On smart phones does the E-Z App link to both the Bluetooth signals of the BlueRail card and the Bluetooth speaker at the same time? On my iPhone I can just link to one device at a time. For the sound files, are those stored on the BlueRail board or streamed real-time? I'm kind of wondering how this'll play out longer term. Will BlueRail have pluggable sound cards or is there sufficient memory and sound processing/amplification on board to handle all this or is that still under consideration? The latter is the way to go but that'll require some partnership arrangements.
When can we expect sounds like that coming from Tsunami 2 and other similar high fidelity sound systems? Said another way, when will there be equivalence in function between EZ-App and DCS, Legacy, etc.?
Smartphones are configured to connect to as many bluetooth low energy devices (ie EZ App locos) as you want, but only one set of audio speakers (classic bluetooth).
How can I get sound from a disel ez app locomotive