While focusing on a project I've been working on for the last five months or so, I figured that I would start a new thread on here for narrow gauge: (009, HOe, HOn30, HO 2 1/2, all the same thing) only this would consist of projects/layouts as well as further discussion of where Bachmann's narrow gauge range will potentially go from here, similar to the Large Scale Thomas thread posted by Large Scale Champion.
Ever since this range started, the sales for Skarloey went above and beyond the roof, selling out in less than a month in Bachmann warehouses. It's pretty clear that this range will not be slowing down anytime soon and Rheneas will be no different with sales. I am sure the range will continue to grow from there with other characters in future years such as Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Rusty, and Duncan just to name a few.
Now, I have something I would like to share with everyone, which is my 009 mining railroad that I have been doing over at my model railroad club. It is far from over as there is a lot more work that needs to be done. I hope you will enjoy the pictures that I am about to provide and that everyone will stick around for when I post updates.
This is what the mountain started as at first, a rather... basic design that was hardly touched. The bottom you could see an HOn3 line that never even got finished or had track laid, whereas the top was a dual gauge (HO and HOn3) track that hasn't been used compared to our main HO lines. It was pretty lifeless, and visitors at our shows always kept asking why we have never used it. The original plan was to just stick with HOn3 at the bottom and dual gauge on top, like the original, while redoing the mountain. However last year, after convincing a few other members (due to Skarloey's announcement) we are doing a track in the middle of the mountain for 009 making it possible to run Skarloey and other 009 models in the club.
Now here are some photos showing the mountain as of recent:
We have already started work on the mine. Each of the different tunnels you see within the mine are empty mine shafts. These will contain some stationary track and wagons in each shaft, while locomotives can travel alongside the main track.
There is a siding in the mine where we plan on leaving some mining cars with some decoration such as gold or jewelry. We may even create a scene involving mineworkers in there too.
Out in the open you can see that there's a second section of track that we plan on adding in the future, this will be used for loading and unloading different loads during our club operation nights.
This will be the other tunnel on the layout that the engines will be coming out of after traveling through the mine. We also get a nice view of the waterfall from here as a bonus.
We also have a staging yard. This is where we will be setting our trains, prior to our shows as well as where we will start our clubs operations. The staging yard leads directly to the mine.
As an added bonus for you guys, here are pictures from our Easter show. We decided to wire the tracks temporarily so we can run Skarloey in our show to show visitors and our loyal fans a sneak peek of what was to come.
The responses were amazing, I was amazed when parents told me that they were familiar with the Skarloey characters and even mentioned that they read the RWS (they called them the "old stories") involving the Skarloey engines. Another kid even mentioned Duke of all characters when he was talking about narrow gauge, speaks for itself really.
Even though I am still working on my own HO layout, this is a pretty good alternative for now for my own 009 set up as I am in charge of this specific project in my club. We still have a long way to go, but in the end we all know it will be worth it. :) Feel free to leave feedback, otherwise I would love to see other 009 projects/layouts that people have been planning on here. This will also be a place where we can talk about future products for the Skarloey range, so if anyone has ideas or suggestions for this they would like to share they are more than welcome to do so.
Happy modeling!
Good idea Chaz.
I have been building a 009 layout since last summer in my home.
The quarry side needs tending, but the "country station" side looks good, but is FAR from done.
Also have built some rolling stock from kits:
I have plans to build a third locomotive and finish off my rolling stock. I cannot decide on whether to build a Irish Steam Tram
ORto pursue a Thomas character. I have considered time, effort, and money. Mightymac would prove expensive, as it would require two chassis. Freddie and Duke seem reasonable. I am on the fence about making another Thomas loco, but we'll see when summer arrives.
For the last year or so, it's come to my attention that a number of Thomas fans don't know the difference between HOn3 and HOn30, the latter being what the Bachmann Skarloey is. Some fan sites/videos, including the Thomas Wikia have even labeled the Skarloey products as HOn3 which I can tell everyone right now that this is not true. This post will be used to inform fans the differences between these scales. Do not be fooled by the similar names of the two scales - these are completely different. That '0' at the end of "HOn30" does make a difference.
The main difference is the width, with HOn30 to the left and HOn3 to the right. HOn3 track is slightly wider then that of HOn30. HOn30 trains run on 9mm wide tracks (more commonly known as N gauge). In real life, the rails are 30 inches apart from one another, or 2 1/2 feet (which goes with another name for this scale HO2 1/2). Skarloey and other models can run just fine on this track because it's the same scale. The same applies for 009 and HOe, since as mentioned earlier they all run on the same track.
HOn3 trains on the other hand, run on 10.5mm wide tracks. Both rails are 3 feet apart from one another in real life. Therefore, the track is a slightly wider than what Skarloey or other HOn30 models can run on.
As you can see, a Peco wagon (which is the exact same as the open wagon in the Skarloey line) can do just fine sitting on HOn30 track.
But on HOn3 track, as shown here, it's going nowhere.
HOn3 is more popular in the US and therefore you will find more US models in that scale than in HOn30, which is more popular in the UK. Bachmann does not currently make HOn3, but there are other manufactures that produce HOn3 models and stock such as Blackstone Models.
I hope this helps anyone who was confused about this earlier. It's honestly a common misconception, and you wouldn't be the first person to get them mixed up. I used to think they were the same thing until I became more invested in 009 modeling.
Finally, there will be more pictures and updates coming soon with the club layout. We haven't worked on that part of the mountain recently as we've been working more on dual gauge (which is the top layer). In the mean time, any thoughts/suggestions on the the setup I have now would be highly appreciated. :)
I was confused for sure. What's the best place to buy track in your opinion Chaz?
I ordered my Skarloey back in the beginning of March and I must have missed out on the first run of the model because I'm still waiting for the second round to come in. I also ordered track from Hattons back then too but now I have track and no engine! Haha ;) but I found Skarloey for an amazing price on a through a model shop I don't normally use so there wa no way I was going to cancel my order! Anyway, in my humble opinion, Hattons has the best prices for track. I purchased Peco 009 track. It looks great for a more NG feel instead of using N gauge track.
That's exactly what I'm looking for. That NG look. I'll probably do the same. Gotta love Hattons.
Hattons is pretty good, if not Hattons there is a good deal at Wholesale Trains for a bundle of 25 if you are interested, and would rather order from the US with cheaper shipping charges.
If you don't wish to mess with Flex Track from PECO, they officially offer set track in 9" radius (which Skarloey navigates), straights and points.
Those layouts are looking fantastic! I'd love to build one, but I have materials for On30 myself; still fun all the same, narrow gauge, no matter what scale. :)
More progress:
Railway tracks weathered on "Engine Shed" half & Talyllyn coaches completed (need painting obviously!)
Very happy with how its looking.
I saw those on Twitter, those photos are beautiful. I love how the track isn't sitting on plain grey ballast, it looks used, and that really enhances the look. Great job!
Do you plan on making Skarloey's wheels black as they ought to be?
I don't think I'll paint his wheels.
Thanks by the way! ;D
I have some updates on my end as well, me and another member at the club worked really hard last night on the mountain. Here are some pictures to show progress:
We have mostly been working on getting the design of the mountain in place, the top bridge is dual gauge and the bottom in the photo is 009.
Most of this consisted of re-using some old mountain bits from an old setup and adding cardboard strips with plaster sheets.
It's all coming together very nicely!
Started working on the other side of the mountain for a little bit too.
More updates coming soon :)
Guess who????
Oh boy! That should be great! Duke has always been my favorite Narrow Gauge engine. What face did you use?
Very awesome, BassTbone! Can't wait to see the final product. :)
Ah, Bertram huh...? Looks like you're using the wrong face.... ;)
Quote from: thomasj219 on June 10, 2016, 02:03:58 PM
Oh boy! That should be great! Duke has always been my favorite Narrow Gauge engine. What face did you use?
It was the ERTL face.
Thanks guys!
To those of you that are interested, the Bachmann Skarloey parts are now available in the Bachmann parts catalog:
Wow, Seems it's cheaper to buy all the parts for Skarloey than the model out right. I'm assuming if you bought every part on that page and were able to put them together, you would have a fully functioning model.
shhh! they can't know that we've found a loophole in the system! ;)
SKARLOEY PARTS!!!!buyer beware,there are no fasteners there!!!!
Really nice layouts there and some fine looking talyllyn coaches. we just got our model skarloy wensday and does she look good, only one problem. All my hon30 stock has bukeye knuckles and not those loops. Nothing a little cuting and glue can't fix but it would be nice to have pre made knucles to swap out. after the work was done and the glue had time to set skarloy had time to pull a train of gilpin ore cars. I also had her try out Welsh highland pullman Glaslyn https://www.festipedia.org.uk/wiki/Carriage_2100 got to say it fit well. My next loco for hon30 is a puffing billy engine G-42 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victorian_Railways_G_class this engine is a beast for narrow gauge. I have one model section for my hon30 but had to stop since I don't have space to build more. :( If you guys are looking for some more models not from parkside look at 3d printing like shapewaves. I have 5 models from them a diesel conversion for the MDT, the G-42, welsh highland 2100 glaslyn, 20' reffer,and a 20' pulp wood flat. My railway runs anything hon30 narrow gauge for more rolling stock verity. I'll add photos and videos later and will keep linked up with more info.
I think he use an ertl duke face wouldn't you agree :D
In the wake of disappointing news, I'd thought I'd share what you can achieve with kits while you wait.
Duke was made using a Langley Models kit with a Fleischmann Piccolo 0-4-0 chassis.
Waiting on nameplates from narrowplanet and lining from Fox Models
So I ordered Skarloey back in March of this year and have been waiting for him to come off of back order ever since. Well, today he came!!!!!! :D ;D I can't even begin to tell you how extremely pleased I am with this model!! For his size, there is a lot of detail even so that there are details I've never even noticed before! And he runs great! I ran him in well and even got him to go at a semi-realistic speed! I had ordered some 009 scale track as well as a wagon from PECO's 009 range, and had ordered the blue SR van with Skarloey! Everything looks great together! I'm just so happy with my purchases and can't wait to get Rheneas, slate trucks, and practically everything else! This was defiantly worth the wait! I'm not just saying this but he's possibly the best model in the Thomas range by Bachmann! thanks for producing an amazing model!
I did find the correct knuckle conversions for the peco line and the skarloey line of rolling stock. Dapol makes the conversion knucles for bukeye knucles. It looks like bachmann is working with peco for the cars since you can flip them ofer and they say peco made in england (finally something not from china). Though peco anouced new car the side tip hoppers and slate wagons, and figuring bachmann is also working with them skarloey will have even more veriety of cars to pull.
Time for some long overdue updates!
It's been a while since I posted updates with this thread in general, but we are making solid progress such as the total portal as well as the details inside the mine which you are about to witness below:
When it's done will you upload a video of the narrow gauge engines rushing through the quarry? Aswell as maybe you can add a little section of HO as all parts of the Skarloey have a station or something of the sort connecting it to the standard gauge railway. Ideas aside the thing I really like it the fact that if something derails in the tunnel it's fine because you can easily reach in and you added details to the interior so it's not just and empty space you're not supposed to see. I can't wait to see what else you come up with for this. This is amazing, I sure hope one day I can see it in person once it's done, or even now would still be amazing.
Once the mountain itself is completed, I may look into doing a video and it would be posted on our YouTube page.
This line will stictly be 009 since it's only a small portion in our HO clubhouse. There will be a dual gauge line running at the top of the mountain (which will be HO and HOn3) as well as a separate HOn3 track at the bottom. The latter may have some kind of interaction at the quarry with the 009 line in the future, but as we get closer I can post those pictures too. :)
Thanks for the feedback.
Ok just to clarify will the dual gauge be the two sizes joined together so that they share a rail like at the new Blue Mountain Quarry or will it be side by side? Something you could do is a little winch (both quarries from the series had one). All you'd have to do is add a really steep incline and attach a few cars to two different lengths of string. Sorry it just struck me as I was re-watching Blue Mountain Mystery.
Yes dual gauge is two tracks sharing one of the same rails:
No plans for an incline, it would take up a lot of space and it would be pretty difficult for us to put together/pull off.
That is epic! Did you custom make those or purchase them? If you purchased them where did you? Sorry for asking so many questions I just really want to set up a meet up of Skarloey and Thomas to exchange loads or something of the sort. It'd make for some interesting crashes if such things were to occur.
My club purchased the dual gauge track, but I am sure you can purchase them online somewhere. Bear in mind that the dual gauge track we are using on the mountain is HO and HOn3, what you would want for Thomas/Skarloey is HO and 009 dual gauge track which you can purchase here:
Thank you so much! I've been trying to find so much as a standard straight for a while. All I could find were special pieces that do all sorts of things I don't need it to.
And now, the newest arrival in my 009 collection...
A huge thank you to Michael for managing to get this to me in time for my birthday! Will post more pictures soon.
WOW!!! Cool ;D Go Duke
I wish I was that handy. Hopefully they'll bring him back to the series so Bachmann may actually make him.
Here are two samples of some of my narrow gauge modeling :)
What did you use to achieve that water affect. Sorry but I like to make little movies and it could be a cool addition to some future projects. Yet again you have amazed me. Everything you do with these models is amazing. Can't wait to see more from you.
A mirror and Sony Vegas video effects. It took me quite a bit of time, but it was all worth it in the end :)
Well Duke is all ready to go, handrails, handlebars and lining have all been taken care of! As promised here are some pictures:
Really happy with the final results! The lining was difficult, it wasn't easy working with tape that's smaller than the fingernail on my pinky... A good friend of mine also helped with the rest of the details too. Duke will be running during our clubs annual Christmas show alongside Skarloey once the mine is finished and completed in time before December.
Now that I have Duke in my collection, it makes me even more excited/hopeful for a Bachmann Sir Handel and Peter Sam in the future. :P
It's easiest to apply stickers and decals with a toothpick and/or tweezers. It'll still be hard with stickers that small but it definitely makes a difference. I'm sure that Stuart and Falcon... I mean Sir Handle and Peter Sam will come in the near future. Not too many little engines and these are selling like hot cakes. Can't wait to see more from you guys.
Been a while since I posted in this thread but I've started work on landscaping the mountain:
Planning on painting over the mountain soon once everything dries. Already it's looking more like a mountain!
Great photos of your model Duke locomotive, my favorite. Very nicely done.
Could you expand on how it was done and what parts were used in its construction such as chassis and body parts used, etc.
I have been wanting to build one myself and would like to know more about how yours was built.
Also does it run on N gauge track?
Thank you for any information you can share,
Always great seeing a response back in this thread! Yes Duke can run on N scale track just like Skarloey.
The Festiniog kit came from here: http://www.langley-models.co.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Locomotive_Body_kits_55.html
You can also look up a decent 0-4-0 chassis based in the description.
The face came from the ERTL Duke model, and other spare parts like handrails and lining tape can also be looked up on various shops online. Here's a link to handrail knobs just to get you started
I hadn't posted in this thread in a while but our Christmas show this year was a success! Here are some pictures:
Skarloey was the star of the show.
Set up a construction scene on the siding as we didn't have time to complete it or the trestle. It only made sense just to make it seem like actual work was going on.
And during the show an unexpected passenger jumped on one of the wagons...!
Will happily post updates again if you would like. I hadn't worked on the layout too much in the last month due to the Christmas shows but starting this week I plan on working more on the trestle.
Thank you very much Chaz for your reply and info on parts suppliers.
The Bachmann narrow gauge line is a very welcome addition for Thomas fans.
The narrow gauge episodes have always been my favorites especially the two part Grandpuff/Duke episode.
I really appreciate your posting this info for me.
Thank you,
Quote from: Chaz on January 08, 2017, 06:05:08 PM
Skarloey was the star of the show.
I've gotta say, Chaz, every time you post photos, it just makes me want to get the Bachmann Skarloey and start an HOn30 layout myself. After seeing the setup you have at the club, it's left me thinking a lot of what I would want my layout to look like. Unfortunately an HOn30 layout is a project I've had in mind ever since Bachmann announced narrow gauge, but I'm yet to find the time and money to get started. Doesn't help when you're a professional procrastinator either.
I will say though that the clubs HOn30 setup is really nice when you throw in narrow gauge characters. Duke really looks great considering he's just a kit bash rather than an actual Bachmann model. That there shows skillful modeling. I am a bit curious though why there's an N scale gondola with a crane in it. Is this just temporary piece until a proper HOn30 wagon is built, or just something put together for the Christmas show?
Like I said before, I've really got to look into getting the Bachmann Skarloey and starting an HOn30 layout. Seeing you and others post photos just keeps fueling the desire to do so. Maybe I'll have the time next winter to build a small layout. Keep the photos coming if you like. ;)
The crane was a last minute project that I put together, I wanted it to look like that something was going on on the other track because I couldn't finish it in time for the Christmas show. Not exactly realistic and I could have ordered a kit if needed but it wasn't on my agenda... might be something I'll have to look into in the future since I wouldn't count on Bachmann making one.
Thanks for the feedback. :)
Hello Chaz:
Thank you again for your reply with modeling info for your Duke Locomotive. It has been very helpful to me to locate suppliers for the parts needed to construct a model myself.
I have ordered the Festiniog Prince loco from Langley and found a Fleischmann 0-4-0 loco on EBAY along with the handrail stanctions you mentioned in your post.
I have also located a company in the UK called Narrow Planet that does custom brass name plates for a very reasonable price and I have ordered a set of DUKE plates from them.
One question I still have for you is what did you use as a chassis for your tender?
Your photos do not show this very well.
Did you use an N scale goods wagon chassis?
Thanks again for your help,
Excellent, glad to hear that you will be getting started on your very own Duke model! Please post pictures for progress :)
The tender chassis should come with the kit so you should be good from there.
Thanks for the additional info on the tender chassis parts being included.
I will gladly post construction photos once everything arrives from the UK and I get started.
I was really excited about finding out where to get custom eteched brass engine name plates.
Of course as soon as we all build our own Duke models Bachmann may produce them one day.
Thanks again Chaz,
It's very cool how perfect the Ertl face fits to the model. It's exactly as it was supposed to be there from the beginning.
Would have loved to made a Duke model myself..., but unfortunately I'm a perfectionist without any sort of modeling skills and no patience what so ever, so sadly I don't think the result would be any good at all.
Hi Chaz:
I have received the Festiniog Prince loco from Langley Models, a Fleischmann 0-4-0 loco from EBAY, and the brass handrail stanchions you mentioned. I also ordered brass plates for the "DUKE" nameplates from Narrow Planet. Thank you again for the information you supplied to locate these items. I also found an Ertl Duke loco for the face.
I am still trying to locates the correct size brass wire for the handrails, yellow stripping, and the correct color paint.
Do you have any suggestions for the paint that you used as it looks spot on. Also did you use decals for the yellow stripping?
I will also have to figure out how to post photos here.
Thanks again,
Hey Grandpuff, I can't answer most of your questions, but I can help you upload pictures 😂
You'll need to register for a Photobucket account or something similar and upload your pictures to there. Then it will give you the option to "copy image link." Copy this link and paste it between THIS:
[img ]http://Link goes here[/img ] (without the spaces between the brackets)
Hope that helps!
Hi Grffin:
Thank you very much for the help on uploading photos. I will give it try so that I can post some photos of my Duke project.
Thanks again for such a speedy reply,
Not a problem! Glad I could help!
Hey granpuff the paint that Michael used while working on Duke was a Boot Brown made by Krylon.
The pinstripe tape I used is made by line o tape. The specific one for Duke I used is the 12 - yellow
1/64'' x 120''.
Please post pictures for progress! I'm excited to see how yours will turn out as well. :)
On a completely different note, I finally pre-ordered Rheneas who just got listed for pre-order this weekend at Hobby Linc.
Hi Chaz:
Thank you for the additional information regarding paint and stripping.
The "DUKE" nameplates are on the way so with the paint and stripping coming I think I now have everything I need to get started.
Now I need to get set up to post photos thanks to Griffin.
I have wanted a running model of Duke for many years. Your model is an inspiration to me to build my own Duke.
I'm not sure if this is considered to be a form of narrow gauge, but I'm going to share here anyway. Since Christmas I've been working here and there on the three primary Arlesdale engines. They utilize Tomy Wind-up shells with Marklin Z scale chassis. Unlike Mike and Rex, Bert is tender driven. They are still a WIP, as they need new buffer heads, buffer beam details, etc. If you'd like you can follow their progress on Twitter and Instagram using #oozdale. I hope you enjoy! :)
All I can say is that I'm very, very impressed. Great work, ThomasFan247!
Well done!! Can we see a comparison with an HO model or Bachmann Skarloey?
Thanks fellas! Here is a photo from back in December of Rex next to Thomas and Skarloey:
Looks fantastic! I for one would love a how to on Thomas' face.
Thanks! Thomas' face mod, which utilizes Trackmaster's R/C flip-face Thomas face, was pretty simple. Using a Dremel, I cut the happy face from the alternate surprised face, and then I drilled out the eyes with the Dremel's drill bit attachment. From there I inserted Bachmann Thomas' eyes into the sockets and adhered them using a bit of tack, which allows me to pose the eyes however I desire. In order to fit on the front of Thomas' smoke box, I removed the eye mechanism and stuck the face on with more tack. Super quick, super simple - that is as long as you have the proper tools!
Hi Chaz and All;
I have tried unsucessfully for the past week to upload some photos of my Duke Project.
All I get is file too large or contact Administrator as upload file is full even though I have yet to successfully upload anything.
So for now I am giving up trying to post any photos.
I have finished assembling the loco and tender castings and have primed everything.
Next will be painting the under frames and loco chassis black which I will be completing today.
Then I will paint the loco and tender with the Krylon Boot Brown paint per Chaz, then stripping, nameplate, and Duke face.
Hopefully by then I can figure out what I am doing wrong in trying to post some photos.
I am getting excited about having a Duke model to go with Skarloey and Rheneas.
Very excited to hear about your progress with Duke! The best website that I use for uploading photos before posting them on here is tinypic.com. If that doesn't work I'm sure there are other options available.
I upload my pics on photobucket and then post them on the board. I personally prefer that over tinypic.
Hi Guys:
I have been trying to use Photo Bucket with no success. I have created my account and have been able to upload a few files to Photo Bucket, but no success uploading to the forum.
I keep getting an error message that the file is too large so I have made the files less than 128kb as specified but still no luck.
Now it says that my upload file is full and to contact the Administrator.
I do not know why it says the file is full if I have yet to upload any photos.
I will continue my construction and hopefully can load some photos later.
So for now I have just given up.
With Photo Bucket, not with the Duke Project.
Are you clicking the "copy link" button and then pasting that in between this: [ img][ /img] (without the spaces after the brackets)
Sorry Griffin I do not know what any of that means.
If you use tinypic you can just copy the link under "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards"
or with photobucket just copy the link under "Direct" and put your link between the two img's
I still get an error message that my upload file is full and it will not let me do anything.
It says to contact the forum administrator however that is done.
Like I said I am done with this waste of time.
Are you trying to upload it from the Post function on the forum? That's not the same as Photobucket or TinyPic.
I was able to get the engine and tender painted Krylon Boot Brown today and I will let them thoroughly dry before I paint the smoke box, cab roof, and tender coal pile all black.
After that all that is left is to mount the loco chassis to the boiler, add the yellow stripping, handrails and stanchions, and then finish with the DUKE brass nameplates, and lastly mounting the Duke face to the smoke box.
I am continuing to take photos in case I am able to post them. Again the problem seems to be that the error message keeps saying that the upload file is full and to contact the Administrator and I see no way of doing so. I know you all are trying to help with your suggestions but it seems to be a forum issue that I cannot resolve.
Perhaps you could upload them to Photobucket and then link us to your page
Hello to All:
Griffin I do not know how to link you to my Photo Bucket photos.
I am almost finished with my Duke project. Yesterday I was able to complete all of the yellow stripping and install the handrails and stanchions. I also completed the yellow stripping on the cylinders, mounted the Fleischmann chassis to the boiler, glued the Duke face to the smoke box, and test ran everything.
The only things left to do are to install the head and tail lanterns which are on their way from Langley, and mount the brass Duke name plates which are on their way from Narrow Planet.
Since I still cannot figure out how to post photos from Photo Bucket I have decided to post a video of my completed Duke loco running on a test track to my You Tube video page so you can check it out there. I will let you all know when that has been posted. In the meantime you can check out my other HO and Large Scale videos by searching You Tube for RXRBILL and all of my videos should pop up. There is a 4 minute video trip around my HO scale garage layout using a camera car that holds my iPhone. I am hoping to add some narrow gauge track to one of my mines for my narrow gauge locos to run on.
(http://[url=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg)[/URL](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg) (http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg.html)[/img](http://[url=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg)[/URL][/img]
Well I am not sure how it happened, but I just uploaded a photo of my duke project.
This is before any priming or painting have been done.
I will try some more tomorrow to upload a few more if I can figure out what I did.
Glad to see that a photo of your Duke project is finally up! Please keep us updated on progress. :)
Quote from: grandpuff on February 19, 2017, 08:11:42 PM
(http://[url=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg)[/URL](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg) (http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg.html)[/img](http://[url=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0484_zpsxudjin3i.jpg)[/URL][/img]
Yay! It worked!
Paste this link into your browser and you'll be able to scroll through grandpuff's photo bucket. as long as he keeps uploading there, we should be able to keep up with his progress. I'm impressed. great job!
It would appear that this Instagram user is going to post a picture of Rheneas some time today. On the video of the Bachmann test track they made a comment stating that they'd get a better picture of Rheneas at the booth today, it was gonna be yesterday but they didn't get a chance. Just keep your eyes peeled so we can get a better picture of Rheneas's model.
Thanks Griffin. I will post a few more showing the finished stripping and handrails. I am still waiting for the lanterns and nameplates to finish my Duke. When it is finished I will be posting a short video on my You Tube channel. Just search for RXRBILL to see my videos.
Quote from: HLC Railroad on February 20, 2017, 11:13:14 AM
It would appear that this Instagram user is going to post a picture of Rheneas some time today. On the video of the Bachmann test track they made a comment stating that they'd get a better picture of Rheneas at the booth today, it was gonna be yesterday but they didn't get a chance. Just keep your eyes peeled so we can get a better picture of Rheneas's model.
Rheneas wasn't on display, so no picture. :-(
When does the catalogue come out? Shouldn't it be today?
Well from what happened last year, the catalog came out 2 or 3 days after the last day of the New York Toy Fair. Therefore, Bachmann should upload their catalog for this year on their website on either this Thursday 2-23-17, or this Friday 2-24-17.
Bachmann's 2017 catalogue is available. Go to the 2016 catalogue and replace the 2016 with 2017.
Yeah, thank you for the information on that. I found that out last night from Chaz, and Griffin on the "OFFICIAL 2017 THOMAS & FRIENDS NEW PRODUCTS ANNOUNCEMENT!" thread. I didn't know you can do that. I'm glad I know I can do that now. The 2017 catalog is actually posted now. Nobody has to go to the url and change the text "2016" to "2017".
I will try to post the next 8 photos of my Duke project here, but I am still having trouble with the Photo Bucket to Bachmann Forum part of the transfer for some reason. You can now view all of the photos at Photo Bucket at the link Griffin posted a few messages above. I have finished everything except for the brass nameplates which should arrive any day now.
(http://[url=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0496_zpszn3ybxdy.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0496_zpszn3ybxdy.jpg)[(http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0497_zpswntmwuic.jpg)[URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/Duke%20495_zps4dpybnrd.png.html](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/Duke%20495_zps4dpybnrd.png)[URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0498_zpsnisbeewb.jpg.html](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0498_zpsnisbeewb.jpg)[URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0498_zpsnisbeewb.jpg.html](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0498_zpsnisbeewb.jpg)[URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0499_zpsycffc0wu.jpg.html](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0499_zpsycffc0wu.jpg)[URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0500_zpstdfn67g1.jpg.html](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0500_zpstdfn67g1.jpg)[URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0501_zpsvjomsizz.jpg.html](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0501_zpsvjomsizz.jpg)[URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0502_zpsufaxkvyr.jpg.html](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0502_zpsufaxkvyr.jpg)[URL=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0503_zpsdykwsxdc.jpg.html](http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0503_zpsdykwsxdc.jpg)[/img] (http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0497_zpswntmwuic.jpg.html)
Well what do you know, I finally figured it out thanks to Griffin's encouragement.
Chaz your and Michael's work on your Duke model were a real inspiration for me to start my Duke project which I have wanted to do for many years now. I also want to thank you for your very generous sharing of the information here on the forum that I needed to make this journey behind your efforts.
I hope our work will eventually inspire Bachmann to some day produce a Duke model in the new Narrow Gauge Line. Duke has always had a very big following with many of the Narrow Gauge fans.
As soon as the brass nameplates arrive and I can get them installed I will post a few final completion photos now that I know how. I also still plan to post a video to my You Tube Channel RXRBILL.
This is fantastic, Grandpuff! Truly awesome. Glad I could help with the pictures ;)
Color me impressed! Your Duke model looks incredible so far and I am excited to see how the nameplates will turn out too. As always, thanks again for keeping us updated and I am flattered that my Duke model inspirered you to look into making your own. :)
On a completely different note, is anyone else excited for the Rusty model coming soon? As soon as he is listed for preorder I will plan on ordering him.
Although I don't have any narrow gauge engines or rolling stock, I'll hopefully begin collecting them. The range is just too good not to~
Yes, I plan on getting both Rheneas and Rusty when available to go with my Duke and Skarloey.
No HOn30 layout, but I do plan on adding some HOn30 track to my existing HO layout.
Hi to All:
I am happy to report that my Duke project is now complete with the installation of the Duke nameplates.
Thanks again to Chaz, Michael, and Griffin for all of your help and encouragement.
Here are a few more photos of the completed Duke.
I will try to post a short video on my You Tube channel in a few days, just search for RXRBILL and my videos will pop up.
(http://[url=http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0504_zpskp0dghsv.jpg.html%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0504_zpskp0dghsv.jpg)(http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0505_zpshc1v5q0j.jpg) (http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0505_zpshc1v5q0j.jpg.html)(http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0506_zpsx5qe5pod.jpg) (http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0506_zpsx5qe5pod.jpg.html)(http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0507_zpslqbd8jl8.jpg) (http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0507_zpslqbd8jl8.jpg.html)(http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q486/av8rdad/IMG_0508_zpsfcitqujq.jpg) (http://s1160.photobucket.com/user/av8rdad/media/IMG_0508_zpsfcitqujq.jpg.html)[/URL]
Wheels still need to be painted.
Duke looks amazing, can't wait for the video, I wanna see him run. The only thing I'd change is the pipe on his front buffer plate, but that's just me. I know I for one couldn't work that much detail in such a small scale. Once the rest of the narrow gauge engines come out we can have the whole railways back together since there are plenty of characters other than duke that are probably on the list of returning characters. But I can imagine his return already, they show Duke being rediscovered in that old shed, to be rescued and brought to the Skarloey Railway. One day we may see it. In the mean time we have two 009 scale models of him to appreciate.
Oh wow, Grandpuff, that's truly amazing! I'm so impressed! Just goes to show what a little paint and some determination can do..awesome.
Granpuff, your Duke model looks excellent and I'm really happy seeing that the time and effort paid off on your end. Thanks for posting that in this thread, and I am excited to see a video of him running.
Great job!
Hello To All:
I just finished uploading a short video of my Duke Project Loco running around a loop of N gauge track.
The You Tube link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZaZ1RywI7U/
If that does not work for you just do a You Tube search for RXRBILL and all of my videos should pop up.
Included there are videos of my Large 1/8 scale trains at Train Mountain, and some videos of my HO layout and trains.
The link did not work but I was able to look it up as suggested earlier.
The video of Duke running turned out great, and it was nice seeing the model in action. Hopefully it will also encourage others to look into making Duke models of their own too.
He will look great alongside Skarloey, Rheneas and Rusty, and I definetely agree with you that Sir Handel and Peter Sam should be made in the future too.
Chaz, I just fixed the link to my video in the message above. I found out that what I thought was a lower case "l" was actually an upper case "I'. So the link works now. While you are on You Tube go to my You Tube Channel "RXRBILL" (Railroad Bill) and take a look at my track level video of my HO layout and other goodies.
I have a garage sized HO layout that I have been building for the last 25 years and I am planning on adding some dual gauge trackage between my ore processing plant and mine. I know that you posted info on the HOn30 dual gauge track available at Hattons in the UK, but they do not carry dual gauge turnouts. I have found that Peach Creek Shops in the USA makes some, but does anyone know if they are available from any other sources? Not HO/HOn3 turnouts, but HO/HOn30.
Hoping that Rheneas arrives soon to keep Duke and Skarloey company.
Hi guys!
As some of you know, I've been working on OOZ models of Mike, Rex, and Bert. For anyone interested, here's a video of Mike and Rex - Bert's motor is being somewhat troublesome, so he wasn't included in this video, but he will appear in future ones. I hope you enjoy!
Amazing! You have resource and sagacity ;)
Here's some 3-D printed rolling stock if anyone wants it.
There's some different/more accurate slate wagons and a flatbed and another wagon of sorts that could maybe be used to make Cora. Just thought I'd share.
Does anyone know where I can buy a shed that will fit both Skarloey and Rheneas, or a shed that will fit just Skarloey. Thanks!
Quote from: trains4life on June 07, 2017, 03:02:02 PM
Does anyone know where I can buy a shed that will fit both Skarloey and Rheneas, or a shed that will fit just Skarloey. Thanks!
Quote from: TrainshockeylifE on June 07, 2017, 06:17:25 PM
Quote from: trains4life on June 07, 2017, 03:02:02 PM
Does anyone know where I can buy a shed that will fit both Skarloey and Rheneas, or a shed that will fit just Skarloey. Thanks!
Thanks for the link. The shed looks nice, but it's not really what I'm looking for and it's a bit too long for my layout. Thanks anyway though.
Quote from: HLC Railroad on May 27, 2017, 05:46:08 PM
Here's some 3-D printed rolling stock if anyone wants it.
There's some different/more accurate slate wagons and a flatbed and another wagon of sorts that could maybe be used to make Cora. Just thought I'd share.
There's now a "Gunpowder Van" and a coach on that shop as well. Figure some people can get their coaches from there until Bachmann inevitably comes out with their own.
Well I finally got around to working on the club setup, happy to confirm that I finally got the trestle completed and I wired and ballasted the last siding so I'm pretty content with how everything turned out. As usual here are some pictures:
I might also look into starting my own 009 setup too, but that's another story. In the meantime I will take more pictures at our upcoming shows, fingers crossed Rheneas will be out by this summer so I can run him at our club's summer shows too. An update on Rusty at the NMRA would also be a nice bonus too.
Hello all!
I am currently stuck at the airport so I thought I would come on and ask everyone's opinion on Rusty being the next (after Rheneas of course ;)) narrow gauge engine on the scene. I personally like the idea of Rusty coming next, but would have preferred Sir Handel, but I am biased ::). I also am hoping that using this thread will have it "come back" because I love looking at all you guys are doing with your narrow gauge models. One more question I have for you guys, is anyone working on a model of Blue Mountain Quarry or a model of Skarloey's Railway? Thanks!
Fairs fair to have a diesel though.
Personally, I'm thrilled that Rusty is coming out. He is one of my favorite characters and second favorite narrow gauge engine, behind Peter Sam. Seeing as how Skarloey and Rheneas turned out I'm interested to see how he will turn out.
I know a lot more people were expecting Sir Handel this year, (myself included), but really though, no merchandise line has ever released the narrow gauge engines in numerical order before, and Bachmann is no exception. I don't mind what order they release/announce the narrow gauge engines either, as long as they avoid the newer characters and announce Sir Handel, Peter Sam and Duncan first, then I have no complaints. Even though I'm indifferent to Duncan's CG render I'd still much rather see him over Victor, Millie or Luke any day.
Fortunately though, seeing as how HO completed engines 1-11 before doing any post season 7 engines, I have a feeling Bachmann will do the same with narrow gauge too by finishing the original six first.
I agree with both of you guys, Titanic5972 and Chaz. Another question us have any of you guys thought about Sodor Scenery or Resign Buildings for the narrow gauge range? Another thing I think would be nice to see is the Blue Mountain Quarry turntable be put out because at least I haven't seen a dual gauge turntable before. Thoughts?
Well the Trackside Station that came out a few years ago was the season 4 version of Glennock. So if they do resin buildings anytime soon for narrow gauge I would love to see them do some sheds. These ones in particular:
As for the turntable I don't see it happening personally, I would bet on more buildings being added first before making a dual gauge turntable.
Quote from: Chaz on August 03, 2017, 03:52:58 PM
Well the Trackside Station that came out a few years ago was the season 4 version of Glennock. So if they do resin buildings anytime soon for narrow gauge I would love to see them do some sheds. These ones in particular:
As for the turntable I don't see it happening personally, I would bet on more buildings being added first before making a dual gauge turntable.
I would love to see those shed as well!!! I agree that more buildings will be made first, but if they are going with the mining aspect of the narrow gauge, it plays a big part in the quarry because it is somewhat of "meeting spot/home base" at the Blue Mountain Quarry. Also, I have looked and have not found a dual gauge turntable anywhere so that mean means if they do make it, it wouldn't just bring in Thomas fans, but also anyone who makes or is making an ho/hon30 model railroad.
Hi all,
One more thing I have to ask is does anyone have any updates on their narrow gauge layouts and/or some custom models of the narrow gauge engines?
If you did not see them earlier, take a look back to about page 3 of this thread to see the Duke model that Chaz built.
It was done so well that it inspired me to built my own with his generous help and guidance.
You can see my Duke model at around pages 6 and 7 of this thread.
You will also find a You Tube link there to a short video I posted of my completed Duke model running.
Apologize for the last post my photo bucket isn't working needs an update or something. As I was saying I personally think that if bachmann make any sheds for the skarloey railway it will likely be based off the sheds at the depot. Probably the brick shed in the middle and the one on the left which is like a double line engine shed. :) in other news related to this thread I am busy making a narrow guage line based off season 4/6/18 I will post some updates as soon as I have made some progress
Hey Mully,
I believe the problem you're having with Photobucket right now is that you're not subscribed to them. Last month they stopped letting people share photos that were stored on their site to the rest of the web unless you paid for a subscription. If you look at some of my older posts, you can see my photos have been effected as well. This recent change has actually been a recent topic I've seen brought up in the Large Scale board, and if you'd like some more info, I'll leave a link below for you.
I'd recommend possibly looking into another website to upload and share your photos on here, unless you want to be paying almost $400 a year to use Photobucket. Needless to say, I too need to make a decision on something if I ever need to upload photos here again in the future. Hope this helps!
You could try Flickr, that's a photo sharing site I used back in middle school. See if that could work. I might considering making a new one now.
Hi to All:
After finishing my Duke model shown on pages 6 and 7 on this thread I wanted some passenger coaches for him to pull.
Since Bachmann has not yet produced any coaches I looked around and found some at Shapeways.
There is a link posted by HLC on page 7 of this thread so you can check it out.
I will try to post some photos from my new Flikr account. Just as I figured out Photobucket they started charging to share.
I hope this works...(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4414/37078644806_54836c9cc9_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/YuvKiq)IMG_0624 (https://flic.kr/p/YuvKiq) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/159121229@N03/), on Flickr
OK I just figured out how to post from Flikr.
If you click on my name after the single photo it will take you to my account and you can see the other 6 photos.
The Shapeways link will take you to Elsbridge Shops in the UK so you can check out their offerings. Very nice stuff.
I used Microtrains N scale wheels sets, Peco GR-102 coupler pockets (modified), and Peco GR-103 OO9 couplers, plus of course paint to complete my models.
I am very happy to have some coaches and a brake van to run until Bachmann produces some.
Where Oh Where is Rheneas???
I'm seriously impressed by the paint job, grandpuff. so clean and well done, simply lovely. makes me want to start my own narrow gauge setup!
Thank you Griffin. Here are a few more photos...
(//url=https://flic.kr/p/YMntDH%5Dhttp://%5Bimg%5Dhttps://farm5.staticflickr.com/4372/37269411695_10130acf6b_z.jpg)[/url]IMG_0631 (https://flic.kr/p/YMntDH) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/159121229@N03/), on Flickr][/img]
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4362/37269407975_54460f27ed_z.jpg) (http://https:[url=https://flic.kr/p/YMnsxz)IMG_0630 (https://flic.kr/p/YMnsxz) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/159121229@N03/), on Flickr//flic.kr/p/YMnriR](https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4365/37269403815_fb2231f5aa_z.jpg)[/url]IMG_0629 (https://flic.kr/p/YMnriR) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/159121229@N03/), on Flickr
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4411/37126456171_0480b3b51e_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/YyJMXi)IMG_0628 (https://flic.kr/p/YyJMXi) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/159121229@N03/), on Flickr(//)
It's great seeing you take on other projects like this granpuff, well done! I always liked the blue livery more on the classic narrow gauge coaches, and I always pictured Bachmann making red coaches to match what's in CGI/Talyllyn so maybe I might look into doing these myself!
I also got some new gunpowder wagons from kits produced by Adam, which as a result turned out pretty good. If you want gunpowder wagons I would highly recommend them:
I love the detailing on the coaches. I'd love to share my work sadly I'm unable to find a source that can preview photos on here as my photobucket isn't alowing it. Can Anyone help please. I do have a Instagram if anyone wants to see my work in the mean time mulfredmodelrailway
Hi Chaz:
I really like your Gunpowder wagons, very nice job. I am tempted to build a few too.
Thanks for your comments on my coaches. I usually use my air brush to paint my models but this time I used 3 Oz rattle cans because I was able to find the colors I needed. My secret for a good multi-color paint job is to never use the tan masking tape. I only use good quality blue painters tape. I also use the flat blade of a small screw driver to smooth the edges and corners to prevent any bleed through.
Everyone is having trouble with Photobucket since they started to charge for photo sharing. The photos I just posted were done using Flikr. Not too hard to figure out.
Where Oh Where is Rheneas???
Hey everybody! How are all of your models? Have any pictures cause I'd love to see them! Have anyone made a mighty Mac or Freddie or anything else? Talk to you soon!
Quote from: ChaoticCreeper55 on October 25, 2017, 10:59:09 PM
Hey everybody! How are all of your models? Have any pictures cause I'd love to see them! Have anyone made a mighty Mac or Freddie or anything else? Talk to you soon!
Nobody has made Mighty Mac yet but there's a kit you could use to make one here: http://www.langley-models.co.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Locomotive_Body_kits_55.html
You'd just need faces and then whatever the kit tells you. It's from the same place as the Duke models that now two people have made.
As for Freddie, I don't know where you'd find one but to my knowledge nobody has made one yet.
Some of you younger fellas might not remember him, but the YouTuber Topkazfatt has made the narrow gauge engines (including Freddie and Mighty Mac) and their Talyllyn counterparts. He's also attempted making the Arlesdale and Culdee Fell engines as well. Most of his engines were made from existing merchandise, but he has used kits and built some of his own chassis. Check out his channel via the link below.
Sadly he doesn't seem to be doing anymore modeling these days and has actually been quite inactive the last few years. Considering he's been doing this since 2007 and within the last few years had 2 kids, I dare say family takes priority now. Still have to admire his work though. ;)
The downside to his Skarloey models is mainly the scale; he uses Bandai TECS which looks huge next to HO/OO. They were pretty cool back in the day, but nowadays we have much more accurate models, and ways to make extra rolling stock that's also accurate.
Hey guys! They have come out with a picture of Rheneas and it looks very good! Obviously you cannot see everything but from what is shown I am very excited to get it right when it comes out!
Hello to All:
Thought I would share a few photos showing some of the Thomas Narrow Gauge rolling stock that I have been working on recently. As the photos show I have added a couple more brake vans so I now have them in red, brown, and in blue to match my coaches. As can be seen in one photo I am presently working on a couple of D. Fusit Gunpowder wagons. I still need to do the lettering. These are all 3D printed models that will do until Bachmann produces some of these models. As soon as Rheneas gets here I plan on posting another video on my You Tube Channel RXRBILL of my Narrow Gauge equipment operating. I am still in the planning stage of where I can add some dual gauge trackage to my existing HO scale railroad.
(http://)(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4465/24178453828_691ae06afa_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/CQyTXA)IMG_0653 (https://flic.kr/p/CQyTXA) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr(http://)(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4508/37999966472_c930f972bf_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/ZTVL8J)IMG_0654 (https://flic.kr/p/ZTVL8J) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr(http://)(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4500/37999983272_9108271eba_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/ZTVR8o)IMG_0657 (https://flic.kr/p/ZTVR8o) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr
Nice work on the brake vans and gunpowder wagons! Keep me updated on how you get the decals for the D Fusit wagons. I'm looking into a brake van kit myself that I ordered but it still hasn't arrived yet. Like you, as soon as Bachmann announces some I will be buying them.
This is one of the reasons I'm glad I don't have a permanent model RR, I keep changing which allows me to accommodate narrow gauge. It would be really cool to see a Mighty Mac though. They were always such an interesting concept for a loco. I still haven't gotten any of the Narrow Guage stuff, mainly because the funds aren't there right now. I hope to eventually though because these are just beautiful models.
Hello Chaz and HLC:
I have not decided yet if I will have the D. Fusit Gunpowder decals custom made or just use individual dry transfer lettering which is a lot more tedious to do although I have done this type of work many times before. I will let you know what I decide to do. If I decide to have custom decals made I am sure I will oder several so I will have extras.
My next project will be the narrow gauge double ended Fairlie loco Mighty Mac. I am just waiting for the rest of the parts to get here from the UK so I can start on the loco. Interestingly it uses an N scale GP-50 diesel as the power chassis. It should be an interesting build.
The pictures look amazing gradpuff! As time goes on I hope to find space to build my own narrow gauge model but for now I am glad looking at everyone's questioning how you guys did it ??? ! Can't wait to see more posts of the models, especially mighty Mac! Can't wait to see more!
- CC55
Hi CC55:
Thank you for your kind remarks.
That is how I got started here. Seeing the photos of the great models that others have built and posted here. Reading how they were built and asking questions. I have been an HO model railroader for many years but only recently became interested in narrow gauge with Bachmann introducing the line with Skarloey. I have always been a big Thomas Narrow Gauge fan and Duke has always been my favorite locomotive. Chaz was very generous in sharing the information gained from the construction of his model that I needed to build my own Duke. I hope that I can inspire others with my work as he has done for me. If we all share we all win!
I am still waiting for all of the parts to arrive from the UK for my Mighty Mac locomotive. Once I get started I will post progress photos here as I did with Duke.
In the meantime I hope that Rheneas gets here soon. I have a whole string of cars waiting for him to pull.
I can't wait to see Mighty Mac, they we just such an intriguing concept for a character. And I'm sure they'd be the strongest narrow guage engine in terms of the models. This is one of the reasons I'm surprised that during their introduction they primarily hauled ONE coach. Although that birings up another piece of rolling stock we need, their coach, if I remember correctly it was an open coach and that's be really nice for Skarloey to haul a few around the countryside, like some scenic railroads today do. Maybe the shapeway store will make one...
Hey all! One idea for 2018's buildings is one, the the narrow gauge sheds, and two, crovan's gate because it would be amazing to have a meeting ground for the narrow gauge and ho gauge, and also the look of crovan's gate. Any likes/dislikes or narrow gauge buildings you'd like to see?
Hello everyone! I was on Shapeways and I found a lot of different sites and thought I would post them here in case you guys were looking for some locos, wagons, and coaches:
Sorry for the long message but hopefully this helps you guys with coaches and wagons and other things for your layout. Talk to you guys later!
Whilst I understand you had no malicious intent, ChaoticCreeper55, I think Bachmann prefers us not to promote items from other sites (that aren't theirs), that are being sold. Given that your post hasn't been removed, I would say what you wrote is perfectly fine, but it's something I would recommend for future reference. I have seen it land people in slight trouble before and I wouldn't want to see it again. No malicious intent on my part either, just something to bear in mind.
As for the idea of sheds like the two-stall ones seen at Crovan's Gate? I'm all for that! I think that'd be a great addition to the range. Or alternatively, ones like the stone ones seen in Duncan Gets spooked.
Here is an image for reference, as Imageshack and Photobucket have both changed their rules about third-party image hosting, I can't post the photo here. If anyone has any advice about a useful site for third party hosting, I'd be very grateful to hear suggestions :)
And lastly, grandpuff, I very much like the photos of those Brakevans and coaches you've made there, it brings back much nostalgia to the Classic Series of Thomas and Friends. I look forward to seeing what you all post in future!
Quote from: AJW98Productions on November 05, 2017, 12:50:14 AM
Whilst I understand you had no malicious intent, ChaoticCreeper55, I think Bachmann prefers us not to promote items from other sites (that aren't theirs), that are being sold. Given that your post hasn't been removed, I would say what you wrote is perfectly fine, but it's something I would recommend for future reference. I have seen it land people in slight trouble before and I wouldn't want to see it again. No malicious intent on my part either, just something to bear in mind.
Oh thank you for the heads up! Had no idea just letting you guys know! Talk to you guys later!
Quote from: ChaoticCreeper55 on November 05, 2017, 03:51:48 AM
Oh thank you for the heads up! Had no idea just letting you guys know! Talk to you guys later!
No worries man, thank you for sharing with us!
~Alex :)
Hey everybody! For the people who have gotten the coaches and brake vans from the shapeways account, elsbridge productions, what wheels did you all use for it? Thanks!
The Forum Administrators have been generously tolerant of mentioning other products here as long as they enhance our enjoyment of Bachmann Trains. As the line expands and more of us start building narrow gauge layouts or adding narrow gauge to our existing standard gauge layouts let's all try to be respectful of the Bachmann Forum posting policy and perhaps re-read it once and awhile to refresh our memories. So if the information is helpful or useful to our enjoyment of Bachmann Trains then hopefully it will be OK.
In regard to your question about wheels sets, I have had good results with Microtrains non-magnetic (plastic) 33 inch black or brown wheel sets. They work very well in the application you mentioned. I have also used Peco GR-102 and GR-103 couplers and pockets to modify my narrow gauge equipment to make them compatible with my Bachmann Narrow Gauge Equipment.
Hope this helps,
Thank you so much grandpuff for the info! Pretty sure I'm gonna get some coaches and if so I'll post them here! Thanks!
So tonight I took the time to observe all of the projects regarding narrow gauge and ooz, and I must state that I was amazed from what I saw in this thread. Thank you Chaz, grandpuff, BassTbone, and ThomasFan247 for posting some spectacular work! I cannot wait to see more from all of you!
Hon30 us to be a very quiet and unheard of scale in model railroading. But then bachmann anounced the skarloy line which sparked so much interest. I started in the scale 16 years ago and i could only get resign models for several years. Once i had a few trains and a small railroad built that was it for my interest, the railroad was dicasembeld and the trains found a box. Once i saw the narrow gauge anouncment by bachmann my old trains cam out of the box and new modules were built. Though i'm now modeling a wide area from Australia, maine and welsh narrow gauges. A lot of parts i found from the 3d printer company use bachmann chassis to be mounted on, and that makes things run so smooth on conversion. Bachmann N scale locos have excellent motors for slow speed and don't shudder or stall. (except for dirty track) In the end using bachmann componets with bigger bodies from 3d printing still helps out bachmann, there young in hon30 and the scale is growing interest again. I will add some phots of my line soon.
Hello To All:
Here is a photo of my new D. Fusit Gunpowder Wagons.
I used Woodland Scenics dry transfer lettering applied one letter at a time.
I was going for an irregular look to resemble the original hand lettering.
http://[url=https://flic.kr/p/GtxYAR](https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4520/26566054989_6c0f3e78fc_z.jpg)](http://[url=https://flic.kr/p/GtxYAR%5D%5Bimg%5Dhttps://farm5.staticflickr.com/4520/26566054989_6c0f3e78fc_z.jpg) (http://[img)IMG_0660 (https://flic.kr/p/GtxYAR) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr[/img][/url]
I have also received most of the parts I need to start the assembly of my Mighty Mac loco which interestingly uses a Bachmann GP-50 loco as the power chassis.
Hey grand puff! The D. Fusit wagon looks great. What faces are you planning to use for Mighty Mac?
Hi Griffin:
I hope to use faces off of a Mighty Mac toy. I will not know until it arrives on Monday if they will be the right size.
I also have brass name plates ordered from Narrow Planet even though the Thomas Mighty Mac did not have them the original basis loco did.
I was able to correct the photo link in my message above so the photo is displayed now.
The gun powder wagons look amazing grandpuff. I can't wait to see Mighty Mac. You're work with detailing these models is amazing. Also, I'm glad to see that the link I posted has proved useful to fellow modelers. I look forward to seeing Skarloey, Rheneas and Duke running around with the Shays and Cab-forwards I see in some of your pictures.
Hello again to All:
As I promised this is my first installment of progress in the assembly of my OO9 or HOn30 Mighty Mac locomotive using parts from various suppliers in the UK. The first photo shows Thomas and Mighty Mac from the TV Series for reference. The second photo shows progress so far to cleaning up the loco castings which has taken about a week.
(http://[url=https://flic.kr/p/212dqpG%5D%5Bimg%5Dhttps://farm5.staticflickr.com/4567/38082432494_659693f39c_z.jpg)[/url]Attachment-1 (https://flic.kr/p/212dqpG) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr[/img]
(//url=https://flic.kr/p/212dtfS%5Dhttp://%5Bimg%5Dhttps://farm5.staticflickr.com/4570/38082442074_4ea498d019_z.jpg)[/url]IMG_0662 (https://flic.kr/p/212dtfS) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr][/img]
I now have the paint, gold, red, and yellow 1/16 stripping tape, hand rail stantions, and the Bachmann N scale GP-50 loco which will be used for the mechanism after removing the side frames and drilling the wheels for the side and driving rods.
I will be posting additional progress photos as the work progresses.
I am not sure why my photos from Flikr are not appearing as they should and will investigate.
In the mean time you can click on the links.
Anyone know what I am doing incorrectly?
Interesting project on your hands. I will be glad to see more pictures than process continues.
Quote from: angelob6660 on November 18, 2017, 12:31:22 PM
Interesting project on your hands. I will be glad to see more pictures than process continues.
Indeed! This seems like a lovely project, I hope the face looks better on the model that the TnP one. I doubt they'd fit but I have an old Tomy Mighty Mac and I love those faces. (http://i64.tinypic.com/34o3eyg.jpg)
Just a thought.
Can't wait to see your further progress.
As well, I just saw that the Elsbridge Shop has Water Towers and Hoppers for the Narrow Gauge engine, in case anyone's looking.
Best of luck on the Mighty Mac project Granpuff. The decals you added to your gunpowder wagons look really nice and I'm glad to see you continue to make great progress!
Thank you Chaz. I will post some more progress photos of Mighty Mac as soon as I can figure out why my Flikr photos are not posting correctly. My previous Flikr photos of my narrow gauge coaches and brake van along with my D. Fusit Gunpowder wagons posted just fine.
Any ideas what the problem may be anyone?
Just to let everyone know I was just notified by "TW" that my Rheneas was shipped today.
Horray !!!
Rheneas is here. Thank you Bachmann for another fantastic narrow gauge model.
(https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4551/27023251259_6d61fbec59_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/HaXe8a)IMG_0673 (https://flic.kr/p/HaXe8a) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr
(http://[url=https://flic.kr/p/DYz7o1%5D%5Bimg%5Dhttps://farm5.staticflickr.com/4573/24925384348_93543864a8_z.jpg)[/url]IMG_0674 (https://flic.kr/p/DYz7o1) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr[/img]
(//url=https://flic.kr/p/ZLba7H%5Dhttp://%5Bimg%5Dhttps://farm5.staticflickr.com/4515/37912243385_3cfc42691a_z.jpg)[/url]IMG_0676 (https://flic.kr/p/ZLba7H) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr][/img]
I will post some more Mighty Mac photos soon.
Looks like the three of us, including Anthony P2, all got our orders from Trainworld delivered at the same time! They are a great business and I will definitely be ordering products from them in the future like Rusty, instead of HobbyLinc.
He was very popular at my club's show, to a point where visitors were literally clapping every time he came out of one of the tunnel in my setup! I'll post more pictures from the show on here later.
I love your line up Grandpuff.
Where they on your layout or a conversion layout train show?
Hello Angelo:
Thank you for asking.
The photos were taken on my new 3 track Narrow Gauge staging yard I just added to my existing HO layout in my two car garage that I have been building for over 25 years now in anticipation of adding some narrow gauge and dual gauge trackage to my existing layout.
My Rheneas runs very well and the detail is very well done as Chaz has stated in his great review, thank you Chaz.
My Mighty Mac project is progressing well and I will be posting more photos soon now that I have solved my Flikr problem.
Ok, if not allowed please take this down, does anyone have any suggestions on what to used to make the narrow gauge coaches, besides on shapeways?
Hello all! How are everyone's models going? Hey grandpuff how's mighty Mac coming along? Well I just wanted to check in with everyone! Talk to you guys later!
Hello to All:
Progress on my Mighty Mac project is going well as far as the clean up and preparation on the Langley Models Fairlie locomotive. The clean up of the castings took over a week to do. The locomotive is a very nice model and very well detailed. It uses an N Scale Bachmann GP-50 for the running gear and this part of the project has moved slower because the GP-50 loco that I purchased from Langley was not at all compatible with the loco kit because Bachmann has re-designed this locomotive. I had to find an earlier version of this loco on Ebay that would work. Anyone else wanting to duplicate my efforts will need a Bachmann N scale GP-50 with a model number of 612XX and not 635XX. This has considerably slowed my progress. Converting the GP-50 chassis to an 0-4-4-0T is looking like one of the more difficult projects I have attempted so I think this will take awhile to complete.
Photo #1 will be posted here this evening showing overall assembly. The loco frame and body are now ready for priming and painting.
Photo #2 showing the temporarily assembled loco body with the running gear prior to priming and painting this coming week weather permitting.
The conversion from diesel to steamy will not be easy. The drivers will need to be filled with some sort of putty or epoxy, wheel covers glued on, and then holes drilled for the crank pins and side and drive rods. I am not looking forward to this part of the project.
Hopefully in another week or so I will have the loco primed and painted and I will post more photos at that time. The red, yellow, and gold stripping on this loco is extensive and looks a lot more difficult to do than my Duke.
I did order Mighty Mac brass name plates from Narrow Planet for this loco even though the Thomas loco did not have them the Festiniog loco did. I have not decided yet if I will use them however.
Thank you all for your interest.
Looking great so far grandpuff! Keep up the fantastic work!
Impressive, most impressive.
Hi Griffin:
I finally have an answer for you regarding the faces that I plan to use for my Mighty Mac loco you asked about back on page 11.
The set of faces that I got from a Take and Play Mighty Mac turned out to be too big.
After doing a little searching I found a couple of derelict Ertl metal Rheneas locos which have the correct size faces to fit my Mighty Mac.
I added a lick of hair on one and some freckels on the other and I think they will work well as stand-ins on my model.
I do not know why my photos are not appearing only the link, does anyone know what I am doing incorrectly?
Still waiting for some good outdoor painting weather.
Sorry it took a while to get back to you.
Not bad granpuff, the faces for Mighty Mac look pretty good. Looking forward to seeing how the model will look when painted.
I finally have an update on my end, but not a huge one. A friend of mine sold me some miniature crystals and I was able to glue them to parts of the mine, some rocks, and even on some of my tippers. Once I added some miners I was able to create a "mine scene" if you will. The track isn't powered here but the point of this scene was to be stationary and to attract visitors to the club. Got Duke in the pictures for this as well, so here is the mine scene.
Admittedly pictures don't do it a lot of justice, even with flash, but otherwise I'm happy with it.
Love the faces grandpuff! A creative choice that works :).
And, great job on the mine Chaz! I love the way in which in the scene is set up, especially with Duke.
Hey guys!!! Chaz that looks amazing! How are everyone's Rheneas? Do you guys have more pics? That'd be awesome to see some of them! Talk to you later!
Hello to All:
Chaz Your mine scene is an inspiration to all of us showing what can be done in HOn30 or OO9 for those in the UK. I was especially happy to see your Duke loco again.
For those of you that have posted about issues with Rheneas mine looks perfectly fine to me with no warping or paint issues, just lucky I guess.
I just had an opportunity to prime all of the castings for my Mighty Mac project and with some more warmer weather I hope to get the painting finished this week. My brass plates are also due soon from Narrow Planet.
As soon as I can figure out why my photos are not posting correctly I will post more when the painting is done. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong with Flikr?
On another note I wanted to take the time to thank Chaz for starting this thread. I think this is one of the most helpful and informative threads going here. Another modeler on the HO threads was talking about the lack of project related posts over there so we are lucky to have so many modelers sharing information over here.
So Happy New Year to You All,
Quote from: grandpuff on December 26, 2017, 03:00:02 PM
Hello to All:
Chaz Your mine scene is an inspiration to all of us showing what can be done in HOn30 or OO9 for those in the UK. I was especially happy to see your Duke loco again.
For those of you that have posted about issues with Rheneas mine looks perfectly fine to me with no warping or paint issues, just lucky I guess.
I just had an opportunity to prime all of the castings for my Mighty Mac project and with some more warmer weather I hope to get the painting finished this week. My brass plates are also due soon from Narrow Planet.
As soon as I can figure out why my photos are not posting correctly I will post more when the painting is done. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong with Flikr?
On another note I wanted to take the time to thank Chaz for starting this thread. I think this is one of the most helpful and informative threads going here. Another modeler on the HO threads was talking about the lack of project related posts over there so we are lucky to have so many modelers sharing information over here.
So Happy New Year to You All,
I've been using TinyPic, and it's been working flawlessly. You can upload any picture from your phone's album for instance. http://tinypic.com/?t=postupload . I don't even have an account. For instance, here's one of your photos I took from your Flickr.
Hope this helps.
Quote from: grandpuff on December 17, 2017, 11:24:16 PM
Hi Griffin:
I finally have an answer for you regarding the faces that I plan to use for my Mighty Mac loco you asked about back on page 11.
The set of faces that I got from a Take and Play Mighty Mac turned out to be too big.
After doing a little searching I found a couple of derelict Ertl metal Rheneas locos which have the correct size faces to fit my Mighty Mac.
I added a lick of hair on one and some freckels on the other and I think they will work well as stand-ins on my model.
(http://[url=https://flic.kr/p/21wuq4f%5D%5Bimg%5Dhttps://farm5.staticflickr.com/4681/38413731484_05c538052c_z.jpg)[/url]IMG_0693 (https://flic.kr/p/21wuq4f) by Bill Dwyer (https://www.flickr.com/photos/156571046@N06/), on Flickr[/img]
I do not know why my photos are not appearing only the link, does anyone know what I am doing incorrectly?
Still waiting for some good outdoor painting weather.
Sorry it took a while to get back to you.
Actually, Mightymac was released via Tomy wind-up again recently and those faces may fit too!
Hey everyone!
I've just been reading through the forum and found all your photos of the Narrow Gauge coaches and trucks from my Shapeways store! I'm very glad you guys seem to like them. Just to let you know, I'm planning on making the other two types of Narrow Gauge coaches very soon, I've just got to finish up a few projects first hopefully!
I'm very impressed by all your modelling work, too. All your paint jobs and such are very well done and finely detailed. I'll hopefully be keeping a closer eye on this forum from now on!
-Elsbridge Productions (Owner of Elsbridge Model Shop)
If Bachmann doesn't announce a brake van for the narrow gauge line at the Toy Fair then I will gladly order one of your brake vans and get on that. On the subject of Shapeways I am planning on making a model from one of bodies available on Shapeways. Keeping it a surprise for now until I order it and it arrives. :)
All the same, welcome to the forum! Please feel free to keep us posted with your projects!
Grannpuff, have you started painting your mighty Mac model yet?
Yes THL I have been able to get my Mighty Mac primed and painted this week thanks to the local SF Bay Area weather co-operating. I plan on painting the smoke boxes black tomorrow, then I can add the handrails and stantcions, then there will be a considerable amount of gold, red, and yellow stripping to do. I should be ready to post some photos this coming weekend. There is still a lot of work to do on the power chassis converting the Bachmann GP-50 diesel drive to the 0-4-4-0T steamy drive but at least the painting is done and I am very happy how well everything turned out and hope you all will think so too.
I was very interested in hearing from Elsbridge Shops about there being some more narrow gauge coaches in the future especially since I will need some open air green and cream coaches for Mighty Mac.
I'm trying to get a narrow guage collection started. I see that Skarloey is out of stock on the Bachmann store and seems to be selling crazy expensive on ebay. It's not discontinued is it? Really hope not. Do things typically go in and out of stock periodically?
Hello to All:
First Photobucket stops working because they now charge for photo sharing and now Flikr no longer supports Internet Explorer so now I am going to try using Tinypic so we will see what happens.
As I said earlier I have been able to prime and paint my Mighty Mac model and I think it has turned out very well and hope you all agree.
Sorry, I have not figured out how to rotate photos on Tinypic yet.
I have installed the vacuum hoses, headlights, and the Mighty and Mac faces on each end of my loco.
I have also completed the gold, red, and yellow stripping and now have the Mighty Mac boiler and chassis completed except for adding the brass nameplates. I have not received the brass plates from Narrow Planet yet but they are on the way.
You may also notice that I have installed the couplers, buffers, cylinders and crosshead guides on the loco drive train. The most tedious job remains which is to drill the holes in each power truck wheel for the crank pins to hold the connecting rods and drive rods which will complete my model. I think this will probably take a few weeks as this needs to be done very carefully to maintain the driver quartering.
I will post some additional photos when I finish the running gear. Once everything is running I plan on posting a video on YouTube as I did for my Duke loco. You can see all of my videos by searching for my YouTube channel at RXRBILL and my videos will pop up.
Wonderful work on your railroad and Mighty Mac there. I don't think I'd ever have the skill and patience to make custom locos. Great stuff and thanks for sharing.
so, so impressive grandpuff. please keep up the good work, and a side note: i think you should look into doing fearless freddie as your next project. i have a feeling he would look stunning if you took a whack at him...
Hey guys! For Christmas I got the bachmann Rheneas and 3 slate wagons and I am still very thrilled! These products run very well and I love how the smaller bachmann goes, the more they pay attention to detail. Grandpuff your mighty Mac looks amazing! One thing I am going to state which you probably already know, is that one side of the windows is red and the other is yellow. I love the detail you put into it, it looks amazing! Can you do a video on your YouTube where you take the three sections of track that you have in all the photos and have the engines run along it so we can see the speed of them? As always love everyone's work! Thank you guys for making this thread so interesting and fun to look at!
Fantastic work grandpuff! Mighty Mac looks great so far!
As I am still home for winter break, I was able to complete some new narrow gauge scenes on my layout. Here are a few pics...
The Old Wooden Bridge:
Rheneas Tunnel:
Glennock Station:
The Hill:
The Mountain Line:
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Terence it looks amazing!!! Can you do some videos of it on your channel because I'd love to see everything! Thanks!
Quote from: ChaoticCreeper55 on January 03, 2018, 10:22:21 PM
Terence it looks amazing!!! Can you do some videos of it on your channel because I'd love to see everything! Thanks!
Thank you so much! I'm actually in the process of editing of video of Bachmann Rheneas and Skarloey running around the scenes. I'll paste the link to the video once it is uploaded.
I'm very excited! Can you do a review of the newer parts of your layout sometime? That would be amazing thanks!
Terence I am beyond impressed with your setup. The wooden bridge especially looks impressive. I know from experience that putting bridges together like that from scratch can be a challenge but it really pays off. You can definitely do some incredible scenes with what you have. Even though I personally would have stuck with Peco OO9 track rather than N scale track it really doesn't detract from the setup at all. Once more engines eventually come out in the range, as well as more rolling stock, you clearly will have a lot going for you in terms of remakes/episodes.
Grandpuff, I really like your Mighty Mac model and I would love to see how it runs when you get around to it. Got quite a collection there so far!
I need to get started on my projects soon, only when the paycheck allows sadly.
Wow! Very impressed by how both Grandpuff and Terrence's models and layouts are coming along! Terrence, you're narrow gauge extension of your layout looks awesome! I'm really liking the bridge and mountain road a lot! Hopefully I can include them on my layout one day! Grandpuff, MightyMac is coming along really well too! The paintwork is spot on! What techniques did you use for the lining?
Also, just a little update on my Rheneas. I contacted Bachman before Christmas and they said they didn't have any models on hand so they suggested I contact the retailer. So, I contacted TrainWorld and I had awesome customer service from them! I submitted a request for a replacement model, shipped the damaged one back, and received my replacement the week before Christmas! Finally had a chance to run him in last Thursday and he really is an amazing little model!i'm really loving this range a lot! Really looking forward to Rusty and the new announcements this year!
Hey guys! So if you follow my Twitter or Instagram you would've already seen this, but I finally released my Red and Green coaches on Shapeways! I tried to upload some photos of the coaches to show here, but I can't get it to work for the life of me. If you want to see them, go to my twitter, instagram or shapeways store. Also please note the photos on there are of my own shoddy prints of the coaches, and if you were to buy some from shapeways they would not be at all shoddy or anything. The Shapeways render is the best way to see what you're buying.
I really enjoyed seeing Terrence's updates on his layout, too, and hope to see his video on them soon!
- Elsbridge Productions (Owner of Elsbridge Model Shop)
Quote from: ChaoticCreeper55 on January 03, 2018, 10:46:36 PM
I'm very excited! Can you do a review of the newer parts of your layout sometime? That would be amazing thanks!
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "review the newer parts". If you mean making a video of me explaining how I made the scenes, that may be something for me to consider in the future ;). Thank you again for your enthusiasm.
Quote from: Chaz on January 04, 2018, 01:57:54 AM
Terence I am beyond impressed with your setup. The wooden bridge especially looks impressive. I know from experience that putting bridges together like that from scratch can be a challenge but it really pays off. You can definitely do some incredible scenes with what you have. Even though I personally would have stuck with Peco OO9 track rather than N scale track it really doesn't detract from the setup at all. Once more engines eventually come out in the range, as well as more rolling stock, you clearly will have a lot going for you in terms of remakes/episodes.
Grandpuff, I really like your Mighty Mac model and I would love to see how it runs when you get around to it. Got quite a collection there so far!
I need to get started on my projects soon, only when the paycheck allows sadly.
Thank you so much Chaz! I was amazed with your layout when I first saw it, so getting a compliment from you really means a lot to me. The old wooden bridge was a challenge. However, with the help of wood coffee stirrers, scissors, wood glue, and paint, the bridge was certainly feasible, and definitely worth the time and effort. Regarding the track, I actually did use Peco OO9 track. However, I used the version with mainline sleepers instead of the version with uneven sleepers. The only two areas that I used N track are the very bottom of the hill where the track curves, and the left hand switch that I used to make a loop. Anyways, thank you again for the kind remarks and I cannot wait to see the future projects you have planned.
Quote from: Anthony P2 on January 04, 2018, 03:03:19 PM
Wow! Very impressed by how both Grandpuff and Terrence's models and layouts are coming along! Terrence, you're narrow gauge extension of your layout looks awesome! I'm really liking the bridge and mountain road a lot! Hopefully I can include them on my layout one day! Grandpuff, MightyMac is coming along really well too! The paintwork is spot on! What techniques did you use for the lining?
Also, just a little update on my Rheneas. I contacted Bachman before Christmas and they said they didn't have any models on hand so they suggested I contact the retailer. So, I contacted TrainWorld and I had awesome customer service from them! I submitted a request for a replacement model, shipped the damaged one back, and received my replacement the week before Christmas! Finally had a chance to run him in last Thursday and he really is an amazing little model!i'm really loving this range a lot! Really looking forward to Rusty and the new announcements this year!
Thank you very much Anthony! I'm also glad to see the good news with Rheneas. I got my Rheneas from TrainWorld as well, and thankfully my model was not defective. Thanks again for the compliment!
Quote from: Elsbridge Productions on January 04, 2018, 08:29:51 PM
Hey guys! So if you follow my Twitter or Instagram you would've already seen this, but I finally released my Red and Green coaches on Shapeways! I tried to upload some photos of the coaches to show here, but I can't get it to work for the life of me. If you want to see them, go to my twitter, instagram or shapeways store. Also please note the photos on there are of my own shoddy prints of the coaches, and if you were to buy some from shapeways they would not be at all shoddy or anything. The Shapeways render is the best way to see what you're buying.
I really enjoyed seeing Terrence's updates on his layout, too, and hope to see his video on them soon!
- Elsbridge Productions (Owner of Elsbridge Model Shop)
Thank you :). I will be uploading a video of Rheneas and Skarloey running around the scenes soon ;).
Elsbridge Productions I took a look at the coaches and they look really great!!! I was wondering when you will be doing a video on them because I'd love to see it! Just thoughts for some video ideas even though you probably have a lot in the works is, a video of all the narrow gauge things on the shop plus runs with Rheneas and Skarloey, a video of all the HO/OO things on the shop plus runs with the engines, and a video of everything else on the shop. Thanks!!!
Quote from: TerencetheTractor525 on January 04, 2018, 09:50:27 PM
Quote from: ChaoticCreeper55 on January 03, 2018, 10:46:36 PM
I'm very excited! Can you do a review of the newer parts of your layout sometime? That would be amazing thanks!
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "review the newer parts". If you mean making a video of me explaining how I made the scenes, that may be something for me to consider in the future ;). Thank you again for your enthusiasm.
Yes that is exactly what I mean! Thank you so much for your response and your videos!
Quote from: ChaoticCreeper55 on January 04, 2018, 10:14:42 PM
Elsbridge Productions I took a look at the coaches and they look really great!!! I was wondering when you will be doing a video on them because I'd love to see it! Just thoughts for some video ideas even though you probably have a lot in the works is, a video of all the narrow gauge things on the shop plus runs with Rheneas and Skarloey, a video of all the HO/OO things on the shop plus runs with the engines, and a video of everything else on the shop. Thanks!!!
I am planning on making those videos soonish, but I still have a lot to do first. I went to a bunch of railways last June and still haven't edited that footage yet!
Quote from: Elsbridge Productions on January 04, 2018, 11:15:08 PM
Quote from: ChaoticCreeper55 on January 04, 2018, 10:14:42 PM
I am planning on making those videos soonish, but I still have a lot to do first. I went to a bunch of railways last June and still haven't edited that footage yet!
I'm so excited to see the videos!!! Can't wait!
Hello to All:
I am glad to hear your favorable comments regarding my Mighty Mac project and have a few questions to answer for those that have asked them:
The Mighty Mac chassis is a Bachmann GP-50 so yes it runs very well, nice and slow and smooth. In fact I have coupled up all 16 of my narrow gauge cars and Mighty Mac pulled them all with no trouble, and I think he could easily pull twice that number. I do plan on posting a video of Mighty Mac to my YouTube channel RXRBILL but not until I finish the running gear.
The folks here have said that hopefully once Rheneas was released that Bachmann would re-stock Skarloey. Others have also said that Rusty might arrive late Spring after the February announcements. We can only hope that more information may come from the Bachmann.
Yes, I have done some research on a Freddie model but 2-6-2 N Scale chassis are hard to find and the loco model would likely have to be kit-bashed. This might be a project for next year.
Yes, I did get the cab windows painted correctly right after my last photos were taken. The cab window are yellow on the Mighty end, and red on the Mac end, and they match the water tank hatch covers as can be seen in my photos.
I paint my models using a Paasche double action air brush that I have had for many years. The lining you asked about is made by Line-O-Tape and is available at Mega Hobby. I use the 1/64" X 120" which comes in several colors. In fact it was Chaz that shared this info with me as this is the lining tape we used on our Duke models.
I am also impressed with your layout photos and will look forward to seeing your videos.
Elsbridge Shops:
Just ordered three of the open coaches to go with my Mighty Mac so looks like that will be my next project. So thank you for letting us all know about these new narrow gauge coaches.
Thank you all for your comments and questions. And yes, this is the best thread going for sharing of projects and information regarding HOn30 or OO9.
Quote from: grandpuff on January 05, 2018, 02:13:57 PM
Yes, I did get the cab windows painted correctly right after my last photos were taken. The cab window are yellow on the Mighty end, and red on the Mac end, and they match the water tank hatch covers as can be seen in my photos.
Can't wait to see new photos! Can you put a link to the video of Mighty Mac when you post it? You guys inspire me to want to do these projects and I hope one day in the future I will! Talk to you later!
Quote from: Elsbridge Productions on January 04, 2018, 08:29:51 PM
Hey guys! So if you follow my Twitter or Instagram you would've already seen this, but I finally released my Red and Green coaches on Shapeways! I tried to upload some photos of the coaches to show here, but I can't get it to work for the life of me. If you want to see them, go to my twitter, instagram or shapeways store. Also please note the photos on there are of my own shoddy prints of the coaches, and if you were to buy some from shapeways they would not be at all shoddy or anything. The Shapeways render is the best way to see what you're buying.
I really enjoyed seeing Terrence's updates on his layout, too, and hope to see his video on them soon!
- Elsbridge Productions (Owner of Elsbridge Model Shop)
Very impressive work! And yeah, shapeways prints are quality, I've bought many for my carnival modeling. I would definatly recommend spending a bit extra and getting the white stong and flexible polished over the matte finish. Will take way less paint layers to get a smooth finish.
Still hoping shapeways will run a decent sale sometime soon. Dissapointed they didn't run a sale Christmas week as in years past :(
Quote from: grandpuff on January 05, 2018, 02:13:57 PM
The folks here have said that hopefully once Rheneas was released that Bachmann would re-stock Skarloey. Others have also said that Rusty might arrive late Spring after the February announcements. We can only hope that more information may come from the Bachmann.
Luckily Skarloey did pop back up on ebay the other day and at a farirly good price, so grabbed him, so I've got the 2 engines, 4 slate wagons and 4 open wagons on the way to start my NG collection!
I really hope Rusty is out soon and they announce more for the range in February! Is it typical of Bachmann to announce things and then not release them for 18 months?
I just uploaded the video of Rheneas and Skarloey running around the new narrow gauge scenes on my layout. Here is the link to it...
Thank you so much Bachmann Trains for making such wonderful models.
I've been thinking and I might put my 00 project to the side and get a small NG layout up and running- it's too exciting not to. You all have inspired me.
The video was great Terence, it's always a lot of fun watching Skarloey and Rheneas running on nice and detailed setups like this. The old bridge set as always looked great. I can see a Sodor Scene involving Rusty happening once the model comes out! It was also great seeing them pull some nice rolling stock throughout the whole video too, very good!
Quote from: DrNickRiviera995 on January 05, 2018, 04:33:16 PM
I really hope Rusty is out soon and they announce more for the range in February! Is it typical of Bachmann to announce things and then not release them for 18 months?
Sadly yes, around the year and a half to two year mark after they are announced is when most models typically are released. I would think that because Rusty has fairly simple design that he should be out by this summer, but I wouldn't doubt he would be out later than that like Rheneas was last year.
Quote from: grandpuff on January 05, 2018, 02:13:57 PM
The Mighty Mac chassis is a Bachmann GP-50 so yes it runs very well, nice and slow and smooth. In fact I have coupled up all 16 of my narrow gauge cars and Mighty Mac pulled them all with no trouble, and I think he could easily pull twice that number. I do plan on posting a video of Mighty Mac to my YouTube channel RXRBILL but not until I finish the running gear.
Interesting, I'm impressed that managed to fit in the body, but I'm glad to hear that it is still able to perform well which is all that matters in that regard. Interested in seeing how the running gear will turn out as well.
Quote from: TerencetheTractor525 on January 04, 2018, 09:50:27 PM
Thank you so much Chaz! I was amazed with your layout when I first saw it, so getting a compliment from you really means a lot to me.
I'm flattered, that just made my day!
Hello Again:
Now that the Mighty Mac boiler assembly is painted and stripped and now complete I have started to work on the running gear. The Langley Models Fairlie locomotive kit uses an N scale Bachmann GP-50 as the power chassis so I thought that maybe I should explain a little more about how that works. The Bachmann loco uses a split frame assembly to hold the motor, drive train, and the power truck assemblies. The parts that are used from the GP-50 are the motor, drive shafts, and power trucks. The split frame and of course the loco shell are not used. The photo below shows all of the parts left to assemble.
You can see the completed boiler assembly at the left of the photo and to the right of this is the replacement split frame assembly that is included in the loco kit. With a split frame each side is insulated from the other with plastic bushings and picks up power from the rails from the trucks and makes the connection to the motor. When finished the drive train assembly fits inside the completed boiler assembly. The red bottom plate is what holds everything together. The right half of the photo shows the power truck assemblies, the cylinders, side and connecting rods, and the wheel discs that are glued on to the power truck wheel faces. The next step is to attach the driver wheel discs and then drill the holes in each wheel for the side and connecting rod crank pins.
The photo above shows the assembled Bachmann GP-50 power trucks after conversion to the steamy boogies. Next comes assembly of the split frame power train, testing and adjustments. Once the power train is assembled it then fits inside the completed boiler assembly. Then comes the final assembly and completion.
This photo shows my next project which is 3 new open air coaches to be painted green and cream to go with Mighty Mac. Even though the series only showed Mighty Mac with one coach I have decided that 3 would look better.
I will continue to post here my progress and when all is completed I will post a video to my Youtube channel RXRBILL and post that link here for you all.
Thank you all for your interest and support.
Hi guys,
I'm modelling "Gallant Old Engine" as a standalone layout, but in testing the couplings on my 009 Peco coaches (and Rheneas) will not stay together on or while cresting grades. Should I invest in knuckle couplers, or look for another solution? I don't think I can soften the grades any more than they are at the moment (very steep, scalewise.)
Quote from: douglas on January 10, 2018, 10:24:23 PM
Hi guys,
I'm modelling "Gallant Old Engine" as a standalone layout, but in testing the couplings on my 009 Peco coaches (and Rheneas) will not stay together on or while cresting grades. Should I invest in knuckle couplers, or look for another solution? I don't think I can soften the grades any more than they are at the moment (very steep, scalewise.)
Personally, I would avoid knuckle couplers simply because from an aesthetic viewpoint they are inaccurate and ugly. I can't speak for their functionality and of course its up to you whether you find looks a problem, but its a personal pet peeve of mine to use knuckle couplers on british stock :) In any case, good luck!
You might want to take a look at how the cars are coupled together. I think that a solution may be to make sure that the loop from the first car is under the loop from the engine and then the same through the rest of the cars. That way as the train reaches the crest of the grade the loop on the loco may hold the loop from the next car onto the pin of loco or car ahead. It seems worth a try.
I hope bachmann could sell the Roco HOe stirrup couplings in separate packaging. Finding these are very difficult.
You might want replacements or have them handy for those shapeway models Elsbridge Productions.
Grand puff, you inspire me more and more everyday. Please never stop what you're doing! You are truly talented.
Is anyone on this thread going to the Worlds Greatest Hobby show this coming weekend?
Thank you very much for your kind words. I am also inspired by the work shown here by others.
I am not so sure about talented but more so just experienced. I have been building HO scale models for over 60 years now. Anyone would be expected to learn a few things over that many years, but thank you again for your comments. This project although HO scale is really working on an N scale mechanism and that has been very difficult indeed. The Mighty Mac project has been much harder than my Duke project.
I have just finished the final assembly of my Mighty Mac project and I am now trying to eliminate a small bind in one of the steamy boogies. I will post a few photos here soon and post a video as soon as I get the mechinism running freely. I have also started work on my Elsbridge open air coaches to go with Mighty Mac.
Thanks again,
Hey grand puff,
I have a model suggestion for you. I thought of Smudger that will go with your Duke. It said it has the same model as Rheneas.
Since Fearless Freddy will be quite a challenge. After your Mighty Mac project.
Hello to All:
Here are a few photos of my completed Mighty Mac locomotive. The locomotive kit is from Langley Models in the UK. The power chassis is from a Bachmann N scale GP-50. The lining tape is by Line-O-Tape from Mega Hobby. The brass nameplates are from Narrow Planet also in the UK. I know that the series loco did not have nameplates but I have decided to add them anyway. This has been one of the most difficult projects I have ever attempted and definitely not for the inexperienced modeler.
Now I am working on 3 Elsbridge open air coaches to go with my Mighty Mac. The Peco coaches in the last photo are just place holders until I finish these. I may also consider building a set of the red coaches as well. Thank you all for your suggestions on what to do next, but after the coaches are done that will probably be it for this Winters projects. During the Spring, Summer, and Fall I spend most of my time at Train Mountain in Oregon running my 1/8th scale trains. If anyone is interested you can see my videos at my YouTube channel just search for RXRBILL.
The finished product looks amazing!!
I always wanted a build a 1/8 scale locomotive and freight cars. To bad I don't the skills, tools and thousands of dollars.
Enjoy your railroad trips in Oregon Grandpuff.
I received my first box van (blue) and one slate wagon. Next week I'll get the gondola in the mail to go with Skarloey and Rheneas.
I was a little disappointed about the size of the boxcar I thought it would be a little bigger/ longer than the slate car. I need more slate wagons probably 9 or 10.
My new project that I will work on soon is really going to Rock n' Roll!
That's so cool, to see Duncan. Looking forward to future installments.
Anyone on here planning on getting one of the Bachmann Baldwins that are getting released this year? Might be worth picking up if you want another RTR engine to go with Skarloey and Rheneas while Rusty is still delayed and no new engine got announced this year.
Hello To All:
Well since the 2018 Announcement excitement is dying down a little I thought I would post the completion photos for my green and cream open air coaches which I think turned out OK. I am glad to have them to go behind my Mighty Mac loco having previously completed my blue and cream coaches to go with my Duke loco which can be seen on page 9 of this thread. I am very happy to hear that the red coaches were announced and I am planning on getting 3 or 4 of those when ever they are released.
I have also decided that since it would be very difficult to add some narrow gauge track to my existing HO layout I am planning on building a separate 2 foot by 4 foot narrow gauge layout using John Allen's Gorre & Daphetid track plan as shown below using N Scale track and Bachmann's Resin buildings which I just found out are very expensive. I think that this track plan will work out very well when built as a narrow gauge railroad in this 2 foot by 4 foot size.
Chaz, I am looking forward to seeing progress on your Duncan project. This is a very smart move on your part especially after seeing the 2018 announcements. We do still have Rusty to look forward to this year, but with no loco announced this year that means no loco next year. Also if Peter Sam and Sir Handel do get made some day it will probably be 5 years before we ever see Duncan.
Chaz, can you give us a little more info on that Baldwin loco, looks pretty cool to me.
I also called TW to ask when Rusty would be available for pre-order and I was told that as soon as they get firm pricing info and a tentative release date that Rusty will be available for pre-order so I was told to check back in a few weeks.
grandpuff, you continue to inspire me with your work. So much so, actually, that I'm planning my own small desktop narrow gauge layout. With that being said, any chance you could details your methods for painting the Shapeways coaches and installing couplings/wheels and what brand of these two items you use? They look so good and I'd love to give it a try myself!
To answer your questions about the painting and finishing of my Shapeways models here goes. I usually use my Paashe double action air brush that I have used for many years in my HO modelling. I have also used small rattle cans when I can find the colors I need. I have also used larger rattle cans on a few projects when I can again find the colors that I need. The larger cans only work well if the model will be painted just one color. The trouble with rattle cans is that they usually deliver too much paint too fast.This is a problem when the model is being painted in more than one color as the large paint volume will usually bleed under the masking. This can be a problem with the small rattle cans also if too much paint is applied. The rough texture on the 3D printed models is also a problem when masking. I use good quality blue painters tape to mask my models being painted and make sure that the tape edges are pressed down firmly and most importantly apply the paint sparingly in multiple light coats.
To finish my models I use Micro Trains N scale 33 inch wheel sets. They come in black or brown, I use the brown. These come 48 to a package so I have been using that one package for all of my recent projects. I also use Peco OO9 coupler pockets and coupler sets. The couplers are Peco GR-102 which come 4 to a package. The coupler pockets are Peco GR-103 which come 8 to a package. I have been cutting off the mounting tab on the coupler boxes and mounting just the actual pockets to the bottom of the 3D cars as this makes them the same coupler height as my Bachmann cars and locos. I have been ordering these from the UK as they are hard to find in the USA.
I hope this helps you and I will be interested in seeing your efforts.
Marvelous work grandpuff! I love how you even took the time to add miniature figures in the carriages. The track plan looks great as well. What resin buildings do you plan to incorporate?Additionally, have you by any chance considered adding in a slate quarry with an incline? The reason why I mention this is that the Bachmann UK range has a wonderful resin incline winding house, as shown in the link.
First and foremost granpuff the green narrow gauge coaches you made have turned out wonderfully. I especially like the added passengers that you added to them. For open carriages like those, passengers on board those seats look a lot nicer rather than no one sitting in the seats.
With regards to Duncan, the idea is to make him look closer to how he should have looked on the show. I do hope that we get Peter Sam and Sir Handel before Duncan. I'm hoping Peter Sam gets announced next year (with some brake vans) and if Sir Hayden's overhaul (Sir Handel's basis) is completed by then that Bachmann can look into making him next, thus having them alongside our Duke models.
The Baldwins were announced in 2014 and will be released (hopefully) sometime in the spring. They are being made by Bachmann UK and are available for preorder on Hattons.
Good luck on the layout expansion!
Hello to All:
Terrance, thank you for the Hatton's link to the incline winding model. I will consider your suggestion to model the incline. There is a location on the upper branch line where that may work. The Bachmann resin buildings I am looking at include a Maitwaithe Station, Engine House, Signal Box, Brendan Warehouse, Square Water Tank, and a Peco 6 inch N scale turntable which should work well for OO9. I am surprised at how expensive these models are but they do look good. Luckily with just a 2 by 4 foot layout I will not need too many.
Chaz, I appreciate your kind comments on my modeling efforts very much. I am looking forward to seeing progress on your Duncan model. I too hope that Bachmann will decide to do Peter Sam next followed by Sir Handel. In fact since both locos share the same wheel arrangement and possibly the chassis could be shared by both they could perhaps be developed at the same time. In fact I believe that the real reason no locos were announced this year is so that they can get out ahead this year on what may be announced next year. We will just have to wait and see. At least we have Rusty to look forward to this year.
Thank you all,
I have a 4x8 space in which I'd like to have either a completely narrow gauge layout or a dual-gauge with predominantely narrow gauge... anyone know where I could find layout ideas? Google isn't giving me very many good results. Thanks!
Quote from: Griffin on February 27, 2018, 11:22:04 AM
I have a 4x8 space in which I'd like to have either a completely narrow gauge layout or a dual-gauge with predominantely narrow gauge... anyone know where I could find layout ideas? Google isn't giving me very many good results. Thanks!
Personally if I were you, I'd start by drawing what I'd like for a layout on paper or the computer, then start making comparisons to whatever you want to reference be it photos, layouts, drawings, etc. That's how I've done it in the past on layouts I've built, and probably going to do the same here once I get my HOn30 layout underway. The key is to have a build plan made up before you start building, otherwise you're going to come to a snag point and need to take time and think before moving further. As is plans tend to change once you start a project, so having a build plan to work off of makes things a little easier or at least easier than planning as you go along.
Hello to All:
Just to let everyone know, I just pre-ordered Rusty from TW with an estimated due date of June 2018.
I have also started a small HOn30 2 by 4 foot layout based on the Gorre & Dephetid HO layout of John Allen fame. I will post a few photos as soon I can take some.
Awesome! Thanks for the update on Rusty, Grandpuff! :)
Looking forward to seeing pictures of the HOn30 layout!
Thanks for the heads up, I'll be preordering Rusty and the HO spiteful brake van there tonight! The coaches are not listed yet, I have a feeling those won't be out until next year since they were the only new additions in this year's announcement that isn't a recolor.
Hello again:
Here is a copy of the HO G&D track plan I am using as a model for my HOn30 layout. The original layout was about 3 by 7 feet and my layout using Peco HOn30 track is just 2 by 4 feet. The curves are tight and the grades steep but this is a narrow gauge logging and mining railroad after all. I have tested Skarloey and Rheneas on curves as tight as 6 inch radius and grades of up to 6% so we will see how it all works out.
The second photo shows progress so far with the track roadbed and cork all down. The photo shows the switch templates used to correctly position the track. The turntable is a Peco 6 inch N scale manual turntable that can be driven my either a crank or electric motor. I am using Peco switches because they have a locking point setup so that they can be used manually. While the Peco track is actually N gauge the narrow gauge track has wider spaced ties to represent HOn30 or OO9. The Peco track and switches have been ordered and should be here next week. I will post additional photos once some track is down. The two elevated sections of roadbed in the center area will be timber trestles which I am building now. The ruler in the photo is 15 inches for reference and the layout is 2 by 4 feet for portability. The layout photo may appear upside down because I cannot figure out how to edit it in TinyPic.
Nice update on the layout.
Quote from: grandpuff on December 17, 2017, 11:24:16 PM
Hi Griffin:
I finally have an answer for you regarding the faces that I plan to use for my Mighty Mac loco you asked about back on page 11.
The set of faces that I got from a Take and Play Mighty Mac turned out to be too big.
After doing a little searching I found a couple of derelict Ertl metal Rheneas locos which have the correct size faces to fit my Mighty Mac.
I added a lick of hair on one and some freckels on the other and I think they will work well as stand-ins on my model.
I do not know why my photos are not appearing only the link, does anyone know what I am doing incorrectly?
Still waiting for some good outdoor painting weather.
Sorry it took a while to get back to you.
How wide is the smokebox on these kits?
The smoke boxes on my Mighty Mac loco are slightly less than 7/16 of an inch. This is why it was difficult to find faces small enough to fit. The Ertl metal Rheneas faces were the only ones I was able to find that would fit properly.
I just finished laying the track on my HOn30 layout and I am wiring the track and panel now. I am still building the bents for both trestles and will take a few more photos soon.
Hello to All:
I see that there has not been much activity lately so I thought that I would post a few progress shots of my 2 by 4 foot HOn30 layout. As I have posted earlier the layout is based on John Allen's first Gorre & Daphetid 3 by 7 Foot HO layout. I just reduced it to 2 by 4 feet and used N gauge track in the smaller space. I am using Devil's Gulch & Helengon as my railroad name as that is what John Allen called his Narrow Gauge railroad.
I have just finished laying the track and switches, installed the control panel, and started the 2 wood trestles. I still need to install the switches in the control panel for the track blocks and the turntable tracks and then wire it all so that I will have control of which loco I am running since there is provision for just one wireless cab control. I have installed the timber trestle bents but I still need to finish all of the stringers on both trestles. So far I have installed 5 turntable stalls including a fifth reserved for Rusty and plan on adding about 3 more for a small engine shed and maybe one or two extras for a total of ten stalls. Scenery wise there will be a small sawmill on the upper right spurs which can see seen sitting on the layout and a small mine entrance on the spur at the upper right of the layout. The track plan is basically a spiral up and down and a small branchline to the sawmill, two short spurs at the mine, two yard tracks, and the turntable. The turntable is a Peco N scale 6 inch manual turntable to which I have added a crank attachment which can be seen at the left of my control panel in the first photo.
I am adding 4 progress photos but I am having a problem with editing the photos in TinyPic to display correctly, so sorry if they are not rotated as they should be shown. If anyone knows what I am not doing correctly please let me know.
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
I hope you all enjoy seeing my layout progress as I always enjoy seeing the progress others have posted here. Looking forward to Rusty getting here and also to seeing Chaz progress on his Duncan loco. I hope that this post brings some life back to my favorite Bachmann Forum thread.
I love the process Grandpuff. I can't see from the pictures of adding more engine stalls.
Funny you should mention Duncan, he is making slow progress but he is now being painted. Pictures will be coming soon! I also ordered pinstripes as well as his nameplate and number too. Watch this space!
Wow, grandpuff, I'm very impressed with how the layout has coming along, and equally impressed with how Mighty Mac, Duke, and the coaches have turned out! Keep up the good work! :) I look forward to seeing more in the future.
~Alex :)
Well as promised here's an update on Duncan, but first we will start from the beginning.
To say Duncan is a piece of work, is an understatement, ironically enough like his persona. There was a lot to plan out with the model, and painting it properly proved to be very difficult. Only just the beginning too!
Here is Duncan with his first coat of automotive primer.
Then Jay and I tackled the yellow paint, giving him a few coats of that as well.
Of course, the paint turned out a little too thick so we restarted the process and Jay took over painting from there as well as generously adding the coal load in the bunkers for me.
The Ertl face has also been added today after some further sanding on the smokebox.
Currently here is what's left with Duncan:
- Nameplate and number - which I already ordered on narrow planet
- pinstripes. These arrived today, will add them after getting the nameplate/number on Duncan
- whistle ordered from Peter's Spares. "An engine is not an engine without a whistle."
- handrail and dummy hooks (which a friend of mine is currently looking for)
- motor and chassis. This will come from a Minitrains Stainz locomotive recommended by 2a-Rail himself.
Aside from eyebrows looking wonky, which is an easy fix as well as benefit from some weathering, I'm pretty happy with it so far. Hoping to keep you guys updated on him soon, then things will really "Rock n' Roll" around here! Kind of glad I am making my own Duncan rather than worrying about Bachmann making him in his unflattering CG render if they ever announce him. Pretty much would only mean Sir Handel and Peter Sam are the only narrow gauge engines I want Bachmann to make at this point.
Watch this space..!
Special thanks goes to DecadesofSun and Michael (Basstbone) for the support and advice on this project and helping it get so far.
That's very impressive work Chaz. Duncan looks great.
Is the yellow color correct but I also believe it's the lighting making the color dull.
It's the right shade of yellow, a little brighter to what matches the livery in season 4. The second photo is naturally brighter since I took that picture right after the paint was sprayed on. Once he is weathered he will look a little closer to what he looks like on the show. He will also be the only narrow gauge engine in my collection that will be weathered as a reference to him not being polished in "Passengers and Polish".
Very nice work so far on your Duncan loco. It was a smart decision on your part to do Duncan now since it will most likely be 3-5 years before Bachmann gets around to doing Duncan assuming that they will do Peter Sam and Sir Handel first. Since they both have the same wheel arrangement as Skarloey perhaps that may simplify the tooling somewhat.
Thank you for sharing your progress with us all here.
Static grass getting applied!
Has anyone used the metal Micro Trains wheels on the Shapeways rolling stock? If so, how well did they work?
Had to remodel part of my section due to another member at the club adding a bridge on the dual gauge line above my 009 loop. Fortunately progress has been coming along, hoping to have it finished next month.
Nice scenery work, always glad to see layout photos. I have been looking for tunnel portals for my narrow gauge layout too and HO portals are of course too big and the N scale ones I have seen are too small. The one pictured looks about right for HOn30 so I would like to know who makes it if you know.
Thank you for any info,
Sorry I forgot to respond, don't know the make but if you want measurements of the portal I can send them to you in a personal message.
If I bought something in Europe. What shipping method should I get.
I saw a Peco brown box van and slate wagons at Hattons. Should it matter if the slate wagons don't have the wooden bumpers? Or was this added for the Thomas line?
I also wanted to get 2 signs for my future locomotives from Narrow Planet.
Yes this is first time ordering something from overseas international country.
Quote from: angelob6660 on April 29, 2018, 02:38:29 PM
If I bought something in Europe. What shipping method should I get.
For Hatton's, I've never had an issue with the default shipping method. It isn't too expensive and takes about a week and a half. Not sure if there was a reason, but it took a little longer when I bought locos versus only rolling stock.
Quote from: angelob6660 on April 29, 2018, 02:38:29 PM
If I bought something in Europe. What shipping method should I get.
I saw a Peco brown box van and slate wagons at Hattons. Should it matter if the slate wagons don't have the wooden bumpers? Or was this added for the Thomas line?
I also wanted to get 2 signs for my future locomotives from Narrow Planet.
Yes this is first time ordering something from overseas international country.
PECO stock is compatible with Bachmann OO9 stuff. The Bachmann Thomas Narrow Gauge line is mostly modelled off the Talyllyn Railway, where all the stock has buffers of some kind. The PECO stock is based off the Lyton and Barnstaple Railway and the Ffestiniog Railway, where they lack two front buffers.
When I buy from Hattons, the 2 day shipping ($16 is a good deal) is the best for me.
With Narrow Planet, your wait period is about 4-6 weeks.
Sorry not to have replied sooner, but I have been up to Train Mountain in Oregon all last week. Thanks for the info on the tunnel portals Chaz, I will keep looking for some N scale portals that will work on my HOn30 layout.
Very nice progress on your Duncan indeed, thanks for sharing. If you have any trouble figuring out how the body comes off of the Minitrains Stainz loco used as the drive for Duncan, just un-screw the smoke stack and it all comes off. It took me awhile to figure that one out. Looking forward to seeing further progress on Duncan.
J70Toby and BassTbone thanks for the comments.
Quote from: grandpuff on May 03, 2018, 06:56:04 PM
Very nice progress on your Duncan indeed, thanks for sharing. If you have any trouble figuring out how the body comes off of the Minitrains Stainz loco used as the drive for Duncan, just un-screw the smoke stack and it all comes off. It took me awhile to figure that one out. Looking forward to seeing further progress on Duncan.
Good to know, thanks! I just ordered the Minitrains Stainz loco this weekend and it should be shipping soon. Apart from some last remaining parts, Duncan is really starting to come together now!
Chaz, what type of track do you use?
Is anyone else concerned about the prototype of Rusty not being out yet, and there aren't any updates on him.
As long as it's not cancelled, I don't mind if they take their time with it.
Fingers cross it's closer to Midlander than it is CGI Rusty though.
Finger's crossed it's closer to Model Series Rusty than CGI Series Rusty.
Quote from: TrainshockeylifE on May 18, 2018, 07:45:41 AM
Is anyone else concerned about the prototype of Rusty not being out yet, and there aren't any updates on him.
Yes I'm worried too. I have money reserved for him. I got to be careful that I don't spend it.
Quote from: TrainshockeylifE on May 16, 2018, 09:45:32 AM
Chaz, what type of track do you use?
Sorry I'm just now responding to this, but it's Peco track. Highly recommended for OO9 modeling.
I think Rusty will probably be out by the end of this year, considering how long it took Rheneas to come out. I'm surprised he hasn't been seen on display yet, but I'm sure he will be revealed eventually. In some ways I'm relieved that he is still in production and not cancelled like the large scale Diesel.
On another note, my Minitrains Stainz locomotive arrived, planning on adding the chassis to my Duncan project soon.
Do you use setrack or streamline
Nope, just Peco.
Glad to hear that you have received your Minitrains Stainz loco. As you can see the loco chassis is tail end heavy so the Duncan loco body will need some weight added. I used A-Line #13010 Moldable Lead Weight to fill the boiler of my Duncan which balances the loco out nicely. It is available at many railroad hobby suppliers. It is usually used to add weight to brass locomotive boilers. Looking forward to following your imspiring progress.
Recently purchased a Smudger loco from BassTbone. Very nice job Michael very happy to have it. I am expecting the name and number plates for both Duncan and Smudger very soon and I will post some more Layout progress photos including the new locos as soon as the plates arrive from Narrow Planet.
Very glad to hear of the early release of Paxton and Grumpy Deisel from Trainworld. Maybe the 6-30-18 release date for Rusty has some validity.
I love those coaches. Are they the kits from Shapeways?
Yes both the blue and cream and the green and cream open coaches were built from Shapeways kits along with several of my freight cars. I use Peco OO9 couplers and pockets and Minitrains N scale wheels with these cars. The painting and detailing was done by myself. Glad you liked them.
Well Duncan's chassis has finally been fitted. Still waiting on his nameplate and number to come in, but I'm pretty happy with progress so far. I also tested the chassis this morning and it ran great.
And of course there are pictures:
Slowly but surely coming together.
Hello to BassTbone and All;
Since there has not been much posted here for awhile I thought I would post a photo of my completed Smudger model that I purchased from BassTbone earlier. I have modeled Smudger as he appeared just before being turned into a generator loco outside the shed. I added the black and gold lining and name and number plates from Narrow Planet. I think that Smudger looks pretty good and hope you all do too. Thanks Michael.
I have also finished my Duncan model following Chaz construction postings on this list. I am looking forward to seeing the next progress posts and I will post a few photos after Chaz completes his construction series. Thanks again for your inspiration with this construction series as with your Duke model previously.
Also for those that have Rusty on backorder at TW, they just changed their expected date from June 30, 2018 to December 31, 2018 which is probably no surprise since there have been no updates or production photos yet.
Quote from: grandpuff on July 09, 2018, 10:23:01 PM
Hello to BassTbone and All;
Since there has not been much posted here for awhile I thought I would post a photo of my completed Smudger model that I purchased from BassTbone earlier. I have modeled Smudger as he appeared just before being turned into a generator loco outside the shed. I added the black and gold lining and name and number plates from Narrow Planet. I think that Smudger looks pretty good and hope you all do too. Thanks Michael.
I have also finished my Duncan model following Chaz construction postings on this list. I am looking forward to seeing the next progress posts and I will post a few photos after Chaz completes his construction series. Thanks again for your inspiration with this construction series as with your Duke model previously.
Also for those that have Rusty on backorder at TW, they just changed their expected date from June 30, 2018 to December 31, 2018 which is probably no surprise since there have been no updates or production photos yet.
:o OMG, that looks awesome, Grandpuff!! It literally looks so clean and detailed that it looks like Bachmann produced it themselves!!! Well done to both you and BassTBone!!!!
Thank you for your comments. In order to give credit where credit is due, first of all it is actually a Bachmann Rheneas model that BassTBone did an outstanding job of repainting and then sold it to me. All I did was complete the black and gold lining and install the Narrow Planet name and number plates. The only thing left to do is install the engineer and fireman figures as I have done on my other Narrow Gauge locos. A note to Bachmann, since you already have the Rheneas tooling someday you might consider doing a re-color of Rheneas and produce a Smudger loco. Of course this can wait until Peter San and Sir Handel are produced I would think.
Looking forward to adding Rusty to my narrow gauge collection.
Yeah, I saw it when you posted the plain green loco with new face after you got it. His paintjob and your steady hand with striping and name/number plates have made a factory-production quality custom! Wish I had that level of skill. :D
While completing my Duncan model the original Shapeways 3D loco body that I ordered was printed and shipped from the UK. This model was very nicely done with fine detail and very smooth surfaces. Unfortunately I dropped this model and had to order a replacement. Apparently now when you order anything from Shapeways from the USA the order is now printed in Queens, NY or Salt Lake City, UT which does cut down the delivery time and shipping costs. My issue is that the quality of the 3D model printed in the USA does not seem to be of the same as the original model printed in the UK. I only noticed this because I had both side by side to compare. Has anyone else had this experience?
Perhaps someone familiar with this issue could enlighten us.
Hey guys, it's been awhile since I've been on here, but I'm glad to see how active the forum is. As far as Rusty and Duncan go, I personally don't mind how Rusty looks in CGI, Duncan on the other hand is a different story. Fortunately I feel that's an issue we don't have to worry about anytime soon. Unless I missed the announcement of Duncan, I just gotta believe it'll be Peter Sam who is made next.
Seeing as this is a Narrow Gauge modeling thread I do have to ask something, that may not entirely be Bachmann related.
Where does everyone else find their HOn3 engines. Maybe it's just me but it seems to be impossible to find any online outside of this T&F line.
(Links and recommendations would be greatly appreciated)
I only ask because I wanted to add an HOn3 ( HO Narrow Gauge) section to my layout and I don't want it to be entirely T&F themed. Although if Peter Sam is announced I might change my stance on that.
Thanks for your help/feedback.
First of all I think you have confused the different HO/OO narrow gauge modeling scales or gauges.
HOn3 refers to HO scale 3 foot gauge.
HOn30 or OO9 are the scale and gauges used for our Thomas narrow gauge models.
HOn30 refers to HO scale (1/87) with a gauge of 30 inches, also sometimes called HOn2 1/2.
OO9 refers to OO scale (1/76) with a gauge of 9mm or N gauge track.
This may be why you are having difficulty finding what you are looking for regarding Thomas narrow gauge equipment which will not run on HOn3 track.
I hope this helps,
I actually talked about this in depth in one of the earlier posts in this thread with pictures included:
Hope this helps.
On that note, Duncan is on hiatus since I am still waiting for some parts from the U.K. To come in. Huge thank you to grandpuff for generously mailing me more parts for the model! Once I am done with my internship I will get back to working on him soon.
I can't believe one 0 have me such a headache in what I was looking for. Thank you, Grandpuff, for pointing out my mistake, but even still it is hard to find a lot of 009 or HOn30 models. This has definitely helped my search though! And thank you too you as well Chaz!
No problem! Forgot to respond to one part of your post earlier:
Quote from: TheJJ on August 06, 2018, 09:43:18 PM
Hey guys, it's been awhile since I've been on here, but I'm glad to see how active the forum is. As far as Rusty and Duncan go, I personally don't mind how Rusty looks in CGI, Duncan on the other hand is a different story. Fortunately I feel that's an issue we don't have to worry about anytime soon. Unless I missed the announcement of Duncan, I just gotta believe it'll be Peter Sam who is made next.
Duncan hasn't been announced yet from Bachmann, we are still currently waiting on Rusty. I also agree that Peter Sam would make the most sense if he got announced next. I did a post sharing my thoughts on why I think bachmann should announce him earlier this year:
Also talked about brake vans for narrow gauge here too:
Reynaulds has a fair amount of HOe equipment that can either be used 'as is', or modified into something else.
Since it has been almost a month from the last post here, I thought that I would post an update on my completed and current projects. First I am very happy with the final image for Rusty posted here in another thread. I will be very happy get him hopefully sometime before the end of the year. I have also completed my Duncan model inspired by Chaz project posted here on previous pages.
As you can see in the first photo my OO9 Thomas Narrow Gauge loco roster is steadily growing. Next to the shed is Smudger purchased from BassTBone, thank you Michael. next is Mighty Mac and Duke built by myself, Skarloey, Rheneas by Bachmann, and Duncan just completed following Chaz Duncan project. You can also see in the foreground the 3D printed Peter Sam and the Bachmann 0-4-0 N scale swithcher to be used for a power chassis for Peter Sam. I am also gathering parts required for future projects to build Sir Handel and Freddie.
Here are a few close up photos of my Duncan model. The Minitrains Stainz loco used for a power chassis is a very smooth runner although at a very high price. I am really not to clear on the controversy discussed here about the differences between the model series Duncan and the CGI Duncan and hope someone here can explain this to the rest of us
Here is a close up of the 3D printed Peter Sam and the Bachmann N scale 0-4-0 chassis I will be using to build my next project.
After I have finished all of these models I will have most of the Narrow Gauge models needed for my narrow gauge layout also under construction. I am still very interested in obtaining all of the narrow gauge models that Bachmann produces over the next several years to complete the "first six" but my models will serve as very nice place holders until that happens.
If anyone can explain to me why my photos are not displaying properly I would appreciate it. I have searched everywhere for how to edit photos in Tiny Pic and I cannot find anything. My photos display properly on my iPhone but not on my computer. Help Please!
If anyone wants slate truck faces, here you go! They are 1cm by 1cm in dimensions, though. Not sure if they fit well on the Bachmann, though.
Accurate to the on-screen variants seen in Trucks! (S4), Toad Stands By, and Snow (S5).
looking good sean, people will love adding those to their slate wagons
Very impressive work, grandpuff. It's nice to see your narrow gauge locomotive roster growing.
Thank you angelob6660. I have the Bachmann 0-4-0 chassis modified and the 2 wheel trailing wheels added so I now have the 0-4-2T chassis done. Now that I know how to modify the chassis I plan on doing two more of the same to use for Sir Handel and Proteus. Painting and lining of the loco body is next so should have some more photos of Peter Sam in a week or two.
Quote from: grandpuff on September 05, 2018, 12:06:10 AM
Thank you angelob6660. I have the Bachmann 0-4-0 chassis modified and the 2 wheel trailing wheels added so I now have the 0-4-2T chassis done. Now that I know how to modify the chassis I plan on doing two more of the same to use for Sir Handel and Proteus. Painting and lining of the loco body is next so should have some more photos of Peter Sam in a week or two.
Ooh, Proteus. Never thought about him. Nice!
I recently finished my first narrow gauge model: Cora, one of the Skarloey Railway brake vans in the Railway Series.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20180913.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/142)
I was very surprised to find a kit of the exact basis.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20180914.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/143)
I really like your Cora model. Very nicely done. Who is the kit made by?
I just pre-ordered the Narrow gauge red carriages from TW. I have already built my own blue carriages and also the green open air coaches which can be seen on earlier pages of this thread. For those that may be having a hard time finding these for pre-order at TW they are listed on the N scale pre-order page. Apparently TW is confused about the difference between HO scale models that run on N scale track being HOn30 or OO9 models and not N scale models.
For those interested in my Peter Sam loco project it has been completed and the only thing I am waiting for is the arrival of the name and number plates this coming week. As soon as they have been installed I will have a few photos to post.
Thanks for the compliment on Cora, grandpuff. The kit is made by Dundas, and it was bought on the Dundas website. I don't think it would be a problem for you, grandpuff, because of all of models that you have shown in the thread, but just as a word of caution for others who might be interested in the kit, I wouldn't recommend it as anyone's very first rolling stock kit. What is provided for the floor and roof of the model are not particular to the kit and have to be cut to size, and obviously if the floor is not cut correctly, the model will turn out crooked.
I spent most of yesterday on my models of Ada, Jane, and Mabel.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20181013.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/147)
I used the Wooden Railway models as guides for the faces, so from left to right is Ada, Jane, and then Mabel. These were made from Penryhin Quarry Railway wokman's coach kits by Meridian Models. The real-life versions of the Penryhin coaches that were bought by the Talyllyn Railway have been rebuilt with roofs and now resemble the green narrow gauge coaches from Thomas and Friends (so the green coaches are pretty much the T&F versions of Ada, Jane, and Mabel). The kit is more true to the Penryhin version, and so they do not have buffer beams (like how they are illustrated in the RWS). I may or may not modify them with buffers down the line.
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20181014.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/148)
(https://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/19/30/27/13/20181015.jpg) (https://servimg.com/view/19302713/149)
And I realized Cora's buffers should be silver, so I made that adjustment.
I still need to fit the models with couplings. I'm holding off on buying couplings until I determine all of the supplies that I need for another project so that I can get everything in one order. I could actually use some advice if anyone has experience fitting 009 models with couplings. The Bachmann Skarloey and Rheneas appear to have the BEMO style couplings, but those get pricy very quickly when it comes to how many models that I need to fit with couplings. The loop style couplings by PECO seem more economical, does anyone know if they would be compatible with Skarloey and Rheneas without changing their couplings? They look like they use the same coupling mechanism, just without the swiveling shaft of the BEMO coupling.
WOW! Your open air workman's coaches look fantastic too. Your free hand painted faces also look great and add to the charm of your models. Very well done.
I use Peco OO9 couplers GR-102 4 to a package, and Peco OO9 coupler pockets GR-103 8 to a package on all of my OO9 rolling stock with good results. Depending on the car the mounting tab on the pockets will need to be trimmed to achieve the correct coupler height. These couplers are a match for the Bachmann loco couplers but without the swivel feature. I have been able to find these on EBAY at times, or from Hattons in the UK.
Again, I really like what you are doing.
Thanks Grandpuff, and I appreciate the advice regarding couplings.
Hello to All:
I have just finished my Peter Sam model today with the addition of the name and number plates from Narrow Planet. These take about 2 months to arrive but they really make the model. I used a Bachmann 0-4-0 switcher as the basis for the mechanism adding the trailing wheels from the tender to make it a 0-4-2. These chassis work pretty well with a little tinkering. While I was building this one I also built two more for Sir Handel and Proteus for which I now have most all of the parts I need for these models. I am also building a 2-6-2 chassis from a Bachmann 0-6-0 to use for Freddie. I also used an N scale brass whistle, front and rear head and tail lights from Langley Models in the UK, and Line-O-Tape lining from Mega Hobbies to complete my Peter Sam. I think it turned out pretty well and I hope you do too.
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
Here is a group photo of all of my Narrow Gauge models so far gathered around the turntable on my narrow gauge layout. I plan on taking a short break from loco building to do a little scenery work on my layout. When I get most of the scenery done I plan on doing a You Tube video showing all of my models running around my layout. Pictured are left to right, Peter Sam, Smudger, Mighty Mac, Duke, Skarloey, Rheneas, and Duncan. There is also room for Sir Handel, Proteus, Freddie, and Rusty.
Photo #4
Looking forward to Rusty's arrival in the next month or two.
Grandpuff, I am amazed on how incredible your Peter Sam model looks. He is my most-wanted engine for next year's announcements and it's great seeing the model represented like how he would in the model era. The last photo of all the engines is especially impressive too.
Good work!
Been a little quiet on my end in this thread, figured it's time for an update.
During my clubs Christmas show, I have been mostly busy running Skarloey or my Baldwin. They have been a huge hit and lots of people enjoy watching Skarloey run in particular.
The layout itself hasn't changed but I did repaint the mountain and added extra rocks and shades of ink to give the mountain a little more life as opposed to a mostly dull paint job which is what I ended up with previously.
Tunnel portal was re-adjusted but fortunately that corner of my setup still looks in great shape.
One of the other members made a wall beneath my OO9 section for his HOn3 line. Here's hoping he finally gets around to finishing that.
I also may start working on my own OO9 layout soon. I'll be picking up some plywood and going from there and I will post track plan pictures when I get them updated.
Merry Christmas to All:
Thanks Chaz for posting progress photos from your club layout. Always interesting to see, and we will all look forward to postings regarding your personal narrow gauge layout plans. I have set aside my loco building for a while to work on my 2 by 4 foot narrow gauge layout. Included below are some progress photos. I have just finished the layout wiring and the plaster scenery. I have yet to add the trees, bushes, and still deciding on a suitable small RR station to go in the foreground.
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
Photo #4
Photo #5
Photo #6
Photo #7
Photo #8
I hope you all enjoyed seeing my layout progress, so how about some examples of others narrow gauge layouts for us all to enjoy.
I hope to see Rusty soon,
Happy New Year to you all:
I have finished the basic scenery on my narrow gauge layout except for bushes and trees as I have posted above earlier. So I am now back to building more narrow gauge locomotives. I have 3 new projects lined up to build over the next several months. I am about half way through building my Freddie model. Included below are a few photos showing the CGI Freddie rendering, the 3D printed model and the actual work completed so far. This 3D model is designed to use this specific loco chassis so it goes together very easily. The only issue is that this loco is very hard to find (got mine from Russia) and it is expensive (more than $100).
Photo 1 Freddie CGI Freddie rendering
Photo 2 Freddie 3D printed model
Photo 3 Freddie Model and Roco 33240 Henschel HF 110 chassis
When Freddie is finished I will start on Luke. Since Luke is a very small loco I have found a very small 0-4-0 chassis that is coming from Japan to power this locomotive.
Photo 1 Luke CGI rendering
Photo 2 Luke 3D printed model
Photo 3 Luke 0-4-0 chassis
After Luke is finished I will start work on Millie. I will be using the same small 0-4-0 chassis from Japan that I am using for Luke.
Photo 1 Millie CGI rendering
Photo 2 Millie 3D printed model
Photo 3 Millie 0-4-0 chassis same as Luke.
After all of these models are finished I plan on finishing a 3D model of Sir Handel so that I can build both Sir Handel and Proteus.
As these projects get completed I will post completion photos here.
Hope to see Rusty soon.
Quote from: grandpuff on January 14, 2019, 05:32:07 PM
Happy New Year to you all:
I have finished the basic scenery on my narrow gauge layout except for bushes and trees as I have posted above earlier. So I am now back to building more narrow gauge locomotives. I have 3 new projects lined up to build over the next several months. I am about half way through building my Freddie model. Included below are a few photos showing the CGI Freddie rendering, the 3D printed model and the actual work completed so far. This 3D model is designed to use this specific loco chassis so it goes together very easily. The only issue is that this loco is very hard to find (got mine from Russia) and it is expensive (more than $100).
Photo 1 Freddie CGI Freddie rendering
Photo 2 Freddie 3D printed model
Photo 3 Freddie Model and Roco 33240 Henschel HF 110 chassis
When Freddie is finished I will start on Luke. Since Luke is a very small loco I have found a very small 0-4-0 chassis that is coming from Japan to power this locomotive.
Photo 1 Luke CGI rendering
Photo 2 Luke 3D printed model
After Luke is finished I will start work on Millie. I will be using the same small 0-4-0 chassis from Japan that I am using for Luke.
Photo 1 Millie CGI rendering
Photo 2 Millie 3D printed model
After all of these models are finished I plan on finishing a 3D model of Sir Handel so that I can build both Sir Handel and Proteus.
As these projects get completed I will post completion photos here.
Hoping to see Rusty soon.
All great ideas, but...um...is there supposed to be pictures here or were you going to update this post with picture as you get them? Because I don't see any pictures in this post.
Yes, I am in the process up loading them now.
Best of luck on those projects. I'm really interested to see how Luke in particular would turn out!
Quote from: grandpuff on January 14, 2019, 05:51:30 PM
Yes, I am in the process up loading them now.
Sweet! Got some good looking projects there. Good luck!
Good luck on your projects grandpuff! Can't wait to see the progress posts!
When you do some scenery like grass and what not. Static grass shows up really well though 2mm and 4mm will bring your models out far more then the foam. I have been working slowly on a few modulus for my narrow gauge extravaganza. The only one thats done is a section depicting belgrave trestle from australia. very nice work on your engines I have a puffing billy garratt that i have yet to find the chassies for.
Hey all! I was just wondering if any of you use a program to design your layouts. If so which programs are they and do they use hon30/009 or just n scale. Thanks!
Well I'll be the first to ask... how does everyone feel with no new announcements for the Narrow Gauge Line this year? I for one am conflicted because in one sense, I am excited for Rusty and the NG coaches to be focused on and perfected, but on the other hand I am sad that they couldn't even come out with another wagon or brake van. I for one would have really loved to see the quarry trucks in the red and green colors used on the Blue Mountain Quarry. I would have also loved to see a conflat like the one Victor uses at the Steamworks.
Anyway, I would love to hear your feedbacks from the announcements this year. Talk to you guys soon!
At first, I was surprised and a little bit disappointed. However, after remembering that Rusty has not been released yet and that the coaches are still in the working stages (hopefully with two different toolings ;)), it is understandable that no other narrow gauge products were announced just yet. I highly doubt that this is the end of the narrow gauge line, as so many people are interested in seeing more products (Sir Handel, Peter Sam, and Brake Vans in particular).
Hello Everyone:
Yes, I was very disappointed in this years announcements too. Specially when there were NONE for Narrow Gauge!
The more I think about it, considering what also happened with Large Scale and HO Scale as another person posted here earlier, that Bachmann has figured out that they should no longer be posting new release information here until a project is well along in design and ready to enter production. To accomplish this there would need to be a year or two with no new announcements which is exactly what is happening. This might also result in less insane speculation on this forum. An example of this is how Bachmann has just announced the new N Scale line and already people are speculating on what might happen in 2020. Sorry, just my two cents worth.
On another note my Freddie project is almost done and all I need to do is mount the name and number plates. When complete I will take some photos and post them here.
At least we still have Rusty and the red and blue coaches to look forward to this year.
Well said Grandpuff, it gives us more time if anything to get Duncan finished and maybe the other engine we talked about the other day last week. ;)
I'm sure Rusty and the coaches will be great when they finally come out, and hopefully by next year we will have some more exciting announcements... even if they take another two or so years to come out.
So I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with my work. I am currently building a layout based on the Skarloey railway which is sort of a mash up of season 4, 6, 7 & 18. Here are a few photos of the completed sections of the layout so far.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190218_183108_zpshfafdlit.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190218_183108_zpshfafdlit.jpg.html)
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190218_145331_zpsguxvgrat.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190218_145331_zpsguxvgrat.jpg.html)
These are of the slate quarry which has a season 4-6 style feel it's almost completed just need the winding house which i plan on ordering next few months
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20181106_112134_515_zpsaxs5rseo.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20181106_112134_515_zpsaxs5rseo.jpg.html)
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190216_191956_zpsqhcfatyt.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190216_191956_zpsqhcfatyt.jpg.html)
Next is Glennock station which has a big season 4 feel
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20181111_164233_752_zps2sxkbfor.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20181111_164233_752_zps2sxkbfor.jpg.html)
Next up is the picnic area based off season 6-7. This is my favourite part of the line. I plan on adding bigger trees to make it more tv series accurate
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190205_104550_zps4ktzd2zy.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190205_104550_zps4ktzd2zy.jpg.html)
Lastly the road way again based off series 4-6 and my own sort of ideas.
There are many more parts I need to complete including the cally, Rheneas tunnel, the mountain road and the depot. Hopefully more updates to follow
Been meaning to ask, Anyone know where i can get spare crankpins for Skarloey? Or maybe some potential replacement ones off an N scale model, ie, one with crankpins that actually screw in?
Hello to All:
As noted in my last post, I have just completed my Freddie narrow gauge loco today with the addition of the Narrow Planet name and number plates visible in my photos which were taken on my Narrow Gauge layout. This was a difficult build because of problems with the 3D printed body being very fragile and subject to breakage. You can also see my recently completed Peter Sam in the background of one photo. With the lack of any new Bachmann Narrow Gauge announcements I am fortunate to have the ability to build my own versions of the Narrow Gauge Locomotives as place holders until they are hopefully produced by Bachmann someday. I will however not speculate here on when that might happen.
I have just started a special project for a friend on this forum and when that is finished I will be starting Luke and then Millie since I have been able to locate suitable chassis for these models in the EU although at a very high price.
More to report as progress continues. I would very much like to see some examples of the work of others posted
here for both layouts and rolling stock instead of endless speculation on what might happen one, two, or three years from now. So lets see some photos of the work I know you are doing out there. A great example is Mulfred-100 post proceeding my post. Thank you very much and please some more progress photos of your work. Very nicely done.
Very impressive work mulfred-100 and grandpuff! I'm happy to also state that I will be starting one more expansion to my Sodor layout this summer! It will consist of Crovan's Gate, Rheneas Viaduct, the Slate Incline, and Bertram's Old Mine (or Boulder Quarry). Hoping to squeeze in the castle causeway if I can too :). Looking forward to posting pics once the project begins!
Thank you very much everyone. Here is a bit of a layout update. I apologise if this is long winded.
Firstly here is a overlooking shot of most of the layout excluding the quarry as it's to the left of this photo.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153921_zps4gd6ff0l.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153921_zps4gd6ff0l.jpg.html)
As you can see I've sectioned off down the middle to make it easier to film without other locations creeping into the background.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_154020_zpsa82nymiz.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_154020_zpsa82nymiz.jpg.html)
I have added the sheds and part of the track for the depot just wating for the other points and curved sections to arrive in the post.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_154007_zpsjthdqv6h.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_154007_zpsjthdqv6h.jpg.html)
I have begun adding walling around where there will be a cottage situated as illustrated by the station building off maithwaite.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153955_zpsjtgr85u5.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153955_zpsjtgr85u5.jpg.html)
Here again I've added more foliage and the shed that will be similar to the one at Rheneas station.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153337_zpsnumcdzsb.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153337_zpsnumcdzsb.jpg.html)
By the river I've added foliage a long the bankment on either side. I am waiting for some more trees to arrive so then this section can be completed. Note that is real water and I can drain it and refresh it very easy.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153544_zpsheys27yj.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153544_zpsheys27yj.jpg.html)
Quarry again just adding foliage along the tops of the rock faces giving it that series 4-6 feel.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153617_zps4l74ekwr.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190228_153617_zps4l74ekwr.jpg.html)
So that's pretty much it for now. As I've said I'm waiting for a few items to arrive in the post. I'll be ordering a few more parts on Monday but that will be rolling stock. Sorry if this has been a long one.
Love the layout so far mulfred! I was wondering where you got those two-engine sheds? They look very accurate and nice compared to what I have seen. Thanks!
Grandpuff just wanted to say that your Fearless Freddie looks amazing! Always love seeing the beginning till the end with your projects and can't wait for the projects to come!
The two sheds are from the lydell end collection from skaledale (hornby), they are N Scale so do need modifications to fit skarloey and rheneas comfortably but they do look really nice once on the layout.
Hello to All:
I thought I would post a progress photo of the 3 Narrow Gauge locos I am working on that I mentioned in my last post. All 3 of these locos are now ready for paint if I can get the weather to co-operate. The paint caps show the colors that they will be painted.
The loco in the middle is a copy of Peter Sam that I built last year. I am building this one for a friend since it is now likely that it will be a few years before we ever see one from Bachmann.
The loco on the left is Luke. I have added the short doors to the cab of this loco so it is now ready for its lime green paint, then white lining, name, and number 22. An Engineer and a small deer figure will complete the model.
On the right is Millie. This loco required a lot of work installing the cab doors, filling in the upper back of the cab and adding the rear windows, and lastly building the tapered coal bunker to the back of the cab. The stock loco is a perfect model of Millie from the cab forward but I had to build up the rear of the 3D model to accurately represent Millie. I still need to finish fitting the loco to the chassis on this one. Finishing this loco will not be easy as there is a lot of white lining and gold trim to do. I will be using photo copies of the Coat of Arms and white script Millie for this loco.
I hope you all have enjoyed seeing my progress on these 3 locos and I will post photos of each as they are completed. When these are all finished I plan on doing a Sir Handel and a Proteus. When these are all completed I will have a collection of 12 of the most well known Narrow Gauge locomotives to run on my HOn30 layout.
I am looking forward to seeing layout progress from Terrancethetractor525 of the addition to his very nice layout, layout plans from Chaz of his planned narrow gauge railway, and more from Mulfred-100 of his layout. Also any one else out there, do not be bashful, show us what your are doing too. We can all learn new things when we share with others.
They look great grandpuff can not wait to see more progress on these models, as well as everyone else's projects. Quick update.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190305_153855_zpswfpwglrg.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190305_153855_zpswfpwglrg.jpg.html)
I have added more trees to the river scene. Waiting on more arriving from China hopefully in the next few days to add to the back ground. Don't worry I'll only be adding maximum of 4. Don't want to over do it.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/20190305_173859_zpsbd37z0z7.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20190305_173859_zpsbd37z0z7.jpg.html)
I also need to order a couple of water towers off shapeways, just to finish this part off.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20190305-175834_Gallery_zpswdtulfra.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20190305-175834_Gallery_zpswdtulfra.jpg.html)
Lastly this is the next part of the layout I'm working on, (Rheneas sheds)
Hello again:
Since I had some good painting weather today I was able to get all 3 locos referenced in my last post painted. Shown in the photo on the left is Peter Sam, middle is Luke, and on the right is Millie.
I will post additional photos as each loco is finished.
Hello to All:
I just completed my Luke model so thought I would post a few photos so everyone can see how he turned out. This is a very small locomotive to work on although not as small as Millie which will be finished in about another week or so. The body is from Shapeways and the chassis is from a Minitrains 0-4-0. The white lining is from Line-O-Tape from Mega Hobby. The Brass name and number plates are from Narrow Planet. I used a brass name plate because I could not hand letter the Luke since it was so small on this tiny locomotive. I also included an Engineer figure along with a baby deer figure as seen in the Season 17 episode "Lukes New Friend". I hope you all like my model of Luke.
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
I will post some photos of my Millie model as soon as it is finished in about a week or so. After Millie is done I plan to do Sir Handel and Proteus as soon as I can gather all of the necessary parts.
Well he's here Granpuff, and I enjoy having him around! Thank you very much!
I guess on a more selfish level I do want Sir Handel to happen before Peter Sam since it's proven to be difficult so far to find a way to make a Sir Handel model in OO9. But I would still happily buy a Peter Sam model all the same, but it wouldn't change the fact that if it does happen next year we could be waiting over a year or two for this model like the case of Rusty and Oliver. So I figured this would be a good alternative in the meantime.
Also looking forward to some OO9 brake vans by Tom when they are posted. Once those are up and I have Sir Handel figured out, that would pretty much be all the bases I would need covered for narrow gauge until Bachmann announces some alternatives. Granpuff will help me finish Duncan and once he's done and whenever Bachmann releases Rusty, I plan on posting a group photo for the collection thread too. I figured this would be a safe approach as production continues to get slower and announcements are becoming more minimal. Maybe things will turn around in the next year or so for narrow gauge, but in the mean time I plan on working on some alternatives to hold me over until then.
Grandpuff those a wonderful impressive models of Peter Sam and Luke.
Hello Again to All:
First you are welcome to Chaz. Glad your Peter Sam arrived in good condition. I enjoyed building it for you. Also thank you to Angelo for your kind words regarding my Peter Sam and Luke models. I appreciate your comments very much. Below you can see my completion photos of Millie. She was a very difficult build mostly because of her small size. The body was from Shapeways although it had to be heavily modified. The loco is a very good representation of Millie from the front of the cab forward. The rear of the loco had to be modified by adding the upper rear of the cab and adding the windows and also adding the tapered coal bunker. The chassis is from a Minitrains 0-4-0 which I had to order from the EU at a considerable cost. The lining is from Line-O-Tape from Mega Hobby. I used a Reduced size photo of the CGI Millie to cut out the Coat of Arms and the Millie script for my model. The photos included here and of Luke on the previous page of this thread were all taken on my 2 X 4 foot Narrow Gauge layout.
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
Photo #4
The photo #4 is for "The Bachmann" showing my Narrow Gauge Locomotive Collection which I will also post on Chaz' Thomas Collection Thread as soon as Rusty shows up. Shown in the Photo from Left to Right are Freddie, Millie, Luke, Empty Stall for Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Smudger next to Shed, Mighty Mac, Duke, Skarloey , Rheneas, and Duncan. All of these locos except Skarloey and Rheneas were built by myself.
To be clear when Bachmann gets around to making any of the Narrow Gauge locos I will be one of the first Thomas Fans to get in line to buy them. I decided to build these models after being inspired by Chaz and his model of Duke way back on page 3 of this thread. My intention is for my models to be place holders until then and also to try to inspire others to show their work here for all of us to enjoy. I plan on taking a few weeks off to help Chaz finish his Duncan and then I will get serious about doing Sir Handel and Proteus to complete my collection.
Thank you all for your kind comments.
Enjoy, Grandpuff
Granpuff your work is absolutely stellar! You should be very proud of the work you make; it's consistently high quality, and admirably so. That has to be one of the best Peter Sam customs I've ever seen, and can't say that I've seen a Millie custom before, either.
You did impressive work on Millie. Millie has been my favorite narrow gauge locomotive in the CGI version.
Wow! Those locomotives just look great!:)
Well I'm back again with an update for the first time in a while now layout wise. So before I even get started with my own way out, there is a new section of the club where I am actually adding more narrow gauge.
What it was originally, was just a strip of N gauge track that was getting a little old and hardly used. After talking with the president of the club, he agreed to let me replace the old track with some leftover Peco track that I used for my mine earlier. Most of the track is ready, just need to nail the track in a few areas as you can see, and glue some of it on trestle (after some adjusting) and eventually re-wire the track and add ballast, something that wasn't done previously on this line before I took over.
This line is more or less like your standard trolley line that is made to go back and forth. Or even on Bachmann's Sodor layout how Mavis, Salty, and Ben had their own sets of track that allowed them to go back-and-forth on the layout. (Just gotta figure out how to make it automatic like Bachmann's layout). Might be a fun way to show off Rusty too when he comes out but that's beside the point.
Basically, one of the tunnels is literally a dummy tunnel, might be hard to see but you can probably fit a wagon in there, and not much more. Today I had to cut some wood to make a block to support the ground inside the tunnel since this was never completed. Finally was able to cut the right size and glue it in. Just a matter of getting the track situated there and on the trestle and should be good from there.
This other tunnel took a lot more thought. I had to remove the tunnel that was installed and had to replace that track and make sure it fit in the exact same way as the previous track did. On top of that, the end of this tunnel stretches out so it allows for a little more room to run, but not saying much.
I also added the Bachmann Trackside station for scenic purposes. It already gives this area a lot more life, especially with the workmen in that area.
Will keep you guys posted on this, it's not my most exciting project but at least it's an update all the same. Hoping to have the track all wired and ready for running by the end of the week.
Cool job! :)
Great work, Chaz! I love the idea of the trolley line; the layout keeps on looking better and better too.
Hello to All:
It has just been posted on the Everything Thomas thread that Rusty is listed on Ebay as available from a seller in PA.
So everyone that has him pre-ordered should be hearing something soon about availability.
Rusty has been two years coming so I hope it is true.
Hello Again:
I received my Rusty from TW this past Monday and I think it is a great model. It looks fantastic and runs very smoothly. I love the rivet detail and I really do not mind the closed cab considering its small size. I personally think that Rusty does a good job portraying Midlander which after all was a very small loco compared to Skarloey and Rheneas. Here is an updated photo of my Narrow Gauge collection including Rusty.
Shown left to right are Rusty, Freddie, Millie, Luke, empty stall for Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Smudger next to shed, Mighty Mac, Duke, Skarloey, Rheneas, and Duncan. Skarloey and Rheneas are by Bachmann. The rest of my models were built by myself.
I need to figure out how to build Sir Handel next and then Proteus to complete my collection.
Quote from: grandpuff on May 11, 2019, 10:21:13 PM
Hello Again:
I received my Rusty from TW this past Monday and I think it is a great model. It looks fantastic and runs very smoothly. I love the rivet detail and I really do not mind the closed cab considering its small size. I personally think that Rusty does a good job portraying Midlander which after all was a very small loco compared to Skarloey and Rheneas. Here is an updated photo of my Narrow Gauge collection including Rusty.
Shown left to right are Rusty, Freddie, Millie, Luke, empty stall for Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Smudger next to shed, Mighty Mac, Duke, Skarloey, Rheneas, and Duncan. Skarloey and Rheneas are by Bachmann. The rest of my models were built by myself.
I need to figure out how to build Sir Handel next and then Proteus to complete my collection.
Great work!
But don't you need Bertram and Victor too to complete the collection?
Some on here may not be aware that there were some different narrow gauge locos if the RWS books are included. Besides the models shown in the collection photo above here are some of the additional narrow gauge locos that I do not intend to model:
Stuart (Peter Sam)
Falcon (Sir Handel)
Bertram (Duke)
Victor (Two Versions)
Stanley 0-4-0T
Ivo Hugh 0-4-2T
Once Sir Handel and Proteus are built I will be satisfied with the dozen or so models that I have finished to complete my narrow gauge collection. I hope you have enjoyed seeing my progress in building all of these models which goes all the way back to page 3 of this thread. And a very big thank you to Chaz for inspiring me with your model of Duke who has always been my favorite Thomas locomotive.
Quote from: grandpuff on May 13, 2019, 02:26:12 PM
Most on this forum may not be aware that there were over 25 different narrow gauge locos if the RWS books are included. Besides the models shown in the collection photo above here are some of the additional narrow gauge locos that I do not intend to model:
Stuart (Peter Sam)
Falcon (Sir Handel)
Bertram (Duke)
Victor (Two Versions)
Zack 0-4-0 Diesel
Rachel 0-4-0 Diesel
Marilyn 2-6-2T (Similar to Freddie)
Chang 2-8-2T (Similar to Freddie)
Stanley 0-4-0T
Ivo Hugh 0-4-2T
Helen 0-6-0T
There might be one or two that I missed for a total of around 25 total narrow gauge locos. Once Sir Handel and Proteus are built I will be satisfied with the dozen or so models that I have finished to complete my narrow gauge collection. I hope you have enjoyed seeing my progress in building all of these models which goes all the way back to page 3 of this thread. And a very big thank you to Chaz for inspiring me with your model of Duke who has always been my favorite Thomas locomotive.
excuse me, but I'm unfamliar with some of the characters you mentioned.As far as I can recall, Helen, Chang, Marilyn, Rachel, and Zack aren't real characters.
Well might as well put this while I'm here. My RWS Skarloey:
Cool job STL! Also, do you think that the bachmann Toby can look good if he is painted in the livery he gets after helping James in the rws version of Dirty Objects?
Quote from: grandpuff on May 13, 2019, 02:26:12 PM
Most on this forum may not be aware that there were over 25 different narrow gauge locos if the RWS books are included. Besides the models shown in the collection photo above here are some of the additional narrow gauge locos that I do not intend to model:
Stuart (Peter Sam)
Falcon (Sir Handel)
Bertram (Duke)
Victor (Two Versions)
Zack 0-4-0 Diesel
Rachel 0-4-0 Diesel
Marilyn 2-6-2T (Similar to Freddie)
Chang 2-8-2T (Similar to Freddie)
Stanley 0-4-0T
Ivo Hugh 0-4-2T
Helen 0-6-0T
There might be one or two that I missed for a total of around 25 total narrow gauge locos. Once Sir Handel and Proteus are built I will be satisfied with the dozen or so models that I have finished to complete my narrow gauge collection. I hope you have enjoyed seeing my progress in building all of these models which goes all the way back to page 3 of this thread. And a very big thank you to Chaz for inspiring me with your model of Duke who has always been my favorite Thomas locomotive.
I have to agree with what was said already, that several of these characters are not real. After doing some searching, it seems you've somehow confused some made-up fan characters for real characters from the show.
Yeah, there's not that many NG engines. Many of the ones you named are fan characters clearly
Quote from: grandpuff on May 13, 2019, 02:26:12 PM
Most on this forum may not be aware that there were over 25 different narrow gauge locos if the RWS books are included. Besides the models shown in the collection photo above here are some of the additional narrow gauge locos that I do not intend to model:
Stuart (Peter Sam)
Falcon (Sir Handel)
Bertram (Duke)
Victor (Two Versions)
Zack 0-4-0 Diesel
Rachel 0-4-0 Diesel
Marilyn 2-6-2T (Similar to Freddie)
Chang 2-8-2T (Similar to Freddie)
Stanley 0-4-0T
Ivo Hugh 0-4-2T
Helen 0-6-0T
There might be one or two that I missed for a total of around 25 total narrow gauge locos. Once Sir Handel and Proteus are built I will be satisfied with the dozen or so models that I have finished to complete my narrow gauge collection. I hope you have enjoyed seeing my progress in building all of these models which goes all the way back to page 3 of this thread. And a very big thank you to Chaz for inspiring me with your model of Duke who has always been my favorite Thomas locomotive.
I only mentioned Bertram and Victor because they are the only two left that have appeared in the TV-series.
I know Peter Sam-Stuart and Sir Handel-Falcon are the same characters, and that there are more NG engines in the RWS that aren't in the TV-series. I'm only interessted basicly in the TV-show model characters anyway.
Quote from: Duke on May 15, 2019, 12:20:59 PM
Quote from: grandpuff on May 13, 2019, 02:26:12 PM
Most on this forum may not be aware that there were over 25 different narrow gauge locos if the RWS books are included. Besides the models shown in the collection photo above here are some of the additional narrow gauge locos that I do not intend to model:
Stuart (Peter Sam)
Falcon (Sir Handel)
Bertram (Duke)
Victor (Two Versions)
Zack 0-4-0 Diesel
Rachel 0-4-0 Diesel
Marilyn 2-6-2T (Similar to Freddie)
Chang 2-8-2T (Similar to Freddie)
Stanley 0-4-0T
Ivo Hugh 0-4-2T
Helen 0-6-0T
There might be one or two that I missed for a total of around 25 total narrow gauge locos. Once Sir Handel and Proteus are built I will be satisfied with the dozen or so models that I have finished to complete my narrow gauge collection. I hope you have enjoyed seeing my progress in building all of these models which goes all the way back to page 3 of this thread. And a very big thank you to Chaz for inspiring me with your model of Duke who has always been my favorite Thomas locomotive.
I only mentioned Bertram and Victor because they are the only two left that have appeared in the TV-series.
I know Peter Sam-Stuart and Sir Handel-Falcon are the same characters, and that there are more NG engines in the RWS that aren't in the TV-series. I'm only interessted basicly in the TV-show model characters anyway.
The only RWS narrow guage engines are Ivo Huge, Fred and Mark V which the latter two were never seen in illustrations. The rest are fan made charcters.
What was said above, outside of a few of the mid sodor engines. Mark V I assume is in reference to the army owned engine
Mark V, nicknamed "Ivo's Flying Bedstead" by the railway staff, is a petrol driven trolley that the Thin Controller and Mr. Hugh use to get around the Skarloey Railway
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/MarkVsBasis_zpsmrujjgeq.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/MarkVsBasis_zpsmrujjgeq.jpg.html)
Fred is a narrow gauge diesel engine who works on the Skarloey Railway. He is the railway's No. 9 engine.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/Alf2013_zpstdvqnvgk.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Alf2013_zpstdvqnvgk.jpg.html)
Ivo Hugh, named after the Skarloey Railway's former foreman, Mr. Ivo Hugh, is a young narrow gauge tank engine.
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/TomRolt2_zps04mrmrxz.jpg) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/TomRolt2_zps04mrmrxz.jpg.html)
(http://i1268.photobucket.com/albums/jj561/mulfred100/Mobile%20Uploads/INameThisEngineRS7_zpsipwyjrpg.png) (http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/mulfred100/media/Mobile%20Uploads/INameThisEngineRS7_zpsipwyjrpg.png.html)
There were other engines on the mid sodor railway but they were not directly mentioned as i have said most of the other engines previously mentioned are fan made.
Nice to know! :)
Well Duncan finally arrived back from Grandpuff, all completed and ready for the summer shows!
He ran amazingly at the club layout, the Minitrains Stainz chassis made Duncan run very smoothly. It's amazing to have all these hoops I had jumped through to finish this model have really paid off. Definitely will be keeping this regardless if Bachmann ever announces Duncan or not. Thanks Grandpuff for helping to finish this model for me and I hope you guys like how this turned out.
Only one left...!
Duncan looks amazing, Especially with rusty in the second photo. I am seriously thinking of going the same route of making one if bachmann don't announce him in 2020 or 2021 as he has always been a favourite of mine and there's a lot of potential remakes with Duncan I can do as well as a few of my own stories. Great work chaz and grandpuff hope you both manage to pull off sir handel soon. I am hopeful with some more layout progress soon along with Rusty and I am strongly concidering doing a Rusty saves the day remake to showcase my layout and the narrow gauge engines in action.
Cool Job! ;)
Your photos of your growing Narrow Gauge collection are always great to see posted here. I am very glad to have a small part in finishing Duncan and building your Peter Sam too. Now we both need to try to find a suitable Sir Handel model to complete our first six plus Duke of course. I am sure that running your Narrow Gauge collection at your club is a big hit with everyone!
Also thank you to the Bachmann for fixing my posting error earlier, sorry for any confusion it caused.
Excellent job! :)
Grandpuff, hello. I read you were working on a 2x4 layout using Skarloey and Rheneas. As luck would have it, I've just started my 2x4. Searching for locos led me here. If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions about the engines. I'm going to be using Peco OO9 9" curves on a 5% grade, and you noted you'd tested the S and R on worse.
So, 1) can you estimate how many cars they can manage, and 2) which climbs better?
I'd post my plan, but it's too large a file. Suffice to say, it's almost Peruvian in grades and curves. Maybe I can shrink the file.
I'm replacing the Thomas faces (sacrilege, I know), with smokebox door from Shapeways.
Thanks in advance!
Your models just look great Chaz! Keep up the great work! :)
https://youtu.be/LGBL_1RiT_o (https://youtu.be/LGBL_1RiT_o)
Very rough edit but here's a little remake clip featuring Rusty, skarloey and rheneas. Enjoy
To insure that my comments to you are accurate I just went out to my Narrow Gauge Layout and re-checked my track grade measurements which vary slightly between 4 and 5%. My track radius varies between 9 and 11 inches. I first placed Skarloey on the track and observed that he could reliably pull about 5 cars. I then placed Rheneas on the track and observed that he could reliably pull about 4 cars probably due to the fact that Skarloey weighs a little more than Rheneas which results in a little more tractive effort.
I hope this helps you. Please post some layout photos when you are able. We all like to see layout progress photos here.
Great models grandpuff! :)
Quote from: JLK2707 on May 19, 2019, 06:32:57 PM
Cool Job! ;)
Quote from: JLK2707 on May 21, 2019, 08:57:41 AM
Excellent job! :)
Quote from: JLK2707 on June 03, 2019, 04:54:23 PM
Your models just look great Chaz! Keep up the great work! :)
Quote from: JLK2707 on June 06, 2019, 05:39:57 AM
Great models grandpuff! :)
We got the message the first time you posted this.
As we asked you before, please stop making excessive posts on the forum like this. Literally almost every thread on first page of the Thomas forum is covered with last posts from you. It's not only adding clutter but it's becoming an obsession on your end that's getting a lot of people annoyed with you on the forum.
Sorry for that. I'll just try to limit it to once in a while.
What you really need to do is make your posts relevant or additive to the conversation or do not reply at all.
Thank you,
I know I'm not on here on a regular basis, but when I do log on I want to see what's new with Bachmann and/or what the hot topics are that people are discussing. I don't log on to see people posting things like "Cool Job!" or "Neat models, keep up the neat work!". As Chaz already pointed out Mr. JLK, literally almost every thread on the first page has the last response from you, and what you respond with hardly seems worth posting in the first place, especially when you're brining back old threads that haven't been posted in for months and responding to threads you already responded to before.
All these single word/sentence posts are unproductive, create unnecessary clutter, and in no way contribute to the forum. It wouldn't be that big of a deal if it was just this one time, but you've been told about this before by several members and you still do it. The last time people called you out on your posting you acted completely oblivious to what they were saying and didn't even acknowledged that anything was said to you at all. Like Mr. grandpuff said in his post, "make sure your posts are relevant or additive to the conversation or do not reply at all.". Put nicely, please stop with the unnecessary posts.
Excuse me Grandpuff, have you ever considered buying an extra model of rheneas so you can make a custom model of Smudger?
Quote from: JLK2707 on June 08, 2019, 12:05:43 AM
Excuse me Grandpuff, have you ever considered buying an extra model of rheneas so you can make a custom model of Smudger?
i'm pretty sure he or someone else already has.
Quote from: grandpuff on June 05, 2019, 07:51:53 PM
To insure that my comments to you are accurate I just went out to my Narrow Gauge Layout and re-checked my track grade measurements which vary slightly between 4 and 5%. My track radius varies between 9 and 11 inches. I first placed Skarloey on the track and observed that he could reliably pull about 5 cars. I then placed Rheneas on the track and observed that he could reliably pull about 4 cars probably due to the fact that Skarloey weighs a little more than Rheneas which results in a little more tractive effort.
I hope this helps you. Please post some layout photos when you are able. We all like to see layout progress photos here.
Thanks. In the interim, I've acquired a Rheneas and a Gmeinder loco, installed some Peco Setrack and assembled a 5% grade oval using Woodland Scenics inclines. My results were consistent with yours. No problems, so my layout plan is viable!
Hey Grandpuff, if you have modified another bachmann rheneas into a smudger, could you please post the photos?
Go back and take a look at page 18 of this thread. My Smudger model was started by BassTBone and then sold to me to finish. I completed the black and gold lining, added the head and tail lamps, and added the name and number plates to finish the model. While at it you should go back and review all of the previous posts on this thread so that you will be informed of topics that the rest of us have thoroughly discussed weeks, months, or years before thus making it un-necessary for you to re-open these discussions.
Hey everyone
So my layout is nearing completion so I thought it was time to make a little running video featuring Skarloey, Rheneas and of course Rusty.
https://youtu.be/6XD-jlgEpLo (https://youtu.be/6XD-jlgEpLo)
Coming soon...
Chaz, is that meant to be the model of Sir Handel or Proteus?
Quote from: JLK2707 on July 02, 2019, 06:07:32 AM
Chaz, is that meant to be the model of Sir Handel or Proteus?
Sir Handel
Honestly, that should have been a given.
Chaz, I only assumed it could be either Proteus or Sir Handel is because they just share the same prototype.
Quote from: Chaz on July 02, 2019, 08:59:40 PM
Quote from: JLK2707 on July 02, 2019, 06:07:32 AM
Chaz, is that meant to be the model of Sir Handel or Proteus?
Sir Handel
Honestly, that should have been a given.
I thought it was Peter Sam with his original funnel. Then I realized a day after that he was already made on your roster.
Until JLK2707 mentioned Sir Handel than that made sense to me.
Chaz, I just can't wait to get a model of sir handel from you!:)
Hello to All:
The preview photos that Chaz posted are 3D printing that I had done of 3 Sir Handel OO9 models that will be used for a joint project for Chaz and myself to complete our "First Six" plus Duke. After I finish our Sir Handel models I also plan on doing a Proteus model for my Narrow Gauge collection.
It will be a few weeks before I will have any construction progress photos for you all as I must first modify the models to receive the power chassis we plan to use. Once that is done then I can start the loco painting and detailing. We already have most of the parts I will need such as paint, red lining, brass whistles and other details, name and number plates, faces, head and tail lamps, and crew figures.
Thank you for your comments on our projects, we enjoy posting them here to hopefully inspire others to share your projects with the rest of us on this forum.
Thank you all again for your interest.
Does anyone know the current status of the narrow gauge coaches? Been looking out for any sort of info/pictures and found nothing ???
I think there not going to make by this point. :'(
SodorRoundHouse and Thomas Fan:
I have the Red Coaches back ordered on TW and their web site still shows that they are due September 28, 2019.
The Bachmann Catalog photos are also shown on the TW backorder pages for both the red and blue coaches.
So we can only wait and see.
My only assumption is that Bachmann may be going at it (so to speak) with Mattel to get the coaches to be the way they want them to be. If so, then it's likely Mattel is trying to get Bachmann to make the Red Coaches CGI Series accurate whereas Bachmann want to make them classic Model Series accurate.
Good point. :-\
One thing I saw on the Bachmann web site is that they showed the red Rosie but not the coaches. :-\
I just looked at the 2019 Bachmann trains catalog and they showed the coaches. ???
Any pictures?
no sadly. :'(
Where did you see it?
here is a link to the Bachmann trains catalog for 2019.
Those are actually pics from the television series. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that we still have not gotten final product images as it has been stated that they are only using one tooling.
I still believe that they are not going to make at this point.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Dang't, you got me excited, those are just stock photos.....
Sorry about that.
Quote from: TerencetheTractor525 on July 10, 2019, 10:53:33 PM
Those are actually pics from the television series. Quite frankly, I'm surprised that we still have not gotten final product images as it has been stated that they are only using one tooling.
What? Where did they say they were only using one tooling? I never saw that and no one's talked about it.
Quote from: thomas fan on July 11, 2019, 09:10:26 AM
I still believe that they are not going to make at this point.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
If they were cancelled, they would have announced that they were cancelled. Assuming things is not gonna help.
A friend of mine was told that by a Bachmann rep. It's unfortunate, but let's just hope that the tooling is based on Talyllyn Coach 1-3 or Coach 4 and not the CGI render. If the coaches have the proportions of the CGI render, I will definitely not get them.
I bet that there just going to change the release date over and over and then just cancel them. :'(
The NMRA is this week, so it's possible we will have an update on the coaches then, if not then maybe at some point late in the summer since that was around when we first saw a picture of Rusty.
If they were to get cancelled like the large scale Diesel did, they would be absent from the catalog and Bachmann's web store.
I'm willing to bet that the coaches are going to be resembling the Talyllyn coach 4 tooling with the red coach basically being just that and the blue one painted in model era colors.
Quote from: Chaz on July 11, 2019, 04:44:12 PM
The NMRA is this week, so it's possible we will have an update on the coaches then, if not then maybe at some point late in the summer since that was around when we first saw a picture of Rusty.
If they were to get cancelled like the large scale Diesel did, they would be absent from the catalog and Bachmann's web store.
I'm willing to bet that the coaches are going to be resembling the Talyllyn coach 4 tooling with the red coach basically being just that and the blue one painted in model era colors.
I looked on the Bachmann trains web site and there was no picture of the coaches[not even the model series or cgi]but a picture of the red Rosie,we can only wait and see.
Quote from: TerencetheTractor525 on July 11, 2019, 02:42:59 PM
A friend of mine was told that by a Bachmann rep. It's unfortunate, but let's just hope that the tooling is based on Talyllyn Coach 1-3 or Coach 4 and not the CGI render. If the coaches have the proportions of the CGI render, I will definitely not get them.
When and where was he told this? Was it this week or some time ago? Has he given you reliable info before?
It's a Bachmann product, they're almost always delayed. Not sure why you lot are very surprised
Let's just wait and see what happens. :)
I think the narrow gauge coaches need there own topic XD.
Hey, the funny thing is, grandpuff and I were talking about some issues with our Peter Sam models not running very well....Looks like there is no need to worry too much about that one now!
That's so funny ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: thomas fan on July 11, 2019, 05:39:48 PM
Quote from: Chaz on July 11, 2019, 04:44:12 PM
The NMRA is this week, so it's possible we will have an update on the coaches then, if not then maybe at some point late in the summer since that was around when we first saw a picture of Rusty.
If they were to get cancelled like the large scale Diesel did, they would be absent from the catalog and Bachmann's web store.
I'm willing to bet that the coaches are going to be resembling the Talyllyn coach 4 tooling with the red coach basically being just that and the blue one painted in model era colors.
I looked on the Bachmann trains web site and there was no picture of the coaches[not even the model series or cgi]but a picture of the red Rosie,we can only wait and see.
The bachmamn website won't have a produxt on there until it is released, which the red rosie model is already available since it's just a repaint of the original rosie model.
Quote from: DucktheGWREngine08 on July 13, 2019, 11:04:20 AM
Quote from: thomas fan on July 11, 2019, 05:39:48 PM
Quote from: Chaz on July 11, 2019, 04:44:12 PM
The NMRA is this week, so it's possible we will have an update on the coaches then, if not then maybe at some point late in the summer since that was around when we first saw a picture of Rusty.
If they were to get cancelled like the large scale Diesel did, they would be absent from the catalog and Bachmann's web store.
I'm willing to bet that the coaches are going to be resembling the Talyllyn coach 4 tooling with the red coach basically being just that and the blue one painted in model era colors.
I looked on the Bachmann trains web site and there was no picture of the coaches[not even the model series or cgi]but a picture of the red Rosie,we can only wait and see.
The bachmamn website won't have a produxt on there until it is released, which the red rosie model is already available since it's just a repaint of the original rosie model.
Bachmann retooled Rosie to have the lamp she has with that new color scheme.
I had the opportunity to go to the NMRA Train Show today, and I saw the Narrow Gauge coaches in the flesh. I can confirm that they will be two separate toolings and they are expected to start shipping around November 2019. I'm also excited about the announcements of Peter Sam and Daisy.
(https://i.postimg.cc/jWScyhXv/20190713-143533.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/jWScyhXv)
(https://i.postimg.cc/0M6CB2hw/20190713-152705.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/0M6CB2hw)
(https://i.postimg.cc/9wZYcgmX/20190713-152713.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/9wZYcgmX)
WOW I really thought that they were not going to make them but hey now we have narrow gauge coaches.
Once again, Bachmann Trains has exceeded my expectations! Well done Bachmann on the coaches, they look fantastic! Glad I have mine on preorder. :)
I'm giggling like a little kid, I'm so excited for those coaches
WOW! So not only did Bachmann make an incredible new product announcement yesterday, but they also made the narrow gauge carriages using two separate toolings! This just goes to show that the Bachmann reps take our comments very seriously. The only small complaint I have is that the shade of blue they chose for the blue carriage is a little on the dark side, but other than that I'm very happy!
Nah that shade is perfect, closer to RWS, which is ideal frankly. Any word on when they'll be out? Hoping given how ready they look it'll be in the next few weeks.
Quote from: TerencetheTractor525 on July 13, 2019, 10:05:01 PM
WOW! So not only did Bachmann make an incredible new product announcement yesterday, but they also made the narrow gauge carriages using two separate toolings! This just goes to show that the Bachmann reps take our comments very seriously. The only small complaint I have is that the shade of blue they chose for the blue carriage is a little on the dark side, but other than that I'm very happy!
Terence, the darkness is only due to my phone always making pictures slightly dark. The blue is actually quite bright in person, plus there was another shelf above with bigger products on it, which might have blocked some of the light. The blue as far right on the carriage in the first photo is actually closer to what it looks like in person, even with the slight glare.
STL, they said that the carriages are expected to start shipping around November or early December.
Damn, well hopefully it's one of those ones where they release much early then they say it's supposed to ship, it's happened before
:o :o :o WOW!!! The Narrow Gauge Coaches look AWESOME!!!! It seems the red carriage is colored like the CGI carriages, but is sized like the Model Series. Some paint to make it Model Series color-accurate and it'll be perfect!!! This just goes to show NOT to assume that just because you're not seeing something automatically means it's cancelled and to check your sources before believing something someone told you.
Is there a price yet?
$30 RRP
Never mind it's $39.99 RRP
Quote from: TrainMan2001 on July 13, 2019, 10:48:05 PM
Quote from: TerencetheTractor525 on July 13, 2019, 10:05:01 PM
WOW! So not only did Bachmann make an incredible new product announcement yesterday, but they also made the narrow gauge carriages using two separate toolings! This just goes to show that the Bachmann reps take our comments very seriously. The only small complaint I have is that the shade of blue they chose for the blue carriage is a little on the dark side, but other than that I'm very happy!
Terence, the darkness is only due to my phone always making pictures slightly dark. The blue is actually quite bright in person, plus there was another shelf above with bigger products on it, which might have blocked some of the light. The blue as far right on the carriage in the first photo is actually closer to what it looks like in person, even with the slight glare.
That's great to know! The lighter shade is what I would personally like more, as it would match the model series.
Hello to All:
It has been awhile since I last posted and a lot has happened lately. I am just as excited as everyone else about the surprise Summer Announcements. I have the red carriages on back order with TW. I did not order the Blue Carriages since I have already built the blue and green open carriages. Peter Sam is of course a very welcome announcement too. Hopefully Sir Handel will not be far behind since they have the same wheel arrangement. In a conversation I had recently with Chaz about our Peter Sam and Sir Handel models we have been building, Chaz had a great idea of what to do when Bachmann's models come out. His idea was to re-name our models Stuart and Falcon which is perfect since they are based on the season 4 models. I thought that this was such a great idea that I immediately ordered us some new name plates from Narrow Planet so that we can do just that. Genius idea Chaz.
So a little update on what is happening with our Sir Handel project. I have three 3D printed Sir Handel models that I am using to build a Sir Handel for both Chaz and myself and the third model will be a Proteus for myself. I have the powered chassis ordered from N-Drive in the UK and I hope they get here soon. I really cannot do very much to the models until I see what modifications I need to do to the models so that the chassis will fit. So while waiting for the chassis I have started to do some of the detail work on the models.
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/923/Z70GMM.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pnZ70GMMj)
As you can see I have added the whistle, steam pop-off valves, steam cylinder drain valves, and cab hand rails which of course will be removed before painting begins. I will post additional photos as is my custom as work progresses.
Looks great. Just keep us updated please! :)
Attempt 2: since the pictures didn't load last time I tried posting this
Bachmann UK recently released a three pack of slate wagons using the same tooling as the Thomas ones came out about two years ago. In the second photo, the new slate wagons are to the left and the Thomas ones are to the right. I would personally recommend picking these up if you need more slate wagons to go with your narrow gauge collection. The fact that these are all weathered as well is a pretty nice bonus. I might be picking up a second set of these later down the road...
Wow! They just look great! :)
So TerencetheTractor525 encouraged me to share these so here goes nothing.
On Twitter, I draw a lot of merchandise concepts for many different lines. Sometimes I do Bachmann concepts. Here's two narrow gauge concepts. A Green Narrow Gauge Coach and the Refreshment Stand Coach! Hope you enjoy!
https://twitter.com/streaksmeargle/status/1155648220262854656?s=21 (https://twitter.com/streaksmeargle/status/1155648220262854656?s=21)
https://twitter.com/streaksmeargle/status/1155658970951872512?s=21 (https://twitter.com/streaksmeargle/status/1155658970951872512?s=21)
If the links don't work, make sure to let me know! :)
Streak, your work is phenomenal, I see everything here on Twitter and it is amazing! Keep the good work up!
I really like those Streak I wonder if Bachmann will get some ideas from these.
The green narrow gauge coach looks fantastic; I'd buy it day-one. I also saw you did Ryan; he looks about as much as I'd expect a Bachmann product to as well, you got the look pretty accurately. If you don't plan on doing Stepney in the near future, I might consider taking a whack at it myself!
Quote from: Cheeky_ULP on September 25, 2019, 04:55:35 PM
The green narrow gauge coach looks fantastic; I'd buy it day-one. I also saw you did Ryan; he looks about as much as I'd expect a Bachmann product to as well, you got the look pretty accurately. If you don't plan on doing Stepney in the near future, I might consider taking a whack at it myself!
Thanks! Glad you liked my concepts! I definitely plan to do Stepney in the future considering how he and Ryan are the most wanted engines currently and then I'd move on to other possible characters.
Hello Streak:
I liked the work you are doing on your merchandise designs, very nicely done.
I am including a photo showing the open air green coaches that I did for everyones enjoyment.
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/ih9pSv.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmih9pSvp)
Also just to let every one know what else I am working on, present projects are to build Sir Handel models for Chaz and myself and also Proteus for myself. The only holdup has been waiting 3 months for the chassis to arrive from the UK. I am also building an Ivo Hugh model and hope to have some photos soon now that I have at least temporally solved my image sharing problem. Once those are done I will build a Victor model and I think that will complete my Narrow Gauge Locomotive projects.
I'm impressed with those two concepts as well as your Ryan picture too. They are really spot on to how they would turn out. Even if Bachmann made a refreshment coach I would buy that since I always liked that episode despite not being from season 4. Definitely interested to see Stepney and what other concepts you plan on doing in the future. Might not be a bad idea to post your own thread for your concepts too so you can keep us informed. :)
Quote from: Chaz on September 26, 2019, 10:20:46 PM
I'm impressed with those two concepts as well as your Ryan picture too. They are really spot on to how they would turn out. Even if Bachmann made a refreshment coach I would buy that since I always liked that episode despite not being from season 4. Definitely interested to see Stepney and what other concepts you plan on doing in the future. Might not be a bad idea to post your own thread for your concepts too so you can keep us informed. :)
Thanks so much! I'm really glad you like them! Also, having my own thread for concepts ain't such a bad idea when you mention it... I'll look into it! :) ;D
Hello to All:
I have not been able to post any progress on my Sir Handel and Proteus project because I am still waiting for the powered chassis to arrive from N-Drive in the UK. It has been 3 months so far but I am being told that they are being assembled and should be on their way soon. We shall see how soon.
While I have been waiting for the Sir Handel chassis to get here I have been working on a model of Ivo Hugh. I had ordered a Fleischmann N scale 0-4-0 from Ebay but that loco was lost in the mail and there were no others available on Ebay. So I went to German Ebay and found several for sale there so I purchased two and they just arrived. The photos below show Ivo Hugh from the RWS illustrations for a reference.
Photo 1
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/VXpJcA.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmVXpJcAp)
The second photo shows the 3D printed body along with the Fleischmann 7000 Piccolo 0-4-0 chassis and the trailing truck assembly that I built.
Photo 2
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/924/q1cmEP.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/poq1cmEPj)
The third photo shows the chassis and body temporarily assembled for track testing. By the way these Fleischmann locos are very smooth runners and the same chassis I used on my Duke model a few years ago.
Photo 3
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/tptVvv.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmtptVvvj)
All that remains to be done is the blue lining, adding head and tail lamps, engineer and fireman figures, and the name and number plates as soon as they get here from Narrow Planet. I will post a completion photo as soon as my model is finished and let you all know when my Sir Handel chassis arrive.
Nice grandpuff that looks amazing can't wait to so more updates on the narrow gauge engines.
Completed this some months ago. Bought a spare Skarloey bodyshell and running board and converted both to be in 1864 condition. It shares the same chassis as my normal modern-ish day RWS Skarloey, which has been upgraded with the NP kit cylinders, slidebars and motion. The body was stripped of paint, hand the handrail outline sanded down and smoothed, the smokebox handrail mold filed down and replaced with a proper handrail and knobs. The plate in the cab was grinded down and fitted with a 3D printed backhead. Skarloey was completely repainted and relined as can be seen.
Would post the photos direct to the thread but the forum is stupid and won't accept any of the photos cause despite being shrink well below the limit, they're apparently still too big.
Quote from: STL on November 05, 2019, 11:42:01 AM
Completed this some months ago. Bought a spare Skarloey bodyshell and running board and converted both to be in 1864 condition. It shares the same chassis as my normal modern-ish day RWS Skarloey, which has been upgraded with the NP kit cylinders, slidebars and motion. The body was stripped of paint, hand the handrail outline sanded down and smoothed, the smokebox handrail mold filed down and replaced with a proper handrail and knobs. The plate in the cab was grinded down and fitted with a 3D printed backhead. Skarloey was completely repainted and relined as can be seen.
Would post the photos direct to the thread but the forum is stupid and won't accept any of the photos cause despite being shrink well below the limit, they're apparently still too big.
Nice custom! Usually the only way photos can be posted here is to host them on an image hosting site, such as Flickr for example.
You also planning to model 1880s which Skarloey is somewhat scratchbuilt?
The Ivo Hugh locomotive looks really good but it didn't bother me about the missing trailing truck since the prototype probably didn't have one.
You're work is superb.
Quote from: Angelob6660 on November 06, 2019, 02:06:48 PM
You also planning to model 1880s which Skarloey is somewhat scratchbuilt?
The Ivo Hugh locomotive looks really good but it didn't bother me about the missing trailing truck since the prototype probably didn't have one.
You're work is superb.
Uh, I mean Skarloey was basically identical to how he was by 1866 well into the 1900s, unlike Talyllyn, Skarloey got a full cab when he got his trailing set.
And Ivo Hugh is pretty much identical to his basis Tom Rolt, which does have a trailing wheelset.
Hello to All:
I have been able to make a little progress on my Ivo Hugh narrow gauge model and have added an engineer and fireman figures, both head and tail lanterns, and completed the blue lining on the locomotive. I am just finishing the throttle and linkage in front of the steam dome and the name and number plates are now on the way here from Narrow Planet. And yes, if you look closely you can see that the trailing truck is there, as was shown in an earlier photo.
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/923/2LCnoV.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/pn2LCnoVp)
As soon as the throttle and the name and number plates are installed I will be posting a few completion photos.
On another note I just received notice that my N-Drive power chassis' are on their way after a 4 month wait so I will be able to finally resume work on the Sir Handel engines for Chaz and myself in addition to the Proteus I am building for my narrow gauge collection.
More to follow soon,
Hello to All:
I have just received my Ivo Hugh name and number plates from Narrow Planet so I was able to complete my model today. I have also installed the throttle body and linkage seen in front of the steam dome. The power chassis I used is an N Scale Fleischmann Piccolo 7000 0-4-0 to which I added a trailing wheel set. These locos are very smooth runners by the way.
Photo 1
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/W85e2O.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmW85e2Oj)
Photo 2
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/921/lKju7a.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pllKju7aj)
Photo 3
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/acAVXO.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmacAVXOj)
Now that my Ivo Hugh has been completed my next project to build Sir Handel and Proteus can be re-started now that I have received the power chassis from N-Drive in the UK after a 4 month wait. These are very nicely done loco chassis' and run very smoothly so they were worth the wait. I will have more to report on that project in about a week or so once the chassis' are fitted and the locos are painted.
Painting on the engines has begun! Glad to see further progress on Sir Handel, and I appreciate Grandpuff's effort and time being put into these models and I look forward to further updates. :)
Ok let's try this again. Apologies for the technical difficulties yesterday. Great work on Sir Handel Chaz and on Ivo Hugh Granpuff.
So recently I've been giving my layout a much needed overhaul adding an extension, moving locations around and generally trying to better the layout and really give it a series 4 feel for when I start filming and stuff.
First up Skarloey railway sheds
A few weeks ago I impulsively bought a Hornby double engine shed. I was never fully happy with the way my original plans for the depot from series 6/7/18 looked. So when I got the shed I begun turning it the depot into the skarloey railway sheds from series 4. Each shed has 2 tracks. Then the main line runs along beside it. Additionally there will be two HO lines next to the narrow gauge line for the big engines to come visit.
The Lakeside Run-by (Picnic area)
This was another section I was never fully happy with. The way the original layout ran there was a very big gap between where the track lay and the back scene/wall so in my rebuild I've added some extra track so this now sits comfortably next to the wall and gives it a nice mix between series 4 and series 7. It's still not 100% complete as I need to add a few extra details but I feel comfortable with the progress so far.
The Mountinside Run-by
Ariel shot as seen in series 4
Ground level shots
Another classic series 4 location. This is one of the new locations I've managed to add onto my layout thanks to the detention. With my extending the layout and moving the Forest Run-by (the river) I was able to incorporate this into my layout which links directly onto the river, (more on that later). For this I simply built up the hilly sections on either side of the line and added trees. I plan on adding more cork rocks along the hillside to make it as realistic to series 4 as I can and make it look a little less grassy/green
Ben Gals (George's Roadway)
Now this part needs to introduction. I will begin working on this section of the layout next. Situated between The Lakeside Run-by (picnic area) and The Mountinside Run-by the road will run along the line side, turn behind a small hill around Lakeside Run-by and carry on to the station which will be based off Rheneas station from Series 4, especially since I already have the shed. Can't wait to get this section started and add more scenery along the wall and add some more rock facing walls along the line side.
The Forest Run-by (The river)
Now Sadly for the part of the layout that suffered the most. The river. Sadly in revamping the layout this part of the layout has had to be moved from it's original location and that has caused some major changes/issues regarding this part of the layout. As you can see the board which holds the layout sits on a table and moving it about has meant I need little chuck bits of wood to keep it all level. However I do plan on filling in the gaps between the wood and the board and adding a frame which will be attached to the table for the riverbed. Then I can paint it and add scenic accessories and eventually add some woodland scenics water effects to this area so when filming it looks fairly decent. Sadly I can't replicate the shows take on this with real running water and all the effects. I really wish I could. But I will try my best to make it look as decent as I can.
Additional Notes
There will now be two stations on the layout the first being Rheneas Station and Glennock which I have moved on to the detention part of the layout which runs from Rheneas Station right round to the Slate Quarry. Rheneas Tunnel and the Mountain side will still remain the same. Also there is a small curved section between Glenock and the Slate quarry so if anyone has any ideas what I could put there feel free
Hello to All:
First let me thank Chaz for posting the progress photo for our Sir Handel and Proteus project for me while I was in between Photo Sharing sites. I am now with Imageshack after Photobucket, Flickr, and Tiny Pic closed their free sites.
Second I would like to thank Mulfred-100 for posting the photos of progress on his Narrow Gauge Layout. I really like what you are doing. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing with us here.
Next I would like to post a few completion photos of my Proteus project that I just finished today. I have been working on this since June because it has taken 4 months for the power chassis to arrive from the UK. The last week I have been able to add the boiler fittings, red lining, head and tail lamps, coal load, engineer figure, name and number plates, and couplers to finish my model.
Photo 1
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/921/MEoy8y.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/plMEoy8yj)
Photo 2
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/924/oEW7WN.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pooEW7WNj)
Photo 3
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/922/IZCtLN.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmIZCtLNj)
Now that Proteus is done I can return to my Sir Handel project which has also been waiting for the power chassis mentioned above. I am building two Sir Handels, one for Chaz to complete his First Six plus Duke, and one for my collection of all 14 of the Narrow Guage engines. I still have the red lining, head and tail lamps, figures, boiler details, couplers, and name and number plates to install. This should take about a week to complete so I should have more photos of Sir Handel then. It will not be long now Chaz.
Proteus looks amazing. Well worth the time and energy spent building him.
Roadway update The card arrived this morning for the road which I've cut sections to size and created the crossing and the road. Added ballast along the line side. (Note there's some excess I need to clear off the road) happy with how it's looking. Still need to add the road in beyond the crossing and then start building the roadway up to the station.
General overview of the road way
And of course I couldn't help doing a couple of shots with George
More news and updates soon
Hello Again:
Thanks again Mulfred-100 for the additional photos of your narrow gauge layout.
I am sure we would like to see others narrow gauge work shown here too!
Here is a photo showing my current progress on the two Sir Handels I am building for Chaz and myself. As you can see I have added the red lining, boiler fitings, whistle, figures, and head and tail lamps. I still need to add the coal load, faces, couplers, and name and number plates. Once that is completed I can assemble the loco to the power chassis and add the trailing truck under the cab.
Photo 1
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/3951Qo.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pm3951Qoj)
It will probably take me about a week to complete the remaining assembly and track testing on both models so I should have some completion photos very soon so stand by.
There been any updates as too when the Narrow Gauge coaches are coming out? Heard they're supposed to be in this month.
Well I've taken a bit of a break from the main layout modelling and today I decided it was time for something with a bit of a festive feel.
I know it's early but hope you all have a great holiday season and here's to a bright 2020.
Hello to All:
Mulfred-100 your Winter scene photo looks fantastic, very nicely done. Thanks again for sharing with us all.
Well another week has pasted and I have been able to complete the Sir Handel models I have been building for Chaz and myself. I have mailed Chaz model to him and it is due to arrive today. So I hope you enjoy your model and your complete First Six plus Duke. Happy Holidays to you.
As I said in my last post I have added the coal load, face, couplers, and name and number plates. I have also assembled the body, powered chassis, and added the trailing wheels. The chassis' I used from N-Drive in the UK runs very smoothly and were worth the long wait for their arrival. So here are a few completion photos of Sir Handel.
Photo 1
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/VKCt14.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmVKCt14j)
Photo 2
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/pGUza8.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmpGUza8j)
Photo 3
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/921/i96ifX.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pli96ifXj)
I am very happy with how Sir Handel has turned out ad hope that you all have enjoyed my progress in building my Narrow Gauge collection. As Bachmann releases their Peter Sam and Sir Handel models our plan is to change the nameplates to Stuart and Falcon. Until then our models will serve as place holders until the Bachmann models are produced someday. I now have models of all of the narrow gauge models except Victor to my knowledge. As soon as I can get the 3D design errors fixed I will probably build him to complete my collection. I will also get a photo taken on my layout of all 14 of my narrow gauge locos and post it here as soon as I can.
Looking forward to the release of the narrow gauge coaches soon.
Great work to everyone! Really love seeing all the progress that has happened recently! While another semester of college is wrapping up, I am beginning to plan the next stages for the narrow gauge extension that I am in the process of making too. Here are some progress videos from the summer:
Will certainly upload more updates once I am home :).
He's an amazing model, thank you again Grandpuff for putting him together for me. He will be a perfect addition to hold me over until a Bachmann model is made. I would recommend this body to anyone who is anxious for Sir Handel while currently owning Bachmann's 3 narrow gauge engines and waiting for their Peter Sam model. On that note...
Would anyone here like some M&M's? :D
Quote from: grandpuff on December 05, 2019, 07:16:35 PM
Hello to All:
Mulfred-100 your Winter scene photo looks fantastic, very nicely done. Thanks again for sharing with us all.
Well another week has pasted and I have been able to complete the Sir Handel models I have been building for Chaz and myself. I have mailed Chaz model to him and it is due to arrive today. So I hope you enjoy your model and your complete First Six plus Duke. Happy Holidays to you.
As I said in my last post I have added the coal load, face, couplers, and name and number plates. I have also assembled the body, powered chassis, and added the trailing wheels. The chassis' I used from N-Drive in the UK runs very smoothly and were worth the long wait for their arrival. So here are a few completion photos of Sir Handel.
Photo 1
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/VKCt14.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmVKCt14j)
Photo 2
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/pGUza8.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmpGUza8j)
Photo 3
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/921/i96ifX.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pli96ifXj)
I am very happy with how Sir Handel has turned out ad hope that you all have enjoyed my progress in building my Narrow Gauge collection. As Bachmann releases their Peter Sam and Sir Handel models our plan is to change the nameplates to Stuart and Falcon. Until then our models will serve as place holders until the Bachmann models are produced someday. I now have models of all of the narrow gauge models except Victor to my knowledge. As soon as I can get the 3D design errors fixed I will probably build him to complete my collection. I will also get a photo taken on my layout of all 14 of my narrow gauge locos and post it here as soon as I can.
Looking forward to the release of the narrow gauge coaches soon.
Nice custom! Is that a Duck face?
Rodimus Supreme:
No, the faces I used for both of my Sir Handels came from Japanese Bandai Sir Handel models.
A little pricey to be sure, but the only ones that were the correct size.
The Sir Handel models look wonderful! As always, I love the attention to detail!
Hello Again:
First thank you for your comments Terrence, I am a big fan of your layout and model work too.
And to Chaz I really liked your M&M's locomotive caravan, especially that the M&M colors matched the engines. It is great to see your "First SIX plus Duke" and I am happy to have played a part in making that happen for you. You were very generous in helping me build my Duke which started me on this journey to build all of the narrow gauge engines, thanks again.
I thought that I would post a photo showing all 14 of my narrow gauge engines gathered around my engine service facilities on my 2 X 4 foot layout. Shown clock wise around my turntable are Rusty on the turntable bridge, then from the lower left is Ivo Hugh, Freddie, Proteus, Millie, Luke, Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Smudger, Mighty Mac, Duke, Skarloey, Rheneus, and Duncan. I hope that you all have enjoyed seeing my models as much as I have enjoyed building them.
Photo of my Narrow Gauge Collection
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/923/qFVNkN.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pnqFVNkNj)
Also just to let everyone know, I received a call from TW today telling me that my Red Coaches are on the way, YAY!
Waiting for the call that mine are ready for pick up, though I've had to specify I won't be able too until after Christmas.
Great work as always Granpuff and Chaz. Thanks for the feedback. I'm always just awaiting my email from trainworld then hopefully they'll be on the way.
The narrow gauge coaches our out for sale! :)
Quote from: the track master on December 11, 2019, 02:21:45 PM
The narrow gauge couches our out for sale! :)
Just checked TrainWorld and it would appear they are now in stock at long last! I would love to get them after getting my first engine (leaning mainly toward Rheneas) and I think it helps that they are set at a reasonable price.
Quote from: the track master on December 11, 2019, 02:21:45 PM
The narrow gauge couches our out for sale! :)
Are narrow gauge couches couches that are smaller than standard couches? :P
Just wanted to point out that couches are something you sit on and coaches are something you sit in. Also that our and are do not mean the same thing. And yes Narrow Gauge coaches are smaller than standard gauge coaches due to the smaller gauge of the track even though the scale is the same.
Quote from: grandpuff on December 12, 2019, 01:10:19 PM
Just wanted to point out that couches are something you sit on and coaches are something you sit in. Also that our and are do not mean the same thing. And yes Narrow Gauge coaches are smaller than standard gauge coaches due to the smaller gauge of the track even though the scale is the same.
Um...I was making a joke...I know what he meant, and the difference between all of those things...
Ok good I was confused at first ??? thanks for under standing ;)
Hello all. Hope you are all well.
Well it's been along time coming but I finally got my hands on the narrow gauge coaches today.
I got 3 of each coach so both Skarloey and Rheneas can have 3 each or in some cases 2. I'm simply blown away be these.
The blue one is probably my personal favourite as it just feels so much like the model era. That's not to take anything away from the red coach don't get me wrong. When coupled up behind Rheneas they just remind me so much of series 4. Especially with the Ertl face on Rheneas.
Now the red coaches are very beautiful as well obviously based on the real life counterpart much in the same way the slate trucks and engines are. A very nice set of coaches and unlike the slate trucks seeing these on the layout still manages to feel like the tv series/cgi series. I know these will likely sell better to standard 009 models over the blue ones which feel more like a Thomas item to me at least.
Over all I love these. Very nice addition to the range and a must for anyone who has the engines. I have a full detailed review along with a short running video on my channel (currently uploading)
Well the blue ones are based directly on Coach 4 as it is now, so I can see it still selling very well, obviously they'll be given a repaint by most.
Personally plan to repaint my 2 reds once I get them into the standard SR coach stock livery of blue and cream. May have to repaint the blue to match more than likely
Hi all:
I just received my Red Narrow Gauge Coaches from TW today and I am very impressed with how nice they look. I only ordered the Red Coaches because I had previously built my own Blue and Green Coaches for myself as reported on this thread earlier.
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/922/Z8ke65.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmZ8ke65j)
I am sure that Chaz will post one of his usual fine reviews once he receives his in the mail.
The first two coaches just arrived, I am expecting more soon. When they all arrive, expect a review on my end sometime this weekend if not early next week. Nothing but positive things to say about these! Bachmann did a spot on job as usual, possibly their best rolling stock to date. Amazing job as always!
Those look amazing they look better then the other stock photos.
Here is my review for anyone who would like to see it https://youtu.be/9rpvDj4_n34 (https://youtu.be/9rpvDj4_n34)
Ordered 4 narrow gauge coaches the other day. Getting three of the red ones for Agnes, Ruth and Lucy customs and one blue coach to be Jemima.
Quote from: SeanrailAnimations on December 13, 2019, 08:12:27 PM
Ordered 4 narrow gauge coaches the other day. Getting three of the red ones for Agnes, Ruth and Lucy customs and one blue coach to be Jemima.
I should note that Lucy's basis is TR Coach 3, which while similar to Coaches 1-2, is
QUITE a bit shorter. Like noticeably shorter.
Quote from: STL on December 13, 2019, 09:09:39 PM
Quote from: SeanrailAnimations on December 13, 2019, 08:12:27 PM
Ordered 4 narrow gauge coaches the other day. Getting three of the red ones for Agnes, Ruth and Lucy customs and one blue coach to be Jemima.
I should note that Lucy's basis is TR Coach 3, which while similar to Coaches 1-2, is QUITE a bit shorter. Like noticeably shorter.
Thanks for the tip.
So today I decided to move one of my locations (Rheneas tunnel) from my main layout board where it was situated between the sheds and mountain line over on to the extension board inbetween the quarry and Glennock station.
Now there's a few reasons behind this move. One main reason was in it's old location I had the tunnel entrance but not the exit as once through the tunnel you were on the mountain line similar to how Terence has his narrow gauge set up and I always wanted both sides of the tunnel. Second reason for this move was to give more room over on the mountain line so I can capture shots better and it should look more tv accurate but back on to the tunnel. I've not glued anything down or anything these photos are just concept photos of what it will look like once tracks are fixed, ballasted, scenery built up ect.
Firstly an over head view so you can all see what I'm going for. This has been altered slightly from first taking this photo as there's not as much of a gap between tunnel portals and Glennock is ever so slightly moved further away so when I'm filming it feels like it's own location same with the tunnel.
Next the entrance to the tunnel. I do plan on making the pond lower then the track so it's more tv series accurate. Might not be bang on the money but it will be close enough for me to work with. I've added some of my mountain side walls at either side of the tunnel mouth and created a decent embankment for either side.
Now the exit part of the tunnel I've done the same as the entrance adding the mountain side walls at either end of the tunnel. There will be a small siding there to make it tv accurate which there will be plenty of room for. I'll add further walls along the left hand side so they run pretty much straight along to the quarry.
Lastly a concept photo for Glennock. As you can see there's no.real jaring shots of the tunnel in the background which is what I want when I eventually do remakes or my own stories. More updates to follow.
Something I've noticed, They really are exactly like their prototypes, right down to the doors only being on one side.
Just read your comment so thought that I would check on my red coaches and the Talyllyn Prototypes. There are doors on both sides on both the models and the prototype coaches, but the hand grabs and door hardware has been removed on the side away from the platform sides as shown in the photos below. If you look closely at Bachmann's models you can see the door hinges on the doors but no door hardware on one side as in the prototype. Bachmann really did their homework on these models.
No Hardware Side
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/924/GRIoCX.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/poGRIoCXj)
Door Hardware Side
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/923/evInry.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pnevInryj)
Very nice job Bachmann,
So this week I've been adding the dirt path along with foliage, bushes and more trees around Glennock station area. I need to spray it down with some glue spray but I'm fairly happy with how it looks. I also need to get round to painting the water tower from elsebridge productions.
The first photo here is at station/line level
Second photo here is on the embankment giving it that season 4 feel to it.
Lastly another angle from the top of the embankment. This isn't as accurate to the tv series but it still looks ok to me
https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lv8GQHd4G/?igshid=15xtbdghzk8d4 (https://www.instagram.com/p/B6lv8GQHd4G/?igshid=15xtbdghzk8d4)
I also did a bit test footage of this set with Skarloey in the style of four little engines which I posted on my Instagram.
Right so does anyone know of a spray paint that matches the Bachmann blue coach's shade of blue or comes close?
If you scroll up this page to message #452 you can see a photo of my narrow gauge passenger cars. The paint that I used for my blue coaches and matching brake van is Testors 3 OZ spray can #1208 Gloss Light Blue.
I hope this helps you,
Finally got my hands on a few of the NG Coaches, already starting converting them.
This one will likely sold because of some small areas I'm not happy with, hence i got another blue coach to remake Lucy. Ruth has just started under going her repaint, with Agnes arriving today.
I also built Cora:
I purchased their new red and blue narrow gauge coaches back in December. 3 of each. I totally forgot that I purchased 6 and thinking I had 4 for some reason. Silly me.
Like posted earlier the blue carriages also don't have door handles on the other side. Plus I don't remember these coaches ever having bumpers.
While looking at photos from season 4 I can see the bumpers. Probably me not seeing them is the lighting which is pretty dark with same paint being black.
Hey Chaz where's your review on the narrow gauge coaches? It's been several weekends pasted already.
Quote from: Angelob6660 on January 14, 2020, 02:29:41 PM
Hey Chaz where's your review on the narrow gauge coaches? It's been several weekends pasted already.
Thanks Chaz, I thought the review was on this discussion than the narrow gauge coach discussion. It was a very good review. I had the same problem trying to make mine.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I will be posting updates on my new OO9 layout soon, I added the baseboard last night so now it'll be a matter of laying the track/roadbed before I can really get started.
Figured I'd attempt to post this here. Recently started experimenting with adding faces to my NG coaches, and decided to use the clear sticker faces after discussing it with a Japanese modeler who did the same.
I started with Lucy, who served as the testing ground for the theory, though I wound up having to shave one of the communication cords back. I plan to either remedy the face or just redo it. It'll likely be cut up into the separate features to allow for easier application and serve as the test for that.
Agnes turned out better, and she's also gotten her class numbers applied to her door:
Still trying to find one that's a bit different from Agnes for Ruth, while Jemima and Beatrice? Well I'll cross that bridge once I'm able to get their respective kits done and built.
Well I'm back with some progress on my OO9 layout that I finally got started on!
Once the foam baseboard was glued to the wooden board, I was able to get the cork roadbeds added to the setup with the help of Jay (DecadesofSun).
It was then painted brown just to give it a more scenic color to start with before I add further scenery to the setup.
I took some pictures with some engines and buildings on the setup just for kicks and giggles before I make further progress. The track is not nailed and wired/soldered yet since I am waiting on some more track to arrive from Hattons. Once they arrive I can finally give these models a run on the setup before I add scenery/ballast. In the meantime enjoy the other pictures:
Four Little Engines
Very glad to see that you have started on your Narrow Gauge Layout. What are the dimensions, it looks to be about 3 by 4 feet from your photos. That is a little larger than my 2 by 4 foot layout. Also happy to see your First Six plus Duke locos pictured as well. I am also happy to have played a part in building our Narrow Gauge collections. I will look forward to following your layout progress here. Great start.
Thank you for the response Grandpuff! The layout is 4x2 1/2 so actually you're pretty close! Wanted to make a little more room for the yard on my setup. :)
The layout is already shaping up very well Chaz- excited to see what comes next.
Following on from my post a month ago about the 3 out of the 5 original Skarloey Railway Coaches I had completed transforming from the Bachmann ones, Agnes and Ruth from the red and Lucy from the blue, and the lack of progress on finding and obtaining kits for Coach 3 and Brake 5, I decided to skip to the next coaches in the line; the open coaches Ada, Jane and Mabel. These were built from the Meridian Models Penrhyn coach kits, the 3 pack in particular, coupled with bashed bufferbeams of styrene and Rodney Stenning Talyllyn Buffers.
The typical rake seen, with Ada, Jane and Mabel being followed by Cora
And of course the fairly basic, effective, coupling system I've made for them
Hopefully more to come soon.
Regards guys
Ada Jane and Mabel look great STL! Any plans to add faces to them as well?
The rest of the the track arrived at my setup earlier and I was able to get the setup all wired and now the layout is fully operational. Here are a few more pics:
Well that's the plan. I've a few ideas based on the clear sticker face principle I've taken from the Plarail capsule toys.
That's 4 down, 1 to go.
Well after much searching, toiling and a bit of repair work, I finally acquired and built a Meridian Models TR Brake No.5 kit to build SR's own Brakevan No.5 "Beatrice".
The model was acquired from an acquaintance of mine, who sold it to me after it had been left sitting unbuilt for the past few years. This was because on the 2 side pieces of the van, there are 2 stubs either side on each piece and you're only supposed to cut off one side. He cut off all of them. As such I rebuilt the stubs out of styrene and filled in any small gaps among a few areas which needed attention. Her current coupling is a temporary addition, with BEMO and NEM couplings currently being considered.
I was also able to acquire a Meridian Models TR Coach 3 kit, which I did start but it has been put on hold due to the solder not sticking to the brass and small warping in various areas of the brass sides that I'll need to sort out.
https://youtu.be/DipMOgG9-vs (https://youtu.be/DipMOgG9-vs)
Very nice work on Beatrice STL! The video was great too, and I really like the faces you added to your coaches.
I've been working a lot on my layout as well during the pandemic. I recently added grass, turf/bushes, ballast, dirt and even buffers to my setup making it come to life even more. Probably all I will do for now until the pandemic settles down but for the most part I am very happy with how it's turning out so far. :)
Your new layout is looking great with each new group of photos you post.
I am very happy to see Peter Sam, Sir Handel, and Duncan again running on your layout.
Great work,
Hello all. Back by popular demand or unpopular demand or some sort of Mulfred demand. Anyway I'm back and I was asked by Terencethetractor525 to show you my layout as I've been very busy over recent weeks building it all up, (basically I took the old one up pretty much started fresh) I've been posting all my progress on Instagram and Terence requested I do the same on here.
So basically I've got a big table in the middle of the room with sort of two L shaped extensions. One holding the Skarloey railway sheds, Ben Gals and a special new location I've been putting in all week. The other board there's what will become Crovens Gate, the incline quarry, Castle causeway and viaduct.
Now on the main board. There's several key series 4 locations including...
Glennock Station
The mountain runby
A hybrid between Skarloey and Rheneas stations
This uses the best of both locations in the show. Having a mountain and road going over on Skarloey's side merging into the more town and shed side for Rheneas' side. Still a big work in progress.
Rheneas Tunnel
There are also the mountain side and lakeside (picnic area) that 8 am working on but they are still in the early stages so don't really feel comfortable show casing them however I do want to showcase this location.
Ben Gals
Again in the early stages of developing this part of the line but I was so happy to finally figure out where to add this location. Its situated beyond the points to the sheds extension just past lakeside.
And lastly my latest edition
Bluebell Valley
This was the main reason Terence wanted me to showcase tuismlayout. On Sunday I came across a great bit of plywood someone didn't need so I added it to the layout beside the sheds as I always planned to have the standard guage line curve round much like in the tv show. Anyway me and Terence started discussing what I could put on this part of the layout. Few ideas I had were Bolder quarry and thr far side of Crovens gate shed/works where Rusty had his chat with Douglas and Percy and the Bluebell valley was mentioned too and the more i thought the more I knew it had to be this. It fits so well with my series 4 theme for the layout and if next week Bachmann announce Stepney it will be even more perfect. The station shelter is scratch built. The platform for the Standard guage line is using a coach maintenance platform and the narrow guage is basically a old platform I had cut in half. Very happy with this so far. Its still in development but I can already see the great potential this location has and has always been a favourite of mine. I've even got Bluebells. Anyway that's my updates. Thank you for reading and listening to me waffle
Your layout looks really good! I especially like the Bluebell Valley portion of it! Thanks for sharing!
Glad to see the layout pics on here! They really look brilliant, and I look forward to seeing how the layout continues to progress, especially the Bluebell Valley. This is another reason why I hope that Bachmann will announce Stepney. It seems that Duck is currently serving as a placeholder for him ;).
Mulfred, I am thoroughly impressed with your new setup. The attention to detail and accuracy to season 4 is clearly shown and I look forward to seeing more updates! Welcome back :)
Awesome job, Mulfred! I love how much you've incorporated into such a small space! :)
Thank you so much for all the feedback hopefully I'll have some more updates very soon. ;)
Apologies for the Double post. I received a belated birthday gift today from my best friend. The Black Lock Folley. Which I've used to for my Castle causeway set on my layout. Its not series 4 accurate but its as close as I can get.
Like I say its not as accurate to series 4 as I would like but I think its as close as i can get. I've made a short video of the three Narrow Guage engines running past with the coaches and rolling stock. https://youtu.be/3oIQ2CAU4RU (https://youtu.be/3oIQ2CAU4RU)
Again thank you so much for the positive feedback.
While I just uploaded a new update video on the narrow gauge extension of my Sodor layout to YouTube yesterday, I wanted to share the link to the video through the forum:
Hope you enjoy, and make sure to check out Mulfred100's update video as well :):
Hello to you all:
I have not seen very much posted here recently and I have not had any new projects myself in a while. With todays Bachmann Announcements that may change going forward I hope. First I am happy to see Chaz' new HOn30 layout get under construction and look forward to further progress. And second I am glad to see Mulfred100's layout progress. Your layouts fidelity to Season 4 is very impressive as Chaz has commented earlier. Both of you keep up the great work you are doing and please keep us all updated here.
I thought that I would post a recap of the HOn30 Locomotive and rolling stock projects that I have completed over the last 3 years or so. The catalyst that got me started on this journey was Chaz' Duke model posted here back on page 3 of this thread. Duke has always been my favorite Narrow Gauge model so with Chaz help I was able to build my own model which got me started on completing my Narrow Gauge Collection. I now have a total of 14 Narrow Gauge locomotives and various passenger and freight cars plus I have built a 2 by 4 foot narrow gauge layout to run them on. I also of course have all of the Bachmann Narrow Gauge models produced so far and when the Peter Sam and Sir Handel models arrive I plan on re-naming my models Stewart and Falcon, So I will add several photos here showing my collection.
Adding my photos may take me a while so please be patient and check back later if I do not have them all posted yet.
#1 Duke
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/RppXig.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmRppXigj)
#2 Duke and Blue Coaches
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/924/YqIp7G.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/poYqIp7Gj)
#3 Spudger Started by BassTBone
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/923/M9R4t1.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pnM9R4t1j)
#4 My 3 Brake Vans
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/Nt9uuq.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmNt9uuqj)
#5 Mighty Mac
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/923/BOQot4.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/pnBOQot4p)
#6 Mighty Mac and Green Open Coaches
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/mDL2ql.png) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmmDL2qlp)
#7 Peter Sam
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/923/cc8cCO.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pncc8cCOj)
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/924/B96QvG.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/poB96QvGj)
#8 Sir Handel
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/924/CJbo0O.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/poCJbo0Oj)
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/OB2v5D.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmOB2v5Dj)
#9 Duncan
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/lbZLC2.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmlbZLC2j)
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/dbegmQ.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmdbegmQj)
#10 Proteus with Gun Powder Cars
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/IZCtLN.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmIZCtLNj)
#11 Freddie
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/923/4FBExT.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pn4FBExTj)
#12 Luke with Deer in Cab
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/QmTrYY.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmQmTrYYj)
#13 Millie
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/Y4UoXT.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmY4UoXTj)
#14 Ivo Hugh
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/924/7kNivd.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/po7kNivdj)
#15 My HOn30 2 by 4 Foot Layout
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/923/12oXG5.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pn12oXG5j)
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/923/pERnpv.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pnpERnpvj)
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/feiakL.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmfeiakLj)
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/922/To853N.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pmTo853Nj)
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/640x480q90/923/q1awEE.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pnq1awEEj)
I had a great time building all of these models and look forward to any future releases from Bachmann.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing my Narrow Gauge Collection,
Thank you so much for all the kind words. Grandpuff I love your collection. You are so talented at making these engines and I seriously take my hat off to anyone who has that kind of talent. I mentioned this in the 2021 predictions but I think a narrow guage Troublesome truck would benefit the range alot if introduce and give a bit more character to the narrow guage rolling stock line.
Layout talk, I have been pretty busy the last few weeks with the layout. I haven't made any ground breaking progress but there are alot more areas on the "close to completion" side now.
Crovens Gate
I'll start here since this area is probably going to take up alot of work completing. This week I've actually started work on the platforms for the Standard guage lines. I won an old beat up Hornby Dryaw station building with platforms and footbridge on ebay which the platforms will be used for the big engines side of the station. The platform will be three lengths long with the ramp and each end. As for the narrow guage platform I have all the platfrom parts for that coming in the post so hopefully they will arrive early to mid next week depending on how fast the seller dispatches the item. Once the platforms are in place then begins the difficult task of building the station building. Like I say it will be a long job but hopefully it will look good once it is finished. Also I will note that this station will only have the two standard guage lines rather then the five in the tv shows. As I don't have enough room to build the whole station just the part where the big and little engines meet. Also I Will mention this will also meet a small section of Crovens Gate yards where Rusty asked Douglas for advice which will be the far end of the board.
Ben Gals
Theres not a great deal changed here. I've added some temporary road signs until I can either pick up some decent ones or make some that look like the show. I do have a couple of "beware of trains" signs which just need a bit colour adding to them. I have also added a little barrier/railing at either side just before the crossing similar to the bridge before the crossing just sadly I don't have the room to add the bridge so railings are the next best thing.
Valley View
Again nothing major has changed here besides the addition of some 16cm tall pine trees. (Need to order more to add here and elsewhere on the layout) the fence and gate and a few flowers. Its all pinned and ballasted now too. One thing I am thinking is I may have to film it from the other side (like the bottom photo) but I'm not too sure yet. If I do it will be mirrored to the tv show but I'll cross that bridge once I reach it.
Once again nothing majorly new just extra details to make it look more like series 4. Added another layer of hedging foliage along the line side. Bit grass scatter mixed in with the dirt path ect.
The first big difference you will notice here is the open air shed I made which now is a Home for Terence. Most of the track is pinned down up to the little curve in the station as I still need to wait for the points to come into stock so I can order them to put the station siding in place where Duke and Stuart had their talk about Duke getting old. This is most definitely one of my favourite parts of the line so far.
Crovens Gate sheds
The only major difference here is the new open air shed I made while making the one for Cros-ny-Cuirn. It took along time but I am finally happy with how it looks now compared to the tv showm I always doubt my ability to scratch build things or modify them to look more tv accurate. Thank you for all the feedback so far and I hope I can share more in future when more of the line is complete.
Stunning progress! Keep up the great work :).
Hi all. I've been very busy with the layout once again. The main board is in full working order. Theres a few kinks I need to iron out but I made a short video of Skarloey, Rusty and Rheneas all running around the layout today. https://youtu.be/lFf6aEOBD8k (https://youtu.be/lFf6aEOBD8k)
I hope you all enjoy
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All:
I have noticed that no one has posted anything since August 2020 when Mulfred100 post his latest layout progress photos, thank you for those. I have just finished 3 narrow gauge locos for a friend on this forum. The locos were Duke, Bertram, and Duncan. While working on these I decided to build my self a Bertram too. I used the usual Langley UK loco kit. a Fleischmann Piccolo 0-4-0 power chassis, and Narrow Planet brass nameplates.
Narrow Gauge Bertram
(https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq90/923/MU6Fpz.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/pnMU6Fpzj)
Bertram is the 15th narrow gauge loco that I have built over the last few years and is probably the last one for a while. I think that the only other model in the RWS that I have not built is Victor.
Happy New Year Grandpuff, Milfred, Chaz and others.
I always enjoy the process and achievements to your layouts. I'll enjoy your continuous work.
Hey all, I'm thinking about making some narrow gauge engines of my own! I've designed my own Proteus/Sir Handel in 3D on my computer, and I'm thinking about using it to make an 009 Proteus. Should I get a bachmann Skarloey/Rheneas first to see if the size is for me, or should I dive in? If it's the latter, what chassis do you all recommend? (N-Drive, Bachmann Skarloey, etc.) Thank you all!
The Bachmann Skarloey chassis should just be fine.
Hello all once again! Can anyone provide me with a head on view (preferably taken from far away zoomed in to counteract perspective) of the Bachmann Rheneas? I'm currently scaling some 3D prints and I want to get it just right. Sadly I don't have my own rheneas but that will come in time.
Figured I would post recent updates on my OO9 layout, a lot has changed:
I was able to add some more scenery like trees and bushes in addition to a lake which was by far the most tedious project on the layout by far. Nonetheless I'm really happy with the result.
Quote from: Chaz on January 22, 2023, 02:33:33 AMFigured I would post recent updates on my OO9 layout, a lot has changed:
I was able to add some more scenery like trees and bushes in addition to a lake which was by far the most tedious project on the layout by far. Nonetheless I'm really happy with the result.
Chaz, this is incredible! Fantastic work man!
Looking great, Chaz! The scenery really makes a difference, and I especially like how the lake turned out.
Figure I might as well give a small update as well. Built and finished Peter Sam last year using the Fourdees Era 2 Talyllyn Tattoo shell running on the Peter Sam chassis, with ongoing plans developing a hackworth eccentric kit to complement it ;).
Well this is certainly an overdue post on my end, apologies guys. Work's been busy and it takes a while to do these posts. But out of everything we have been waiting for, it seems the narrow gauge brake vans the longest. Longer than Oliver, Rusty, and even the highly anticipated Daisy and Peter Sam models that finally got released last year. Question is, was the wait worth it despite these being rolling stock? Let's take a look:
Brake vans have been a popular request for the narrow gauge range for a very, very long time. Everyone and their mother have been asking for brake vans the moment Skarloey was first announced in 2015, but it made sense to wait on introducing these until after they added the more iconic slate wagons and coaches first. I can safely say that these, while they took a long time, don't disappoint in the slightest.
The livery application on both brake vans is absolutely beautiful, and I love the attention to detail on including guard compartments on both sides of the van which was exclusive to the television series and not the real Talyllyn guard vans. The wood and chassis detail looks excellent as well and I love the metal wheels that allow for smooth performance at the end of the train.
There's also some fair weight to them too, not too heavy or too light, so they can move along corners and switches on layouts with no derailments or any issues while navigating at the back of your narrow gauge trains.
I also want to talk about the box vans, these are basically the exact same tooling as the brake vans minus the guard compartments. You could argue this may be a cheap move but I personally think it's incredibly smart as the show had done the exact same thing with their box and brake van molds as well.
But more importantly, these replaced the original Peco recolored vans that were introduced back in 2015. Not only is this much more accurate to what's on the show, but also a lot cheaper too. A HUGE improvement over the predecessors, and it's nice seeing Bachmann make the appropriate revisions to previously announced products or announcing new products in their place altogether like the upcoming HO human figure packs. I hope to see more new additions replace some of the less than average additions Bachmann have included as well, mainly the Peco open wagon recolor from 2015 and especially the N scale tankers. If we're lucky, maybe even a face upgrade for Paxton since the large scale model was such a huge improvement. Point is, improvements like these are always welcome and after seeing what Bachmann has done with the NG box vans, I hope to see more improvements in the future.
Overall, aesthetically the narrow gauge brake vans and new box vans are stunning models and don't disappoint. Thomas fans and OO9 modelers alike will definitely appreciate having these in their collections. I hope to see a light brown recolor of the brake van in the future as this was present in both the model and CGI seasons.
When running these models on my OO9 layout, they look fantastic, specifically with the matching passenger cars. As I said earlier these hardly have any issue being transported on any railroad with either Peco OO9 track or Bachmann N scale track. The box vans also look really nice for goods trains as well too. They add some nice diversity, especially when most of the OO9 freight stock that are currently, or coming into the range are all different types of wagons.
My final thoughts are this, the Bachmann narrow gauge box vans and brake vans deliver in all areas that fans would expect from the narrow gauge range. If you haven't picked these up yet, you will definitely want to pick them up sooner rather than later as these are selling like hotcakes! Thanks Bachmann for adding these highly requested items in the range and I hope we can see more updates on Sir Handel and the new wagon announcements soon too!
Another great review, Chaz! Your pictures are great as always, too!
I agree that even though it took a long time for this batch of stock to come out, it was certainly worth the long wait. They look amazing, especially on your setup. The scaling is perfect, the colors pop and blend in nicely with the coaches. I agree that some light brown variants of both need to be announced sooner rather than later so as to give a contrast to the brightly colored versions.
I feel Sir Handel will be another case of "It took a long time, but ws well worth the wait". We'll just have to wait and see...
Good review on the rolling stock. I gotten the brake vans but not the new vans. I thought of no point of getting the new ones except the bracing. Somewhere down the line I might so the railroad can have single and double sheathed box vans.
Does these new vans goes nicely with the Peco vans together? Since I didn't see a photo.
Quote from: Angelob6660 on July 03, 2023, 06:47:02 PMGood review on the rolling stock. I gotten the brake vans but not the new vans. I thought of no point of getting the new ones except the bracing. Somewhere down the line I might so the railroad can have single and double sheathed box vans.
Does these new vans goes nicely with the Peco vans together? Since I didn't see a photo.
I sold my older Peco vans about a year or so ago but I'm sure you may be able to find photos online of the newer vans and compare them with the Peco recolors. Never hurts to hold onto both anyway if you decided to get the new ones down the road. :)
Here's some comparison photos of the newer vans compared to the old Peco ones. Sadly only have the newer Red van so far.
As you can see they are shorter in height and length then Peco but they are vastly more detailed complete with the metal wheels compared to the plastic ones which run smoother. I know the shade of blue is different for the blue one but I feel like seeing both side by side the red is a different shade too
Chaz I wasn't planning on selling/trading them for newer model. I just wanted to make sure they weren't out of place.
Mulfred thanks for the comparisons. Differences between the two especially Peco and Bachmann. In which the Bachmann has the buffer beams and electric, air hose connection. Although yes the other van doesn't have them but it be classed as a different type of van or add them later.
Technically not Thomas-related but the Talyllyn models Bachmann announced last summer just had their painted samples posted on their Facebook page and they look great. The green is a tad brighter than I would have liked to be but I like how the red and black liveries turned out and I love the headlamps placed in front of each engine. Can't wait to pick up the red one soon!
Where can I buy the couplers that the HOn30 trains use? I am modeling HOn30 models for my home layout and i cannot find where to buy these narrow gauge couplers. I am a entry level collector so I buy all the items bachmann makes for thomas the tank but creating my own items that are more grungy and dirty is exciting so my first model below is the green and cream coaches from the skarloey railway. First 3d print is going now and excited to figure out what wheels to buy and what couplers to use but at the moment I want to use the same couplers as stock bachmann HOn30.
Peco couplers can be ordered here.
In addition, couplers for Skarloey, Rheneas, and Rusty are in Bachmann's parts store. You'll need to buy both the couplers and coupler mounts which are sold separately.
Chaz, grandpuff, and anyone else that has scratch built/modeled custom rolling stock/engines. what coupling do you use and where do you buy them from? really appreciate any feedback.
The Peco ones are the ones I've used in the past. Either/or should work for what you're looking for. :)
On a side note, Bill (grandpuff) passed away about three years ago and his thread confirming his passing was deleted once the forum server was down and was one of many threads lost during the shutdown.
AWW, :'( that's horrible. he had great work! thanks for the response! time to see how these will work
I've been a little bit behind on my posts on the forum and I apologize. Work and life have sort of taken a toll and getting ready for the holidays has been pretty stressful. But nonetheless, I wanted to do a post on Talyllyn and I wanted to do a review on it and while we are at it I figured since it's been almost a decade since his release, we can revisit Skarloey too and see how well it holds up.
2015 was a landmark year for Bachmann as well as the brand being the 70th anniversary of Thomas & Friends. Bachmann really went out with a bang that year by announcing the highly requested HO model of Oliver and revolutionized the hobby with the launch of Skarloey in OO9 scale. At the time, OO9 was a lot more of a niche market, with limited ready-to-run options, but Skarloey's release helped popularize it. The model sold out rapidly, with many waiting over a year after its first release to get one. Skarloey not only exceeded expectations but also opened the door for more enthusiasts to explore narrow-gauge modeling. Nearly a decade later, it still holds up remarkably well.
Skarloey captured the CGI series' dark red livery and detailed rivet patterns matching its real-life inspiration, Talyllyn. While some fans prefer the classic series' brighter red, the model remains universally appreciated. The face perfectly reflects the CGI design, adding to its charm. However, the lack of a separate handrail on the smokebox and the non-existent detail inside the cab make Skarloey seem a lot more plain compared to most of the engines that came after. These flaws, however I think can be overlooked since it was Bachmann's first OO9 model in the range, and if Rheneas is anything to go off of, they improved on this rather drastically in comparison. Talyllyn also improved on adding more life to the cab interior that Skarloey started with, which we will talk about more in a minute.
Performance-wise, Skarloey runs smoothly with excellent weight and traction on flat surfaces. It handles switches well, though it struggles on gradients with heavier loads. Adding powered rear wheels in future models like Peter Sam and their upcoming Sir Handel was a good call, so it's easy to give Bachmann the benefit of the doubt here too since this was their first attempt at a model like this.
Overall, Skarloey remains one of Bachmann's standout products, and second best narrow gauge engine behind Peter Sam. While Sir Handel may surpass both of them, Skarloey's legacy as a game-changer for the Thomas range and OO9 modeling is undeniable and pretty incredible.
Now for Talyllyn:
The Talyllyn model shares many strengths with Skarloey but has notable differences. The front lamp and smokebox are standout improvements, with the red livery being applied beautifully on the model, particularly on the wheels. I also really like some of the additional painted details such as the gold on the wheels and even the black roof.
I want to make a quick edit. I need to apologize and thank a friend for pointing this out. Earlier, I mistakenly said that Skarloey's front windows were open while Talyllyn's were blocked. It turns out I was wrong—Skarloey's front windows have always been blocked and never opened. I initially thought mine were open, but after double-checking my model and seeing photos of others, I realized I was mistaken. Again, I apologize for any misinformation I may have shared earlier and will move forward from this.
Looking at Talyllyn's cab with a more correct perspective, the painted interior is a welcome addition and a genuine improvement over the original Skarloey model. It features more realistic cab colors, similar to those on the Rheneas model giving the model that extra little bit of life. These small details truly highlight how far Bachmann has come since the initial release nearly a decade ago.
Performance wise, it mirrors that of Skarloey to a t. It runs very smoothly, can haul a decent amount of rolling stock and looks incredible running on any OO9 layout. It is honestly so incredible to see a ready-to-run model of Talyllyn being available after seeing Skarloey released after so many years. Many fans are happy with Talyllyn, and rightfully so. Whether you model the Talyllyn Railway, Skarloey Railway, or narrow gauge in general, this model is a welcome addition to any collection.
Thank you, Bachmann, for continuing to expand the narrow gauge line and introducing OO9 models beyond Thomas & Friends. While I appreciate this model on its own, I'm curious to see if Bachmann will explore other Talyllyn Railway repaints down the road. I could see Sir Haydn coming next if the Sir Handel engineering sample is anything to go off of.
As for me, my next review will be an exciting one: N scale Gordon. I can't wait to share my thoughts on that one soon. After that, I'll review Henrietta once Hannah comes out, STH's car when the figures come out, and hopefully N scale Emily and her coaches—though those may come later due to budget constraints, as N scale isn't my primary focus.
Have any of you picked up Talyllyn? What are your thoughts on the model? Does Skarloey still hold up after all these years? Let me know! In the meantime, I'll prepare for my next review of a certain big (and small) express engine that's almost as special to me as Skarloey.
Great review as always, Chaz! Always enjoy seeing your pictures as well.
I still feel...and cannot believe we're almost ten years out, Skarloey still holds up. I got mine in 2021, and I'll never get over how great and surreal is to have him. He paved the way for OO9 modeling and for the better. Each model, I feel, got better following him...with the exception of Rusty, but that's just me. Took something good and made it better.
Onto Talyllyn. I have no immediate plans to pick the model up at this time. Your review definitely help get my expectations in check. As far as the front portals go, it is disappointing, but if one is handy with customizing, I'm sure they could open them up and bring some life to the model. From what I've been told, apparently waves of Skarloey following Peter Sam had the back trailing wheels powered. Does your Talyllyn model have powered trailing wheels?
Either way, your review was indeed informative and will hopefully help board members decide if they want to add this model to their collections. I know it's been selling out fast here and in the UK and rightfully so. Seems like a fun model indeed.
Can't wait for your review on N Gordon, either. I got my package from TrainWorld, but am waiting to...erm...christen it at Christmas.
The trailing wheels on Talyllyn are not powered just like Skarloey.
Sorry for the double post but I want to thank a friend for pointing this out. Earlier, I mistakenly said that Skarloey's front windows were open while Talyllyn's were blocked. It turns out I was wrong—Skarloey's front windows have always been blocked since it's initial release and remained that way since and the Talyllyn model offered a visual improvement over this area over the Skarloey model as I noted in my review. Again, I apologize for any misinformation I may have shared earlier and I'll take the L on that one. The review has been updated with more factually correct information. :)