nothing stopping Bachmann from making them in N Scale.

New toolings needed for N Scale rolling stock that would be very useful include a Salt Wagon, Cattle Wagon, Mail Car, and a generic Brake Van. With a Cattle Wagon, Troublesome Truck #3 can be made in N Scale. With Mail Cars, Percy can finally do his favorite job, which is the Mail Train.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on January 27, 2024, 02:17:10 PM
Someone in my modelling circle showed this to me. It seems Emily's painted sample has made its way to this year's Amherst show...

She looks excellent. With all the excitement surrounding Gordon I can understand why there hasn't been as much 'hype' over Emily's development. But I think she is the greatest achievement in the whole N Scale 'Thomas' line. A ready-to-run Stirling Single in N Scale, with the entire motorized mechanism contained within the locomotive is no joke. The N Scale 'Thomas' line is definitely pushing the envelope in terms of locomotive design, and I think Emily should be lauded for it.

I very much hope it sends a message to the rest of the industry, given how the UK outline N Scale market is nearly entirely plagued by tender locos that are either driveshaft-driven or tender-driven. (The only exceptions that spring to mind are Bachmann's own more recent offerings, such as the 8F, 4MTs, Duchesses, and Merchant Navies...) I understand some of those tools are products of their time, but given how many very small tank engines like the Terriers and 14XXs (or indeed, Thomas, Percy, and Toby!) have been achieved in N Scale, one would think a loco with more internal real estate like the Black 5s or Gresley Pacifics would be trivial to make in loco-driven form... (Case in point, hello Gordon!)

Since we're a week away from the 2024 Catalog, I don't have any 'predictions' for anything other than N Scale. I'd still very much like to see Henry announced, as well as some faceless open wagons, and the introduction of vehicle characters such as Bertie and Harold. Given the past year's release patterns I wouldn't be surprised if some of these are being saved for an NMRA announcement. But I do think it would be a bit silly to put off Henry any longer given how easy it would be for them to make him, especially now that Gordon is supposedly hitting the market in Q2 this year.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on January 27, 2024, 03:33:05 PM
At last, N Scale Emily is shown fully painted! It took ridiculously long since her unpainted sample was shown, but she's finally ready! She doesn't have her number 12, but that's no dealbreaker, since she didn't have that until Season 24. Should hopefully be in stock by the end of the year. May not be expected 'til late 2024. N Scale Gordon should soon be shown in a package, and he should arrive in stock during the second quarter.

Hoping N Scale Henry will be announced in the 2024 catalog, since he would easily recycle Gordon's chassis minus trailing wheels. It may be a while before we see N Scale Diesel/Paxton unpainted. Considering Edward and Henry still get merchandise, even for the reboot, there is nothing stopping Bachmann from making them in N Scale. Henry should get announced in the 2024 catalog, then Edward should get announced in the NMRA, then we can have all of the original Steam Team in N Scale.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on January 27, 2024, 04:30:20 PM
Here's a link to a Facebook post with more pictures of Gordon and Emily:

It also confirms that Henrietta will have a face!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: RailsByRick on January 27, 2024, 04:55:38 PM
Quote from: Kemptown Branch on January 27, 2024, 04:30:20 PMHere's a link to a Facebook post with more pictures of Gordon and Emily:

It also confirms that Henrietta will have a face!

Any possible way you could post the pics here? Deleted Facebook years ago, and the pics are in a private group.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on January 27, 2024, 05:29:31 PM
( (

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( (

Photo credit goes to James Drury.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on January 27, 2024, 11:31:31 PM
Well, as much as I prefer the Awdry characters the N scale Emily won me over.  I love how she turned out fully painted. Between her open windows and tender frames, this is a very steep improvement over the HO model.  I'm very curious to see how the model will run.  I'm looking forward to picking her up, as well as her coaches.  Might be replacing the face though.

As for Henrietta having a face, honestly I don't really mind.  It's kind of a win-win on both ends if you ask me.  It's a welcome addition to those who wanted it, and for those who weren't for it can remove it with a hobby knife if they want.  Either way, I'm grateful they still bothered with Henrietta at all in N scale, which can be more than said for large scale...

Either way, things are really looking great for the N scale range.  Hopefully we will see some exciting additions for that line this year like Henry, a brake van and some wagon repaints like the coal wagon with load in particular.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JLK2707 on February 01, 2024, 08:34:45 AM
Sounds just so cool! :)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on February 13, 2024, 07:26:36 PM


Nice seeing the official images of the N scale Emily's coaches as well as getting another look at N scale Emily and the Henrietta samples earlier. 
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on February 28, 2024, 11:16:18 AM
Needless to say, the annual catalog's offerings for N Scale 'Thomas' are very disappointing... I don't entirely understand why we couldn't have gotten some Open Wagon or Tank Car recolors for N Scale instead of the Narrow Gauge Slate Wagon recolors in HO... The HO Narrow Gauge line is already plagued with a backlog of wagons in the development pipeline, meanwhile the N Scale line is fully up-to-date in terms of wagon releases.

It feels like Bachmann have misplaced their priorities... That said I think it is a good idea for them to not bother with any new tooling in the catalog this year... And, I don't doubt NMRA will yield better developments, given track record of the past few years... But the lack of updates in this catalog seems to me like a major hit to the forward momentum built up by the last two years of announcements.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on March 07, 2024, 10:40:40 AM
A high resolution photo of the N scale Gordon has been posted at Walthers:


Always a good sign that the release date is getting closer and closer!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: TrainFan97 on March 07, 2024, 03:20:03 PM
Walthers has the official image of N Scale Gordon, and the next Trainworld Stream is bound to show him in the package. He's set to arrive in stock within the next few months.

But, N Scale Henry still isn't on the cards yet. I understand the announcements were a bare minimum because of so many other products Bachmann has been behind on, but I'm hoping that this year for sure, Henry will be announced for the NMRA. They unfortunately haven't even started on Diesel yet, but they did make progress on the Express Coaches, so that Gordon can have his proper rolling stock as soon as possible. It shouldn't take too long to get the 3D design ready for Diesel, considering they just have to scale down his HO Scale tooling.

Long before the NMRA, Gordon will be out there, and Emily will be available by the end of the year if nothing goes wrong, so this NMRA could finally be the time to announce N Scale Henry, then the 2025 catalog would need to have N Scale LBSC Thomas and Origin James for the 80th Anniversary. Maybe even Edward at a stretch, so as to complete the original Steam Team in N Scale. Great choices for Diesel repaints would be Sidney, 'Arry and Bert. The former has yet to be made in any scale, while the latter two are discontinued in HO Scale, and there's a demand for them to come back. Maybe we'll get 'Arry and Bert in N Scale, but Henry is the #1 priority for the next engine.

Sorry if I keep sounding like a broken record.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: N Scale Sudrian on April 30, 2024, 04:47:23 PM
Just saw on Facebook that Henrietta's painted sample came in... She looks exquisite! Her detailing is excellent and the Fall ETA is good to hear...

Now, with the exception of the Diesel 0-6-0s and Express Coaches, all of the currently undelivered project for N Scale 'Thomas' have a decorated sample and are seemingly expected to come out within the year... You love to see it...
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Awesometrain77 on September 05, 2024, 07:41:26 PM
NMRA announced us
Henry - was pretty expected to be honest, but glad to see him
Brakevan - Was shocked not to see the Spikeful brakevan and this before . Especially since this is not in any scale yet
Hannah - Yet another N scale first she looks nice Seems like she went into production with Henrietta .
Roundhouse - Clearly based off of the HO scale Tooling Which is a repaint of tidmoth sheds . We probably will see tidmoth sheds in the future

As for the future of N scale . Edward is definitely someone I would like to see you soon . I also think some variants could happen . As for rollingstock Maybe some Xpress coach variations That we have not seen in HO. And maybe some wagons As we already Have three troublesome trucks The tooling is in the range We just need some without faces . branch line coaches is something we could wait abut later for .

Anyway here is my idea for 2025 N scale

Catalogue 2025
LBSC Thomas
Red express coach Composite
Red express coach brake
Gordon special express coach Composite
Gordon special express  coach brake
Gordon express set

NMRA 2025
Sodor scrap co wagon
Sodor mining coal wagon with coal laod
Blue mining coal wagon with coal load
Red wagon with clay load
Green open wagon
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: RailsByRick on October 17, 2024, 10:08:09 PM
I've been enjoying the N Scale line as of late, and I've had some thoughts for some new, cost-effective items that Bachmann could consider. All of these suggestions use toolings/partial toolings that Bachmann has already produced.

Thomas/Thomas Chassis

-LBSC Thomas: a simple Thomas repaint, and one that I'm hoping will be announced for the 80th Anniversary.

-Mavis: This one has been suggested before, but would only require a newly tooled shell to go over the Thomas/Toby chassis.

-Stanley: Maybe not right now, but depending on how well he sells in HO Scale, this would be another simple partial tooling for the shell to go onto the Thomas chassis.


-Origins James: This would be another simple repaint, and would complement a potential LBSC Thomas. My only request is that the running board is the proper shade of gray, and Bachmann, please do not add the printed lamp on the tender. It looks very cheap and tacky.

12 Ton Van

-Gray Van: See HO version for reference. A generic gray van with no lettering would be great to build up long goods trains as seen in the CGI series.

-Fun Fair Vans: Maybe not a high priority at the moment, but these would be a fun addition.

Tank Wagon

-TAR Tanker: The HO Scale version is being reintroduced with updated CGI inspired graphics. I'm sure this would be a huge hit in N scale as well.

-Milk Tanker: I'm honestly surprised this wasn't one of the first tankers released.

Gordon's Chassis

-Spencer: One of the best aspects of N Scale not having moving eyes is how versatile a single chassis tooling can be. This one may need some tweaking to work for Spencer, but I'm sure it could be done.

N Scale Roundhouse

-Tidmouth Sheds: This one is a no-brainer. I'm sure it'll be announced before too long.

Let me know your thoughts! This line is fantastic and I want to see it continue to grow.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: JLK2707 on October 18, 2024, 06:04:57 PM
I would just love to see an N Scale Edward.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Chaz on October 24, 2024, 02:58:42 PM
N scale Emily has been posted on Bachmann's webstore!


Really excited for her and Gordon coming soon. :)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: RailsByRick on November 03, 2024, 07:35:25 AM
I know we all want an N Scale Edward. Recently I've been thinking over the logistics of how exactly Bachmann would be able to tackle a model with such a short wheelbase in N scale.

The N Scale Thomas engines released so far have small motors that still take up most of the length of the model, and as such, have the front axle be the driven axle. Of course, Edward's driving wheels are very close together, and reside towards his cab. This means the usual approach of having an axle in the front be connected to the motor is out of the question.

Could Bachmann flip the motor around and re-wire it appropriately so that the worm drive is facing the cab? Another issue with this is potentially making the front too heavy, when in reality, you want most of the weight over the driving wheels.

I'm not sure how they'll approach it, but I certainly hope Bachmann doesn't just skip on Edward entirely, and I hope they'll do his model justice.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on November 03, 2024, 10:17:47 AM
Quote from: RailsByRick on November 03, 2024, 07:35:25 AMI know we all want an N Scale Edward. Recently I've been thinking over the logistics of how exactly Bachmann would be able to tackle a model with such a short wheelbase in N scale.

The N Scale Thomas engines released so far have small motors that still take up most of the length of the model, and as such, have the front axle be the driven axle. Of course, Edward's driving wheels are very close together, and reside towards his cab. This means the usual approach of having an axle in the front be connected to the motor is out of the question.

Could Bachmann flip the motor around and re-wire it appropriately so that the worm drive is facing the cab? Another issue with this is potentially making the front too heavy, when in reality, you want most of the weight over the driving wheels.

I'm not sure how they'll approach it, but I certainly hope Bachmann doesn't just skip on Edward entirely, and I hope they'll do his model justice.

I've also thought about this a little bit. One thing I think they could do is similar they did with Peter Sam, Sir Handel, and the larger scale versions of Emily, and have his rear pony truck wheel geared as well as his drive wheel, effectively making him driven like a 2-6-0. Edward's body length in the show is very close to Thomas, so I don't think that Edward's front bogie wheel would need to articulate to get around curves in N Scale, compared to the larger scales. That would also make it so that Edward would have more wheels to pick up electricity.

If they did need to, they could still have Edward's front wheel articulate or just move a little more to each side; they "split up" the front bogie on the OO9 Baldwin, and it wasn't really noticeable when going around curves.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: DustyMarie53! on November 04, 2024, 08:43:49 PM
Emily's train set was shown off on New Model Monday this week. No release date was given, however it was shown off alongside the G scale Thomas set which has a q1-q2 2025 release date, so that is likely shared. Not really much to say other then was cool to see it in packaging (
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on December 16, 2024, 11:59:56 PM
Hey guys, I was able to pick up Emily recently, and she's an excellent model! The quality of the paint and lining is really high, being consistent across the entire model. I think she captures the look and shape of her CGI model extremely well, too!
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She doesn't have some of the extra detailing seen in the later CGI seasons, but that's because she (and the other engines in the range) is based on the CGI orthographics that Nitrogen Studios created when they made Hero of the Rails.
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Something I also want to mention is that Emily doesn't feel fragile. Even though the railings on her tender are see-through, they feel solid, and it doesn't feel like they could be broken by accident. Her model overall also feels really good, and all of the component pieces fit together extremely well.
( (

As far as performance goes, she runs really smoothly and quietly in both directions. She is pretty fast compared to other engines, but mine can still be controlled to a nice, slow speed. She can also pull a decently sized train, which is nice!
( (

If you guys would like to see my thoughts more in-depth, I made a video for her, which you can see here:

Overall, I think she's a great addition to the range, and she definitely makes me excited for the future of the range as well!
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: Kemptown Branch on January 10, 2025, 03:55:25 PM
Hey everyone, it looks like Hannah has been added to the web store, although she isn't in stock yet.
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: travel_is_fun on January 28, 2025, 04:37:58 PM

It seems that N-scale Hannah has been spotted on Ebay. Much earlier than I thought  ;)
Title: Re: N Scale Bachmann Thomas
Post by: RailsByRick on February 27, 2025, 09:17:25 PM
We have yet to see samples for the express coaches in N scale. Hopefully in the next Thomas Tuesday stream or in the coming months they will be shown off.

I know I'm in the minority here, but I'd prefer if they were accurate to their CGI models to go with the very accurate CGI engines in the N scale line. If they're going to base the range on CGI, then I'd want them to go all in.