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Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: brokenrail on June 28, 2016, 05:47:23 PM

Title: Alco S4 Speaker low volume horns upgrade option
Post by: brokenrail on June 28, 2016, 05:47:23 PM
I have had the Alco s4 since it was just released and replaced the speaker twice due to cracking noises from the speaker. The speaker just does not have what

the Soundtraxx 539t  sound along with the default horn actually put out to handle unless you run it at the default setting and that sound is just buried if your

running other sound value locomotives in their default settings so I found that by removing the sound chamber and flipping the decoder over the pickup wires

from the trucks do not have to be crossed over like the factory wiring does and it can also be moved forward that will leave the cab open to add a cab

interior,along with room for 2 speakers with chambers on top of the circuit board and also room for additional weight.This extra space is gained removing the

original speaker and enclosure and the circuit board flip that brings it even with the base of the cab .Flat metal weights extend from the top motor mount

bracket to the front and rear lights so then the circuit board sits level with no bracket needed to hold it only a little tape. Strange thing that when the speakers

are wired in a series they are full of static and low volume.When they are wired in parallel the sound is loud crisp and clear as any high end sound decoder at

half volume along with loud horns without having to back down the prime mover so much you can here the wheels click over the switches or crosses when ran

across . I was warned by Soundtraxx that wiring in parallel can be done ,but cautioned that the volume must be kept down or amp failure is probable.I think I

found that limit when blowing the horn wile the loco was parked and the sound started to get incredibly much louder on it's own.I shut it down quickly and

backed off the volumes a little and retested and all great now. Just wondered if the volume ramping up on its own was a sign or maybe a poor connection in

the board was somehow bridged.My other alco s2 uses a 11+15 sugar cube with a 11mm enclosure that has just about the same volume with deeper tones

.Almost seems a lttle muffled in compairson to the totally revamped flipped circuit boad set up in the other with dual speakers. The single speaker version uses

the old enclosure except for the end piece cut off that allows room for the sugar cube speaker that butts up against the stock open end of the enclosure allowing sound to exit the hole in the bottom of the frame but still has a little muffled deeper tone .Few options here.Seems like the sound board on the Alco s2 and s4 are slightly different with the lighting and the speaker tone output.Any opinions or Ideas ?
Title: Re: Alco S4 Speaker low volume horns upgrade option
Post by: brokenrail on July 15, 2016, 11:47:26 PM
One hundred and seventy one .Your Welcome!