This topic is for the discussion of Large Scale Thomas Only! Please don't hijack chats with petty childish comments/arguements, last time 2 years of hot topic chats were deleted because of a rogue user...
to kick start conversation, a couple of questions
How Large are your collections?
What would you like to see?
Would you purchase buildings if they were made?
the other question...
have many of you customised any Large Scale Thomas?
I have a Thomas G scale layout
Next week I 'm going to build it in the art gallery for one month
Greatings Eugene Pieterse Netherlands
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on March 23, 2016, 06:59:14 AM
the other question...
have many of you customised any Large Scale Thomas?
I've done modifications to every engine, except Toby:
Thomas- I installed lights in the front and rear, painted his smile white, and painted his side rods silver, and his wheel rivets blue.
Percy- Painted his side rods silver, and his wheel rivets green. I also tilted his cylinders to be at an angle, like the early model series, and removed the bit at the end of the slide bars. Also painted the underside of the running board the same colour as the sides, front and back of it.
James- Painted his side rods silver, and his wheels and wheel rivets black.
Emily- Added a Lamp, lamp irons, and a brake pipe to the front of her running board, and a brake pipe at the back of the tender. (These parts are tacked on, and can be removed, or as I like to do; remove the lamp irons, and play around with head codes :P)
Hi,JD417,we would love to see some photos!!!!!
I don't really feel like cluttering up the fourms by posting pictures, so I have a couple of links to the photos uploaded to my Facebook page (The Facebook page is JD41796, if you want to check it out :P:
Here is how Emily looks:
Here's James:
I don't have any real good ones of Thomas and Percy uploaded to the Facebook page, but I have uploaded a few to my actual Facebook profile:
Here's Thomas:
And Here's a not-very-good-picture-but-you-get-the-point of Percy:
Yesterday the module track , and placed Thomas made his rounds .
greating Eugene the Netherlands.
Thanks everyone!!!!!!those large scale models are stunning!!!!!great pics!!!!!
Seeing as how we have a new large scale thread, I figured I would share my thoughts on the future of the range here.
Honestly, I have been under the impression that the large scale line has been going through a difficult stage in regards to affording a new tooling. There has been a number of recolors and retoolings in the last couple of years announcements and the last locomotive that we had in the range is Toby (I'm not including Winston since I don't consider him an actual locomotive). I think that Winston was probably made not just because his small size works really well in large scale, but also because he would be a lot cheaper for Bachmann to produce than an actual locomotive. If they do any new toolings at this point, I think they would most likely invest in a new tooling that they could use for recolors in the near future, much like how they did with the ice cream wagon this year with three van recolors.
For the next locomotives I can see them only adding DCC and sound to the rest of their locomotives such as doing James and Emily next year and then do Toby the following year. For a new character, I think Mavis would make perfect sense as she would not only require the same wheelbase and motor as Toby, but her new body shell also allows for decent conversion possibilities. In regards to a new tooling then my money is on Diesel at this point since he is not only an iconic character in the current show, but he also has a very simple design that Bachmann could create. He could also be used for recolors so they can invest in other characters like 'Arry, Bert, or even Paxton. However, if you were to ask which locomotive(s) I would like to see personally, then I think Edward and/or Mavis would be pretty decent candidates. Edward's had high demand for a long time and is also a decent size despite being a tender engine and Mavis would work for the reasons I explained above. Either way, I imagine a diesel engine is more likely in large scale at this point.
Rolling stock wise, my money is on the red coaches since they are recolors of Annie and Clarabel with some modifications. New tooling wise, my money is on the mail car since it seems to be a reasonably sized tooling Bachmann could work with. They could also go for recolor possibilities just like how the HO model did in recent years. However, if Bachmann wanted to listen to fans more carefully then I would like to see Henrietta next. In my opinion, there is no reason for Henrietta to not be included in the range already, even though new toolings are expensive I think this one is actually worth the investment, regardless of lack of recolor value. Toby is still a popular seller and it only makes perfect sense to include her in the range as she would have equally strong sales. Perhaps maybe include her once they add DCC/sound to their Toby model? Regardless if they do or don't, I feel Henrietta is long overdue in the range, moreso than a new locomotive.
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. Anyways, I recently managed to get a G scale Thomas, Annie, Clarabel, an oval of track, and a controller for $50. Does anyone know where I can get tar cars for that cheap?
The cheapest I know of is Wholesale Trains:
I would recomend calling/emailing them first before ordering as I ordered something from there not that long ago and they called in telling me that they weren't available despite their website saying they had them in stock.
Thanks Chaz, do you know where I can get track that cheap?
I think it's worth browsing around there or their other store Lantz's Hobby shop. They are a great business and sell HO and large scale equipment for reasonable prices. Easily my favorite place to order models. :)
Fantastic layout "lgbmarklintrein", some good adaptions from others... but has anyone really built something new from scratch?
Hello large scale Champion,
It's been a family project the rear walls are painted by my wife and daughter Anja Cindy, the building I myself built, including the engine shed and the signal box. The releief homes purchased in England in Model Town.
Greating Eugene LGBmarklintrein
I really like the set up, it looks really nice seeing the wagons and tankers lined up together in the yard like that. The signal box especially looks really nice over there too. Glad to see that the public enjoyed the setup too. :)
Just had a surprise... Found out that there is a 4th figure in the range... It's an exclusive conductor/guard in the Salty HO set! So bored of waiting for new product we've bagged the set ;-). It's the little things sometimes... But a welcome addition to our collection.
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He's Here!
Hey there everyone,
I've been collecting large scale Thomas models since 2010 with my first product being the large scale Thomas, Annie, and Clarabel set. I've got probably just a small handful of the models from the range and also models from Bachmann's Big Hauler and Spectrum ranges. I've also got a few Lionel, LGB, and Aristo Craft models as well. Just last winter my collection of large scale trains expanded so much that I actually built a shelf layout for around my room. The shelf itself is done, but I still need to get more track to finish building the layout around it. I also upgraded from steel alloy to brass track.
Although I can't show everything I have at the moment, here are a couple of the Thomas models I have in my collection. You'll notice I have switched from hook n' loop to Bachmann knuckle couplers to make my Thomas models compatible with other models in my collection. Questions and comments welcome.
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Here on Ruby's Railway having completed all available large scale offerings, whilst we wait, the temptation for custom coaches draws us in yet again...
Coaches for James would be a nice obvious choice..
Easy 4 Comp
Trickier 5 Comp like in "James and the Coaches"
and now an interesting addition...
Toby's Museum Coach from "Toby Feels Left Out
Keen to know others thoughts, we currently have a spare Annie & Clarabel and Set of Emily's Coaches for kit bashing but I'm keen to add value. We've considered the Old Coaches as well and I'm also musing weather to create a version of the Works Unit.
This on the Ashburton Railway is a great example of custom building, however I wouldn't risk the red coaches myself, as they are a hopefully obvious choice for Large Scale by Bachmann (Hopefully).
nice car :D
Fantastic Inclusion in the June Newsletter is that 98015 Ice Cream Wagon is released!
This is the first wagon in the Box Wagon mold and a welcome addition to the fleet..
Now it's in the US I wonder how long before it appears in the UK?
Just wondering if anyone here has gotten the Ice Cream Wagon yet, as I'm curious to see the detailing on it, but I'm not ready to buy it myself, yet. :P
I think Thomas fans are more excited for the upcoming liveries of the LMS box car van wagon than they are the ice cream wagon. This ones gonna be a real melter...!
Ice cream is ready, just need the weather to match!
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In the process of unpacking from a move, so test run will have to wait for now!
Those look pretty nice actually.
The colour seems to be improved from the HO model but it's not as yellow as it should be.. (The Cream Tanker shares that same dilemma)
And the details are fixed as well (The HO one actually had a bit too many of those line things on the end)
Are the Ice Cream logos 3-dimensional, or are they just painted on the sides?
Next to the white of the milk tanker, it does have a yellowish hue, as does the cream tanker - but you're right, it's a little on the ivory side.
There is some nice 3D moulding of the doors, but the ice cream logo is painted over this.
Images of two of the new vans are up on the website. The Great Western van is the nicest one out of the bunch, I can also see it selling better than the ice cream wagon too.
That Great Western van is definitely beautiful.
I like the vegetable one... I like the colour of the other one... But why on earth does it say GW???? Why not NW, or better still, plain? Bizarre.
My Daughter is excited by the Ice Cream Van but I'm looking forward to the Explosives Van.
This is a welcome addition and the choice of doing the GW Van gives hope for Duck, Oliver or even Toad.
Really hoping for another loco next year.
Well it seems the likelihood of Henrietta getting a Large Scale model may have increased.
A new coach character to debut in Season 20 is going to be very similar to Henrietta.
So, like the whole Clarabel using Annie's tooling situation, even though they're different, may be used here.
(This is apparent. No photos yet. The writer confirmed this via email, one can only hope at this point.)
new coach character? are you talking about Bradford the Brakevan?
Fairly certain a a Welsh brakevan doesn't look like Henrietta. :P
I shouldn't really be spreading this around, but there's no recoil or anything from this, so why not.
The coach's name is supposedly 'Hannah'. Starring in the episode "Hasty Hannah". The episode plot seems to basically be 'When Henrietta needs to go to the steamworks to get repaired, Toby gets a relief coach, Hannah, in replace of Henrietta.'
[citation needed]
Quote from: JD417 on July 20, 2016, 04:14:57 AM
A new coach character to debut in Season 20 is going to be very similar to Henrietta.
If that's so, is it possible that it's going to be like a bogied version of Henrietta. I say this because the TTTE Wiki says that in an annual, Henrietta has a sister who is like her, but with bogies.
Quote from: JD417 on July 21, 2016, 01:39:01 AM
Fairly certain a a Welsh brakevan doesn't look like Henrietta. :P
Well, the only character so far that is going to be introduced is said brakevan. Sometimes people confuse names of things by mistake (like calling a brakevan a coach). In addition, there was no citation on where this "Hannah" information has come from. I checked SiF and the Wiki and could find no info about the new character. Some people love to spread rumors to create drama in the fan base. Sometimes, people don't always find out news immediately if their not on all social media sites. This info could have been made up by someone wanting attention, it could have been from a picture or tweet on Twitter, a comments section on YouTube or Facebook...the list goes on. I'm not accusing you of spreading a rumor, I'm just helping you by saying to add a link or a picture of some sort to where you get this info from.It's just for future reference to avoid people from thinking your spreading rumors.
Quote from: Anthony P2 on July 21, 2016, 02:29:53 PM
Quote from: JD417 on July 21, 2016, 01:39:01 AM
Fairly certain a a Welsh brakevan doesn't look like Henrietta. :P
there was no citation on where this "Hannah" information has come from.
Fairly certain that he said it was confirmed
by a writer via email.
Quote from: TrainMan2001 on July 21, 2016, 04:11:03 PM
Fairly certain that he said it was confirmed by a writer via email.
Oh well in that case it must be true! ::)
So where is the email? Who was it from? Who was the email to? Where did the email surface? on Twitter? Where is the link to prove that this info is correct?
You're not getting what i'm trying to say. How do I, as well as everyone else, know where he's getting this info from? For all I know, he could be just saying that. I could easily say something similar.
It was confirmed in an email from a writer that Bear will be introduced in the next special.**
**He's not. it's just an example. Please DO NOT start this as a rumor.
See how easy that was?
It's hard to believe something without a source supplied for people to confirm that a rumor turns out to be a fact. People might be a little skeptical when believing something when a reliable source is not present to back up the info. it hasn't surfaced yet on the Wiki or SiF, both of which are reliable sources. All that need to be supplied is a link just so everyone can say "Oh ok. He seems to be right about the new character." Only reason why Bradford wasn't a rumor is because it practically appeared everywhere and was confirmed. I'm not trying to pick a fight. I'm just trying to help JD417 so that people don't think he's starting rumors by not supplying a link to a source and to prove a point that you can't always believe everything you hear or see on the internet.
I can't say everything, because that could get me in trouble with the Writer, the person who started the discussion with said writer, ect. If I could say everything, I would.
All I can say is it came from one of the people from the Wikia who also confirmed Bradford as a character, Who owns the character in the show, his episode bio, and who's going to be in the episode along with him. It's the same writer for both episodes too apparently.
Like I said, if I could tell all the details, I would. But I'd rather not be on people's bad sides.
If it was from an email with a writer working for HiT Entertainment, then even mentioning it on the forum without permission is violating the confidentiality agreement of email discussions with people who work at HiT Entertainment. I know this because I've emailed a staff member at HiT Entertainment before and they were kind enough to reply to my questions, but I still have to abide to the terms of agreement. The Wikia has done this as well, but since they post their findings on SIF and the Wikia, where HiT Entertainment has been known to and confirmed to have check occasionally, I'm gonna guess they had permission to do so.
The content of the episode doesn't matter to me, but by mentioning this content publicly without permission (and from the way you're wording your posts, it sounds like you don't), you're doing more damage than good, especially for future community members who wish to have their questions answered by the Thomas Team at HiT.
Loose lips sink ships. ::)
Yes please don't ruin it for people, emails are how we found out plenty of things. Also because this person is posting such things wouldn't it raise an alarm that it's fake. They're not agreeing to their terms. Kinda raises a red flag to me.
Let me rephrase this. Everything I said was fine to say
Quote from: JD417 on July 21, 2016, 01:39:01 AM
but there's no recoil or anything from this, so why not.
The individual who was talking about it to other people, (the one who got the information to begin with) just wanted more information before they would make a page on the Wikia, or something. No contract breaking or anything, I just didn't want to get on his bad side if I 'ruined the surprise' before he was ready to bring it up.
In my original post, I brought up as much information as I needed to to bring my point across about an increase in the possibility of Henrietta, and that much information was fine to say.
I'm not spreading rumours, I'm not trying to create drama, I'm just stating that Henrietta has an increased chance if these emails from the writer turns out to be 100% true.
I apologize if this started something. Could we please get back on the topic.
What doesn't start something these days? ::)
Getting this topic back on track (yes, that terrible pun was intentional).
One thing I would like to say, on the topic of Large Scale Thomas, is how impressed I am that Bachmann had the (quite frankly) brilliant idea to raise the bottom of Thomas's rear and front buffer beams, in order to accommodate couplings. I think I even read somewhere a while ago that (as a result of the aforementioned bufferbeam changes) Thomas's front and rear buffers are now level, something which his TV Series model (and now CGI render) hasn't had since...season 2...I think.
It may mean a little detail accuracy, in the form of the bufferbeam height, is sacrificed, but the operation value is increased a lot. Fans of the HO range have complained about the lack of a front coupling on the HO Thomas, Percy, and James models for years, so I still think his large scale model is quite impressive in that regard. In fact, all the Large Scale models I've seen from Bachmann have been quite impressive, but James, Thomas and Percy are especially so, when compared to their HO models, maybe it's time for an update of them? ;)
Thankyou AJW98Productions,
for that dose of reality, having had this topic removed in the past by the moderator when it got out of hand I'd dearly like to avoid a repeat.
IF chances of Henrietta have increased yippee but until its confirmed then we are again back to focusing on topic.
It's great to see that images have appeared for all but the explosives van, I think it means the later end of this year may see most of the promised offerings appear and we can once again dream of more engines... Winston is fine, and sound is great but we do need another engine...
My personal 2017 Wishlist:
Loco: Edward or Duck
Coaches: Red Coaches or Henrietta
Wagons: Box Van with Face, Toad (with moving eyes)
Significant others would include: Cattle Wagon, Mail Wagon, Maybe LS accessories and More Figures (Loco crew, Workmen Assorted, Mrs Kindley, Lady Hatt, Jeremiah Jobling, Passengers Assorted. Oh and wagon loads...
& My Favourite Box Van finally has an image!
Can't wait!
Well everyone recently the Hasty Hannah thing was confirmed. It is also said Hannah resembles Henrietta. If you need proof check the ttte fan wikia and look at season 20. If you need links I can provide them.
Not sure if this is a good sign, but the Bachmann Branchline website has an approximate date for Winston's release. (As well as the Sound Thomas and Percy)
The only reason I say it may not be a good sign, is the fact that the US site has a price listed for Winston, and the UK one does not. So that could mean they're still spitballing here.
I am genuinely surprised on how little information we currently have about Winston. Even Oliver has more going for him in regards to a release date and preorders. Not too many shops have Winston listed or even have release dates posted. Even with the new vans out and the DCC/sound models due next month, I think this is really saying something about the odds of a new engine in the range if it is taking them this long to get Winston out.
Hello everyone,
It's been a long time since we've posted and generally wanted to get a feel for rumours or wishes for 2018, it's frustrating to wait so long to get a loco every 2 years! Diesel is a welcome addition and we always hold out hope for Edward or Duck with the Red Coaches but keen to know others thoughts???
I'm sure Diesel will be out in 2018, though I'm surprised we still don't have an official photo of the spiteful brake van yet.
That being said, production has been a lot slower for Bachmann than usual this year and I'm sure this has made an impact for large scale too. I'm not expecting a lot for large scale in 2018 besides 'Arry and Bert.
Large Scale fans have been open to the idea of Bill & Ben (myself included) and I personally hope that Mavis can be made as well. I sadly wouldn't see any of them being made too soon, though. :-\
Nonetheless, I cannot wait to see what Diesel and the Spiteful Brake Van look like. I'm a bit of a Diesel fan and the latter is a very unique choice.
The Spiteful Brakevan is a strange choice as technically that is the brakevan we have as in the books he's NW 13 however we may be getting the tv series version that's just grey and has a face. As freight running without a brakevan is difficult we've already repainted a second brakevan so any new brakevan is still more than needed.
I hope a second sound decoder becomes available with diesel on as our plan is to eventually switch to DCC but at the moment our focus is on earthworks and tunnel construction.
I wish they'd be bold enough to make some buildings for the large scale.
Another thing we're keen to see is other members custom builds in large scale. we have a secret project on at the moment and will debut in pics. Has anyone else done a custom? the best we've seen is the red brake coach.
I'd love to see some Large Scale custom builds made. That red coach sounds like a pretty cool sight to see.
Would Glynn be a possible idea for the Large Scale lineup? I myself wouldn't mind seeing him made, though I won't expect him that soon. He might need more speaking roles to qualify, but then again, Winston was in the lineup and he doesn't have too much speaking roles.
Falcon - FYI
we posted the Red Coach custom earlier on this thread, reply 20 on page two.
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on November 26, 2017, 04:12:05 AM
Falcon - FYI
we posted the Red Coach custom earlier on this thread, reply 20 on page two.
Thanks for reminding me. I tend to forget about previous discussions frequently... :-\
Still, that red coach looks very cool. I too hope they're made in Large Scale someday.
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on November 24, 2017, 10:21:15 AM
Another thing we're keen to see is other members custom builds in large scale. we have a secret project on at the moment and will debut in pics. Has anyone else done a custom? the best we've seen is the red brake coach.
Well, I have 2 projects I did that were from a couple years ago. The first one is Emily's snowplow which I built back in 2015. The plow I made for her was built from tin and I used aluminum and styrene for the mounting bracket. I then painted the front of the plow silver and the sides dark green. Mounting the plow is simple as it just goes right down over Emily's buffers. Unlike the Thomas model, I'm able to run Emily's plow on her without having to remove the knuckle coupler on the pony truck.
I modeled Emily's plow after the one she had in Season 8, and I know some will argue that its inaccurate that I'm using a model series plow on a CGI series Emily, but I could honestly care less. Realistically plows tend to get shined up after excessive use, so having Emily's plow fully painted green doesn't make any sense. One thing I would like to also add is that although I have tried it and the plow does indeed plow snow, I don't recommend it. While the plow and it's mounting bracket could more than likely take the abuse, I fear Emily's plastic buffers wouldn't.
The next project I attempted was a custom Season 1 truck made back in 2016. I started with the open wagon that you would get if you bought the large scale Thomas' Christmas Delivery set. Now before you ask why I chose to use this wagon over one of the others, it's because of the price. An online retailer I buy from frequently had the wagon (separate from the set) for only $24 which was cheaper than going out and buying one of the other wagons for about $50-$60+. I also ended up with the 2 presents in the truck, but threw those in with the Christmas decorations.
It was pretty simple to just sand down the old decals on the wagon, repaint it flat black, add some weathering, and then the custom face. Overall I thought the model turned out pretty good, and a friend of mine actually thought I used the Tenmile Gauge 1 kit to build it. The photo shows the truck with a chain link coupler, but I actually run knuckle couplers on my railroad. The photo was taken prior to me adding knuckle couplers to the model.
Lastly is a current work in progress I started back in October of this year. I'm currently making a large scale model of Victoria from The Railway Series. Obviously I've used a Bachmann Annie/Clarabel for the basis, but Victoria isn't a LB&SCR Stroudley coach so quite a few alterations have to be made. I've seen many of the HO Boys just simply repaint an Annie/Clarabel coach, but that's not going to cut it for this project. I'm mainly trying to base my build off the Clive Spong illustrations, but have referred to Victoria's actual basis (Furness Railway Passenger Coach) for details as well. Regardless what I do, this model could very well be a hybrid.
As she sits now, Victoria is mainly in primer gray until I finish adding details to the model and find the proper color blue to paint her. The coach's frame also needs a few alterations as well, but I'm yet to start on that. Incase anyone is curious, I don't have plans to build Helena, mainly just because of the fact (considering the fait Victoria suffered) it seems likely she's probably been scrapped. I've still got quite a bit of work to do, but Victoria is perhaps a build I should revisit on here once she's finished.
Questions and comments welcome.
Fantastic Plowbender,
now that's what we like to see genuine customs and effort. It's such a shame how slow production of the large scale is, we crave more models and it would be great if they added accessories etc to the range.
We can dream...
So what would we like to see the next offering from bachmann to be in large scale???
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on December 04, 2017, 12:01:56 PM
So what would we like to see the next offering from bachmann to be in large scale???
In terms of ideas for new engines...
-While I'd love to see Mavis made, it sadly doesn't seem like she'll be in the Large Scale lineup anytime soon since she doesn't have that many merchandise or TV show appearances anymore.
-There's a couple of fans that are open to the idea of Bill and Ben being made. Bachmann can get two engines with one brand new tooling and they would be much more profitable than 'Arry and Bert.
-I'm not too sure about this idea, but part of me wants to see Glynn made. His size is suitable for the Large Scale range and he would be a unique choice, but as I've said before, he might need more speaking roles to qualify.
-I'd also like to see Oliver made, but his HO Scale model is already out and we might need to give him some time to enter the Large Scale range.
Are there any ideas for Large Scale rolling stock? Henrietta and Toad sound good, but I don't think I'd see either being made so soon.
Rather than repeating myself, here's a link to my thoughts on what I think might come out in large scale next year:,33422.msg250477.html#msg250477
Amended: 20 hrs later; okay now ... found quite a few 'utube videos since original post, doing the review or unboxing thing.
Also called the vendor this a.m. to confirm p/n and doublechk the $.
Today's clerk quoted a $, three hundred more than yesterdays' clerk quote ::) So that has killed any urgency to acquire.... leaving me wondering if i HAD known the street price and said I'll buy both, would it have rang thru at three hundred each less than actual :D LOL But them being a locally owned biz I don't think I could ah have done it to them... maaybe let him process it thru and then tell him ya might want to chk this out and do refund/return, so you can sell them to someone else, for the 'real' retail price ! If it was a national/international store I would not be so "thoughtful" !! IMHO
original post;
Stumbled onto a couple 'Thomas with Annie and Clarabelle' sets at a small retailer.
I was in a hurry, could not spot the p/n number on it (obviously the one sidepanel i did not look at ;) nor a price tag, so asked a clerk who chkd their database who quoted me a seemingly really great p'point.
Lookin' at my (complimentary showbooth acquired) B'mann 2016 catalog, I'm pretty sure it was p/n90068.
Anyone out there wish to share their experiences with this set ?
Thanks for your time and any feedback
p.s. now to chk my GR index to see if 'Kalmbach' did a review on it.
Considering I've wanted to touch on this subject this year, I think now is my chance to do so. For a couple years now, the idea for Bachmann to make a Troublesome Truck #3 for the range has been in the back of my mind. I brought this up last year as a model I'd like to see for 2017, but now I'm hoping we can at least see this simple addition added to the range for 2018.
Lets start by explaining why Bachmann should add another troublesome truck to the range. First off, troublesome trucks have always been a popular seller and to this day continue to carry on this trend. This is because they are rolling stock that people will buy 2 or more of in many cases. It's safe to say that Troublesome Truck #3 would be no different and would fly off the shelves as well. It's just a simple fact that you can never have enough troublesome trucks.
Bachmann would also be able to keep production costs for the model low by just using an already existing piece of rolling stock. Personally I think it would be most beneficial for Bachmann to make Troublesome Truck #3 by simply doing a recolor of the Ice Cream Wagon. It would be easy to make a brown van and put a face on it, similar to what we have here.
I think the above photo pretty much covers what many large scale Thomas modelers want to see. The only problem is that this style of troublesome truck hasn't been seen in the CGI series, which the large scale models are pretty much based on. However, models such as Annie and Clarabel, the Troublesome Trucks, Tar Wagon, and the Raspberry Syrup Tanker are in their model series forums, so I really don't see where there's any room to argue that claim with Troublesome Truck #3. HOWEVER, I do have that sneaking suspicion that if Bachmann did in fact announce Troublesome Truck #3 and it was a van, I feel we'd probably end up with this.
Now I'm not saying I'm agents this style of troublesome truck because it's a CGI one or because its connected to Journey Beyond Sodor, but I prefer the model series one over this. My main reason is simply because of the color and design. I prefer the brown color (similar to the Great Western Van) and also the positioning of the face. The face on the CGI version just looks to be positioned too high for my liking. I'd personally like to see the model series style van with the same style of face in large scale, but with the range mainly focusing on CGI, it's probably wishful thinking. Then again, the Explosives, Great Western, and Sodor Fruit & Vegetable Co. vans weren't in CGI either, yet we still have those. I think I've proven my point on that topic.
Now another option Bachmann could have for a Troublesome Truck #3 is recoloring a tanker. I'm thinking something similar to this.
Unfortunately I feel this is very unlikely because these tankers only appeared in 1 episode of the series, and haven't been seen since. Considering they're 1 off characters (that's what I'm calling them, so deal with it...) chances of them being made in large scale are about as likely as Gordon and Henry. Even so, these tankers have made a comeback in CGI, so this potentially gives them a chance of being made.
Although I wasn't a big fan of the film these tankers are related to, I'm honestly all for seeing them introduced into large scale. All Bachmann would have to do is recolor one of their existing tankers, but that's the funny part about this. These tankers are actually the oil tankers with a face, but Bachmann actually made the oil tanker (without a face) in large scale up until it was discontinued back in 2014. Basically if Bachmann were to make this for Troublesome Truck #3, this means the return of the oil tanker as well, but with a face. It's definitely an easy model if Bachmann wants to take a stab at it.
So to finish up, here are my thoughts. I feel that Troublesome Truck #3 is a good chance for Bachmann to introduce something into the range that is sure to be a great addition for 2018. I was honestly expecting Troublesome Truck #3 for 2017, but apparently Bachmann found it easier to slap a face on the Brakevan rather than a box van. The worst part about that was the fact there was more demand for the Spiteful Breakvan in the HO range, and literally none for it in large scale. That aside though, I think that if Bachmann were to take either a box van or tanker and make Troublesome Truck #3 for large scale, it would definitely be a step in the right direction.
I must say those are some very excellent ideas, Rusty. We're still yet to see a Troublesome Van in the lineup and a Troublesome Tanker would be a unique choice. I'd definitely get the van if Bachmann was able to make it. :)
Journey Beyond Sodor also gave us Troublesome Slate Wagons, though I doubt we'd see them anytime soon.
Quote from: Falcon on December 09, 2017, 10:06:18 PM
Journey Beyond Sodor also gave us Troublesome Slate Wagons, though I doubt we'd see them anytime soon.
Actually troublesome slate wagons existed long before Journey Beyond Sodor, but in narrow gauge.
I'm not sure if you were referring to them as standard gauge slate wagons or just new characters in general, but just thought I'd mention that. To be fair though, I'd rather see a tanker or van over troublesome slate wagons in large scale. Now this is just my opinion, but I feel that slate wagons should stay where they belong, and that's in narrow gauge. Just from my point of view, they look too out of place even if they are scaled up with the rest of the rolling stock. Maybe a few others can shed some light on this topic as well.
Personally I do think the slate wagons look...odd in standard gauge, they do seem to almost stick out like a sore thumb, but maybe that's just because I'm used to seeing them as Narrow Gauge exclusive wagons. In any case, I do kind of like the idea of seeing them with Standard Gauge Engines, even if it does still look odd to me. I think Large Scale could do with a troublesome van or tanker first though, I feel like those would be better sellers.
The standard gauge wagons was what I meant. Probably could've been more specific. :-\
I'd rather see a Troublesome Van or Tanker as well. Those two options would seem to fit in much more and Troublesome Slate Wagons would feel more natural for the narrow gauge lineup.
If we get slate wagons with faces, it would make a lot more sense to see them in narrow gauge than in any of the other ranges. Even then, I don't think they should be anytime soon since the narrow gauge line needs a lot more diversity with rolling stock.
Personally, I think troublesome truck #3 should have been announced this year with Diesel instead of the spiteful brake van in large scale. Even if it would have been another van repaint, at least that would be a lot better of a seller than literally slapping a face on the large scale brake van and calling it a day. Especially since troublesome trucks have always proven to be popular in both HO and large scale in the past.
Quote from: Chaz on December 10, 2017, 09:18:30 PM
Even then, I don't think they should be anytime soon since the narrow gauge line needs a lot more diversity with rolling stock.
Good point. We're still yet to see narrow gauge coaches announced too.
So far, it seems that Troublesome Truck #3 is one of the most wanted additions in the Large Scale rolling stock selection and it's fairly easy to understand why. I'm sure it would do much better than the Spiteful Brakevan in terms of sales.
I'm still curious how they will produce the Spitful Breakvan as technically it is NE No13 like the one they've already done in Large Scale.
However with only just over a month until we know what is to come (eventually) from 2018
we are hoping for:
Duck or Edward
Red Coaches
and to be honest either a van with a face as TT3 or a Cattle Van.
we would love more figures... and a total dream would be the Breakdown Train (Awesome)
Considering I've already made a post on the red coaches in another thread, I'm just going to do a simple cut and paste job here.
So lets talk about large scale red coaches. These are another addition I would like to see for the large scale range, and I know many people want to see them as well. The red coaches were in high demand years ago for the HO range, and have proven to be popular sellers by selling out a number of times.
To start off, the red coaches have made numerous appearances with numerous characters, and in many cases you'll see them with engines such as Percy, James, Edward, Rosie, Henry, Duck, etc. We've also seen in recent seasons (even in the earlier seasons such as season 2) that in some cases the engines are pulling 3-4 coach trains with the red coaches. This plays out a little later on, but I'll get to that in a moment. Something that also should be mentioned about the red coaches is that they are/were used on many different parts of Sodor such as the Ffarquhar Branch, Brendam Branch, Harwick Branch, The Little Western, The Main Line, etc.
So is there a demand for the red coaches? I wouldn't be making this post if there wasn't. For a couple years now there's been many discussions come up for the red coaches in large scale, and for good reason too. Years back the red coaches were in high demand for HO, and after being around a few years they're still flying off the shelves. With the demand now, there's no doubt they would move in large scale. Some people have even gone as far to make their own as seen below.
Chances are some people would even consider buying multiple red coaches instead of just buying a red coach and a red break coach. It's also safe to say that considering chances of getting some express coaches in large scale are out of the question, it would be nice to have the red coaches as a replacement to go along with James.
Now it's a question of how Bachmann would do in terms of production of said models. They honestly have an advantage with the red coaches considering the tooling is already somewhat there. Starting with the existing Annie and Clarabel/Emily's coaches tooling, alterations can be made to make the red coaches. The break coach would require the most work, but just the regular red coach only requires the new roof tooling which in turn is used for the break coach anyway. The only downside I can find with the red coaches is that the tooling for them (even though it exists) needing altered might be asking a little much. This isn't as simple as just taking an existing van or wagon and recoloring it. Keep in mind what the large scale announcements have been lately.
So to wrap things up, what are my thoughts on getting the red coaches in large scale? I'm honestly all for these additions, as I'm sure many others are as well. Overall they seem simple enough, appealing enough, and would definitely sell better than something like a vegetable van or a raspberry syrup tanker. It would also be nice to have them to go along with James and/or Percy in the range, and other characters like Edward, Duck, Rosie, Ryan, Oliver, etc when/if they're ever announced. Now if you'll excuse me, its lunchtime!
To think it's just over a week until we get news... will the Large Scale Thomas fans be happy????
Our preferences
Duck or Edward
Red Coaches
Troublesome Van
more figures... Workmen, Mrs Kindly, Jeremiah Jobling
since the announcements this year were so useless and depressing, I'm so close to getting another set of Annie and Clarabel and shaving off the noses and spray painting them red just for James
We will press on with our customs... however now worried that diesel has been cancelled.... so may have to review all thoughts of more purchases, a really concerning move by bachmann
I was thinking that the sound decoder has the sounds for other engines that don't exist in large scale, i was thinking one day i could just mod James to look like Edward, and then just have to build Henry and Gordan from scratch (even though Henry and Gordon would never be released due to the size they would be)
I still am hoping they at least make Edward, but for now I have Thomas and Percy with DCC and I am working on getting the other three and then expanding my rolling stock
Thomasgleek444, If you were to build Henry in large scale, would you want him with his old shape or his new shape?
Quote from: JLK2707 on March 03, 2018, 05:20:01 PM
Thomasgleek444, If you were to build Henry in large scale, would you want him with his old shape or his new shape?
That all depends if I can happen to find an already built loco that looks enough like Henry (or Gordon) I might just mod the already existing engine.
however, I think I would like to have the old shaped Henry if I can, it looks like it would be easier to make from scratch (since there would be a dome missing compared to the new one, and the new firebox would be a nightmare), and I like the look a bit better.
Well it was true to say that here at Ruby's Railway we were more than disappointed with the announcements this year, whilst in dodgy economic times we accept recolours are a cost effective solution, we'd have preferred box vans and coaches.
In desperate need for a new loco the loss of Diesel was massive, we thought that it may not have been at the top of lists before but offered lots of hopes for recolours and customisation which is what this is all about. Duck would have been a great bet on the back of this and if accompanied by red coaches or Toad, would be a non-compromising offer that would sell out. (Willing to bet on it £$ Bachmann).
Anyway to the more positive, the lighter days here have led to work starting on the railway for this season and the cave under the waterfall today's mission with rain forecast it's a battle of will!
Please Bachmann reward our faith! We're hanging on in here.
While I would be all for a large scale Duck personally, seeing as how Diesel got canceled, I'm not sure if the large scale range is going to get an engine anytime soon since the large scale market in the US is really not all that strong to warrant sales for new products. I'm willing to bet we will see James, Toby, and Emily with DCC and sound already installed before we get a new engine again.
I'm still surprised Bachmann hasn't announced the red coaches in large scale yet since those would be recolors of Annie and Clarabel with new roofs and added compartments on the brake coach. It would have been a much smarter move if Bachmann announced those instead of the tankers that got announced this year.
Toad would be nice too, but it's a little hard to see him happening without Oliver. I would imagine Henrietta or a mail car would happen before we get a large scale Toad.
I agree with your logic if you're looking at Thomas in isolation, however the huge appeal of a pannier tank for customising and with stock to pull i'm sure it would sell out which would be a welcome result for Bachmann.
In other news we're thrilled to have got a 4th tar wagon for £25 including postage from eBay @ buy it now! the cheapest we've got any thing before was a second Annie & Clarabel for £45 this wagon is a fantastic late night find.
I have no doubt that a large scale Duck would be a popular seller in large scale too for the reasons you mentioned earlier, plus his given strong sales that would likely follow him. His HO model is still a popular seller nearly five years since it was released. It's just like I said the recent production choices from Bachmann are what make me feel unsure if Bachmann will make a new engine. He would easily be a better seller than Diesel would have too.
Not a bad find you found either. Would love to see photos of your club's layout and collection as well as an upcoming progress.
Thanks Chaz,
Since posting had a major score in the fact the seller posted another up for bidding, I persuaded him to switch to buy it now and he subsequently had a third! So that's 3 for £75 including postage best deal ever!
Ruby's Railway is exactly as it sounds, not a club layout but a doting fathers build for his daughter. It is entirely my work and currently consists of two loops, one smaller inner loop one outer all around a pond, once winter servicing and the new tunnel construction are finished, I'll post pics. I'm hoping her interest doesn't fall off too much, too soon!
We have the entire Bachmann range to date, with two sets of Annie & Clarabel and Emily's Coaches, 5x Coal Wagon and now 5x Tar (maybe 6) we have 3 Thomas loco's but am on the lookout for a second Percy to recreate the Ghost Train...
So as you can see we are very big supporters of Large Scale Thomas and would love to see it flourish, it disappoints me that branding decisions via Mattel may hurt choices that could keep Bachmann successful in this Scale, and only wish there were more Ruby Railways of our size to keep investment going 😢. Fingers crossed for a brighter future 🤞🏻.
Many thanks for interest and will get those pics up soon....
this is all the best stuff in the world
Quote from: Plow Bender on November 30, 2017, 12:36:22 AM
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on November 24, 2017, 10:21:15 AM
Another thing we're keen to see is other members custom builds in large scale. we have a secret project on at the moment and will debut in pics. Has anyone else done a custom? the best we've seen is the red brake coach.
Well, I have 2 projects I did that were from a couple years ago. The first one is Emily's snowplow which I built back in 2015. The plow I made for her was built from tin and I used aluminum and styrene for the mounting bracket. I then painted the front of the plow silver and the sides dark green. Mounting the plow is simple as it just goes right down over Emily's buffers. Unlike the Thomas model, I'm able to run Emily's plow on her without having to remove the knuckle coupler on the pony truck.
I modeled Emily's plow after the one she had in Season 8, and I know some will argue that its inaccurate that I'm using a model series plow on a CGI series Emily, but I could honestly care less. Realistically plows tend to get shined up after excessive use, so having Emily's plow fully painted green doesn't make any sense. One thing I would like to also add is that although I have tried it and the plow does indeed plow snow, I don't recommend it. While the plow and it's mounting bracket could more than likely take the abuse, I fear Emily's plastic buffers wouldn't.
The next project I attempted was a custom Season 1 truck made back in 2016. I started with the open wagon that you would get if you bought the large scale Thomas' Christmas Delivery set. Now before you ask why I chose to use this wagon over one of the others, it's because of the price. An online retailer I buy from frequently had the wagon (separate from the set) for only $24 which was cheaper than going out and buying one of the other wagons for about $50-$60+. I also ended up with the 2 presents in the truck, but threw those in with the Christmas decorations.
It was pretty simple to just sand down the old decals on the wagon, repaint it flat black, add some weathering, and then the custom face. Overall I thought the model turned out pretty good, and a friend of mine actually thought I used the Tenmile Gauge 1 kit to build it. The photo shows the truck with a chain link coupler, but I actually run knuckle couplers on my railroad. The photo was taken prior to me adding knuckle couplers to the model.
Lastly is a current work in progress I started back in October of this year. I'm currently making a large scale model of Victoria from The Railway Series. Obviously I've used a Bachmann Annie/Clarabel for the basis, but Victoria isn't a LB&SCR Stroudley coach so quite a few alterations have to be made. I've seen many of the HO Boys just simply repaint an Annie/Clarabel coach, but that's not going to cut it for this project. I'm mainly trying to base my build off the Clive Spong illustrations, but have referred to Victoria's actual basis (Furness Railway Passenger Coach) for details as well. Regardless what I do, this model could very well be a hybrid.
As she sits now, Victoria is mainly in primer gray until I finish adding details to the model and find the proper color blue to paint her. The coach's frame also needs a few alterations as well, but I'm yet to start on that. Incase anyone is curious, I don't have plans to build Helena, mainly just because of the fact (considering the fait Victoria suffered) it seems likely she's probably been scrapped. I've still got quite a bit of work to do, but Victoria is perhaps a build I should revisit on here once she's finished.
Questions and comments welcome.
and speaking of customs, i know just above i was talking about a custom Henry and Gordon
while right now im trying to see if the base of a aristocraft pacific would be the right size for the drive wheels.
after that i would replace the other trailing wheels with some spare james trailing wheels, and then build a body on top. and scratch build the tender completely
Quote from: thomasgleek444 on May 04, 2018, 09:55:41 AM
and speaking of customs, i know just above i was talking about a custom Henry and Gordon
while right now im trying to see if the base of a aristocraft pacific would be the right size for the drive wheels.
after that i would replace the other trailing wheels with some spare james trailing wheels, and then build a body on top. and scratch build the tender completely
It might not work with it being a slightly different gauge, but I happen to know that Marklin makes a Gauge 1 BR 78, the locomotive that, from what I've heard, is the type of Locomotive used to make Gordon and Henry in the show, specifically, their chassis. Gauge 1 is close to G Scale, but I don't know if it's close enough to be compatible, like HO Scale and OO Scale are.
Quote from: Rodimus Supreme on May 04, 2018, 03:44:50 PM
It might not work with it being a slightly different gauge, but I happen to know that Marklin makes a Gauge 1 BR 78, the locomotive that, from what I've heard, is the type of Locomotive used to make Gordon and Henry in the show, specifically, their chassis. Gauge 1 is close to G Scale, but I don't know if it's close enough to be compatible, like HO Scale and OO Scale are.
G scale would be 1:24 scale and Gauge 1 (or #1 scale) is 1:32 scale which would be smaller than G. The Bachmann Thomas & Friends models themselves are actually 1:22.5 scale which is in between both scales. As I don't own too many Gauge 1 models, I can't really give you the best comparison out there, but I can hopefully show you somewhat of the difference between the two scales. First up, here's Percy next to my Bachmann Gauge 1 speeder. Winston would probably have been better to compare if I had him, but I choose not to waste my hard earned money on something so mediocre.
Next is James next to an Aristo-Craft Gauge 1 hopper car. Keep in mind that a James should be pretty much in scale with the hopper if the model (James) were in fact Gauge 1.
As I said before, I can't really give you a picture perfect comparison as I don't have many Gauge 1 models. I myself am looking to make 1 or 2 additional Thomas & Friends characters for my large scale collection in the future. I did at first plan on building them in Gauge 1, but later decided to build them in 1:22.5 scale so they would be in scale with my other Thomas & Friends models.
By the way, anyone out there interested in a Bachmann Large Scale Thomas and/or Percy?
Where are you from, we are always looking for spares...
Quote from: Plow Bender on May 07, 2018, 03:50:09 PM
Quote from: Rodimus Supreme on May 04, 2018, 03:44:50 PM
It might not work with it being a slightly different gauge, but I happen to know that Marklin makes a Gauge 1 BR 78, the locomotive that, from what I've heard, is the type of Locomotive used to make Gordon and Henry in the show, specifically, their chassis. Gauge 1 is close to G Scale, but I don't know if it's close enough to be compatible, like HO Scale and OO Scale are.
G scale would be 1:24 scale and Gauge 1 (or #1 scale) is 1:32 scale which would be smaller than G. The Bachmann Thomas & Friends models themselves are actually 1:22.5 scale which is in between both scales. As I don't own too many Gauge 1 models, I can't really give you the best comparison out there, but I can hopefully show you somewhat of the difference between the two scales. First up, here's Percy next to my Bachmann Gauge 1 speeder. Winston would probably have been better to compare if I had him, but I choose not to waste my hard earned money on something so mediocre.
Next is James next to an Aristo-Craft Gauge 1 hopper car. Keep in mind that a James should be pretty much in scale with the hopper if the model (James) were in fact Gauge 1.
As I said before, I can't really give you a picture perfect comparison as I don't have many Gauge 1 models. I myself am looking to make 1 or 2 additional Thomas & Friends characters for my large scale collection in the future. I did at first plan on building them in Gauge 1, but later decided to build them in 1:22.5 scale so they would be in scale with my other Thomas & Friends models.
By the way, anyone out there interested in a Bachmann Large Scale Thomas and/or Percy?
Yeah, I had read before that Gauge 1 is smaller than G Scale, but HO Scale is also smaller than OO Scale, yet both are generally compatible. So I wasn't sure if Gauge 1 and G Scale were compatible or not. If I remember correctly, HO and OO use the same voltage, right? So if the track diameter and voltage is the same between the two, they could be compatible?
What country are you in?
I'm interested in Thomas & Percy
Quote from: Rodimus Supreme on May 04, 2018, 03:44:50 PM
Quote from: thomasgleek444 on May 04, 2018, 09:55:41 AM
and speaking of customs, i know just above i was talking about a custom Henry and Gordon
while right now im trying to see if the base of a aristocraft pacific would be the right size for the drive wheels.
after that i would replace the other trailing wheels with some spare james trailing wheels, and then build a body on top. and scratch build the tender completely
It might not work with it being a slightly different gauge, but I happen to know that Marklin makes a Gauge 1 BR 78, the locomotive that, from what I've heard, is the type of Locomotive used to make Gordon and Henry in the show, specifically, their chassis. Gauge 1 is close to G Scale, but I don't know if it's close enough to be compatible, like HO Scale and OO Scale are.
yes but the marklin one would still be to small, and im not spending $3000 on an engine just to use the base and scrap most the rest, and then have it not measure up to the other bachmann models, i heard from someone on facebook that an aristocraft pacific would be the biggest drive wheels on a train i could find, but i just dont know.
Quick question I always had for large scale modelers. Have any of you guys considered making your own custom engines and rolling stock? I haven't really seen too many custom projects aside from one or two things from Plow Bender. I've always imagined in some cases you would have to make the bodies from scratch, like Mavis and using the motor and chassis from Toby but I've never seen it done before.
Quote from: Chaz on June 04, 2018, 08:40:24 PM
Quick question I always had for large scale modelers. Have any of you guys considered making your own custom engines and rolling stock? I haven't really seen too many custom projects aside from one or two things from Plow Bender. I've always imagined in some cases you would have to make the bodies from scratch, like Mavis and using the motor and chassis from Toby but I've never seen it done before.
Right now I'm trying to SLOWLY work on a Gordon model to fit the same size as all the others. I got an engine and I'm going to build a body for it, and the tender from scratch.
Its been fair disappointment here on Ruby's railway since the cancellation of Diesel, we keep are fingers crossed for 2019 as it will probably be the last for interest in Thomas at 9 years old but we'll run as long as possibly, we have the whole collection, some in multiple and a custom brake. However attention is shifting towards the live steam purchased whilst we wait...
Well, since things have been pretty quiet lately, I figure I'll go ahead and show you all the current progress on my large scale Victoria. The last time I showed any progress on her, the coach itself was in primer, as was the roof which still needed more sanding and the top bits added to it. Since then, the project has basically sat on my workbench collecting dust, but I recently started work on her again.
The most recent changes I've made is adding the bits on top of the roof (I was told they were oil canisters for the lights inside), and given it a coat of satin black paint. I think it will need another coat just because the first one doesn't appear to have gone on evenly. This is where I ran into a snag, as one illustration of Victoria showed her with 4 of these, another showed her with 5. I wasn't really sure what to do in this case, so I just decided to go ahead and use what I'm calling the "After Restoration Illustration" of Victoria as my main reference.
Another thing I did was go ahead and start scribing boards into the front and back of the coach. This was a complete nail biter as my biggest fear was that the X-Acto knife would slip or the straightedge would move, therefore making the boards uneven and possibly cutting into the carriage where I didn't want to cut. Thankfully everything went according to planned, and the board detail on both the front and rear came out damn near perfect. Needless to say, it looked even more impressive after a coat of primer.
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I also cut pieces of styrene out and glued them to the front of the coach for the steps. I also had to make sure my measurements here were correct, as when I go to add the eyes, there should be just enough room under the steps for them. Since I was out of brass rod, I turned to using copper wire for the handrails, which at first I thought would be a pain in the neck to shape, but they actually turned out perfectly.
Overall Victoria is ready for paint, once I manage to find a color that resembles here shade of blue. The frame of the coach also requires what I believe to be a step running the length of the carriage, and I just got the styrene in today to do that. As I said in my last post, I figured Victoria may end up being a hybrid, and that has proven correct. After comparing the Clive Spong illustrations and also referring to Victoria's basis, neither match up accurately, so I'm loosely basing her off both and hoping it works. In the end she may not be 100% accurate, but at least I can say I'm not like a majority of the modelers out there simply repainting and Annie/Clarabel and calling it a day.
I'm really hoping to have Victoria finished here in the next couple weeks, as I am going to be attending a show at the end of the month with my large scale trains and would like to bring her along to display as well. I had planned to take Victoria to a show I wanted to attend last year around this time, but I was informed by the woman in charge that the show was for members only, so that's part of why Victoria has sat unfinished for almost a year now. Feel free to tell me what you think of this project so far, and I'll be sure to post another update after the model is finished.
Wow. I have enjoyed reading all of your projects so far, but this one is my favorite. I love reading about modellers who take one thing and add details to them to make them something different, and your projects are no exception, especially since they are Thomas themed. Good job.
I needed this. This looks absolutely stunning! The Thomas fandom Twitter scene is going through another negative phase so it's refreshing to see such genuine craftsmanship and art. If Bachmann was to make a Large Scale Victoria (which could happen someday at this rate), this is exactly how I'd think it would look minus the paint. I'm sure this will look amazing once it's finally completed. Keep up the good work.
P.S. I agree that it's been pretty quiet lately. Anyone got any ideas on how we can change that? ???
Not sure if there's any way you can fix the forum from being quiet if there is no news on upcoming products.
Victoria looks great Plow Bender, I really like all the details you added to the model. No doubt that would look great behind Toby (and Henrietta if ever made) once completed. I also how the roof turned out as well.
Well, as promised I'm going to show you my completed Victoria model. In all I'm quite happy with how she turned out and I'm pretty sure this has to be the best attempt at a Victoria model to date. I'm not trying to sound like I'm bragging or anything, but this is after all an actual kitbash and not just a repainted Annie/Clarabel. I will say however that the model does have a few things I would have liked to have turned out better than they did, but l'll get to that here shortly. In the meantime though, here she is!
Alright then, now that I've mentally scarred you all, let's get serious.
Before I show you guys the actual completed Victoria, I just want to explain what all I did since I made my last post. I mentioned before that Victoria was pretty much ready for paint, which was the next thing I took care of. I used a base coat of blue which I felt came close to Victoria's color, if not an exact match. Overall it took about 3 coats of paint to cover the model completely and to my satisfaction. The white along the windows was added next, which had me worried the whole time I was applying it as the blue kept showing though along the edges. I dare say this is what happens when you use name brand and generic paint on the same project. In the end though, the paint came out perfectly, and although I was tempted to apply a clear coat over the model, I left well enough alone. As I mentioned in my previous post, I did go ahead and give the roof another coat of satin black and it looked much better afterwards.
While the paint on the coach was drying, I turned my attention to the frame. I started by building what I believe are steps under the model, which were made from styrene and copper wire. I also took the time to drill holes in the bottom of the frame to accept the steps when I went to install them. Due to the fact that the steps are positioned over where the screws are to hold the carriage to the frame, I wouldn't be able to reinstall them until after I had moved into the final assembly stage. I did think about going ahead and just adding the steps to the frame and putting the model back together with epoxy, but that plan has backfired on me once before, so I decided not to risk it with this project.
Since everything was done in terms of design for the frame, I went ahead and painted it with the same satin black that I used for roof. The steps were also painted to match. The buffers were actually painted when I first started on Victoria, which is why they've never been seen up until this post. Basically I painted the red parts satin black, and the buffers themselves were painted silver. After all the paint had dried on the coach portion of the model, I took the time to paint the handrails and door handles with a silver paint maker which I found to be very effective.
With all the painting taken care of, I moved on to assembling the model. I started by reinstalling the buffers which were slid into place and glued back in from behind. I then put the coach back on the frame, and installed the screws that came out. Lastly was the steps underneath, which were simply slid into the holes I drilled earlier. Only 3 of the 5 rods hold the steps on, as the two middle rods go up into the holes where the screws are. In the case that I ever have to take the model apart again (which I doubt I will), I was careful and used the tiniest bit of superglue to hold the steps in place. There's also a small drop of glue on each side of the axle boxes.
The windows were a little tedious to install as I had to carefully test fit them and remove paint wherever necessary. The was however not unexpected, as I knew how tightly they were on the coach when I first took them off, and my heavy layering of the white paint only added to the issue. Careful scraping of the paint with an X-Acto knife managed to solve this little dilemma and the windows snapped in easily after that. I used a little bit of superglue at the top to hold the windows in place as the original plastic tabs which held them before broke during disassembly.
Lastly was the face, which is a mix of printed stickers for the eyes and electrical tape for the eyebrows and mouth. This is in a way similar to how I did the face with my Season 1 Troublesome Truck project, only this time I didn't use masking tape. The eyes turned out just as I wanted them too, but the eyebrows needed another go as the first ones were just awful. The mouth was by far the most challenging, and while I'm not going to embarrass myself and say how many attempts it took to get right, I will say I'm very happy with my final attempt.
Now is time for the official reveal of the completed model. Here she is!
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Before and After:
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Victoria with my new DCC Sound Equiped Thomas and Percy models:
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Victoria in comparison with my Season 1 truck:
Overall I think Victoria turned out almost perfect, but I do have a few nagging issues about her. The first thing I will say is that technically, Victoria should have 5 doors, and not 4, but she still keeps the total of 12 windows all together. The windows are however supposed to run the length of the carriage without the 3 large gaps in between, and although I was tempted to paint these area's black to compensate the issue, this would result in Victoria having more windows than she really should. Really the only way to correct these issues would have been to just build the model from scratch rather than substituting something else as a basis. As I said before though, I was basing my model off the Clive Spong illustrations, and those too don't match up accurately with Victoria's basis either.
So at the end of the day, I personally feel like Victoria turned out to be a really nice model considering she's just a kitbashed Clarabel coach with many handmade parts added on. The overall colors and shape is right, and the face is pretty close which in the end leaves me content. I'll also say that I'm really looking forward to displaying her at the upcoming train show here next weekend. I'm pretty sure I'll get a lot of questions and comments about her, and considering I don't have Toby at this time, I'll probably run her with Percy instead. Anyways, let me know what you all think about this kitbash and maybe I can look into another large scale project now that Victoria is finished.
Rusty... you are a god.
This is one of the best custom models I have ever seen in my whole life. I've already said how the added details were perfect but the paint elevates it tenfold. I have no doubt that whenever you get a Large Scale Toby, this Victoria model will look perfect next to it. Now if only we had a Large Scale Henrietta.
This model is so good that if it was an official product, I would buy it and I don't even collect Large Scale. I honestly hope that maybe Bachmann considers making Victoria for the Large Scale and HO Scale line. But even if they did, I honestly doubt it could measure up to the passion and hard work of this custom right here. Keep up the great work and I hope you make more amazing customs in the future.
Wow. You got all of that done really fast. That honestly looks amazing. Well done!
So this is sort of obvious but I'm not 100% sure, is the large scale Thomas able to go in the snow if I put a snowplow on?
Quote from: TrainshockeylifE on November 21, 2018, 12:49:03 PM
So this is sort of obvious but I'm not 100% sure, is the large scale Thomas able to go in the snow if I put a snowplow on? ( ( (
I believe any of these videos could answer your question. Happy to help! :)
Thank you Streak!
Well, I should have been in bed hours ago, but I figured since I'm still up, I'll drop some photos for you all of the show I'm participating in this weekend. I'm setting up with Allegheny Plateau Division and running my Large Scale trains for the Victorian Christmas celebration. I spent Thursday evening setting things up and working on the track, but did have to sort out running electric and finish cleaning this evening. Once all that was out of the way, things went pretty smoothly the rest of the evening. Overall things were pretty good and the kids (as well as the adults) really enjoyed watching the trains run. I did however almost have a heart attack tonight after an unsupervised child tried jumping over one of my Spectrum trains, but I guess in situations like this you just have to assume the risk and be aware that in the end something may get broken. I'm just not too wild on having to replace parts on discontinued models though.
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Tomorrow morning I'm meeting up with Division 11 again for breakfast, and then heading down town to get things setup for tomorrows show. I need to take care of some track cleaning again in the morning and sort out trains for tomorrows running sessions. If any of you may be in the area the next couple days, feel free to drop by and see me. Bring me a bag of peanut butter cups and I might just let you run some trains as well. Details about the show can be found on Division 11's website if you're interested.
So it's that time again.... will 2019 be kind to Large Scale Thomas fans???
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on January 29, 2019, 06:23:10 AM
So it's that time again.... will 2019 be kind to Large Scale Thomas fans???
I highly doubt it, but I'll try to stay positive without getting my hopes too high. I made a list of my predictions for 2019 announcements, and a more detailed one can be found in the Bachmann Thomas & Friends in 2019 thread.
The Red Coaches
Troublesome Truck #3 (van or tanker)
Henrietta (maybe Hannah too)
James, Emily, and Toby w/ DCC SoundI honestly don't see a lot of what I put in my list getting announced (if even anything) and I have to agree with one user who stated Large Scale will probably end up with another mediocre recolor this year. As I stated in my earlier post, Bachmann hasn't done a new LS tooling for 4 years now, so surely they can squeeze out another one now? Henrietta makes sense considering they could reuse her for Hannah, therefore spreading out the cost of tooling that much more. Even the DCC Sound models would make sense considering everything is there to make them, therefore keeping production costs low. I don't know, regardless how simple these additions seem, I agree with another user that Large Scale will probably end up with the short end of the stick this year, just as it did for 2018.
I hate to say it, but I wouldn't be surprised if Bachmann announces this year that they are cancelling the line entirely.
Quote from: Rodimus Supreme on February 01, 2019, 06:08:55 AM
I hate to say it, but I wouldn't be surprised if Bachmann announces this year that they are cancelling the line entirely.
I don't think I'd go as far to say that, but I could honestly at the least see them not announcing anything new. As long as the range is selling well (which it is), Bachmann will continue to keep it around with what they have in the range already. The only thing I would see happening at that point is Bachmann would most definitely discontinue items that are not selling, which in turn may lead to some new announcements after so many years without any. I will say that it is a shame Bachmann doesn't offer any starter sets for the range, but I know for a fact they were discontinued due to the high RRP which went up every year. Percy is still around, but that's only because his set wasn't a popular seller and Bachmann still has a lot of them in their warehouse.
I know a lot of people don't want to hear it, but the Bachmann Thomas line as a whole may eventually reach the point where Bachmann makes no new announcements and instead just continues to produce what the ranges already have. Still just like I pointed out with Large Scale, we many not get new announcements yearly, but possibly biyearly or over the course of a few years. As I've mentioned before, the cost of production keeps going up and Bachmann is trying to work with what little options they have, while also trying to come to an agreement with Mattel what they can/cannot produce, which is a clear sign as to why announcements the last few years have been kind of lackluster.
I agree with the Sentiments of Plow Bender, however wish that Bachmann would fight the license holder to take more "risks" with the line,
i.e. they could produce locos that have multiple possibilities for kit bashing and resprays in the british outline market like Duck, Oliver, Toad, Bill & Ben the red coaches etc etc these would sell to more than just the fanbase! as can you imagine ready to run GWR for less than £200!
Cancelling the line would be shooting themselves in the foot since Bachmann has straight up said at NRMA that the Thomas range is a huge revenue bringer for the company. Cost cuts and production scale backs are likely but it'd be bad news for them if they had to end the line.
Quote from: Cheeky_ULP on February 04, 2019, 01:11:07 PM
Cancelling the line would be shooting themselves in the foot since Bachmann has straight up said at NRMA that the Thomas range is a huge revenue bringer for the company. Cost cuts and production scale backs are likely but it'd be bad news for them if they had to end the line.
Very true! Plus if thy cancel the line all together then that's profits they lose and have to make them back up somehow. It's easier for them to just cancel a single product instead of a whole line
If anything, I could see the large scale range continuing to be in a similar stance where the Lionel Thomas line is where they basically stick with the same engines but new announcements consist of recolors in rolling stock or new gimmicks in locomotives like more DCC and sound, or possibly doing adding Bluetooth and sound. The latter seems more likely since I can imagine during times like these, Bachmann would want to appeal more to a modern audience as manufacturers including themselves have shown in the past.
The best I am truly expecting for the large scale range anytime soon would probably be the red coaches. If they want to go for any new tooling, then I could see Henrietta soley because they can just reuse hurts willing to make Hannah too. I honestly don't think we are getting anymore engines in large scale after Diesel getting cancelled last year.
Quote from: Cheeky_ULP on February 04, 2019, 01:11:07 PM
Cancelling the line would be shooting themselves in the foot since Bachmann has straight up said at NRMA that the Thomas range is a huge revenue bringer for the company. Cost cuts and production scale backs are likely but it'd be bad news for them if they had to end the line.
I didn't say they'd cancel the whole line, I said they'd cancel the Large Scale line.
We've been concerned since the cancellation of Diesel, but I think 2019 will give us a defining indication of the direction of the Large Scale Thomas. We are all fingers crossed Bachmann. No wish list, just wishes for anything significant.
Would anybody here just want to make their own custom large scale devious diesel?
Quote from: JLK2707 on February 13, 2019, 04:39:45 AM
Would anybody here just want to make their own custom large scale devious diesel?
Personally I'd rather make Mavis considering she has more appeal and would personally be easier to build than Diesel, at least from my perspective. It would be simple to go out and get a Toby chassis and then build Mavis up from there. I actually have a friend with a laser cutter who can make the pieces/parts for me, then I'd just have to build the model up as if it were a kit. I've been toying with the idea already with potential plans to make a 1:22.5 scale Lady in Large Scale, so I'm pretty sure the same method could be used for Mavis.
2019 Just absolutely gutted!
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on February 15, 2019, 10:24:45 AM
2019 Just absolutely gutted!
It's pretty disappointing to find out that this year isn't the year for Large Scale, but since emphasis is currently being put in introducing a new line (N Scale), it's understandable why there are sadly no new announcements.
At least we have more time to catch up on certain products we've been missing out on, as well as working on custom models. It never hurts to make a mock-up of a particular product idea with the right time and resources. That being said, I wish Plow Blender the best of luck if he decides on making a Mavis model. Since rolling stock customs have proven to be excellent, I'd be down for seeing a custom Mavis made someday! ;)
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on February 15, 2019, 10:24:45 AM
2019 Just absolutely gutted!
Yes announcements this year were more than disappointing, but at the same time I'm in no way surprised that Large Scale has yet again got the short end of the stick. Quite frankly I think its safe to say that the range has finally reached the end of the line. At this point, I will say I see the range continuing on with what it has now, but I don't see any new items (especially engine characters) getting announced in the future. At the least I would have liked to see the rest of Bachmann's models with DCC Sound factory installed, but it looks like I'll be doing that myself now... :P
The issue I've seen with Large Scale is that the range is so limited on what it can do right now, but I honestly feel like what simple additions that could be added to the range are not even being considered. A troublesome truck only requires a new face tooling, red coaches only require altering the existing Annie/Clarabel coaches, and even something like an LBSC Thomas only requires a change of paint. Even adding DCC Sound to James, Emily, and Toby (or even just 1 of them for 2019) would have been simple as the models and sound module are already there.
Like I've mentioned in the past, model railroading is sadly becoming a dying hobby as it is a niche market, and Large Scale is a niche of the overall hobby. The cost of everything keeps going up, and its gotten to the point where either the company can't afford to produce said models, or the customer can't afford said models. Bachmann's Spectrum line died years ago due to the high cost and minimal sales, and while I can say that the quality of the models was well worth the price, many people just don't see it that way. I made a post on this topic a while back, and I'll leave a link if you wish to check it out. Well worth the read.,34581.msg254706.html#msg254706,34581.msg254761.html#msg254761
So from what I've seen recently, it's pretty clear that many people are cheesed off with the lack of Large Scale (and even Narrow Gauge) announcements this year, and quite honestly I don't blame them. As for me, I'll be getting Toby, adding DCC sound to him, James, and Emily, snatching up the Spiteful Brakevan and the GW Van, and calling it quits there. After Diesel's cancelation, 3 mediocre tanker recolors, and no new 2019 Large Scale announcements, I don't see the future of the range getting any better...
It certainly is a shame that the Large Scale Thomas line has come to this. I've actually heard from a few other Thomas fans that Bachmann is not going to make anymore products for the line because there are not enough people interested (specifically in the United States), although I'm not 100% sure if this is true. Perhaps one of the Bachmann reps can let us know what is going on.
It's a shame how this has gone for large scale. It was a very nice range and I've recently been fortunate enough to begin investing in products. I do wonder if bachmann sadly not investing in new tooling has sort of put the large scale range in this position. Had more unique items been made would the range be in this hole? I think the catalogue will help clear things up in terms of what if anything has been discontinued. Which is another point so many items has been brought out (mostly tankers and trucks) which have been discontinued I.e. coal car. I do think the range is sort of safe for 2019 as there is still those tankers to be released which why would bachmann make them if they were planning on discontinuing the range. I think it will just either remain this way for a few more years or we will slowly begin to see items cut. Bachmann might keep the basics around for a while.
The large scale range is not being discontinued. People on Facebook/Twitter has been making that rumor up for the last couple of months but never provided solid evidence to back it up. Once the catalog gets posted, which should hopefully be this week, we will likely see the same products in the range as before plus the new tankers. Until the catalog is posted, just ignore people who are saying that.
Don't feed the troll.
Quote from: Chaz on February 18, 2019, 04:02:29 PM
The large scale range is not being discontinued. People on Facebook/Twitter has been making that rumor up for the last couple of months but never provided solid evidence to back it up. Once the catalog gets posted, which should hopefully be this week, we will likely see the same products in the range as before plus the new tankers. Until the catalog is posted, just ignore people who are saying that.
Don't feed the troll.
Voice of reason right here fokes
I generally don't believe in rumors relating to any of Bachmann's lineups and I'm hoping the catalogue will give us a good idea on what the status of Large Scale currently is.
Random question: has anyone tried fitting Percy's body on Thomas' chassis? I'd like to know if the chassis can run well with Percy's running board fitted, or if they are even compatible at all, in case I decide on making a custom engine with them.
Quote from: Chaz on February 18, 2019, 04:02:29 PM
The large scale range is not being discontinued. People on Facebook/Twitter has been making that rumor up for the last couple of months but never provided solid evidence to back it up. Once the catalog gets posted, which should hopefully be this week, we will likely see the same products in the range as before plus the new tankers. Until the catalog is posted, just ignore people who are saying that.
Don't feed the troll.
This ^^^
Plus, as I've said recently before, for Bachmann to discontinue the line all together, they would take a big hit. They would have to make up the lost sales somehow. Now one would say "Well, Tony, that's what the N scale line will do". No. The n scale line will come no where near making as much as the Large scale line does. Bachmann would have to produce and sell a heck of a lot of merchendise to match the sales of the large scale line.
Also, when does the catalogue even come out?
Quote from: Anthony P2 on February 19, 2019, 09:02:14 PM
Also, when does the catalogue even come out?
Someone said in a separate board that they contacted Bachmann and it should be up by the end of the week.
So does anyone hold out hope for the Large Scale ever growing?
many threads have had the Bachmann hand of God reach down and give hope to their wishes, i just wish they'd give us such hope.
Specifics are not needed but just a hint that anything is in the works would be good.
Meanwhile as ever we are hopeful and here's a list of our 2020 list.
Loco: Any
Coaches: Red Coaches
Wagons: Troublesome Van
Figures and Buildings Please
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on September 03, 2019, 08:05:17 AM
So does anyone hold out hope for the Large Scale ever growing?
many threads have had the Bachmann hand of God reach down and give hope to their wishes, i just wish they'd give us such hope.
Specifics are not needed but just a hint that anything is in the works would be good.
Meanwhile as ever we are hopeful and here's a list of our 2020 list.
Loco: Any
Coaches: Red Coaches
Wagons: Troublesome Van
Figures and Buildings Please
I mentioned the iffy possibility of Mavis being announced in the 2020 thread. She seems to be the best choice for an entirely new character with her simultaneous iconic nature and small size, as well as Toby's chassis being reusable. More people have been asking for LBSC Thomas within the same thread, which is a reasonable option and one I'm totally fine with. Both options work for having a new engine at all and both could potentially be cheaper to manufacture than the cancelled Diesel.
Though unlikely, a brand new engine like Mavis could be a big shot of redemption for Large Scale after years worth of disappointment. Fan expectations have been defied with this summer's NMRA announcements, so anything can happen with this line in 2020. Mavis is my personal biggest hope, but I'll also accept ideas from others or announcements that are to come. ;)
I honestly would have thought Mavis would have had a better shot than Diesel because of her motor and chassis being easy access for Bachmann from their Toby model. Plus there is plenty of conversion possibilities for her and she would be a lot easier to make than Diesel, probably cheaper to make too. If anything, Mavis would have been the safer all around option. Announcing her with the red coaches would make an all around solid lineup of announcements if you ask me and wouldn't take a lot of effort on Bachmann's end either.
Quote from: Chaz on September 03, 2019, 01:03:39 PM
I honestly would have thought Mavis would have had a better shot than Diesel because of her motor and chassis being easy access for Bachmann from their Toby model. Plus there is plenty of conversion possibilities for her and she would be a lot easier to make than Diesel, probably cheaper to make too. If anything, Mavis would have been the safer all around option. Announcing her with the red coaches would make an all around solid lineup of announcements if you ask me and wouldn't take a lot of effort on Bachmann's end either.
Certainly true. Perhaps the best way to approach brand new models for the Large Scale range is picking options with a mainly similar body/basis of an existing engine/coach. Mavis and the Red Coaches would work rather well in that regard.
From what I have seen, the unfortunate reality with Large Scale is that there are not enough people interested in the line. Thus, to be frank, I think that the only way announcing new large scale products that would consist of any sort of new tooling like Mavis and the Red Branch line Coaches would benefit Bachmann is simply if there are more people stating that they want to see them made. This not only goes for the Bachmann Forum, but other branches of social media as well.
Even in HO Scale, I would personally love to see more resin buildings made, but I decided to not include them in my February 2020 list because I know that they have not done great with sales in the past.
Nevertheless, to be fair to all Bachmann Thomas fans, I think that the Large Scale line should have something new announced in February 2020. That's why I suggested an LBSC Green Thomas and Troublesome Van. Neither would require any sort of new tooling, so I could see those as possible candidates.
All I would won't from the large scale would be the branch line coaches and Henrietta and it's sad to see that not many people care about the large scale.
Quote from: TerencetheTractor525 on September 03, 2019, 02:36:08 PM
From what I have seen, the unfortunate reality with Large Scale is that there are not enough people interested in the line. Thus, to be frank, I think that the only way announcing new large scale products that would consist of any sort of new tooling like Mavis and the Red Branch line Coaches would benefit Bachmann is simply if there are more people stating that they want to see them made. This not only goes for the Bachmann Forum, but other branches of social media as well.
Even in HO Scale, I would personally love to see more resin buildings made, but I decided to not include them in my February 2020 list because I know that they have not done great with sales in the past.
Nevertheless, to be fair to all Bachmann Thomas fans, I think that the Large Scale line should have something new announced in February 2020. That's why I suggested an LBSC Green Thomas and Troublesome Van. Neither would require any sort of new tooling, so I could see those as possible candidates.
Demand is a very valid point to bring up. No product can be made for a single person, after all.
Requests for new toolings haven't been super common in recent months following Toy Fair 2019, but Mavis and the Red Coaches are still the more oft mentioned options for a new tooling (at least as far as I can tell). Interest in Large Scale is still present, but it just has a relatively smaller audience than other lines. Since it has been so many years without an enticing announcement and concern for its future has been expressed on recent occasions, it wouldn't hurt for Bachmann to lend the line even a little bit of respect when February 2020 comes.
Quote from: thomas fan on September 03, 2019, 04:30:57 PM
All I would won't from the large scale would be the branch line coaches and Henrietta and it's sad to see that not many people care about the large scale.
Would discussing Large Scale with others outside the forum help? It can give an idea or two on how interested people are in the range and if they want any new products for it.
A bachmann large scale Henrietta is just long overdue!
Ya that's more then likely right.(but I still wish that was Bachmann make her)
Quote from: Falcon the 2nd on September 03, 2019, 07:47:58 PM
Demand is a very valid point to bring up. No product can be made for a single person, after all.
Requests for new toolings haven't been super common in recent months following Toy Fair 2019, but Mavis and the Red Coaches are still the more oft mentioned options for a new tooling (at least as far as I can tell). Interest in Large Scale is still present, but it just has a relatively smaller audience than other lines. Since it has been so many years without an enticing announcement and concern for its future has been expressed on recent occasions, it wouldn't hurt for Bachmann to lend the line even a little bit of respect when February 2020 comes.
Oh absolutely! Don't get me wrong. I definitely think that the large scale line should have something descent announced for February 2020 to be fair to all Bachmann Thomas fans. Yet, I'm also wondering how much making certain products like Mavis and the Red Coaches would benefit Bachmann, considering that they would require massive new toolings for the body shells, and as you said, the large scale audience is smaller than the HO and Narrow Gauge lines.
A few things I want to throw out there.
The first is that the red coaches are not really "new toolings". They are the same tooling as Annie and Clarabel and Emily's coaches, with the appropriate modifications, specifically the brake compartment for the brake coach and the new roofs on each coach. The only possible reason why I don't think we have seen them in the range yet is maybe Bachmann would rather go the safer full recolor route without making any adjustments like they did with Emily's coaches? Either way, it's a real missed opportunity considering how well the HO models sold.
I personally don't have much, if any hope for the large scale range to not make anymore engines anytime soon, considering Toby was the last engine to get released. The large scale market itself is pretty weak overall, but I feel that the bigger issue comes down to how drastic the price increase has been as of late, especially with Mattel sabotaging the market. Diesel probably got cancelled because of pricing, since he has a lot of details and a chassis that would take a lot of time and money for Bachmann to put together. Mavis would have been the safer choice overall if she was considered before Diesel simply due to the fact that the motor and chassis from the Toby model and her bodyshell would be a lot easier to make overall compared to Diesel. If they ever do an engine again anytime soon, I still think Mavis is their safest option overall before giving Diesel another shot, but I'm thinking we will probably see more DCC/sound engines before any new characters come in the range, possibly even bluetooth?
Either way, it is pretty sad to see the large scale range where it is today in terms of new product announcements. The range was a huge hit when it first came out, and it really got people excited for large scale trains, certainly far more than Lionel did with their short-lived Thomas range. It's kind of amazing seeing the large scale range go as far as they did. All five of the engines they did make were all very solid and popular sellers and I feel that's gotta be saying something with how much of an impact I feel the range has made in the hobby of G scale trains as a whole.
Seems the 'new' categorization with the Red Coaches may be a common misconception. Still, bringing them in wouldn't be a huge hassle since Annie and Clarabel have been around for ten years.
Prices can really hurt from both a manufacturer and consumer perspective, and engines can play a big part in it. Comparing the typical retail prices of Toby's HO Scale model ($60-$70) with his Large Scale model (around $200) makes it clear which scale would end up more successful among casual customers. Diesel wouldn't have made the situation any better with his complex manufacturing setup and big probability of an insurmountable price.
All things considered, things have felt grim with Large Scale for quite some time and its future could use some acknowledgement soon. I'm not so sure about Mavis being announced within the next year, even if she is commonly seen as the best option for a new engine, but the Red Coaches would work as an announcement for February 2020. LBSC Thomas can serve as a backup idea if recoloring an engine is more financially sufficient. Perhaps if either option is announced and ends up earning some welcoming reception, Mavis may be announced someday, but only time will tell in the end.
Quote from: Falcon the 2nd on September 05, 2019, 09:55:36 PM
Prices can really hurt from both a manufacturer and consumer perspective, and engines can play a big part in it. Comparing the typical retail prices of Toby's HO Scale model ($60-$70) with his Large Scale model (around $200) makes it clear which scale would end up more successful among casual customers. Diesel wouldn't have made the situation any better with his complex manufacturing setup and big probability of an insurmountable price.
I definitely agree with you there. I think casual consumers (like parents with kids) usually find themselves getting one of the train sets and -maybe- another engine and some additional rolling stock at the very most. I can't imagine too many people going out of their way to buy all five engines (besides the collectors/serious modelers) especially when the HO models are not only cheaper but also a lot smaller and take up less space. I'm sure that also played a factor in the ranges decline.
Good point there. But I do think that large scale orange branch line coaches would just benefit older fans! ;)
At Last!
More Large Scale Engines on the way...
So Diesel we came more excited about as time went on last time it was announced but by the time it was cancelled we were mortified!
So welcome back Diesel!
Ruby's Railway has really bedded in well now and we have many custom coaches in the works.
Have to say the want list for the future doesn't change much
Red Coaches
Troublesome Van
Keen to know others thoughts...
I guess resurfacing the old Large Scale thread is less a hassle than making a new one.
Diesel's return most definitely sparks up a whole lot of possibility for new products. My picks for a long-term wishlist is mainly similar to other users', though I think some reasoning for choices would be necessary to share.
Mavis - Personally, I think this is the best new character to announce after the Bachmann team is through with Diesel's production cycle. She is an iconic classic character and serves as a possibly cost-effective option (I.E. Toby's chassis). She also happened to appear in one of Strasburg's Day Out With Thomas events for the first time last fall, so she continues to hold some relevance despite her ongoing absence in the show.
Edward - Another beloved longtimer and one that can hold in high value among fans if he were made. Since he and James are somewhat similar in structure, I also see Edward as a solid option for a new character in the near future.
Oliver - I've often been torn between him and Duck given the choice of just one, but Oliver comes out in my favor. He is smaller in size, complementary to the existing S.C. Ruffey and would become an option if Toad is announced. Duck would also be welcomed if he comes first, but Oliver is just a bit more ideal to me.
Glynn - This one's a bit of a long shot, but I'm still including it as I like the character. I think his shape feels more suited to Large Scale than HO and he would also probably sell better than Winston. The only piece of merchandise Glynn has so far is Trackmaster, so he could use something new by now.
Paxton - An obvious choice after Diesel. Hopefully, they can pay closer attention to his facial proportions if he is considered.
Red Coaches - Perhaps the best options for new pieces of rolling stock. They sold rather well in HO Scale and they're similar in shape to Annie and Clarabel, meaning they could be cheap to produce.
Henrietta - Toby's been without his signature coach in the line for a long time. It'd be safe to assume that if she is announced, they would incorporate her new face.
Troublesome Van - A frequent suggestion among fans. Though I can't say too much about this option, I'd certainly respect it as a new product.
Toad - As said earlier, announcing Toad would make Oliver a possible engine. He would also serve a good second option for a brake van character after Spiteful Brakevan.
Mail Van - Another long shot. Percy could use a special change of freight at some point! :P
A new starter set is also necessary, either a reintroduction of the currently discontinued Thomas, Annie and Clarabel set or a new one with Toby and Henrietta. I can't say for sure if a James starter set would be a good idea.
It's nice that we can finally discuss Large Scale Thomas in a positive way, all fingers crossed that Diesel is up to scratch given the price concerns.
Falcon the 2nd I'd love us to have Mail Vans they fit in well with where i think Bachmann would do well with this range and thats producing engines that can offer British outline stock that can be recoloured by the adult market as a second interest/revenue stream.
Which is why i think Duck, Toad and Oliver would be good shouts. If you chucked in Henrietta you could do a recolouring of the 14xx Titfield Thunderbolt Stock for instance the possibilities are amazing.
So how many of us actually collect Large Scale Thomas and what size is your collection?
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on March 03, 2020, 10:34:01 AM
So how many of us actually collect Large Scale Thomas and what size is your collection?
I have just gotten in to the large scale range. My collection is quite small as of now, I originally bought the Percy Set to go around my Christmas Tree, but it really grew on me, and I have since purchased some more rolling stock. I don't plan on growing a massive collection, but Diesel has definitely peaked my interest.
Welcome Toad139,
Ruby's Railway is a garden railway with two loops going around a pond, incorporating over bridges and a tunnel.
We have the entire collection with multiples of several items, 5 coal wagons and 4 Tar for instance, we've got some custom recolours like the brakevan as it's a personal pet hate that they were absent from sets and the show. We have 4 thomas' for spare parts etc.
We have a spare Annie & Clarabel and Emily's coaches in the hope to make some customs.
Can't wait to finally have another loco!
The Custom we are most looking forward to doing is Percy from the Ghost Train.
I'm really surprised that traffic on this sites discussion seems to have dropped during lockdown not increased, what that about 😢?
We are utilising the time with electrical upgrades and additional planting and pruning.
We may commission a custom or two
my most recent picture, all equipped with bachmann sound
This video was a COVID-19 lockdown project. The people who contributed and helped make this film never met. It was mostly filmed at Pine Tree Junction by the crew there who also acted as critical friends. It's based on a story by Christopher Awdry. I wrote the screenplay, directed it, narrated it, starred in it and edited it. The characters are voiced by the children of friends and family. Great fun!
Has anyone had a go at converting James to Donald or Douglas? I'm mulling over the idea of removing the pony truck to create a 0-6-0 and then making new bodies for loco and tender. I think it would be possible to recycle a number of parts from James' body. Before destroying a James I though it would be worth asking if anyone else has done anything like this.
PS I can't wait to get my hands on Diesel.
Quote from: Caver Keith on June 16, 2020, 07:51:28 AM
This video was a COVID-19 lockdown project. The people who contributed and helped make this film never met. It was mostly filmed at Pine Tree Junction by the crew there who also acted as critical friends. It's based on a story by Christopher Awdry. I wrote the screenplay, directed it, narrated it, starred in it and edited it. The characters are voiced by the children of friends and family. Great fun!
Has anyone had a go at converting James to Donald or Douglas? I'm mulling over the idea of removing the pony truck to create a 0-6-0 and then making new bodies for loco and tender. I think it would be possible to recycle a number of parts from James' body. Before destroying a James I though it would be worth asking if anyone else has done anything like this.
PS I can't wait to get my hands on Diesel.
That was a cute video. Donald and Douglas actually share a chassis with Duck, and it's noticeably different, design-wise, than James'/Thomas' chassis.
Thanks very much for pointing this out. It's back to the drawing board then. :( Just desperate for more large scale locos.
I sympathise, we'd love more loco's in large scale, its a desperate plight...
i just wish bachmann would grasp the fact that if they picked the right loco's, sales for british outline engines such as duck, oliver for kit bashing would be massive! especially paired with toad. that kind of logic would even make the large engines close to viable £200-£250 for an express coach would be a bargain!
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on June 18, 2020, 03:37:43 PMi just wish bachmann would grasp the fact that if they picked the right loco's, sales for british outline engines such as duck, oliver for kit bashing would be massive! especially paired with toad.
I would happily accept any offering from Bachmann but I agree that Duck and Oliver could sell in large quantities in the UK for the reason you state. On the back of producing these 2 locos I'm sure they would sell loads more trucks too. Agree also with the production of a Mk 1 coach both for Thomas fans and British outline railway modellers.
Totally agree with you we'd love any further offerings but on average a loco every other year for 12 years isn't enough 😢. We have the whole collection and multiples of various currently creating the "ghost" from the ghost train with a spare Percy. We would love Red Coaches or Mail Train, but Edward would be great! Diesel is very exciting addition!
With Bachmann appearing to discontinue the Thomas DCC model, what would be the speculative future on the rest of the current locomotives getting DCC? As someone who is just getting to the stage in life where they have the extra motivation (kids!) and the funds, it is really disappointing to watch them abandon that product line. I know I have gone out of my way to purchase Percy's DCC model in addition to Thomas' because the writing appears to be on the wall. Is there any hope left for Toby, James, and Emily (let alone Winston or Diesel)?
In an additional tangent, it does seem like model trains without DCC are losing traction because of how much less engaging they are when you have more than one locomotive running. Purchasing the dual DC/DCC model allows me to run DC now while I'm getting started and have limited track/locomotives/rolling stock and then upgrade just my track power later to DCC. If my kids should find themselves enjoying them, I have no doubt that the individual train control and sound will add to that enjoyment tenfold.
It's unfortunate that Diesel isn't included in the engine sounds available on the chip, the same with Winston, short sighted for justification of the switch to DCC
Ok how about a Monday Morning Game:
Ultimate Large Scale wish list
2 Loco's
2 Coaches
and 3 Others
If finance and radius curves were no justification.
So mine would be:
Locos: Gordon & Duck
Coaches: Express Coaches Comp & Brake
Others: Breakdown Train (cranes and coach)
Flat Wagon (different variations that come with Bertie, Terence, Trevor etc)
Like i said something different as we all accept limitations.... but what if it was a perfect world???
- Edward
- Duck
- Henrietta (Without a face)
- Season 1 Troublesome Truck (I know it's not a coach!)
- Bertie
- Terence
- Trevor
Good choices,
But they practically mirror our wants list that i feel is achievable. Its such a shame we can't expand this range faster. I think that also there is buyer reluctance as they feel its always for the chop... if we at Ruby's Railway feel that as owners of the entire range, some in multiples.., then the average joe doesn't stand a chance.
I think hands down the rarest item of rolling stock is the Oil tanker and the Conductor that came in Salty's Dockside Delivery. We have 6 Coal Wagons and i wish they'd do more loads.. and 5 Tar wagons. The only item we didn't invest in was Winston but we fixed that during lockdown. My favourite custom has got to be our 3rd Brakevan in BR Colours.
I'm not extremely familiar with the whole Thomas character "cast", but I'm familiar with the politics of how these models tend to get made. The consensus seems to be that two different locomotives are wanted. I do not think that two different complex locomotives would be released close to each other, for example Gordon and Edward. However, two locomotives where perhaps at least some of the tooling and molds could be reused would be a better argument. For example, Bill and Ben, Arry and Bert (for which the mold exist already for "Diesel")...
I was about to suggest Bill and Ben. Popular and classic characters and the fact that people (Mostly) will buy both characters.
I doubt Arry and Bert will get made after their HO history, but I am 100% certain that Paxton will be announced for 2021.
Mavis remains my first choice of a new engine for a couple of reasons:
- Despite her longtime shortcomings of show appearances and Mattel-made merchandise, she's still relevant as a beloved classic character. She's recently become a staple engine of Strasburg's DOWT events and in general, I feel that fans are likely to buy her.
- As said in the past, she'd be one of the less expensive engines to make. Toby could share his chassis with her as a cost-effective move and the most that would have to be handled thereafter is her body shell.
- We currently only have both one female engine (Emily) and one diesel engine (Diesel) in Large Scale, so I think it'd be smart to introduce Mavis since she fulfills both criterias and adds some variety to the line.
Knowing that Mattel's next directions with the show will not have any effect on Bachmann, I have at least some hope that Mavis can be made at some point. Though I would personally prefer it if she wasn't made with the distracting headlamp she had in her last appearances.
Bill & Ben would be my next choice. They feel ideal since they're the smaller and less complex options among other engines and two characters can be made with one tooling, which would be financially beneficial. They have potential to be profitable among fans, similarly to Mavis, and I think they'd be worthwhile additions.
Paxton's the only frequent suggestion I'm not completely familiar with, but I'm leaning toward expecting him as the next engine going by the rapid progress that has been made with Diesel. Hopefully, they'll have an easier time with his face on a Large Scale model than they did in HO. It's safe to not expect Arry & Bert in any other scales since they sold poorly in HO alone.
Anyone have a spare 6 Thousand??
With your switch to the plug and play model for Large scale, why aren't the new models, Diesel and Paxton, set up for this? If you're going to discontinue to the DCC Thomas line, at least don't hobble new releases by keeping them stuck in DC only (without warranty-voiding after market customization). The choose you own power style is a good company choice given the ways large scale hobbyists are diverging on the topic but it should be applied across the large scale line as much as possible.
Does anyone know what has happened to Diesel and Paxton?
They seem to have been removed from the motive power section of the Bachmann website.
It's winter on the Wychbold and Stoke Prior Garden Railway and passenger numbers are way down, goods traffic has dropped off too.
The future of the railway is uncertain. Will it be able to survive?
Sir Topham Hatt needs to come up with a bold plan to save the railway from bankruptcy. Can he do it?
Yes yes yes the forum is back!
Sooo whats next for Large Scale? we need Edward, Duck or Oliver in our opinion.
Quote from: Large Scale Champion on April 08, 2023, 07:22:27 AMSooo whats next for Large Scale? we need Edward, Duck or Oliver in our opinion.
I agree will all of your suggestions. Duck and Oliver would be great for conversion to their real counterparts too, just have many have done with Diesel and Paxton, and Edward would add another much needed tender engine.
Also based on the success of Diesel and Paxton, I would love to see Donald and Douglas released. I have a Scottish voice actor lined up already.
The peace and tranquility of the Wychbold and Stoke Prior Garden Railway is about to be rudely disturbed.
Thomas and his friends do not know what is about to hit them!
There's a new kid on the block, and he's mean!
Keith, we always love your videos and you never disappoint, I really hope we get some more locos soon, we love having the whole set including the much coveted oil tanker but we'd still love Edward or Duck. Sadly having arrived a teenager now Ruby's Railway is only when the mood suits so I'm doing some maintenance and upgrading in the hope she returns...
I recently got into the Large Scale Thomas range from Bachmann, and they are really stellar! Probably the best representations of the characters that are easily accessible to consumers.
With new releases in Large Scale slowing down, I can't help but feel Bachmann should introduce LBSC Thomas and Origins James into the lineup. These would be easy repaints of existing toolings, and I'm sure fans would go wild for them. I'd definitely preorder them immediately!
The peace and tranquility of the Wychbold and Stoke Prior Garden Railway is rudely disturbed by a new kid on the block. He's an oily character and doesn't mind who he upsets. Unfortunately poor Toby is the victim of his cruel tongue.
Sir Topham Hatt has had a brand new shed built and he's very proud of it, but with Diesel's couldn't-care-less attitude it may not stay in pristine condition for very long!
Large scale diesel looks just so sinister!
Great Video Keith,
so glad you're still doing these... Ruby's Railway is hopefully getting some TLC this summer and ours can come out and play, we've kept up with the whole range but we'd still love more engines and can't believe we've still no Henrietta!
Diesel is in disgrace. Not only had he destroyed Sir Topham Hatt's new paint store, he had also damaged himself so badly that he needed to be sent away for repair.
His replacement is Paxton, another class 08 diesel electric shunting locomotive. He is a friendly and helpful engine. If he has a fault, it is being too trusting, and a repaired Diesel might just take advantage of this!
Diesel is in disgrace and is banished to carry out shunting duties at the saltworks sidings.
A very wet winter causes a landslip, blocking one track of the main line.
Thomas is asked to help clear up the mess of mud and rocks.
This is third film featuring Devious Diesel's shenanigans. The previous two are:
Devious Diesel's Disaster
Paxton and the Runaway Trucks
🎼 The trains all come through the middle of the house since the company bought the land.We had great fun filming this on the Wychbold and Stoke Prior Garden Railway in Worcestershire, England.
Ok if we get large scale items for 2025 these are my ideas
Red Christmas van
Milk tanker rerelease
Origins Thomas... at least its new engine!we would love more engines, choosing engines like Duck & Oliver would lead to easy modifying for a wider audience meaning greater sales, please consider this Bachmann. Balanced decisions like this would increase turnover in the Large Scale Thomas range hopefully increasing the viability of future models.
I noticed today Winston is gone from the catalog? Has he been discontinued?
Quote from: thomasj219 on February 28, 2025, 04:26:40 PMI noticed today Winston is gone from the catalog? Has he been discontinued?
yes he has.
I wonder why Winston was discontinued.
Winston was not a good seller but it is a shame he is gone .
Shame, happy I purchased him.