I'm new to G scale RRing. I have had for many years a 4-6-0 Annie for the Christmas tree, but when the grandson came along I bought the 10th anv. edition of the Annie, aristo craft track ect. in order to start construction of a garden RR this spring (we live in GA and spring starts early). I chose Bachmann Locos and rolling stock based on price, quality, and warranty.
My problem#1 is that I sent my older loco in for warranty work in Jan, I have emailed them asking if it was received....no reply; I have tried to call on many occasions can not get a human on the line. #2 is when I bought the new Annie, there were no instructions enclosed, the warranty states that I must maintain and lube as per the instructions for the warranty to be valid. Once again I emailed Bachmann asking for lube instructions and no reply, going to the dealer is not an option because of the distances involved.
Is this normal operating procedure for Bachmann, or should I assume my package did not arrive, and that emails are just not answered promptly?
Can anyone with similiar experiences shed some light on this for me? :-\
Like several other companies, Bachmann has e-mail but doesn't use it to advantage. Sort of like my use of voice mail. :( Your best bet is to use your own dime and call them. I've found that this always works very well and worth the rather insignificant cost. Bachmann service is very good; it's the coupling that is the hard part.
Dear TF,
Gene is correct- a phone call is always the best way to go.
Have fun!
the Bach-man
Dear tfowen,
You are going thru the " Bachmann Experience".
1) Your e mails will go unanswered.
2) Phone messages you leave will never be returned
2)You will be told you are lucky if you actually get a human to answer the phone.
I have left phone messages, (Unanswered) emails (Unanswered) and have even sent in an engine for Warranty repair in December' 06. I think they got it! Maybe I'll get it back this year! Last person I got on the phone was in June 2006 - SOMEONE PICKED IT UP BECAUSE I LET IT KEEP RINGING.
While I like Bachmann trains and will continue to own Bachmann trains- I don't hold my breathe when it comes to getting anything close to customer service from them.
I once sent them a letter suggesting they have a suggestion box and send out surveys to their customers ( they have our addresses when we send in the Warranty Cards) I know they got the letter since I sent it RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. I did this to see if they actually get their mail.
As for Mr. Bach-MANN, he SHOULD try getting some customer service for his own trains before he gives any advice.
Bachmann has several numbers. Use your own nickle and the phone gets answered by the second ring and you get results. Doesn't cost much, even for a poor, retired school teacher.
here are the Bachmann numbers
Service 1-800 356-3910
Use your own nickle and call 215-533-1600, then ask for Bridgit or service.
This one will work every time during business hours.
GEE- Thanks Dick !
Mr. BACHMANN should have told all of us that the service phone number listed in the catalog is wrong.
I now know, from you, that everyone should call the main sales office in Philadelphia for service instead.
I'll call Bridgit and tell her to correct the service number printed in the Bachmann catalog. Maybe if we all call Bridgit, the BACHMANN company will
somehow realize that no one is answering the phone in their service dept.
I'll add this to the" Bachmann Experience "list.
Dear tfowen,
Following up on the service of your train. I sent my engine to Bachmann BACK in DEC '2006.
I called the sales office in Philadelphia to complain about their lousy telephone system - They forwarded me to ext 17- some guy in parts- he went and found out that they have NOT yet unpacked my box sent to them in December. When "the girl" unpacks the package container she gives each package a referral number. She hasn't numbered December's repair work yet. It's a good assumption that since you sent your engine for repair in January that it's still in a large package container on their loading dock.
Bachmann refused to tell me what their turnaround time on openning packages was. So you can image how long the repair will take depending on what your engine needs.
Add - turnaround time to the list on the " BACHMANN EXPERIENCE"
By the way - I was put on hold for 6 minutes !
WOW!! i must be a lucky guy!! Upon sending several trains (3) to BACHMANN, they recieved them (shotly) and called to remind me that I had not sent the required $10-per-train (diesel). Upon doing so, I was told that they were not repairable, so they would replace them. That being said, I asked if I could change the road names. The only problem encountered was that the lady had to go and check to see what road names were available, but that took only a few minutes! A few days later, my NEW trains arrived! - NEW BOXES AND ALL!! WOW!! ... And this was all accomplished on THEIR "800 NUMBER"!! WOW!!!! ;-))
Sounds like when it means they can make $30 instead of giving the free warranty repairs- YOU GET A PHONE CALL AND NEW CHEAP BOXES!
Miracles still happen!
By and large, Bachmann replaces and doesn't repair. Within the first year they do this for free. Charges come only after a year. Bachmann has its flaws, but it is still a much better product than in the past at much better prices than many other importers.
It appears it would be worth it to go to UPS, USPS & use their package tracking system. I've used it to try to be home when expecting a package to arrive. The online section will tell you if the item gets shipped to Memphis or wherever on it's way to Nashville. At least you'd get an idea of the 4 business days of transit time. I've seen the site updated in seconds when I'm home to sign for the package. UPS has some neat technology.
Looking at the UPS website, they do offer free POD notification if you can track the package online. They also offer a Delivery Confirmation letter for $1.25. Depending on the value of the item, it may be smart for consumers to take advantage of these services!
Quote from: tom11 on February 15, 2007, 11:38:39 AM
Dear tfowen,
You are going thru the " Bachmann Experience".
1) Your e mails will go unanswered.
2) Phone messages you leave will never be returned
2)You will be told you are lucky if you actually get a human to answer the phone.
I have left phone messages, (Unanswered) emails (Unanswered) and have even sent in an engine for Warranty repair in December' 06. I think they got it! Maybe I'll get it back this year! Last person I got on the phone was in June 2006 - SOMEONE PICKED IT UP BECAUSE I LET IT KEEP RINGING.
While I like Bachmann trains and will continue to own Bachmann trains- I don't hold my breathe when it comes to getting anything close to customer service from them.
I once sent them a letter suggesting they have a suggestion box and send out surveys to their customers ( they have our addresses when we send in the Warranty Cards) I know they got the letter since I sent it RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. I did this to see if they actually get their mail.
As for Mr. Bach-MANN, he SHOULD try getting some customer service for his own trains before he gives any advice.
I tried too- I needed to know if future N scale train sets will have the old couplers- otherwise I won't buy anymore since My son won't be able to combine new and old trains and not be able to play with them.
I e-mailed and called the 800 number. I then called the 215 number and get the " dial 1 if you want the service dept" auto response. Left a message on SERVICE MANAGER's answering machine.
All I want ,is to find out about my engine that I sent in for repair. It's been 8 weeks now, so I don't think I'm overreacting.
If they know this is a busy time of year - you would think they would hire more help or tell us on the phone system that the lead time is ___X__ days at this time of year to return an engine!
Maybe this would keep customers from recalling to find out the staus of a repair.
TOM 11 is right about th turnaround time and the " Bachmann Experience" !!
Quote from: carla on February 22, 2007, 08:38:38 AM. . . I needed to know if future N scale train sets will have the old couplers- otherwise I won't buy anymore since My son won't be able to combine new and old trains and not be able to play with them.
I'm not certain, but I would assume all new issues will have knuckle couplers. That's quickly becoming the modern common standard.
It's extremely easy to change couplers. I would suggest upgrading the older equipment to the new ones. The best way to do this is to equip one end of a single car with the new style coupler. That creates an 'adapter' car (old coupler on one end and new on the other end) that will allow running new and old equipment together without the necessity of changing all cars at once. With a couple of adapter cars, you can even leave most older cars unchanged if desired.
Things change. I doubt you are considering discontinuing the use of any computer just because newer programs won't work on older systems. Same with model trains. It would be a shame to turn your son away from a great (possibly life-long) hobby interest just because of a simple coupler change.
Hope this helps & Happy RRing,
Jerry Bowers
Thanks Jery- but like all moms- I don' t have the time to fix my son's toys
I realize things do change but I won't be so fast to buy him another set just now.
Changing couplers may be something devoted hobbyists would do. My son is 9 and all he wants is to play with the trains. Not everyone is that dedicated to the hobby.
I would exchange the old set for a new one if I could.
I went back where I bought the set and since I don't have the box anymore I'm stuck with the set.
The clerk said that a lot of Bachmann sets were returned after Christmas.
He said the couplers always fall off the cars anyway.
As a mom, I learned a lesson with this purchase- let grown men buy trains !
I don't understand why we have to call the sales office to get the service dept.
Bachmann should check out the service line if they want there customers to ask questions and inquire about repair status.
I gave up calling the 800 number, all I got was a recording - no one returned my call anyway.
Unfortunately you have to give up service if you want to own Bachmann trains,
CARLA is frustrated with what is going on right now. I have looked at other threads on the forum and see service problems and the new couplers as problems that Bachmann just hasn't comprehended.
tom11- you are correct in questioning what Bachmann is thinking. I like the idea of a customer survey- It's obvious to all reading this forum that service is coming up short again and being non- responsive.
Yesterday- called service- same story as you guys- no response- left message
Has anyone gotten parts from Bachmann by calling the service telephone number and if so what did you get?
I don't think they sell n - scale parts.
Quote from: JerryB on February 23, 2007, 05:36:20 PM
Quote from: carla on February 22, 2007, 08:38:38 AM. . . I needed to know if future N scale train sets will have the old couplers- otherwise I won't buy anymore since My son won't be able to combine new and old trains and not be able to play with them.
It's extremely easy to change couplers. I would suggest upgrading the older equipment to the new ones.
Jerry Bowers
To Jerry Bowers
Most people who buy trains for their kids are not dedicated train hobbyists like those of us on this forum. They don't want to bother changing couplings!
I said previously on this forum that there wILL be less train enthusiasts
because of the way customers are PRESENTLY being handled as far as train buying goes. You can't get new customers by turning them off with the first sale.
This is basic business 101. Add to this, the comments posted about the lack of new n scale starter sets in the boring n - scale section of the recent 2007 catalog.
This may be the World's Greatest Hobby but with all the other distractions,
kids have these days - it's hard to keep their interest in anything .
Marketing and sales errors like these become bigger than life.
I expect the price of Bachmann trains to now escalate to cover the cost of these mistakes. This will push us to buying either nothing and getting out of the hobby or stop buying Bachmann and go to Atlas which has been higher priced all along.
Customer service !!!!
It means service the Customer, not the interests of the Company.
I presently have both Bachmann and Model power rolling stock with rapido couplings. When the knuckle couplers come out- as I UNDERSTAND it,I have to modify some Bachmann cars and make transition cars in order to pull the rapidos.
Does anyone know what knuckle couplers to use on Model power rolling stock, if I want to make a model power transition car to pull Bachmann rapido cars?
I called service and emailed- got no answers.
Is Bachmann going to supply knuckle couplers with the rolling stock presently on the LHS shelfs with the old rapido couplings???
I don't understand, so far I have clled Bachmann service/parts and they have answered the phone and have been quite helpful. I e-mailed and Bridget responded. Not in the same day, but never the less responded. I have ordered parts and have had no problem receiving them in 7 to 10 days! I do use the non toll free number and use extension 11 or 17 for parts and service. So far works every time for me!! Stephen
Quote from: Stephen D. Richards on February 28, 2007, 01:31:57 PM
I don't understand, so far I have clled Bachmann service/parts and they have answered the phone and have been quite helpful. I e-mailed and Bridget responded. Not in the same day, but never the less responded. I have ordered parts and have had no problem receiving them in 7 to 10 days! I do use the non toll free number and use extension 11 or 17 for parts and service. So far works every time for me!! Stephen
I've been reading this thread and others and detect a difference in service from those requesting n - scale service and HO service. Is it possible that the service dept.has more HO knowledge and more parts for HO than for the n- scale customer???
for example- n scale users have the rapido coupler problem - this is not an HO problem.
I don't see the HO owners complaining about service as much-
John K
I asked service about getting n- scale rapido couplings and they don't have them to buy- yet they are part numbers shown for these couplings on the parts sheet that comes with each engine.
The parts guy I finally got on the phone said they were changing to knuckle couplings in n- scale but he could'nt tell me if I sent in my train for repair with missing rapido couplings what they would put on the engine.
He didn't know what Bachmann would do.
Your theory about knowledgeable personnel might be correct!!
Stop whining about the service dept.
I don't see your point-
You n scale guys should realize that Mr. Reilly doesn't make any money fixing the junk you guys send in under the warranty!
A certain percentage is bound to break within the year warranty period and this is acceptable based on the quaility of the product being produced.
The warranty is a nice come-on to you guys making you think that what is being produced is a quality product that Bachmann is willing to stand behind.
You might have to wait 3 - 6 months.
Face it- what you're buying is low priced and low quality- By their own admission Bachman replaces your n scale junk rather than spend the time fixing it.
I have sent in both , n scale and HO engines in the same box for repair.
I received the n - scale engine back 4 weeks sooner. Probably because, as you put it - they replaced my junk instead of repairing it.
I also have given up calling the 800 telephone number.
Some of you may get through but my experience so far has been a busy signal or answering machine.
I see a basic problem in the formula 9 year old + N scale X no tool knowledge. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I was 9 I was building model airplanes, both plastic and wood. I've worked with Boy Scouts for the Railroading merit badge. I've seen Boy Scouts - who have to be at least 11 if they weren't a Cub Scout when it's 10 1/2, I believe, who didn't know how to hold a screwdriver.
McDonalds puts out a warning "don't let a child under 3 play with this." Maybe the hobby suppliers need an age warning on N scale and HO scale. No N before, say 15 and HO before 10. Lionel before 2.
Steam Gene-
Your idea makes sense-
But this doesn't address the Service issues expressed on this thread
If n- scale users are getting less than adequate service as compared to HO due to lack of intelligence by the service dept.
Also, if they can't answer the phone because of volume - what's the answer- how do we as customers communicate with Bachmann ?
Why the long lead time for repairs- if they tell us on the phone by pre recorded message what the lead time is - this would keep customers from re calling. This was a good constructive idea!
What about a parts price list- If we know what we can buy instead of calling - we can send in the money and not bother calling service.
This is another constructive idea,
Got my repair back yesterday- Sent in December.- about 3 + months.
Never got a response back from service dept.-phone message or email.
Quote from: henry on February 28, 2007, 03:12:08 PM
John K
I asked service about getting n- scale rapido couplings and they don't have them to buy- yet they are part numbers shown for these couplings on the parts sheet that comes with each engine.
The parts guy I finally got on the phone said they were changing to knuckle couplings in n- scale but he could'nt tell me if I sent in my train for repair with missing rapido couplings what they would put on the engine.
He didn't know what Bachmann would do.
Your theory about knowledgeable personnel might be correct!!
I got thru to service- they don't think they have unpacked my box yet.
They do not have a ref. number to give me. So I'll wait for my repair.
3-4 months looks like the wait period right now.
I spoke to the parts guy about the knuckle couplers- All he knew was that Bachmann did not sell the rapidos and was changing out to the knuckle couplers. He could not sell coupler springs - didn't know n scale couplers had them. Also- did not know Bachmann was throwing in rapidos in the box with the new engines.
Anyone know where to buy rapido coupler springs??? Bachmann didn't know.
I have N sale trains and find the parts dept. to lack an understanding as to what we all are trying to do with the new n scale knuckle couplers.
I think the best bet would be to get a Walthers 2007 N&Z reference book. I have one for HO and its wonderful on listing many different products from couplers even lists old horn hook in HO to Kadee and other types.
Last May I had to send in my 4-8-2 heavy mountain for repair and recieved a new one instead in about 3 weeks.
I got several LS locomotives that need repair including a 45 tonner and shay but I think I will wait until my health and eye sight improves before I try and repair them myself.
As I see it , Both Wesley and JohnK are N scale users.
Bachmann doesn't make a SHAY in n scale.
Wesley can't get springs from Bachmann.
Your HO service appears to be better than their N scale service
Also, I have not found N scale coupler springs in the WALTERS CATALOG
Hi Henry,
I don't model in N scale,I do model in HO and Large Scale as I said when I mentioned doing my own repair work in that scale. and getting repair parts for LS models from Bachmann can be just as hard as you and others trying to get N scale parts.
Why not try HO scale knuckle springs like those used by Kadee when I belonged to the local RR club the N scalers were always coming over wanting to know if we had any spare knuckle springs to repair their centering springs on the Rapidiotype couplers before they swapped over to knuckle style couplers. I did not know that the springs were not in the Walthers REFERANCE BOOK and not the sales flyers you get each month.
Glad I sold off all my N scale back in the early90's when the LS bug bit me.
I too run N scale-
What you're seeing here is a frustration on the part of n scalers with Bachmann.
Whereas parts seem to be more easily available in larger scales- the n scale parts - some being so small - leaves the guys wonderting where to find them.
Lots of the bigger train parts can be modified from general haredware , screws, fasteners - but size ,kind of cripples the n scale guys - it's miniture everything from screws to springs - even decals are a pain!
Quote from: tom11 on February 16, 2007, 02:27:32 PM
Dear tfowen,
Following up on the service of your train. I sent my engine to Bachmann BACK in DEC '2006.
I called the sales office in Philadelphia to complain about their lousy telephone system - They forwarded me to ext 17- some guy in parts- he went and found out that they have NOT yet unpacked my box sent to them in December. When "the girl" unpacks the package container she gives each package a referral number. She hasn't numbered December's repair work yet. It's a good assumption that since you sent your engine for repair in January that it's still in a large package container on their loading dock.
Bachmann refused to tell me what their turnaround time on openning packages was. So you can image how long the repair will take depending on what your engine needs.
Add - turnaround time to the list on the " BACHMANN EXPERIENCE"
By the way - I was put on hold for 6 minutes !
SENT - December 14, 2006
I'm new to this forum, but I too have no patient for bad customer service.
I sent my n- scale engine for repair on JANUARY 3, 2007. Still waiting!
If they replace instead of repair - why would it take so long ?
I mean - you don't open and close the engine- you don't solder or unscrew anything- what gives with the N - scale repairs???
Maybe they should verify that the engine doesn't work and send a coupon to you entitling you to a free replacement from the hobby store instead.
This way - they could hire a 16 year old kid after school to put your engine on a test track - see it doesn't work and then he sends you a coupon back.
They wouldn't have to hire a trained repair technician and we would get quicker customer service.
You other n- scale guys have expressed good constructive ideas about improving Bachmann's service. I agree that if they hired some of us ,things would definitely improve in the service dept.
Quote from: brian on February 24, 2007, 06:31:45 PM
I don't understand why we have to call the sales office to get the service dept.
Bachmann should check out the service line if they want there customers to ask questions and inquire about repair status.
I gave up calling the 800 number, all I got was a recording - no one returned my call anyway.
Unfortunately you have to give up service if you want to own Bachmann trains,
CARLA is frustrated with what is going on right now. I have looked at other threads on the forum and see service problems and the new couplers as problems that Bachmann just hasn't comprehended.
tom11- you are correct in questioning what Bachmann is thinking. I like the idea of a customer survey- It's obvious to all reading this forum that service is coming up short again and being non- responsive.
I received my repaired n scale engine after waiting 3 months.
Based on the cost and quality of Bachmann engines, I feel this is an acceptable turnaround period.
If you want better service you'll have to pay for it in the initial cost of the engine. I for one do not want to pay Bachmann more for a so- so engine just to get better service to fix the so - so engine.
Quote from: larryG on March 15, 2007, 08:46:33 AM
I'm new to this forum, but I too have no patient for bad customer service.
I sent my n- scale engine for repair on JANUARY 3, 2007. Still waiting!
If they replace instead of repair - why would it take so long ?
I mean - you don't open and close the engine- you don't solder or unscrew anything- what gives with the N - scale repairs???
Maybe they should verify that the engine doesn't work and send a coupon to you entitling you to a free replacement from the hobby store instead.
This way - they could hire a 16 year old kid after school to put your engine on a test track - see it doesn't work and then he sends you a coupon back.
They wouldn't have to hire a trained repair technician and we would get quicker customer service.
You other n- scale guys have expressed good constructive ideas about improving Bachmann's service. I agree that if they hired some of us ,things would definitely improve in the service dept.
I'm now waiting 9 weeks- does anyone know what the average wait time is- to get back a repair???
Quote from: larryG on March 15, 2007, 08:46:33 AM
I'm new to this forum, but I too have no patient for bad customer service.
I sent my n- scale engine for repair on JANUARY 3, 2007. Still waiting!
If they replace instead of repair - why would it take so long ?
I mean - you don't open and close the engine- you don't solder or unscrew anything- what gives with the N - scale repairs???
Maybe they should verify that the engine doesn't work and send a coupon to you entitling you to a free replacement from the hobby store instead.
This way - they could hire a 16 year old kid after school to put your engine on a test track - see it doesn't work and then he sends you a coupon back.
They wouldn't have to hire a trained repair technician and we would get quicker customer service.
You other n- scale guys have expressed good constructive ideas about improving Bachmann's service. I agree that if they hired some of us ,things would definitely improve in the service dept.
Larry G
I like the idea of hiring a kid- I think they have a better idea of what's broken or needs repair than whats going on at Bachmann.
Did you get your repair back that you sent in on 1/3/07 ???
Jasper- thank's for asking!
No- I have not received my repair back yet.
But look at it this way- When I do get it back- it'll be so old that I can sell it to you as a Bachmann antique train engine!!!!
Quote from: tom11 on March 14, 2007, 10:35:30 AM
Quote from: tom11 on February 16, 2007, 02:27:32 PM
Dear tfowen,
Following up on the service of your train. I sent my engine to Bachmann BACK in DEC '2006.
I called the sales office in Philadelphia to complain about their lousy telephone system - They forwarded me to ext 17- some guy in parts- he went and found out that they have NOT yet unpacked my box sent to them in December. When "the girl" unpacks the package container she gives each package a referral number. She hasn't numbered December's repair work yet. It's a good assumption that since you sent your engine for repair in January that it's still in a large package container on their loading dock.
Bachmann refused to tell me what their turnaround time on openning packages was. So you can image how long the repair will take depending on what your engine needs.
Add - turnaround time to the list on the " BACHMANN EXPERIENCE"
By the way - I was put on hold for 6 minutes !
SENT - December 14, 2006
Today is April 16---Still waiting
Quote from: tom11 on April 16, 2007, 10:31:01 AM
Quote from: tom11 on March 14, 2007, 10:35:30 AM
Quote from: tom11 on February 16, 2007, 02:27:32 PM
Dear tfowen,
Following up on the service of your train. I sent my engine to Bachmann BACK in DEC '2006.
I called the sales office in Philadelphia to complain about their lousy telephone system - They forwarded me to ext 17- some guy in parts- he went and found out that they have NOT yet unpacked my box sent to them in December. When "the girl" unpacks the package container she gives each package a referral number. She hasn't numbered December's repair work yet. It's a good assumption that since you sent your engine for repair in January that it's still in a large package container on their loading dock.
Bachmann refused to tell me what their turnaround time on openning packages was. So you can image how long the repair will take depending on what your engine needs.
Add - turnaround time to the list on the " BACHMANN EXPERIENCE"
By the way - I was put on hold for 6 minutes !
SENT - December 14, 2006
Today is April 16---Still waiting
Update- sent e- mail and left phone message- no response
Today is May 1st---Still waiting