I felt like showing some of the custom models that I've made recently. Feel free to reply with your own customs or questions about mine.
First, I made S.C. Ruffey's friends from the first illustration of Toad Stands By
(https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/30/27/13/20180415.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/128)
Fred Pelhay
(https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/30/27/13/20180410.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/123)
The teal truck behind S.C.Ruffey. Some of the Wiki writers are convinced that this is Rickety.
(https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/30/27/13/20180414.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/127)
(https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/30/27/13/20180413.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/126)
"Oliver's no use at all..."
I also made the non-express main line coaches from season 1. These had an ERTL release as "Old Coaches."
(https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/30/27/13/20180511.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/129)
I didn't realize until after buying a brake coach kit that the brake coach in the TV series looks like a composite coach that was painted like a brake coach (kind of like Emily's coaches). Oh Well.
(https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/30/27/13/20180512.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/130)
Well done on those customs! And since you made Fred Pelhay and Rickety, apparently the models of the Cargo Car and Blue Open Wagon were supposed to be those characters, and then they were cancelled.
Has anybody ever modified any of the old Hornby clockwork versions of the Tidmouth Milk tanker to make it say TAR or something else? Also, don't you find it to be just a big bummer that Hornby never went beyond Shell and Tidmouth Milk when they did their Hornby clockwork range?
Here is my latest: Victoria from the penultimate book of the RWS (as extended by Christopher Awdry).
(https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/30/27/13/20180513.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/131)
I now have Toby's comlete train:
(https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/30/27/13/20180515.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/133)
I haven't decided on the order since Elsie and Victoria have never been depicted together. I've seen old photos of the Wisbech luggage van directly behind the tram, but not having Henrietta first seems odd.
(https://i62.servimg.com/u/f62/19/30/27/13/20180514.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/132)
That looks very good.
What book chapter it is in? I can't seem to remember that when I reading. I do have the complete book series.
Quote from: angelob6660 on May 23, 2018, 09:39:11 PM
That looks very good.
What book chapter it is in? I can't seem to remember that when I reading. I do have the complete book series.
Thank you for the compliment.
Victoria is in the book,
Thomas and Victoria (the book has little to do with Thomas, but his name was put on most of Christopher Awdry's books for the sake of name recognition). Christopher Awdry's books are typically left out of RWS sets, and if you do have the Christopher Awdry collection, I believe that was actually published before
Thomas and Victoria. She was added to Toby's train because Henrietta was becoming overcrowded and passengers were riding on her verandas, causing Toby to get in trouble with the police, much like Thomas before him. She is a former Furness Railway coach, which is why she is blue and white instead of orange like the other Ffarquhar branchline coaches.
Thanks for that wonderful information. I'll look to see about the new stories from Christopher.
Nice Fred model, mate. Your timing's decent; I made this version just a couple months ago.
Nice job with the face on your Fred. Did you mold it yourself? I've been making the faces on mine with paper eyes like Annie and Clarabel and the season 1 trucks. The large brackets on both ends of the 8 plank wagon (I followed the wiki that he is based on a fixed end 8-plank wagon) that I used to make Fred wound up making the face pretty difficult to apply. Making him dirty with coal dust was also a nice touch.
Quote from: J70Toby on May 28, 2018, 01:22:49 PM
Nice job with the face on your Fred. Did you mold it yourself? I've been making the faces on mine with paper eyes like Annie and Clarabel and the season 1 trucks. The large brackets on both ends of the 8 plank wagon (I followed the wiki that he is based on a fixed end 8-plank wagon) that I used to make Fred wound up making the face pretty difficult to apply. Making him dirty with coal dust was also a nice touch.
It took me a minute, but I can see that he repainted S.C.Ruffy's face, if not an entire S.C.Ruffey wagon.
Quote from: Rodimus Supreme on May 28, 2018, 01:55:45 PM
Quote from: J70Toby on May 28, 2018, 01:22:49 PM
Nice job with the face on your Fred. Did you mold it yourself? I've been making the faces on mine with paper eyes like Annie and Clarabel and the season 1 trucks. The large brackets on both ends of the 8 plank wagon (I followed the wiki that he is based on a fixed end 8-plank wagon) that I used to make Fred wound up making the face pretty difficult to apply. Making him dirty with coal dust was also a nice touch.
It took me a minute, but I can see that he repainted S.C.Ruffy's face, if not an entire S.C.Ruffey wagon.
It is indeed just a S.C. Ruffey model; never cared for Bachmann's lazily-made version of the character and decided to repurpose him for this.
I knew that there was something familiar about the face.
Well he really surprised me! I didn't notice it was the same car, but it was very detailed change of the mouth and eyebrows.
I checked Christopher's books. I don't have any of his works. I was surprised that some of the stories went into the live action.
It's been a while since I posted anything in here. I haven't done much that's terribly exciting, so I'm putting all of my new creations together.
First is a parcels van to match the old coaches.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20180610.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/137)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20180611.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/138)
Next is my take on a standard gauge D.Fusit wagon, built using GWR gunpowder wagon kits.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20180612.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/139)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20180613.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/140)
Lastly are some RWS style Troublesome Tankers. I chose the kit that I used because there were no braces on the tank ends.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20180910.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/134)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20180912.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/136)
My next project will be some slight alterations on the new autocoaches that I mention in the "New Acquisitions" thread. After that, I have some narrow gauge projects in the works.
I haven't been on in a while, but I swung by to check the 2019 announcements. I decided to post my models of BoCo and Bradford while I was here. I went ahead and made BoCo because I'm fairly confident that Bachmann will never make him. I was originally going to make a generic break van using Bradford's kit, but I decided to go ahead and make Bradford because I though he would work with my war well wagon personality wise.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/15480910.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/150)
The face could be better, but I'm pretty new at it. He still needs decals, but they were out of stock last I looked.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/15481010.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/151)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/15414610.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/152)
CGI faces are even harder to use as a guide because they're so smooth, they don't really have "landmarks." Also, working with the wire and drilling the holes to make the handrails on this kit was a nightmare.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/15414611.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/153)
I spent the weekend working on my first scratch built model. It's the oversized van from A Close Shave. Many will know that the model from the show was a modified large scale narrow gauge kit, which is why it towered over the other trucks. This is also why I really had no hope of finding an HO kit to build the van from, which is why I decided to scratch build him. He's built from plastic card and some parts from an underframe kit. I based the dimensions off of Bachmann's cattle truck because that is what is coupled directly to it during A Close Shave, so it was the easiest to work with when reviewing footage and pictures when planning the model. You will probably notice that the ends aren't as low as on the original, but that was to avoid having to cut a hole for the coupling like Toby, Mavis, Bill, and Ben. The only thing that I think it really loses because of this is that the face looks larger than the TV model. The TV model made the large van faces look small even though they took up nearly the entire end of other van types. For reference, the size of the face is based on how that type of face looked on a cattle truck (not Bachmann's Troublesome Truck 3, which has a smaller square face which were used on both vans and open trucks in the show).
When reviewing the footage, I noticed that A Close Shave seemed to be filmed with two different models of the van. The beginning has a black van with a raised bufferbeam, but after crossing the viaduct, it is replaced with a brown van with a bufferbeam that nearly touches the rails. I wonder if the black van had extra weight or something to help film the chase.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190411.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/155)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190410.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/154)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190310.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/156)
Under Construction
Quote from: J70Toby on April 02, 2019, 05:18:43 PM
I spent the weekend working on my first scratch built model. It's the oversized van from A Close Shave. Many will know that the model from the show was a modified large scale narrow gauge kit, which is why it towered over the other trucks. This is also why I really had no hope of finding an HO kit to build the van from, which is why I decided to scratch build him. He's built from plastic card and some parts from an underframe kit. I based the dimensions off of Bachmann's cattle truck because that is what is coupled directly to it during A Close Shave, so it was the easiest to work with when reviewing footage and pictures when planning the model. You will probably notice that the ends aren't as low as on the original, but that was to avoid having to cut a hole for the coupling like Toby, Mavis, Bill, and Ben. The only thing that I think it really loses because of this is that the face looks larger than the TV model. The TV model made the large van faces look small even though they took up nearly the entire end of other van types. For reference, the size of the face is based on how that type of face looked on a cattle truck (not Bachmann's Troublesome Truck 3, which has a smaller square face which were used on both vans and open trucks in the show).
When reviewing the footage, I noticed that A Close Shave seemed to be filmed with two different models of the van. The beginning has a black van with a raised bufferbeam, but after crossing the viaduct, it is replaced with a brown van with a bufferbeam that nearly touches the rails. I wonder if the black van had extra weight or something to help film the chase.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190411.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/155)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190410.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/154)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190310.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/156)
Under Construction
Pretty nice. If you ever want to make more vans like this, or continue practicing and upgrade existing vans, then I'd suggest checking out Sudrian Railway Modeller on Twitter. He's constantly making rolling stock and modifications to existing Bachmann Thomas and Friends locomotives that look like they came right out of the show. Here is a tweet showing off his custom of that same van, and the thread tells what model kit he used to make it and where you can get it too.
Have you ever wanted to buy a Lionel troublesome truck 1 in o scale and just use the face off of that? Not trying to be mean, but I am just saying that it is easier than making your own faces. Well, at least for me, anyway. :)
Quote from: JLK2707 on April 14, 2019, 09:35:40 AM
Have you ever wanted to buy a Lionel troublesome truck 1 in o scale and just use the face off of that? Not trying to be mean, but I am just saying that it is easier than making your own faces. Well, at least for me, anyway. :)
Or just use @Seth24dav's Troublesome Truck faces.
Great idea! ;)
I am just wondering how the Bachmann Thomas and Percy can be modified to look like their rws counterparts in book 26. How can this be done?
Im planing to make a Stanley this summer and i've started with Thomas' chassis[with moving eyes :P].
Progress on Stanley:
I painted the wheels red last night and they look ok.
I just wanted to share some new pictures. The first is my take on the what the wiki calls the "LNWR Van." There seems to be some disagreement in the fandom as to whether this van had a real prototype or was a freelance design by the show's modelling team because its wiki profile changed several times between my planning the model and making it. There are some claims it was bought second hand for use in the show. This van was around since the first season and its main features are that it is tall, but squat horizontally, has a very slight curve to its roof, a curious lack of any undercarriage detail, and a windowpane like design for the door. It also looks like it was rebuilt/refurbished several times as the detailing changes between seasons. It would have to have been at least partially rebuilt at some point as it was the van that Percy broke in Percy, James, and the Fruitful Day.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190910.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/157)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190911.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/158)
The next is of a kit of Talyllyn coach number 4 built as Lucy. I've posted some other Talyllyn rolling stock in the narrow guage thread, but I'm waiting to buy some more parts so I can make the other coaches and still felt liky showing this one.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190611.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/160)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20190610.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/159)
I really like that LNWR Van. It's probably one of your best customs.
Thank you, Toad. I'm happy with the way that he came out.
Well after finally receiving some N scale commissions recently done in the mail I'm happy to share them with you all.
Two Lima vans that I had in my collection finally painted in more TV accurate colors and of course two Tomix tankers painted in the classic Tidmouth Milk tanker livery and decals! Huge thank you to Plow Bender for painted these and getting them ready for me.
Now time for me to start thinking about my next and probably final N scale project... Gordon. :)
WOW that looks great I can't wait to see Gordon. ;)
I had noticed that the forum was gone for a while, and now it looks like it's back. But the pics of all my recent models are gone from this thread, so I thought I'd put them back here.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20200514.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/198)
Classic Series Windmill
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20200512.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/195)
Caroline with a flatbed made from a Southern Railway Brake Van kit without a cab like the model series flatbeds.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20201012.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/201)
Agnes, Ruth, and Jemima now join Lucy. Unlike when I first posted this, I have kit for Beatrice, but I haven't put her together yet.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20201112.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/203)
Millicent, but I still need to make Gertrude.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20201111.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/202)(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20201114.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/207)
This is a sort of silly Super Mario Bros. joke, but I call this one "Toadette".
The next few are some assorted Wagons I've made:
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20201010.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/196)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210114.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/216)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210811.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/231)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210810.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/230)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210711.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/228)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210113.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/215)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210112.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/214)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210110.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/210)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210111.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/211)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20201011.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/199)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20201213.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/209)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20201212.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/208)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20201210.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/205)
This isn't really a custom, but it's an easy and cheap way to add tarped loads to open wagons using foam and tissue paper.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210210.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/212)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210211.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/213)
After this point, I upped my face-making game by making a set of master copies out of higher quality clay. Then I made silicone molds so I can reproduce them out of resin.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210411.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/218)
I flipped some clearance open wagons into Ffarquahar quarry wagons as my first project with these.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210412.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/219)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210410.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/217)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210413.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/220)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210414.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/221)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210415.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/222)
Then my two bigger projects. The first is a huge Dragon!
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210512.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/225)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210511.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/224)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20200510.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/193)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20200511.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/194)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210513.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/226)
And it's covered in lights!
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20210510.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/223)
The next is a Lady who's as precious as gold. My first custom engine.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20220410.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/235)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20220110.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/229)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20220311.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/234)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20220312.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/237)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20220411.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/236)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20220412.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/238)
Very nice work on the customs! They look very appealing.
Thank you. :)
Hello all, this is my first post on the forum.
I have always loved the Sodor Line caboose, and I wanted to recreate it in OO.
The caboose is a marriage of a Bachmann bobber caboose and an Airfix wagon chassis. In the first iteration of the model, the caboose was glued on top of the wagon chassis and the buffers glued to the caboose frame. I decided this wasn't good enough, so for the second iteration I slimmed down the wagon chassis as much as I could, lopped the buffers off the bufferbeam, and glued them to the caboose end sill.
CB&Q red and Locomotive Black were airbrushed on, and Microscale decals "Providence & Worcester" were used for the letters. This decal pack had all the letters necessary except "L" which was created by cutting off one side of a "T."
The handrails and buffers were hand-painted with silver paint, which is a subtle nod to the wooden railways caboose that inspired this project.
You can even see the caboose sneak into some of @chaz's Ryan photos
That's an excellent model, Red Tender. I'm surprised Bachmann haven't already announced a "Sodor Line Caboose" to accompany their upcoming Beau. Your refit of their existing bobber is proof it'd be a hit, ha ha ha.
As I've said earlier Kelson, both in person and messages, I love your Sodor Line Caboose model. It's a fun unique piece that brings in nostalgia for those that collected the Thomas Wooden Railway line back in the 90's and early 2000's with a creative method on how to make it work with OO Thomas equipment. You may need to purchase Beau when he comes out and add him to your collection!
Welcome to the forums, Kelson! Glad to have you aboard. And what a way to make a good first impression! I adore your Sodor Line Caboose. Your lettering is crisp and clean, and honestly, looks like a "what if" fantasy prop from the show.
Looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for us!
Thank you for the warm welcome! I look forward to sharing more projects when I finish them.
I need to make 3D Printed Splatter and Dodge while using Bachmann Diesel/Grumpy Diesel Chassis at some point in the future. I just got HO Jupiter and Caboose in the mail for last year. I will make Beau out of HO Jupiter at some point in the future. I didn't get a chance to get 3D Printed Thomas Things from Shapeways on August 13, 2022 in 2 years ago. When I was sad, disappointed, rude and naughty to My Mom on August 13, 2022 in 2 years ago. I will stop for 3D Printed Thomas Things from Shapeways for next time at some point in the future.
I will be interested to do HO/OO Scale Lionel Style Thomas Engines and Rolling Stock at some point in the future. I will be doing Live Videos of My HO/OO Scale Lionel Style Thomas Engines and Rolling Stock after Easter at some point in the future. Happy Easter 2024, Everyone!
Thought I'd showcase two custom models that I commissioned a friend to do for me last year.
First, we have Percy. I'm not the biggest fan of the regular Bachmann Percy, so I asked my friend to recycle the chassis on top of a new bodyshell. I couldn't be happier with the results!
Here's Oliver. Same story as Percy:
Meanwhile, engines 1-5 plus Donald & Douglas had some custom faces added to their models, which I think improve the looks greatly:
I also have Toby, Duck, Emily, Bill & Ben, Diesel, Daisy, Mavis, Salty, Red Rosie, Ryan and the narrow gauge engines, but nothing has been done to them, they're just fine the way they are.
I'm quite proud of my collection. Even though my models are display pieces, if I get the opportunity to run them, you bet I would!
Hope you all enjoy!
I will work on Nativity Livestock Wagon out of Unpainted Cattle Wagon at some point in the future. My Dad will be doing Bachmann Old Shape Henry to use Bachmann Henry Chassis in the near future. I'm planning to do Season's Greetings Express Coaches in HO/OO Scale at some point in the near future! I'm planning to make Custom Molly without Moving Eyes in the future.
Has anyone repainted any Donald and Douglas into Blue Donald and Blue Douglas?